The Farmer’s Wife has a Magical Spiritual Spring
The Farmer’s Wife has a Magical Spiritual Spring Chapter 53

Chapter 53: You Want Money, I’ll Borrow Money

Lianhua was immediately drawn to the purse at first sight, captivated by its shiny green silk and the vivid pink lotus embroidered on it. She couldn’t take her eyes off it. Initially, she had hoped that her mother would take it, providing her with an opportunity to acquire it for herself. With such a beautiful purse in hand, others would surely envy her. However, as her mother intended to return the purse, Lianhua acted impulsively and snatched it up without a second thought.

“Lianhua, what are you doing?”

Zhao Yangshi was momentarily taken aback as the purse vanished from her hands, realizing that Lianhua had taken it. Knowing her daughter’s intentions, she refrained from reprimanding her, casually inquiring instead. Her intention was for Lianhua not to return the purse, wondering if her daughter would be willing to lower her pride to ask for it back.

“Mother, I really like this purse.”

Lianhua caressed the purse, feeling the smooth silk under her touch, finding it comforting. She desired the purse even more. Glancing at Su Zhi, she forced a smile that seemed awkward, a mix of insincerity and discomfort. It appeared as if asking her sister for something was embarrassing, yet her tone was oddly assertive, creating a contradictory impression.

“Sis, give me this purse, and you can make another one for brother-in-law!” Lianhua requested.

Su Zhi looked at her and replied, “This is a gift for your brother-in-law. It’s not appropriate for you to have it. Return it to him to avoid being criticized for lacking manners.”

“How am I being rude? Brother-in-law isn’t a stranger,” Lianhua retorted, glancing at Shen Zi’an as if seeking his approval. However, Shen Zi’an furrowed his brow, prompting Lianhua to bite her lip before turning back to Su Zhi. “Sis, I adore this purse. Look, it has a lotus flower, just like my name. It’s fate that I came across it. It means there’s a special connection between me and this purse.”

Lianhua searched for reasons to obtain the purse, focusing on the lotus flower embroidered on it. She believed that carrying it with her could bring good fortune and perhaps lead her to a suitable husband.

Zhao Yangshi clapped her hands and exclaimed, “Oh! Indeed, there are lotus flowers on it. Daughter, why not just give it to your sister? You’re so skilled. Embroider an even better one for son-in-law.”

Su Zhi thought that Zhao Yangshi was shameless, acting as if she could hold onto whatever caught her fancy, assuming Su Zhi would never ask for it back. While a mere purse was insignificant, she wasn’t willing to give it up. Even though she could easily provide ten more, it was a matter of principle. If she conceded now, it might set a precedent, making it easy for her mother and sister to demand things from her.

Today it was a small purse, but tomorrow it could be another small item. Yielding now could lead to further demands.

Su Zhi was not stingy, but she detested being taken advantage of, especially by supposed family members. She had learned from past experiences that such actions could escalate. Those relatives hadn’t gained anything from her in her previous life, and she wasn’t about to let Zhao Xiaomei’s family start now. While she was willing to show kindness due to inhabiting Zhao Xiaomei’s body, she wasn’t Zhao Xiaomei and didn’t want to be taken advantage of by them.

“Mother, this purse is my best embroidery work, and Zi’an loves it. Besides, this purse isn’t suitable for Lianhua. Didn’t you notice the intertwined lotus on it? It’s not something a young girl like her should flaunt; it could tarnish her reputation. Reputation is crucial for a young lady. So, please give this purse to my husband,” Su Zhi declared.

The shopkeeper, observing the situation, initially hesitant to intervene in the family matter, felt a fondness for Su Zhi. Seeing her insistence on giving the purse to her husband, the shopkeeper decided to offer a supportive comment.

“Zhao Shi, so this young lady is your daughter. She’s right. It’s not appropriate for a young girl to use this kind of purse. It could harm her reputation. Gossip about a young girl displaying such items could lead to unnecessary rumors. I can see this young lady is bright and intelligent. She will surely marry well in the future, but reputation is key!” the shopkeeper added.

Su Zhi glanced at the shopkeeper, impressed by her insight.

Upon hearing this, Zhao Yangshi hesitated, then instructed Lianhua, “Quickly give the purse back to your sister. If you like it, she can embroider another design for you in the future.”

Reluctant to part with the purse, Lianhua was taken aback by the shopkeeper’s words regarding her daughter’s reputation. Despite her reluctance, she returned the purse to Shen Zi’an, requesting a new one from Su Zhi.

Su Zhi silently celebrated a small victory, considering her successful first interaction with the challenging maternal family. She planned to remain vigilant, ensuring that she and her husband wouldn’t be taken advantage of in the future.

Zhao Yangshi had come to sell handkerchiefs, the ordinary kind sold for just one wen each, with a total of forty-seven in her basket, making a total of forty-seven wen from sales. While counting her earnings, she inquired about Su Zhi’s sales. Su Zhi explained that she had only been assessing the market for handkerchiefs and hadn’t made any sales this time.

Suggesting that selling handkerchiefs wasn’t profitable, Zhao Yangshi admired Su Zhi’s embroidery skills and advised her to take on more embroidery work in the area to earn money and support her maternal family. She mentioned Lianhua’s impending marriage and her daughter-in-law’s upcoming childbirth, indicating financial strain at home. Zhao Yangshi urged Su Zhi not to forget her maternal family, even as she improved her own circumstances.

Su Zhi responded, “Mother, we’ve just separated households, and our current residence is drafty. Due to my illness, we left with nothing. Our home is bare, and we are running out of food. That’s why we came to purchase essentials today, which we’ll need until the New Year. I doubt it will be sufficient. Mother, could you lend me some money? I’ll repay you before the New Year.”

“Where would I get money from at home?!” Zhao Yangshi exclaimed.

Upon hearing Su Zhi’s request for a loan, Zhao Yangshi immediately objected. She was typically frugal and hesitant to lend money to others, especially to her ailing daughter. To her, this was akin to pouring money down the drain. She preferred keeping the money earned from her daughter’s work rather than lending it out.

“You’re so skilled at embroidery. Why not make a few more purses? You’ll have money without borrowing from your maternal family. Look, you’re already here. Shopkeeper Su, give my daughter some work. Her embroidery is excellent. I know for a fact that embroidering a purse like this could earn at least twenty wen. With her skill, she could make thirty wen, right?” Zhao Yangshi suggested.

Aside from accepting embroidery orders like handkerchiefs, this embroidery workshop also provided materials and threads for individuals to complete work at home, paying solely for labor. Not all women in the village were adept at embroidery, making the workshop’s services in demand.

Impressed with Su Zhi’s embroidery skills, the shopkeeper offered, “For your embroidery skills, I’ll pay thirty wen for each item. Will you take the job?”

Shen Zi’an intervened, “It’s getting cold these days, and my wife’s health isn’t fully recovered. Let’s not worry about earning money right now.”

Zhao Yangshi retorted, “Don’t be so delicate. If she can embroider this purse, why can’t she make a few more? Embroidery isn’t tiring; sitting and working won’t worsen her health.”

Su Zhi observed how Zhao Xiaomei was clearly not favored at home. She had been sent to a convent when she was young, and upon returning, she was considered a burden due to her illness before being passed on to Shen Zi’an. Now that she was feeling better, she was being pressured to work. It was disheartening to see how she was treated like discarded water, especially by her own family.

“Mother, you were just saying how weak I am, blaming my husband. Now, why the change in tone? Am I healthy in your eyes or not? Is Zi’an treating me too well or not well enough?” Su Zhi questioned Zhao Yangshi, observing her speechless reaction. She felt somewhat relieved, realizing there was no need to be polite to this kind of mother.

As Zhao Yangshi struggled to respond, Su Zhi continued, “How can you talk to me like this? I’m your daughter. Isn’t this supposed to be care and concern? The moment I ask for some money, you react like this.”

“How can I rely on you in the future? I’ve spent half my life worrying about you, all in vain. You’ve turned out to be ungrateful!”

Lianhua chimed in, “I don’t think my sister is poor at all. Look at the quality of silk she used for the purse!”

Su Zhi glanced at Lianhua and advised, “Buy scrap silk at the fabric or clothing store for one wen per bundle. If you don’t understand something, refrain from speaking to avoid being ridiculed.”

Lianhua blushed and turned away, choosing not to speak. She remembered her sister leaving home when she was young, and the only time she saw her was a few days before her marriage, when she considered Su Zhi unattractive. Now, seeing her sister transformed, with a handsome husband and a beautiful purse, made her feel uncomfortable and embarrassed.

After dealing with Lianhua, Su Zhi turned to Zhao Yangshi and said, “Mother, a daughter who marries is like water thrown out. If my life improves in the future, I will naturally offer my respect to the maternal family if needed. As for anything extra, you needn’t worry. Supporting parents is the son’s responsibility. If I take on tasks meant for my older brother, he will surely be displeased, inviting gossip. I dare not become the scapegoat for the Zhao family.”

Staring blankly, Zhao Yangshi was at a loss for words after Su Zhi’s straightforward response. Just as she was about to speak, Su Zhi continued.

“Mother, I haven’t fully recovered yet. Standing for long periods is uncomfortable, and I still need to buy medicine. But I’ve run out of money. Could you lend me forty wen? I’ll repay you when I visit you during the New Year,” Su Zhi requested.

Despite her earlier frustration with Su Zhi’s defiance, Zhao Yangshi put that aside and hastily responded, “I can’t do that. I need the money to buy supplements for your sister-in-law. She’s pregnant and fragile, even more so than you! If you return some of those items, you’ll have the money for medicine. Um, we have other matters to attend to. We must leave now. If you’re unwell, don’t come back to your maternal home; there’s nothing we can do to help you. Lianhua, let’s go!”

In a somewhat disjointed manner, Zhao Yangshi spoke before quickly pulling Lianhua away, as if being chased by a wolf.

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