After Being Marked By A Powerful Love Rival
After Being Marked By A Powerful Love Rival Chapter 24 part 3

Shen Li shook his head with a smile and licked his lips. “My friend is here to find someone, so he’s probably already having dinner with that person by now. We shouldn’t disturb them,” he said

Song Yi felt at ease, it seemed that Shen Li was still single, which meant he still had hope.

Although he was currently an omega, his sexual orientation may not change for a while, and he still favored omegas like Shen Li, who was gentle and charming.

The meal was a joyous affair only for Song Yi and Shen Li. Throughout, Gu Xingchuan wore a sour expression, unable to interject a word and just merely listened in on Song Yi and Shen Li’s conversation from the sidelines.

Observing Song Yi’s tender gaze towards Shen Li, it was as if he held the fondness of the King of the Daughter Kingdom towards Tang Monk, ready to grant any request Shen Li made.

Gu Xingchuan had never seen Song Yi like this before. He was completely different from usual, leaving him so infuriated that he couldn’t even explain what he was angry about. All he knew was intense revulsion, desiring nothing more than to separate Song Yi from Shen Li.

Shen Li sensed the strain in their relationship because of him, and this made him feel very guilty. So, he said to the both of them with a gentle tone. “We’re adults now. we can’t quarrel like we did in school. If there are any issues, we should communicate openly.”

Song Yi’s heart stirred, recognizing Shen Li’s rationality and maturity.

However, Gu Xingchuan coldly looked away, pretending not to hear him and showing no intention to reconcile.

Caught up in dust, Shen Li subtly pouted at Song Yi, his delicate nose slightly wrinkling. Song Yi found this adorable gesture endearing, causing Shen Li to become more adorable in his eyes!

Witnessing Song Yi’s indifferent expression, Gu Xingchuan’s anger flared. He slammed his cup down with a resounding crash, sending it spinning across the table before it shattered on the floor into pieces.

How disgusting!


Hi nueng here~ ^.<= Comments and suggestions are welcome! Hope you enjoy reading my translations!~

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