Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 49

Chapter 49: Caretaking

Qin Muxue walked out of the bathroom and headed back to her bedroom. Lin Beixiu quickly followed.

Qin Muxue lay down again, and Lin Beixiu sat on the edge of the bed, holding a bowl of porridge.

“Eat breakfast first, then take your medicine.”

Eventually, Lin Beixiu had to help her sit up because Qin Muxue was truly weak and did not want to move.

“Really, Qin Muxue, I owe you one; this is so troublesome.”

“Then just leave me alone.”

“Stop talking nonsense.”

Lin Beixiu tapped her head lightly, earning an annoyed look from Qin Muxue.

“Don’t look at me like that. You’re just a sick cat right now, not a threat at all.”

Lin Beixiu teased, feeling a bit gleeful inside.

Qin Muxue bit her lip, if not for her current weakness, she wouldn’t even bother responding; she definitely would have retorted.

Lin Beixiu fed her with a spoon, just as he had previously fed her the hangover soup, but this time Qin Muxue was conscious. Lin Beixiu didn’t dare look her in the eyes, keeping his head down and focusing on feeding her.

Qin Muxue didn’t think much of it, smiling as she enjoyed his care.

She didn’t drink much; she had no appetite.

Lin Beixiu knew her appetite was poor, so he didn’t insist.

While Lin Beixiu was cleaning up, Qin Muxue asked, “Lin Beixiu, why are you so nice to me?”

Lin Beixiu fell silent. Truthfully, he didn’t know.

It was as if there was an innate understanding between them, recalling their initial meeting, from strangers to familiarity, and then Qin Muxue’s change in character.

He had always been adapting; his once cold demeanor dissolved completely upon meeting Qin Muxue. No matter what she requested, he would agree.

Was this what liking someone felt like? Could it be that he really had fallen for Qin Muxue?

Lin Beixiu’s face turned red, and he hurriedly ran out.

“Just rest well.”

Qin Muxue’s weak face showed a content smile, thinking, does he also have feelings for me?

If that was the case, then things would be easier.

After a while, Lin Beixiu came back in with a cup in his hand.

“Cold medicine, drink this.”


Qin Muxue didn’t understand why he was suddenly so cold again and weakly responded.

Lin Beixiu then took out a thermometer, “Put this under your arm, let’s check your temperature.”

Qin Muxue blushed and turned her head away, “You help me.”


Lin Beixiu glanced at her chest, thinking, if I accidentally touch her, it might be the end of me.

Qin Muxue noticed his gaze, her face turning even redder, indignantly said, “Are you going to help or not? If not, forget it, I don’t have the strength.”

Lin Beixiu was nearly driven mad, calming himself with the thought that she was ill and he shouldn’t argue with her.

Lin Beixiu got up, moved closer, and Qin Muxue, smelling his pleasant scent, obediently lifted her arm. Lin Beixiu busied himself, muttering under his breath.

“I really owe you one. Once I have the money, I’m moving to a new apartment, far away from you, you troublesome, nagging old lady.”

“Are you just going to leave me?”

Lin Beixiu was furious, slapping her head, “Damn, you make it sound like I’m some kind of scumbag abandoning his family.”

“Also, don’t move, or you’ll knock the thermometer off.”

Qin Muxue felt even more aggrieved, it was he who had frightened her initially, and now she couldn’t do without Lin Beixiu’s care. What would she do if he really left?

“Lin Beixiu, I was wrong~”

“Please don’t leave, okay?”

Lin Beixiu got goosebumps; he had rarely seen such a coquettish display, unbearable, truly unbearable.

“Don’t be like this; I was just joking, okay? Now, sit still,” Lin Beixiu said angrily, though it was more a cover for his own inner turmoil and embarrassment.

Qin Muxue’s lips curved, seeming to have found a way to handle him.

Not long after, Lin Beixiu again pulled out the thermometer to check it.

Almost 39 degrees.

“It’s a high fever; you need to take medicine, and then I’m taking you to the hospital.”

Qin Muxue shook her head, “I don’t want to go, besides, isn’t it raining outside? It’s too much trouble.”

Lin Beixiu looked out the window; indeed, the rain had been falling all night and hadn’t stopped yet.

“That doesn’t matter, don’t you care about your health? We must go,” Lin Beixiu stated firmly.

After Qin Muxue drank the medicine from the cup, she lay back down, continuing to act pitiful.

“Lin, I really don’t want to go, I’ve taken the medicine, it will get better soon.”

Sister, it’s a high fever, it’s not that simple.

“You were the one who said I wasn’t taking care of myself, but just getting caught in the rain knocked you down, not sure who’s the weak one here.”

“What about the bets then, I’ve beaten you a few times.”

After eating, Qin Muxue had a bit of energy and retorted directly.

Both sick and still up for bantering, once she was well, she planned to give him a beating.

When it comes to verbal sparring, she wouldn’t lose.


Lin Beixiu, at a loss for words, said, “Alright, rest well, I’ll check again at noon, and if the fever hasn’t subsided, we’re going to the hospital.”

That was his final concession; if the fever continued, it would surely fry her brain.

After tidying up, Lin Beixiu closed the door as he left, pausing at the door before turning back, only to see Qin Muxue’s head turned towards him.

“If you need anything, just call.”


Now with no classes to attend, Lin Beixiu sat on the sofa playing with his phone, soon got bored, and began tidying up the place.

He also went into Qin Muxue’s room for a moment, and she was already asleep.

Even so, she didn’t seem to rest peacefully, kicking the covers off.

Doesn’t she know she’s sick? Kicking the covers off like that, isn’t she afraid of catching a chill?

Lin Beixiu pulled the covers back up, also checking her forehead, which was still hot.

This couldn’t be delayed.

Fearing she might kick off the covers again, Lin Beixiu sat by her side, watching over her.

As a result, probably because of the heat, Qin Muxue kicked off the covers every so often, and Lin Beixiu tirelessly pulled them back each time.


By noon, Lin Beixiu went to cook. After he finished, he returned to the bedroom and nudged Qin Muxue.

“Time to get up, lunch is ready.”

Qin Muxue opened her bleary eyes and shook her head, “I don’t want to eat, I have no appetite.”

“Try to eat a bit, you won’t make it otherwise.”

Qin Muxue reluctantly got up and went to the dining table. After a morning’s rest, she had regained some strength.

Looking at the delicious food on the table, Qin Muxue still looked sick and hardly wanted to eat, managing only a few bites.

“I made some soup for you, drink it to warm up.”

“You should have been more careful when you kept sneezing yesterday; now you’re suffering for it.”

Qin Muxue looked at him with pitiful eyes, “I’m like this, and you still scold me.”

Lin Beixiu: …..

Defeated, utterly defeated.

Lin Beixiu helplessly said, “I won’t say another word, just drink your soup, and later I’m taking you to the hospital.”

“I’m not going.”

“It’s not up for discussion.”

Qin Muxue: ……

She really hated hospitals.

After the meal, Lin Beixiu cleaned up briefly, planning to wash the dishes later, and went to Qin Muxue’s room.

Qin Muxue was curled up in the blankets, full of resistance.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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