Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 52

Chapter 52: Enjoyment

“Here, I read online that drinking this during your period can help.”

Qin Muxue said blankly, “This… you made this?”

It even had a few jujubes on top, looking quite nice.

“Just learned it, give it a try.”

Lin Beixiu had also tried it just now, the sweetness was quite good, and it turned out to be quite successful.

Qin Muxue took a sip, and a warm flow immediately traveled down her throat to her lower abdomen, quickly easing her discomfort.

“It’s delicious.”

Qin Muxue hadn’t expected that he had actually gone out of his way to learn this, and her body didn’t feel so uncomfortable anymore.

“Thank you, Little brother Bei.”

Lin Beixiu nodded, “If it’s not enough, tell me, there’s more in the kitchen.”

“I won’t disturb your rest anymore.”

Lin Beixiu closed the door, and Qin Muxue drank the brown sugar water, finding it more and more delicious, quickly finishing the bowl.

Qin Muxue got out of bed, holding two packs of sanitary pads, planning to put them back in the wardrobe. When she opened it, she remembered something, looked at the intimate garments, and her face instantly turned crimson.

Did he see all of those??

Ah, I can’t show my face anymore.

Qin Muxue returned to bed, covered herself with the quilt, her face still burning.

This jerk….


In the evening, Lin Beixiu started cooking, and Qin Muxue, wearing a fever patch, walked out, attracted by the smell of the food, her stomach rumbling since she had only eaten a little at noon and was now unbearably hungry.

“Don’t just stand there, wash your hands and get ready to eat, does it still feel as bad?”

Qin Muxue shook her head, smiling, “Much better.”

Her stomach didn’t hurt as much anymore, she felt a bit of strength return, it seemed her fever had subsided a bit, but she was still a bit hungry.

“I’m just very hungry now.”

“Almost ready, just hang in there, we’ll eat soon.”

Qin Muxue could only wait outside, and Lin Beixiu soon brought the dishes to the table.

Qin Muxue looked at the delicious food on the table, swallowing her saliva, and Lin Beixiu served her a bowl of chicken soup.

“Eat more, replenish yourself.”

Qin Muxue nodded, being sick was too comfortable, with so many delicious foods and enjoying such meticulous care.

Qin Muxue ate contentedly, her appetite fully returning after her condition improved, she ate two bowls of rice and a bowl of soup, leaving Lin Beixiu staring in astonishment.

Qin Muxue got up, a bit embarrassed.

“Uh, did I eat too much?”

Lin Beixiu: ??

You still have the nerve to say that? Outrageous.

Fortunately, he had also eaten his fill.

“You’re not worried about overeating.”

After both had their fill, Lin Beixiu went to clean up.

Lin Beixiu saw her sitting on the sofa, took out the medicine from the coffee table, and instructed.

“Take two of these, and this one take…..”

Qin Muxue rested her chin in her hands, watching him ramble with a smile on her face.

He really was too good.

It’s a pity that when she asked him why in the morning he didn’t answer, instead choosing to evade.

It seemed he still hadn’t faced his own feelings, the road ahead was indeed long.



Qin Muxue heard Lin Beixiu’s voice, snapping back to reality.


Before she could finish, Qin Muxue realized something, looking awkward.

“Were you even listening, what were you thinking about?”

Seeing her expression, Lin Beixiu knew she hadn’t been listening, quite helpless.

“Sorry, say it again please.”

Lin Beixiu repeated it, then made sure she took her medicine.

Finally, the two just sat on the sofa chatting.

Qin Muxue finished the last bottle of oral solution, sticking out her tongue, “This medicine is really bitter.”

“Can’t help it, who told you to be so weak.”

Now that he had the chance, Lin Beixiu naturally had to tease her, after all she used to say how weak she was every day.

Qin Muxue glared at him, her fists waving menacingly, “Humph, don’t think just because you’ve been so nice to me I’ll let you off, once I’m better you’re done for.”

“Yeah, wonder who bit this.”

Lin Beixiu showed his neck, the bite marks still clearly visible.

Qin Muxue saw them and couldn’t help blushing, but remembering his actions, she couldn’t help but want to strike.

“It was clearly you who first….”

Qin Muxue suddenly stopped mid-sentence, her face reddening even more.

Lin Beixiu knew what she wanted to say, also recalling the feel of that morning, which was quite nice.

Though it was only once, it was enough.

“Lin Beixiu!”

“You pervert, lecher.”

Qin Muxue’s fists pummeled him furiously. Although she had regained some strength, she was still no match for Lin Beixiu.

Lin Beixiu laughed and caught her hands, pressing them together. Qin Muxue couldn’t move at all.

Their position was too suggestive, and before Lin Beixiu could utter his victory speech…

“Let go of me, you’ll take advantage of me like this.” Qin Muxue’s eyes quickly welled up with tears.

Lin Beixiu couldn’t stand to see her like this, immediately flustered.

“Look, don’t cry, I was wrong.”

Lin Beixiu let go of her, and Qin Muxue immediately pounced on him, riding on Lin Beixiu, punching him fiercely.

“Ow, you’re quite the actress, you….”

“Yeah, what about it?”

Qin Muxue stated matter-of-factly, her blows still harsh.

Lin Beixiu thought of getting up, but Qin Muxue’s full weight was on him, her legs wrapped around his waist, locking him tightly.


After Qin Muxue had her fill of beating him, she finally got off him contentedly.


Lin Beixiu’s leg twitched, this girl….

Although her strength was small, she punched for a long time.

“You’re ungrateful.”

Qin Muxue sat not far away, too lazy to talk to him at that moment, she was out of strength again.

Lin Beixiu stood up, “Alright, no more playing, get some rest early.”

Qin Muxue watched his retreating back, then suddenly called out to him.

Lin Beixiu turned around, seeing her looking seriously at him.

“Little Bei, thank you for today.”

Lin Beixiu didn’t speak, turning back to his room, Qin Muxue muttered.

“So vindictive, I didn’t use much strength.”

She didn’t see the smile on Lin Beixiu’s face when he turned away.

“Little Bei.”

“What now?”

Lin Beixiu came out from the room, looking at her resignedly.

“Just now I hit you, and now I’m out of strength, can you carry me back?”

“I don’t believe it.” Lin Beixiu rolled his eyes.

“Just keep pretending.”

Qin Muxue: …….

Seeing that tactic didn’t work, Qin Muxue continued to play the pitiful card.

“I’m not pretending, I really have no strength, I feel bad.”

“The fever’s long gone, you’re still pretending.”

Lin Beixiu was still aching.

“Then I’ll just sleep on the sofa.”

Qin Muxue lay down on the sofa, closing her eyes like that.

Lin Beixiu didn’t believe it, surely she wasn’t as weak as before, she could walk back if she tried.

But it seemed Qin Muxue had no intention of going back, just starting to sleep on the sofa. If she really slept here, with nothing, her condition might worsen the next day.

Who knows if she dares.

Thinking this was to avoid trouble, Lin Beixiu turned around and directly picked up Qin Muxue.

“Qin Muxue you’re really something, I give up on you.”

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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