Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 53

Chapter 53: Waiting

Qin Muxue opened her eyes, a mischievous smile on her face.

“Little Bei, you’re so good, I knew you wouldn’t abandon me.”

“Hehe, I’m just afraid you’ll catch a cold again and bother me; I’m too lazy to take care of such a troublesome person.”

Qin Muxue pouted, visibly dissatisfied, then comforted herself.

Don’t listen, don’t listen, he’s just caring about me, saying one thing but meaning another.

Lin Beixiu carried her to the bed, covered her with a blanket, and then handed her a thermometer.

“Check your temperature again.”

Qin Muxue took it and placed it under her arm.

Lin Beixiu sat by her bed, occasionally glancing around her room to distract himself.

Qin Muxue’s smile grew wider, “Little brother Bei, you’re not still mad, are you?”


“Good, I knew little brother Bei was the most forgiving.”

Lin Beixiu glanced at her and couldn’t help but flick her forehead with his finger.

Qin Muxue pouted again, “Little Bei, you hit me again.”

Lin Beixiu ignored her, feeling that enough time had passed, he pulled out the thermometer, looked at it, and noted that her fever had significantly subsided.

“Alright, sleep well now, and no more mischief.”

“Keep the blanket on, don’t kick it off.”

Qin Muxue felt delighted inside; he seemed cold on the surface but was always caring about her, even knowing her habit of kicking off her blanket, probably from watching her sleep while she had a fever.

“Okay, good night, Little Bei.”


Since Qin Muxue was still not fully recovered, they both stayed home the next day, and Qin Muxue’s spirits were much improved compared to yesterday.

After breakfast, Qin Muxue drank the brown sugar water Lin Beixiu had prepared.

“Aren’t you missing classes? I’m almost better, it’s okay.”

Lin Beixiu casually said, “It’s fine, I can catch up anyway.”

“Besides, you’re too silly.”

Why, where am I silly?

Qin Muxue: ……

Felt like hitting someone again. This darn kid’s mouth is just so annoying, taking back her sentimentality from yesterday.

“What do you mean?”

“Nothing.” Lin Beixiu sensed her murderous intent and instinctively moved a bit farther away.

Qin Muxue snorted, deciding not to argue with him.

“Don’t forget to take your medicine.” Lin Beixiu kindly reminded her before preparing to go out.

They were running low on groceries, and they both had taken a leave yesterday, missing classes, and today, seeing that Qin Muxue was almost well, he decided not to take another day off.

Qin Muxue knew he was going to buy groceries and didn’t try to keep him, just warned him to be careful on the road.

Qin Muxue, alone at home, played with her phone, and soon her best friend sent her a message.

Zhang Tingting: Why weren’t you in class yesterday? I was planning to look for you, your classmates said you weren’t there.

Qin Muxue: Had a fever.

Zhang Tingting: Oh no, is it serious? Do you need me to come take care of you?

On the other end, Zhang Tingting, who was in class, became concerned upon receiving Qin Muxue’s message, her fingers flying over the screen with various warm inquiries.

Feeling warmed by Zhang Tingting’s concern, Qin Muxue realized she really only had this one close friend.

Zhang Tingting: Where are you? I’ll come see you after class.

Qin Muxue didn’t want her to come over, fearing if she knew the two were living together, she might fuss over it, and just the thought of it gave Qin Muxue a headache.

Qin Muxue: No need, someone is taking care of me, I’m in good condition now, the fever’s gone.

Zhang Tingting raised an eyebrow, her face teasing.

Zhang Tingting: It’s not Lin Beixiu, is it?

Qin Muxue raised an eyebrow, thought about it, and replied yes.

Might as well get it over with, to save this guy from nagging her all the time, she might even need her advice later.

Zhang Tingting couldn’t hide her excited heart, wishing she could fly over immediately and interrogate Qin Muxue, but unfortunately, she didn’t know where Qin Muxue lived, so that idea fizzled out.

After chatting with her for a while, Qin Muxue stopped and sat bored on the sofa, as Lin Beixiu wasn’t back yet.

Qin Muxue just stood on the balcony; after a day and night of rain, the air was filled with a fresh scent. She glanced towards the corner where two pairs of shoes, belonging to Lin Beixiu and herself, were placed.

Lin Beixiu had apparently washed both pairs at some point, setting them out to dry in the sun.

Qin Muxue’s lips curved slightly, maybe she really couldn’t manage without Lin Beixiu, she had gotten used to his care.

Getting used to someone is a scary thing.

Qin Muxue stood on the balcony looking down; their apartment had a clear view of the community gate, allowing her to see when Lin Beixiu would return.

She soon caught a glimpse of him at the gate, carrying a big bag of groceries, her heart leaping with joy, akin to waiting anxiously for a loved one’s return, and then the happiness when they finally arrive.

Qin Muxue sat on the sofa, her eyes fixed on the door, waiting for Lin Beixiu to enter. As he walked towards her, she quickly took the groceries from his hands.

“Let me help you.”

Lin Beixiu paused, then handed over the items.

“You’re being unusually helpful.”

“You didn’t blow up the kitchen, did you?”

Other than that, Lin Beixiu couldn’t think of another reason she might have secretly tried cooking while he was out.

Qin Muxue: …….

Watching Lin Beixiu look towards the kitchen and even sniffing around, Qin Muxue wondered, can this guy really be a boyfriend, or will he annoy her to death?

“Go to hell, Lin Beixiu!”

Lin Beixiu: !!!


Lin Beixiu hadn’t reacted before his buttocks were kicked; he also saw the kitchen was spotless, nothing amiss.

Lin Beixiu held back a laugh, “Stop hitting, I was just joking.”

“I don’t believe it, you give me the groceries, I’ll cook for you,” Qin Muxue said, huffing angrily.

“Forget it, don’t ruin these good ingredients.”

“You’re still not well, don’t move around.”

Lin Beixiu went into the kitchen and started to get busy, while Qin Muxue stood at the doorway, sheepishly saying,

“That, we’re out of brown sugar water.”

She had always liked sweet and sour drinks, and this one had really won her over.

Luckily, Lin Beixiu had bought enough materials previously to make another batch.

“Just a moment.”


Before long, Lin Beixiu had prepared the brown sugar water and brought it to her.

“Careful, it’s hot.”

“Thank you,” Qin Muxue took it from him.

At lunchtime, Qin Muxue saw that there was fish on the table and couldn’t help cheering internally. Looking at him, she saw Lin Beixiu eating with his head down, expression unreadable.

Pretend, keep pretending.

Qin Muxue rolled her eyes, secretly amused.

No choice, since he’s all about silent giving and not good at expressing himself, she had to make the moves herself.

In the evening, Lin Beixiu went to work and also helped Qin Muxue request leave.

Qin Muxue wanted to go out, too stifled being alone at home, but Lin Beixiu disagreed. Seeing how much he cared, Qin Muxue agreed to stay home.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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