Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 71

Chapter 71: Party Games”

“Why, can’t I feel sorry for the food? Besides, this spoon is mine.” Qin Muxue was calm, stating matter-of-factly.

Lin Beixiu’s lips twitched. Did she realize what she was doing?

“If you like it, that’s good.”

Lin Beixiu also felt bad for the food; he hated wasting food and disliked people who disrespected food. He had planned to take the double-skin milk pudding home after the party, but now he would let it go.

Seeing his expression, Qin Muxue revealed a triumphant smile. For some reason, the double-skin milk pudding tasted exceptionally sweet.

Maybe it was because it had his breath on it.

Initially, it was the girls who sang, and then some of the boys were reluctantly pushed to sing. However, they were all tone-deaf and out of tune, prompting laughter from everyone.

After Hu Feng sang a few times and was not satisfied, he declared, “Too few people are singing, and the atmosphere isn’t lively. If you don’t get up to sing, we’ll play Truth or Dare, and the loser has to sing.”

This decision was agreed upon by everyone.

“Let’s have the cake first.”

Hu Feng cheerfully brought out the two large cakes he had prepared earlier, enough for forty people.

Someone turned off the lights, and everyone sang Happy Birthday to Hu Feng, who made his wish.

Then they started to distribute the cake.

“Eat the cake quickly, then we’ll play games.”

Lin Beixiu handed her a piece of cake, “Here, for you.”


Qin Muxue smiled as she took it and began to eat.

With Lin Beixiu there, she didn’t need to scramble for food.

After eating, everyone began to play games.

“Alright, previously it was our class’s girls singing, and you guys, a bunch of big men, are so shy. Come over quickly.”

The 19 boys were divided into three groups, using the spin-the-bottle method.

Whoever the bottle pointed to could choose Truth or Dare. If they chose Truth, there was no escape; if they chose Dare, they still had to sing, and before going on stage, they had to take a shot.

Soon, three representatives were chosen from the three groups, and unfortunately, Lin Beixiu was one of them.

Lin Beixiu didn’t expect to be chosen in the first round. His luck was really bad.

Hu Feng smiled as he handed them a drink, with Lin Beixiu getting juice and the other two getting alcohol.

Qin Muxue was quite satisfied with Hu Feng’s consideration.

Then the three formed a circle again, Hu Feng spun the bottle in the middle, and as the bottle spun, each of them hoped it wouldn’t stop on them.

Qin Muxue stood at a distance, curious to see who would be the lucky one.

In her heart, she was actually hoping it would be Lin Beixiu.

Lin Beixiu, sitting down, felt something and inexplicably shivered, then… the bottle stopped on him.

Lin Beixiu: !!!


The crowd cheered, and Hu Feng smiled, “Lin Beixiu, truth or dare?”

“Truth.” He chose without hesitation.

“Hurry, ask him what underwear he’s wearing today.”

“Don’t, ask him about the person he likes, that’s a better question.”

In the end, Hu Feng asked, “Lin Beixiu, who was the first person you ever liked?”

Everyone perked up their ears to hear Lin Beixiu’s answer.

Including Qin Muxue, who wanted to know what Lin Beixiu would say.

Lin Beixiu hesitated. The first person he thought of was actually Qin Muxue, which even he found unbelievable.

But to avoid the others making a fuss and to protect Qin Muxue’s reputation, and considering… the first person he liked.

“There was someone, a childhood friend I liked.”

This was also true; he indeed had some feelings for Qin Muxue back then, but those feelings had gradually faded over time, leading to his current indifference.


Some people who knew the situation, including Lin Beixiu’s close friends, discreetly glanced at Qin Muxue. In their eyes, the two were already a couple, and mentioning another girl in front of his girlfriend seemed like a death wish.

What surprised them even more was that Qin Muxue’s expression showed no change, still carrying a slight smile.

Hu Feng, to alleviate the awkwardness, quickly said, “Ahem, continue, continue.”

Those who participated afterwards didn’t have to play anymore; they could stay if they wanted, and soon others joined, some choosing Truth, others choosing Dare to sing.

Qin Muxue also participated once, choosing to sing. Her voice was quite unique, earning applause from everyone, and it was Lin Beixiu’s first time hearing her sing.

She sat in the corner, and this activity also deepened her relationships with the other girls in the class.

For the rest of the time, she just sat in her place watching Lin Beixiu with a smile.

She hadn’t expected to receive Lin Beixiu’s favor. At that time, they were both young and didn’t understand what affection meant; it was just friendship between two kids.

Although that was the case, the time spent together back then gave Qin Muxue a different feeling towards Little Bei, and it meant something different to her.

For both of them, the other was a form of redemption.

Later, the boys started playing dice and drinking games, while the girls gathered to chat and sing.

Lin Beixiu watched them play, feeling envious. Although he didn’t know how to play, he wanted to drink.

Lin Beixiu sighed and turned to Qin Muxue, “What else do you want to eat?”


Lin Beixiu got up and got her another piece of cake.


Lin Beixiu comfortably ate with her, not participating in any activities after the initial Truth or Dare.

Later, Hu Feng somehow procured a few boxes.

“Anyone want to play Werewolf?”

“I do, give us.”

Soon, a group of girls came forward to take the cards and started playing.

Lin Beixiu had no intention of joining and just sat there. Hu Feng came over.

“Lin Beixiu, you’re really something.”

“What’s up?” Lin Beixiu genuinely didn’t know.

Hu Feng glanced at Qin Muxue, who had distanced herself early when the two men started to talk.

“What’s up, you said in front of Sister-in-law Bei that you liked another girl, it had to be you, huh?” Hu Feng said with a tone of iron not becoming steel.

Lin Beixiu: …….

He really wanted to say that their relationship wasn’t like that, or rather, he had never admitted it, but everyone kept calling her Sister-in-law Bei, he really…

“We’re not like that…..”

“Lin Beixiu, you better think of a way to make it up to her, I can teach you…”

“Don’t make noise.”

Lin Beixiu interrupted him, saying, “Isn’t it just Truth or Dare? Who didn’t have a crush when they were young? What’s the big deal?”

Hu Feng paused, “Now that you mention it, I remember I liked a girl in kindergarten. She looked like a porcelain doll, very pretty, now I just don’t know who got lucky.”

Lin Beixiu: ……

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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