Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 94

Chapter 94: Vacation

Qin Muxue looked toward Lin Beixiu’s room, tried to open it, and it opened.

This brat, he really is carefree, not even bothering to lock the door.

Qin Muxue looked at the photo album on his desk, her eyes conveying deep emotions, and her lips slowly curled into a smile.


Hearing the knocking from outside the door, Qin Muxue had just opened it to see her own mother and was somewhat incredulous.


During high school, every vacation, she would take a taxi home by herself, and even in special circumstances, it was Su Yun who came to pick her up, so she was surprised to see Qin Han.

Qin Han looked at her daughter’s expression, showing a bitter smile, then said, “Hmm, have you packed your things? I had some free time, so I came to pick you up.”

“Come in first.”

As soon as Qin Han entered, she saw the lively Mantou. The little guy had been locked up for so long, and once out, he was lively, directly running parkour in the house.

“Is this yours?”

Qin Muxue nodded, “I found him, felt pity, and took him in.”

Qin Han didn’t say much; if her daughter liked it, she could keep it. It was also nice to have a companion.

“Let’s go, Mom will help you carry your stuff.”

Qin Muxue checked the water and electricity in the house and left the little house carrying her belongings.

Downstairs, Qin Han’s Mercedes was parked; Qin Muxue still carried her luggage herself, mainly because she did not want to trouble her mother, which resulted in Qin Han helplessly holding Mantou, mistakenly thinking her daughter still did not appreciate her.

Qin Han started the car, and Qin Muxue sat in the back, playing with Mantou.

An hour later, they arrived at a small mountain.

This was Yuntian Mountain, and the entire mountain belonged to the Qin family. A large, imposing manor was located here, at the center, a villa occupying an absurdly large area.

This place was far from the noisy urban areas, accompanied by nature, with beautiful scenery and picturesque views, indeed a good place for recuperation.

One could only say that the Qin family’s foundation was indeed strong.

Pushing open the ancient wooden door, there was a huge courtyard, with vegetation occupying a large area, which was also Qin Han’s hobby. Many plants were kept at home, but unfortunately, she herself seldom stayed at home.

Qin Muxue and Qin Han entered the villa, went upstairs, opened their room, and settled their belongings. The little guy scratched around by her bed, but unfortunately, though it had grown quite a bit during this time, it was still a short-legged one and couldn’t get up.

Qin Muxue let it run around as she began organizing her things, hanging clothes in the closet, and then sat at the desk in front of the bookshelf, where several single compartments held picture frames.

There were family photos, hers and Su Yun’s, and her mother’s, and then….

Until Qin Muxue’s gaze settled on one picture frame, her eyes tender as water.

This was exactly the one with Lin Beixiu, their joint photo; Qin Muxue’s fingertips gently brushed over it, smiling happily….


In An province, Lin Beixiu had already returned home, lying in bed scrolling through his phone until he received a message from Qin Muxue.

Qin Muxue: I’m back home.

Lin Beixiu glanced at the time, noting that her return was quite swift, and responded with a hmm.

Qin Muxue: Back home now, so bored, not sure what to do.

After typing this, Qin Muxue lay down on her bed. Her mother came to check on her, brought some fruit, then left and didn’t go to the office but worked from home instead.

This stirred a slight ripple in Qin Muxue’s heart, feeling good about being cared for.

Lin Beixiu: Mantou is with you, how can you be bored?

Having left for just a while, he actually missed her a bit, not having had the chance to make it up to her yet since they had parted for the vacation.

Ding Dong~

Lin Beixiu picked up his phone to see a photo sent by Qin Muxue, of Mantou biting a pillow.

Qin Muxue: This naughty cat, biting my pillow.

Lin Beixiu also laughed, and the two casually chatted for about ten minutes before ending.

“Little Xue, what do you want for lunch? Mom will cook for you.”

Outside, was Qin Han’s voice.

Qin Muxue then gave up chatting with Lin Beixiu.

“Mom, let me do it?”

“How could that be? Let Mom do it, let you taste Mom’s cooking.”

Qin Muxue saw her mother insist and said no more, though they had a maid at home, she didn’t want to refuse her mother’s kindness.


Before long, Qin Han called Qin Muxue downstairs to eat.

At the dining table.

“Little Xue, what are your plans for the vacation? Want to learn driving or continue with calligraphy?”

“Either is fine, let’s first get the driving license done.”

Qin Han nodded, “Mom was thinking the same, when you get it, Mom will give you a car, it’ll be more convenient for commuting.”


Another period of silence.

Qin Han tentatively spoke again, “Well, Mom has to go back to the office tonight, will you be okay alone at home?”

“Hmm, Mom, go to work with peace of mind, don’t worry about me, I’m fine alone at home.”

Qin Han sighed, feeling a mix of bitterness and relief; her daughter had changed a lot, becoming much more sensible.

“Alright, little Yun will be back tonight, and she’ll take you out.”


In the evening, Lin Beixiu and Grandpa Zhang sat at the table, wrapping dumplings.

Grandpa Zhang was happy to see his grandson back, and the two finished preparing tomorrow’s work, just waiting to have a drink.

Lin Beixiu brought out the last dish, “Grandpa, come eat after you’re done.”


Grandpa Zhang took out another bottle of Maotai, “Come on, brat, can you drink when she’s not around?”

Lin Beixiu: ……

“Drink one glass, no more, I can’t enjoy yours.”

Lin Beixiu smiled, not arguing as before.

Grandpa Zhang laughed heartily, “Tsk, looks like the girl manages you well.”

“Eat, eat.”

Seeing Lin Beixiu’s increasingly helpless look, Grandpa Zhang chuckled and changed the subject.

“Tell me what interesting things happened at school last term, let this old man hear.”



The enjoyable vacation began, without Qin Muxue’s nagging, Lin Beixiu really wasn’t used to it, but his biological clock pulled him back; now he got up early to help his grandfather manage the shop, then went back to sleep.

Qin Muxue did the same, utilizing the vacation, aside from learning to drive, she occasionally went to the company to help out.

As for Mantou, the little guy, after changing environments, was overjoyed playing in the yard, the entire yard his territory, climbing trees, catching fish.

There was also the time it fell into the pond right under Qin Muxue’s watch, nearly drowning, luckily Qin Muxue was right there.

Qin Muxue would take some photos and send them to Lin Beixiu, and he would reply.

Soon it was mid-winter break, the end of December, with the New Year approaching.

The arrival of winter added a bit more coldness to the air, and pedestrians also changed into winter clothing.

While Qin Muxue was busy with her license and hadn’t gone to see Lin Beixiu, now that she had the time, she wanted to visit Lin Beixiu.

At this time, he probably wasn’t busy, so to surprise him, Qin Muxue didn’t say anything, just told her mom and packed her things to leave.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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