Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 116

Chapter 116 Two Happy People

“No, why aren’t you surprised at all? What happened?”

Qin Muxue blushed and turned her head away, not daring to look at Lin Beixiu’s eyes.

Hu Feng explained, “It’s not strange. It was originally Sister Bei and Sister Zhang who invited us to come and help. Luckily, it worked out.”

Lin Beixiu looked at Qin Muxue in shock, realizing that she had cold-shouldered him before to confess her feelings, and now she had invited so many people and found this place. He was completely clueless.

Qin Muxue weakly said, “Actually, this idea was from Zhang Tingting, nothing to do with me.”

Zhang Tingting looked at her speechlessly, feeling betrayed by her good friend.

“Sister, you’re not being fair. You’re selling me out.”

Lin Beixiu smiled and ruffled her hair, “It’s not your fault, it’s mine for being clueless.”

Upon hearing this, Qin Muxue smiled again and led him to his seat.

The dinner continued.

“I can’t believe it, you two still haven’t confessed your feelings.”

“It has to be you guys.”

The conversation at the dinner table became lively again.

“Come on, sister, tell us how you confessed.”

Everyone looked at the two of them, urging them on.

Lin Beixiu, who was drinking, choked a bit and felt embarrassed as he recalled the scene earlier. If given another chance, he definitely wouldn’t have been so incoherent.

Qin Muxue patted his back affectionately, “It’s nothing. I just confessed directly, and then Little Bei agreed.”


Zhang Tingting was still unsatisfied, “Sister, as the math teacher says, the process is the most important.”

“Forget it.”

Qin Muxue didn’t want to say more, knowing that guys have their pride, so she treated it as their little secret.

“Little Bei, have some shrimp.”

Qin Muxue picked up a shrimp that he had peeled for her and put it in his bowl, “If you want more, I’ll peel them for you.”

As she reached for the gloves, Lin Beixiu stopped her.

“Don’t bother, I don’t want it. I’ll just eat the roast duck.”


Watching the two of them being affectionate, everyone couldn’t help but feel a bit sour.

It’s hard to watch them being so lovey-dovey.

Hu Feng raised his glass, “Lin, have a drink to celebrate.”

Lin Beixiu glanced at Qin Muxue, his eyes questioning.

Seeing this, Hu Feng jokingly said, “Sister Bei, if he doesn’t behave, you can make him kneel and wash clothes tonight.”

Lin Beixiu: …….

So you’re just going to abandon me like that, huh?

Qin Muxue couldn’t help but chuckle, “Alright, enjoy your drinks, I want to join in too.”

Hu Feng gave her a thumbs up, “Sister Bei is generous. Let’s all have a drink.”

Everyone stood up and raised their glasses, and Qin Muxue clinked hers with theirs.

“You shouldn’t drink too much,” Lin Beixiu couldn’t help but remind her.

Under the table, Qin Muxue quietly reached for his waist and pinched his soft flesh.

“What, I allowed you to drink, but you won’t let me?”

Although Qin Muxue had a smile on her face, Lin Beixiu felt a chill.

Forced to smile, Lin Beixiu said, “Let go first. If you want to drink, go ahead, but don’t drink too much to avoid feeling uncomfortable.”

Looking at Lin Beixiu’s caring eyes, Qin Muxue softened and let go, “Okay.”

The group chatted on and off, with Lin Beixiu participating at first but then falling silent, quietly peeling shrimp for Qin Muxue and making a duck pancake for her.

“Thank you, Little Bei, have this.”

The group was speechless, shaking their heads in resignation.

This lovey-dovey behavior is really too much.

Because of their previous interactions, their relationship had naturally progressed like a flowing stream.

Lin Beixiu could once again hear her calling him “brother,” and his smile never left his face.

After finishing the meal, they asked the waiter to pack up and split the bill.

“Sister Bei, take this food with you. Best wishes to you both.”

Hu Feng patted his chest confidently, “If Lin mistreats you, just let us know, we’ll take care of him.”

Lin Beixiu kicked him without mercy, “Get lost, stop talking nonsense, you don’t need to worry about it.”

Qin Muxue covered her mouth and chuckled, “Thank you, but Little Bei is very good.”

The group parted ways at the intersection.

Lin Beixiu turned to look at Qin Muxue beside him, she was carrying the packed box and smiling at him.

After a moment of silence, Lin Beixiu said, “Let me help you carry that.”

Qin Muxue pouted, “No need, just turn around.”

Not knowing what she was up to, Lin Beixiu turned around as she requested.

Suddenly, he felt a weight on his back and quickly stood up, reaching out to support her buttocks.

“Little Bei, I can’t walk straight after drinking too much. Carry me home.”

Lin Beixiu indulgently smiled, “Okay.”

Their home wasn’t far, just a ten-minute walk.

“Little Bei, I want to apologize for what I did before. I’m sorry.”

Lin Beixiu shook his head with a smile, “It’s okay. I’m already content with what I have.”

Qin Muxue’s small feet dangled on either side, happily resting on his shoulder, “Little Bei, you’re finally mine. I’m so happy.”


Lin Beixiu was a bit stunned by her sudden confession, but then he felt joy. They had finally reached this point.

“When will you say something other than ‘Mm’?” Qin Muxue said discontentedly.

“What else can I say? You’ve said it all. I can only agree.”

Qin Muxue arrogantly said, “That’s right. After living together for so long, if you don’t agree, I’ll beat you up and kick you out.”

Thinking of her skills, Lin Beixiu couldn’t help but shiver, “You… you’re too domineering.”

Qin Muxue affectionately pinched his face, “Don’t be afraid, Little Bei, how could I bear to hit you? I like you the most.”

Lin Beixiu twitched his mouth, recalling the time she chased him with a stick, wisely choosing not to mention it.

“Oh, and when we get back, remember to confess to me too.”

“Huh?” Lin Beixiu was stunned, not reacting for a moment.

“Our relationship is already confirmed, why do I need to confess?”

Qin Muxue said seriously, “Of course you have to. I’ve confessed to you. Can’t I hear you confess too?”

“Uh, okay.”

Lin Beixiu agreed to her somewhat unreasonable request.

“Come on, Little Bei, think about how to say it. If I agree, there will be a reward.”

Qin Muxue whispered in his ear, her warm breath hitting his ear and neck, making Lin Beixiu’s heart race.

This little demon, we’re already together, and she’s still playing this game of agreeing or not.

Arriving back home, Qin Muxue jumped off his back and put the packed food in the fridge.

As for the cat loaf lying on the sofa, it glanced at them, then continued sleeping.

It was used to the behavior of the two taking care of themselves. After all, it was just a tabby cat, quite independent, as long as there was food to eat.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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