Days of Living with the Campus Belle
Days of Living with the Campus Belle Chapter 122

Chapter 122: Imported Food Tastes Delicious

Lin Beixiu looked at the pomelo tea in front of him and tentatively took a sip.

It was tangy and sweet, with a unique flavor that seemed quite good.

It was Lin Beixiu’s first time trying “imported” food, and he was quite satisfied.

Qin Muxue sat across from him, her face slightly flushed, eating double-skinned milk pudding attentively.

After a while, Qin Muxue asked, “Little Bei, do you want more double-skinned milk pudding?”

Lin Beixiu glanced and saw only a little left, so he shook his head.

“I’m good, you can have it. Or are you full?”

Qin Muxue was speechless, her eyelids twitching, she asked again.

“Little Bei, are you sure you don’t want any?”

Qin Muxue leaned in, getting closer, her starry eyes fixed on him.

Lin Beixiu felt a bit nervous, thought for a moment, and coughed, “Maybe, I do.”

What an idiot.

Qin Muxue huffed, “Then come here.”


Lin Beixiu didn’t understand, but still moved closer to her,

They were sitting facing each other. Qin Muxue took a bite of double-skinned milk pudding, stood up in Lin Beixiu’s puzzled gaze, then leaned in and kissed him.

Lin Beixiu’s eyes widened, then he felt his teeth being pried open, and the smooth milk cubes with red beans and chewy fruit bits slid into his mouth.

Before he could enjoy it, Qin Muxue left, sat back in her seat, looked away, but her slightly red earlobes were still visible.

So embarrassing, luckily no one noticed them.


Lin Beixiu swallowed the double-skinned milk pudding with a unique fragrance, “Delicious.”

“Is there more?”

Lin Beixiu looked at the last bit in the cup, hoping for some more treats.

“No more,” Qin Muxue said unkindly.

He was bold just now, but now he didn’t dare.

Stupid straight guy, so clueless.

Seeing his disappointment, Qin Muxue felt helpless too. She couldn’t possibly do it again.

I already fed you, can’t you take the initiative?

Training a boyfriend is a long road ahead.

Qin Muxue shifted her gaze to the small cake in front of her and started eating.

“Little Bei, try this,” although a bit angry, Qin Muxue still offered him a bite.

Lin Beixiu looked up and saw Qin Muxue holding a piece of cake in front of him. He opened his mouth and took a bite.


Qin Muxue smiled, “Want more?”


Lin Beixiu moved his chair closer to her and enjoyed being fed.

After a while…

“Lin Beixiu!”

Qin Muxue grabbed his ear, scolding, “Are you a pig? You ate half of my cake.”

He got addicted to being fed, only realizing when his own cake was almost gone.

Lin Beixiu awkwardly coughed and handed over his cake.

“Have mine.”

Qin Muxue let go, pouting, “I want you to feed me.”


Lin Beixiu picked up the cake and started feeding her. Qin Muxue smiled as she opened her mouth.

Lin Beixiu carefully fed her, finding her cute when eating.

And then… he couldn’t smile anymore.

Lin Beixiu looked at the two empty plates on the table, still unable to come to his senses.

He looked down at her small belly, finding it hard to imagine how such a small space could hold so much food.

He thought she was full after feeding him the imported double-skinned milk pudding, but he was wrong.

“You eat so much,” Lin Beixiu said sincerely.

Qin Muxue stuck out her tongue apologetically, “Should I order more?”

“Let’s just go.”

Lin Beixiu picked up the unfinished pomelo tea, and Qin Muxue put away her phone and followed.

“Where to now?”

“To the commercial street. We’ll eat out tonight.”

Qin Muxue was excited and ran ahead after getting to know each other, no longer hiding her true personality.

“Little Bei, I want to eat fried pancakes.”

“Candied haws, I want some too.”

“I want…”

Lin Beixiu quickly stopped her, “Calm down, Mumu. Finish these first.”

Lin Beixiu was speechless as he held a lot of delicious food in his hands.

“I’ll leave these to you.”

After saying that, she ran to another stall.

Lin Beixiu took a bite of the fried pancake, feeling helpless.

It seemed like he was destined to finish the food she couldn’t.

After a while, Qin Muxue came back with a cup of oden.

“Little Bei, try this.”

Lin Beixiu was speechless, “Mumu, I can’t eat anymore. Can you slow down on buying?”

Qin Muxue looked at him with bags in both hands, chuckled, and then acted coquettishly.

“But I want to eat all these delicious foods.”

“Don’t be mad, Little Bei, eat the meatballs.”

Lin Beixiu shook his head, “You eat, I still have the fried pancake, it’s really good.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Muxue took a big bite of his fried pancake.

Lin Beixiu:!

“You gave it to me, why are you taking it back?” Lin Beixiu felt a bit wronged.

“Hehe, it tastes even better this way,” Qin Muxue said with a smile. Seeing Lin Beixiu’s discomfort, she took out her own skewers.

“Little Bei, have mine.”

“Is it imported?” Lin Beixiu asked instinctively.

Qin Muxue smiled mischievously, “Little Bei, you’re learning bad habits.”

“Well, you taught me well.”

“It’s crowded here,” Qin Muxue said a bit shyly.

“But what if I want to eat?” Lin Beixiu asked.

Qin Muxue looked helpless, “I can’t do anything with you.”

Qin Muxue took a bite of food, chewed, and kissed Lin Beixiu in his expectant gaze. He bit into it and found it delicious.

Qin Muxue jumped back as if electrified, “That’s enough.”

It was her first time doing this in public.

Mainly because when Lin Beixiu’s mouth moved, his lips also loosened, and finally, he even started sucking.

“Can I have another bite?”

“Dream on,” Qin Muxue rolled her eyes and walked ahead.

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Just a college student that loves reading novels~!

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