She Comes from the Highest Interstellar Prison
She Comes from the Highest Interstellar Prison Chapter 32

Chapter 32

From Qin Chu Yue’s perspective, she could already see a large number of patrol teams rushing towards this direction.

Time was of the essence, and she didn’t ask much. She only whispered, “Be careful.”

After hearing Ji Fu’s soft response from the other side, she put on her mech suit, took the two unmanned mech soldiers, and quickly launched a surprise attack to leave.

On the other side, after Ji Fu invaded the Li Family network, the chaotic patrol system led to Yu An, the Li Family main star. At this moment, it finally broke through the out-of-control starship and returned to the ground.

After the starship went out of control, all its connections were severed, the optical brain could not be used, and even the mechs could not be deployed.

Fortunately, the S-class mech soldier had extremely high physical strength. Finally, he found an opportunity behind the starship, smashed open a gap, reconnected the optical brain, and deployed his mech.

Just as he emerged from the starship, he looked up and saw Li Family son, Li Chi, leading a group of people, coming down from the starship with an unpleasant expression.

All the starships in the W-599 galaxy where the Li Family resides have been hacked, causing a complete paralysis of their systems.

Upon receiving news from the venue of the mechanical assembly, Li Chi immediately rushed there with his men. However, two starships they tried to use encountered problems.

Li Chi had a few mechanics with him, who were now working to repair the ships.

His face darkened as he turned around to see Yu An. He angrily questioned, “What are you doing here?”

“The venue of the mechanical assembly has been infiltrated, and all the starships in the galaxy are malfunctioning. What exactly have you, as the patrol ship captain, been doing!?”

Yu An was initially stunned, but when he heard what had happened on the remote star, his expression turned particularly ugly.

Regardless of the reasons, it was his negligence as the patrol ship captain.

He looked at Li Chi, about to explain.

But Li Chi raised his hand to silence him.

“Don’t bother repairing,” Li Chi’s eyes were cold. “Everyone, get into the mechs immediately!”

Regardless of who caused trouble for the Li Family today, Li Chi was determined to make them pay!

With Li Chi’s command, everyone present abandoned the starships and switched to using mechs for interstellar travel.

Under normal circumstances, mechs of B-rank and above could travel through space at speeds surpassing those of starships, but it consumed more energy, so ordinary people wouldn’t do it.

However, the Li Family was wealthy and didn’t care much about energy consumption.

Li Chi was already pent up, and when they arrived at the remote star and saw the chaos, he was even more furious.

The riots caused by unmanned mech soldiers had not subsided, and the S-class mech soldiers sent to assist them were also injured.

After Li Qian left, he originally intended to follow. However, the number of unmanned mech soldiers here kept increasing, and it seemed that all the patrol unmanned mech soldiers in the W-599 galaxy had been called over. Although they were only of B and C grades, the sheer number overwhelmed the entire remote star.

All the unmanned mech soldiers were in a state of frenzy. He had to deal with wave after wave, exhausted and facing severe energy consumption, and was injured by the uprising unmanned mech soldiers.

Now that Li Chi and the others had arrived, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When he met Li Chi’s grim gaze, his heart trembled, and he hurriedly whispered, “The attacker is a red-haired woman using the identity of Miss Zhou Xiran from the Zhou family.”

“Mr. Li is seriously injured and has been taken to the mansion for treatment.”

Li Chi’s face darkened, and he asked, “What about that woman?”

“She should have followed Mr. Li.” The mech soldier explained, “There are security systems and security doors over there, so she should…”

She should be fine.

He saw the impending storm in Li Chi’s expression and decided to keep this information to himself.

Li Chi just looked up and coldly ordered, “You have ten minutes to solve the problem with these unmanned mech soldiers as soon as possible.”

“Yu An.”

Yu An, who was controlling the mechs to eliminate the unmanned mech soldiers, responded immediately.

Li Chi solemnly said, “Come with me to the mansion.”

Li Chi was an S-class mech soldier, and not just an ordinary one.

Only a few members of the Li Family knew that he was currently S+, but soon, he would be promoted directly to the star level.

Among the Li Family siblings, he was a mech soldier, and his sister was a mech engineer.

Unlike most of the Li Family who were engaged in the pharmaceutical industry, they chose the traditional path of mech combat.

For this reason, their father was particularly attentive. He not only sent them to the Imperial Military Academy but also spent a lot of money to create a dedicated S+ mech for Li Chi.

At present, Li Chi was the most powerful combatant on this remote star.

Coupled with the S-class mech soldier Yu An, whoever caused trouble today wouldn’t be able to escape from their hands.

Li Chi, accompanied by Yu An, rushed towards the small villa.

The mechanics brought by Li Chi were sweating profusely as they sat in place, trying to solve the problem of the unmanned mech soldiers going out of control.

Li Chi and Yu An moved quickly. When they arrived outside the small villa, Li Chi released his mech as a precaution.

The first thing he did after entering the mech’s cockpit was to activate the scanner.

As the scanner swept over the three-story villa, he expected to wait a few minutes for results. However, the scanner emitted a sharp alarm the moment it scanned the villa.

[Ding, ding, ding]

[Danger approaching! Danger approaching!]

Li Chi’s expression changed, and he immediately activated the mech’s patrol cannon.


Under the impact of the gravity cannon, the first thing he saw wasn’t the red-haired woman mentioned by the S-class mech soldier but…

“Second uncle!” Li Chi’s eyes widened with fury. Underneath the collapsed building, the body of Li Qian, with one

 leg severed, was exposed.

“Mr. Li!?” Yu An, standing beside him, also paled.

When he heard what the mech soldier had said earlier, he thought Li Qian was safe. Who would have thought that the other party had actually harmed Li Qian.

Li Qian was the second-in-command of the Li Family, the younger brother of the family head. How dare they!?

Looking back at Li Chi, who was now furious, he suppressed the urge to say anything.

Li Chi put down the high-speed cannon of the mech and immediately blasted the entire small villa into pieces. He shouted angrily, “You dare to hide? Come out!”

The strength of an S+ mech far exceeded the imagination of an ordinary person. Essentially, as soon as the scanner was activated, Ji Fu’s location was accurately pinpointed. The reason he didn’t bombard the area immediately was because Li Chi’s attention was diverted by Li Qian’s body.

Now that he had snapped back to reality, the high-pressure shells practically followed Ji Fu’s movements as if they had legs.

Ji Fu took a deep breath. Before the opponent appeared, she drank a potent nutrient solution.

This was her second time using this thing.

But even with the potent nutrient solution, she was still only a C-level.

The moment the nutrient solution was consumed, it could only boost her adrenaline, but it couldn’t directly bridge the gap between C and S.

The difference in levels was not the slightest.

It was like looking at something unattainable.

Even if a C-level exploded, it was impossible to defeat an S, especially when there were two S’s and one S+ in front of her.

But she still didn’t escape at the first opportunity; she stayed.

There was no other reason.

It was because before informing Qin Chu Yue to leave, she suddenly thought of something.

That is, the son of the Li Family head, if she remembered correctly, just over three years ago, he was only an A+.

And his sister had just reached S-level.

But in this short three years, the talents of the two of them had grown tremendously.

During the waiting time just now, she searched for news related to the Li Family siblings over the past few years, all of which said that their talents were extraordinary.

Extraordinary talent!

Such an extraordinary talent.

Through the black goggles, Ji Fu scanned the mech in front of her.

This should be an S+ level mech, which means Li Chi rose from an A+ to the current S+.

The Li Family monopolized medical technology and still engaged in such despicable acts. The children of the Li Family head became beneficiaries of these things.

While analyzing the huge mech in front of her, she also dodged the falling shells.

She had no mech, no flamethrower, just relying on the mech suit she wore, drinking the potent nutrient solution, stepping on the mechanical equipment under her feet, and dodging the bullets flying everywhere.

The light brain in front of her was still on. While she flew away, she was also calculating the range of the mech’s gunfire and the best evasion formula.

With this formula, she could briefly shuttle between the two S-class mechs.

But even so, she had no way to survive their encirclement.

No matter how many times the light brain simulated, the final outcome was always death.

But Ji Fu still kept running.

Yu An watched her fleeing figure, frowned, and pressed the communication button: “Young Master Li, something seems off about this person.”

Since the other party could control so many unmanned mech soldiers and even killed Li Qian under such circumstances, logically, she should be wearing a mech suit.

But for some reason, when facing them, she had been dodging with her own body.

Apart from the mech suit of mediocre quality, there were no other means of counterattack.

Li Chi just sneered: “Regardless of what she’s planning, she must die here today.”

He relied on his own strength and didn’t even heed Yu An’s insight.

After several rounds of ammunition missed, he directly stepped forward, lifted his massive mechanical fists, and smashed them toward Ji Fu.

Li Chi’s change of tactics was correct.

Ji Fu could calculate the range of the bullets and the evasion range, but she couldn’t avoid the falling fists.

The power and speed of an S+ mech had surpassed the range that ordinary people could react to.

Almost the moment the mech’s iron fist fell, Ji Fu was sent flying.

She fell heavily onto the building behind her, and a large amount of blood spilled from her mouth.

[“Life signs rapidly declining!”] The system in front of her, along with the flamethrower, displayed a warning.

Even the black goggles in front of her began to show red danger warning signs.

But Ji Fu still didn’t stop.

Before Li Chi’s second strike fell, she got up.

Using all her strength, she narrowly avoided the second blow.

At the same time, countless flashing and highly efficient screens in front of her calculated the results.

[“Significant difference in values, far below the normal S+ mech level”]

[“Horizontal comparison result: S-class”]

After seeing this final conclusion, Ji Fu’s lips curled up slightly.

Just as she had guessed!

This so-called “Piggy Plan,” after extracting talents from others and applying them to others, would inevitably result in some exclusivity.

There might even be compatibility issues.

It’s like forcing seedlings to grow taller.

The forcibly raised talent was far inferior to the innate talent.

Li Chi was now S+ level, but the final calculation result was only an upper-tier S-level.

This was contrary to his S+ talent.

But no matter what, by extracting talent from others, he still jumped a level.

And as long as this plan didn’t stop, as he continued to enjoy the talents of others, who knows, one day he might break through S+ and become a star.

Talents could continue to improve endlessly, even if the actual strength was still below the talent level, their gains were not small.


The heavy fist fell again.

This time, Ji Fu could only narrowly avoid it. She operated the system to run at an incredibly fast speed into a high-rise building.

This was the tallest building nearby, about 157 meters high.

Much taller than the nearly 50-meter-high mech Li Chi was piloting.

After entering the building, Ji Fu’s position kept appearing on the control panel on Li Chi’s side, moving crazily inside the building, climbing to the top at an unbelievable speed.

But in reality, Ji Fu was already on her last legs. She used her last ounce of strength to climb to the highest point.

The continuous ascent not only involved height but also her severely unbalanced heartbeat.

She listened to her heart pounding, and darkness clouded her vision.

And still, in the process of climbing, she dodged the tracking projectiles sent by Yu An.

Finally, just as Li Chi was about to activate the beam cannon on his body, Ji Fu reached the midpoint of the building.

From her position, looking towards the floor-to-ceiling window, she could see Li Chi sitting in the cockpit of the mech.

Li Chi lifted his eyes lightly, watching the person in front of him finally stop.

After nearly ten minutes of fighting, the opponent still hadn’t released the mech.

He speculated that the person in front of him had reached their limit.

Either the mech was already damaged, or… this person wasn’t a mech soldier but a mech technician.

Apart from some individuals who were trained in both, mech technicians didn’t have any combat capabilities.

In this situation, killing her would be as simple as crushing an ant.

With this in mind, there was a slight pause in Li Chi’s movements.

She had killed his uncle. Would it be too easy to let her die like this?

He sneered and pressed the communication button: “I’ll give you a chance.”

He raised his hand forcefully and, with one strike, smashed the entire top of the building in front of him.


Ji Fu hadn’t even recovered from the dizziness before feeling the whole world shaking.

The ground where she stood cracked, and in front of her, the mech’s iron arm, like a mountain, came crashing towards her.

… just like crushing an ant.

“Do you want to jump down yourself, or shall I crush you personally?” Li Chi sat in the cockpit, looking down at her from a high vantage point.

He didn’t recognize the woman in front of him, nor did he intend to investigate her identity.

People wouldn’t bother with someone who was about to die, especially someone who was as fragile as a piece of paper now.

The mech had already analyzed that Ji Fu’s life signs were rapidly diminishing.

All his actions now were like a cat playing with a mouse, both playful and crushing.

He punched again, and this time, the blow shattered most of the building.

He saw the building materials falling on Ji Fu and pushing her towards the floor-to-ceiling window behind her.

She looked like a broken kite, crashing through countless shards of glass and falling backward.

Li Chi looked at her leisurely. It was a pity; she was going to be smashed into a pulp with such a fall.

But just as Ji Fu was falling out of the window, a danger warning suddenly appeared from the mech.

[“Warning!”] The bold red font appeared three times in a row.

Li Chi paused slightly. This S+ mech was a gift customized by his father for him. From the time he entered the Imperial Military Academy this year until now, this was the first time such an inexplicable warning had appeared.

But he still had basic reactions and operations.

At the moment the warning popped up, he activated the mech’s defense system and simultaneously, activated the mech’s hidden turret, firing a crushing beam towards Ji Fu.

The moment this beam appeared, everything that fell from the building, the surrounding flower, trees and everything else, instantly turned into dust.

The beam penetrated everything in the building and was about to land on Ji Fu.

Then, the falling Ji Fu activated her full-body mech suit.

She turned around amidst the chaotic wind.

In her hand was a gun.

The mech on her arms and the flamethrower on her light brain also covered the gun.

In Li Chi’s enlarged screen, the silver gun appeared clearly, covered in black mechanical parts.

The black muzzle pointed at him, and combined with the continuous red warning prompts inside the mech, made him instinctively dodge.

He quickly moved aside, avoiding the black muzzle.

But he didn’t see the smile in Ji Fu’s eyes as she fell from the window.

She pulled the trigger.


The gun in her hand made a huge noise that an ordinary gun could never make.

After the gunshot, the silver bullet shot out.

It was a specially made silver bullet, traveling at a speed so fast that it was almost impossible to catch with the naked eye.

And then, the bullet grazed past the mech controlled by Li Chi.

The rapid speed at which the bullet approached made Li Chi hesitate for a moment. Watching the bullet pass by, he subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

But he hadn’t let out his breath completely.

The next moment, he heard the deafening roar echoing throughout the world.


The silver bullet hit the mechanical device tied to the building behind him.

It was the mechanical core that Ji Fu had removed from the special-grade medical warehouse made by the Li family.

She had turned the mechanical core manufactured by their family into a bomb.

Then, during the fifteen minutes she had been entangled with Li Chi, she had been flying around while sprinkling an ample amount of potions wherever she ran.

Yu An had noticed these potions while assisting Li Chi, and Li Chi himself had noticed them too.

But after analyzing the mech, all they got was a display of an unknown substance.

Yu An thought it was the leaked nutrient solution, because a large amount of nutrients was detected inside.

In essence, it was.

Ji Fu had modified these various nutrient solutions she carried with her, using a large amount of nutrients to cover the explosive components.

Then she sprinkled most of the area.

The moment the bullet hit the mechanical core, she saw the huge figures of Li Chi and Yu An, who were controlling the mechs, being swallowed by the intense waves behind them in an instant.


Fire and light fell from the sky.

Under the absolute bombardment force, everything turned into debris.

Ji Fu herself, however, found herself in a place where no potion had been sprinkled. As the explosion wave approached, she was caught by the A-grade unmanned mech she had arranged in advance.


After the mech landed, all the areas around the small building were blasted to smithereens.

“Pfft.” Ji Fu spat out a mouthful of blood. In this almost distorted explosion, a smile appeared on her lips.

Yes, a C-grade could never beat an S-grade.

Ordinary people without status backgrounds must be exploited layer by layer in total ignorance.

But in her manufactured explosion, those aristocrats who clamored to devour ordinary people still ended up as her fuel.


The tearing roar echoed throughout the W-599 galaxy.

The shock was too great, the ripple too loud, even Qin Chu Yue, who was being chased by patrol guards and fleeing in panic, couldn’t help but turn back to look.

She was sitting in the stolen starship, looking towards the direction of the remote stars. What she saw in a glance was the huge firelight that could be seen even from space.

Qin Chu Yue chuckled. She whistled and laughed, “Darling, after three years off the scene, your strength is no weaker than it was back then.”

She heard Ji Fu’s gentle laughter from the other end.

At the same time, in the headquarters of the Imperial Star Alliance.

Because of the recent organization called the Butcher Shop, the entire alliance was in turmoil.

The morning meeting had been held repeatedly, and most of the high-level officials of the alliance had gathered, but they had not yet come up with an effective solution.

The dissatisfaction of the interstellar citizens with the alliance had also been rising steadily. At the meeting, the current head of the Alliance directly issued a quota, requiring them to capture the Butcher Shop and the person behind the scenes causing the trouble within half a month.

…and Qin Chu Yue.

The last item was rejected by Fang Yanli.

Fang Yanli sat at the front, looking down at the latest information in the light brain.

The data showed that at the scene of An Zaiyang’s death, a core piece of evidence had been hidden by the core members of the Alliance.

He looked up, his tone cold and indifferent. “Qin Chu Yue is the top priority target of the Supreme Bureau. If the Alliance wants to intervene in this matter…”

He stood up and scanned everyone around him. “Then starting today, the Supreme Bureau will take over all cases of the Alliance. Do you all agree?”

Dead silence filled the room.

The representatives of several noble families below even changed their expressions.

The head of the Li family, Li Zhihui, received a glance from someone and cleared his throat, ready to speak, but the light brain he was wearing suddenly beeped.

[Bleep, bleep, bleep] The highest-level alert tone sounded. Without needing his confirmation, the light brain directly issued a notification.

[Mourning report: Li Quan, Li Chi, Yu An deceased]

[Notify again…]

[Your younger brother Li Quan, son Li Chi, and W-599 galaxy patrol ship captain Yu An, all had their life signs zeroed out three minutes ago, all deceased].

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