Transmigrated as the Villain’s Sickly Younger Sister
Transmigrated as the Villain’s Sickly Younger Sister Chapter 5

Lu Yang escorted Lu Nian all the way without saying a word, and personally delivered her to the classroom, handing her over to the homeroom teacher waiting at the door.

Now, the early self-study had ended, the first class had started, and the math teacher was teaching.

When Lu Nian appeared at the classroom door, the eyes of all the classmates gathered on her, showing various expressions.

Children of this age are not good at hiding their emotions.

Lu Nian is a very special presence at school.

On one hand, her family is very wealthy, she is beautiful, and her lifestyle is top-notch.

On the other hand, she is often absent from school, her grades are terrible, her mood swings are unpredictable, and she has a bit of a spoiled attitude.

Many students are a little afraid of her.

Lu Nian’s seat is in the best position in the class, right in the middle of the third row. Her deskmate is a cute girl with an apple-shaped face, who has been sneakily glancing at her.

After Lu Nian put away her school bag, took out her textbooks, and everything was ready, the girl with the apple face carefully turned her head to the side and covered her face with a book, asking cautiously, “Nian Nian, you’re willing to come to school today.”

Lu Nian nodded. “I will come to school from now on.”

Lin Guoguo’s eyes widened, thinking she had misheard.

Lu Nian decided to study hard.

She thought that she should be able to do the knowledge of the fourth grade with her eyes closed now.

But a few seconds later, she saw the topics on the printed booklet on the desk.

Probability problems, logical reasoning.

What is this? Do elementary school students learn this kind of stuff?

Lin Guoguo whispered to her, “This class is Mr. Li’s Olympiad math class.”

Lu Nian, “…”

There’s even an Olympiad math class?

Ancheng Affiliated Elementary School is a private school.

After finishing her classes for the day, Lu Nian learned that in addition to the damn Olympiad math class, they also have classes with foreign teachers, speech classes, and even a second foreign language that can be freely chosen.

And she’s only in the fourth grade.

After school, Lin Guoguo said, “I still have piano and painting classes at home, and I haven’t finished my Olympiad math homework.”

In fact, even in elementary school at Ancheng Secondary School, some people already feel the pressure of further education, because everyone wants to continue studying at the affiliated secondary school.

If you’re not from a wealthy family, you have to rely on your own scores, and Lin Guoguo belongs to this category.

However, Lu Nian naturally does not belong to this category.

Even if she gets zero in all subjects, she can still go wherever she wants.

Lin Guoguo, envious, said before leaving, “Nian Nian, your family is so good, you should have better teachers, right?”

Lu Nian was speechless.

Elementary school students nowadays are so terrifying…

After a day of classes, Lu Nian felt exhausted.

She used to attend a regular junior high school and had never experienced this kind of pressure before.

She thought, it seems that Lu Nian’s brain is not that sharp.

Moreover, she only realized today in class that perhaps because of the increasing use of Lu Nian’s memories, her own memories seemed to be veiled, especially the memories of the knowledge she learned in her past life, which had become very vague on this body.

It seems that in this life, if she wants to excel through studying, she can only work hard.

The junior high school section finishes classes later than the elementary school section, so after school, the exhausted Lu Nian carefully hid in the classroom for a while, making sure that Lu Yang, who would usually come to escort her, was not around before she walked out of the classroom.

As usual, someone came to pick her up.

However, before getting on the car, Lu Nian suddenly remembered something.

Qin Si is also a child of the Lu family.

The car that came to pick her up was already at the school gate, so she naturally wanted to ask Qin Si if he was going back together.

Ancheng Affiliated Elementary School and Ancheng Affiliated Secondary School are not far apart, but the teaching areas are separate.

Lu Nian knew that Qin Si is currently in the fifth grade, one grade higher than her.

She walked very slowly, her short stature lost among a group of neatly dressed students in white school uniforms, not very noticeable.

Finally, she found Qin Si’s classroom.

She tiptoed around, quickly spotted Qin Si, and was very surprised to find another girl standing opposite him.

She’s also a very beautiful girl.

Who is she?

While Lu Nian was trying to recall Lu Nian’s memories, she heard someone call her nearby, “Qing You.”

The girl smiled and waved to the person.

Right, it’s her! Lu Nian’s eyes lit up as she remembered.

The original female lead, Su Qing You.

Lu Nian still remembered the plot of the original story.

The Su family and the Lu family were both prominent families in Ancheng, but the two families had never gotten along well, even in the business world.

Su Qingyou was also a young lady from a prominent family.

Although the Su family’s current development was far inferior to the Lu family’s, it was more like a declining prominent family.

The three brothers of the Lu family’s current generation were all very capable and had flourished in the political and business world.

Among them, Lu Zhihong was the most outstanding.

The next generation of the Su family, however, was mediocre.

Therefore, the Su family had gradually declined over the years and was overshadowed by the Lu family.

However, compared to the eccentric Lu Nian, Su Qingyou was more like a young lady.

She had an excellent reputation, outstanding academic performance, was talented in many ways, beautiful, and very gentle to everyone.

However, Su Qingyou later married the male lead, Zhao Tingyuan.

The Su and Zhao families formed an alliance, establishing a partnership. However, by then, the Lu family had already been taken over by Qin Si, who, as an adult, was even more ruthless than Lu Zhihong, the previous head of the family, and would stop at nothing to achieve his goals, whether through legal or illegal means.

So, even though the Su and Zhao families joined forces, they didn’t gain much advantage from Qin Si.

Instead, they were further suppressed by him.

In the end, Qin Si died on the day before his twenty-ninth birthday, at his own home. No one knew the reason.

Many people speculated that it was suicide because Qin Si’s mental state at that time made many people think he might go crazy and commit suicide.

Finally, Su Qingyou gradually nibbled away at the remaining power of the Lu family and the Su family rose again.

The male and female leads also had a happy ending, and the story ended perfectly.

However, what Lu Nian didn’t expect was that Su Qingyou would appear in her life so early.

And she was still classmates with Qin Si.

Compared to ordinary girls, the young female lead was indeed extraordinary from a young age.

Just like her name, Qing You was clear and quiet, her hair was smooth and flowing down, revealing a clean forehead.

Her complexion was not something that Lu Nian, a sickly girl, could compare with.

“Qin Si, are you in a hurry to go home?” Su Qing You asked with a smile. “Recently, our grade has a special math class. Only three students from our class were selected, and you are one of them. The teacher asked me to ask if you want to join? If you want to participate, just sign a consent form. I brought it for you.”

Su Qingyou naturally also knew Qin Si, the foster son of the Lu family.

After all, there had been many discussions and speculations about Lu Zhihong’s adoption of Qin Si, especially since Lu Zhihong only had one incompetent daughter.

There had been quite a few discussions in the Su family as well.

Qin Si still had that cold and indifferent look. “I’m not joining.”

Su Qing You didn’t expect him to refuse so decisively.

She was rarely treated like this, feeling a bit embarrassed. She hesitated for a moment and then said, “This class…”

Qin Si interrupted, “No money.”

Su Qing You, “…”

She wanted to say something more, but the boy had already turned and left.

Qin Si was very mature for his age.

His early life in the orphanage, the nightmare-like memories he had experienced, and later his experiences in the Lu family had taught him a lot.

He had seen many people and encountered many things, giving him an extraordinary sensitivity and intuition about many things.

He didn’t like Su Qing You.

Lu Nian, who had witnessed the whole thing from the side, thought to herself…

Su Qing You was a very charismatic person in the original text, mainly gentle and beautiful, especially attractive to men.

So far, it seemed that she was still very nice to Qin Si.

It’s just that Qin Si had never been influenced by her from the beginning to the end.

Maybe there really are people in this world who are so heartless.

She caught up with Qin Si and called out to him, “Qin Si!”

Qin Si heard her voice but didn’t turn back.

However, for some reason, his footsteps slowed down a bit.

Lu Nian was a little out of breath as she caught up with him, her eyes shining, “Are you going home?”

Qin Si glanced indifferently at the long line of nannies and the luxury cars parked on the roadside behind her but didn’t say anything.

Lu Nian thought he would ignore her again, but to her surprise, Qin Si replied, “I have feet, I can walk by myself.”

Still, in a unfriendly tone.

Lu Nian had learned to filter out his tone and only listened to the content.

Walk by himself?

She thought for a moment.

The distance from school to home was not very far, and she felt that her body really lacked exercise at the moment.

She had been thinking about how to exercise her body before.

Now it seemed like an opportunity.

She figured it out and turned around to wave to the nannies and the car parked on the side of the road, “Uncle and aunt, you can go home first. I won’t take the car today. I’ll walk home.”

Qin Si walked ahead.

His legs were longer than Lu Nian’s, so he walked fast.

Lu Nian followed him, wrapped up tightly.

Her short legs made it difficult for her to move on the road.

Qin Si noticed that the footsteps behind him had not stopped, so he turned around and saw Lu Nian walking seriously.

Her cheeks, which were rarely flushed, were no longer so pale. Her round and plump face, sweet and soft, was also warm.

Lu Nian followed Qin Si, counting his steps and cheering herself on in her heart.

Suddenly, she saw him stop abruptly, and then his steps slowed down noticeably.

Lu Nian finally stopped panting so heavily.

The boy’s figure still looked thin from behind, and the band-aid on his face hadn’t been removed yet.

However, his profile was still handsome.

His eyelashes cast shadows on his cheeks, highlighting his eyebrows and eyes, giving him a different kind of attractiveness from boys his age, with a hint of sharpness amidst his slight thinness.

He suddenly said, “I threw away my gloves.”

Lu Nian reacted and remembered what he had said.

Indeed… she felt a bit disappointed, although she had expected it.

“It’s okay if you throw them away, but next time, can you not tell me?” The girl’s cheeks puffed up. “I feel embarrassed too.”

Qin Si remained silent.

They continued to walk side by side.

Lu Nian walked crookedly, her backpack looking so big on her back.

She was sweating, and it was becoming more and more difficult for her to walk.

Without a word, he suddenly reached out and pulled her backpack off her shoulder.

Lu Nian felt lightened and happily looked up at him, her big eyes clear and transparent, like ripples in clear water.

Qin Si looked away, feeling a little stiff for some reason.

He tightly pursed his lips, thinking that throwing away her gloves that day was his fault.

This was a bit of compensation because he was always clear about right and wrong and remembered things very clearly.

He had no good feelings towards her.

The two children walked together in the sunset, always separated by a short distance, one in front and one behind.

Their shadows fell on the ground and somehow overlapped.

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