Transmigrated as the Villain’s Sickly Younger Sister
Transmigrated as the Villain’s Sickly Younger Sister Chapter 35.2

For a newly established business, if he changes places suddenly, he can only start over again.

Moreover, the conditions in the two places are completely different, so the changes are likely to be quite significant.

He is different from ordinary students, so naturally his considerations for choosing a school are also different.

He said, “I have already decided on my major.”

Although the ranking is not at the top, An Da is obviously not bad.

It is a school that can be considered prestigious in China.

The major he wants to apply for is also a strong one at An Da.

He found out that An Da has a special program where he can complete the credits two years ahead of time, which would also make it easier for him to graduate sooner.

Qin Si’s usual style is just like this, very well-planned, not missing any detail.

But Ming Ge was furious.

“What the hell are you talking about?” he roared. “Can this be the same? A person only goes to university once in a lifetime.

If there’s a better one, why not go there? You’re only eighteen, not eighty.

Can’t you support yourself? Why are you in such a hurry to earn money?”

Huang Mao and Xiao Qu trembled in fear.

Qin Si was not affected at all by his anger. He said, “It’s the same.”

Qin Si has been stubborn since he was a child, stubborn to the point where he won’t turn back until he hits a wall.

Few people can persuade him to change his mind.

Ming Ge was so angry that he wanted to beat him up.

But the boy had already grown taller than him, with broad shoulders and long legs. Ming Ge couldn’t beat him.

He was so angry that his eyes turned red, and he just wanted to kick the table.

It was clearly a happy occasion. Why did this little bastard suddenly become so inexplicable and impossible to communicate with?

What magic does An Cheng have that forces him to stay?

At the peak of his anger, a flash of insight came to him, and he calmed down instead. “Do you want to stay here to accompany Lu Nian?” he asked.

The boy raised his eyes coldly. “What’s it to you?”

Seeing that he finally reacted a bit, Ming Ge felt like he had hit the nail on the head.

“Did the Lu family give you some medicine?” Ming Ge said angrily. “Are they treating you well? Or did Lu Nian say she likes you and wants you to stay as her man?”

The boy’s fingers holding the glass tightened slowly.

On his pale, cold skin, the faint blue veins on the back of his hand could be seen.

“What right do you have?” Ming Ge was furious. “You’re just fooling yourself. Does she want you to stay? Who are you to her?”

Qin Si stood up slowly, casting a long shadow on the ground.

He was already a head taller than Ming Ge. He repeated, “I said, it has nothing to do with her.”

Ming Ge couldn’t get a word out when faced with those dark phoenix-like eyes.

He simply couldn’t get through to him. Ming Ge truly experienced how difficult he was to deal with for the first time.

In the middle of the night, he smashed a bottle to the ground in anger and ran out.

“Bro, Ming Ge.” Huang Mao hurriedly followed in fright.

Ming Ge ran out, and the cool breeze outside blew away some of his drunkenness, clearing his mind a little.

He took out his phone directly and called Lu Nian.

“Bro, are you okay?” Huang Mao followed from afar.

“What the hell do I have to be okay about?” Ming Ge roared. “It’s that brat’s head that’s messed up.”

It was already eleven o’clock at night. When the call connected, the voice on the other end was fuzzy, “Ming Ge?”

Hearing the soft voice of the girl, Ming Ge’s anger, even though it was raging, subsided by half.

After all, this matter had nothing to do with Lu Nian at all.

He couldn’t imagine that Lu Nian would say anything to make Qin Si stay in An Cheng, and what she said before was purely out of anger.

He also had no evidence to say that Qin Si was definitely staying for Lu Nian.

After all, what he said made some sense.

He lowered his voice, “Sis Nian, that guy surnamed Qin has lost his mind in the middle of the night. Why don’t you come and persuade him?”

Lu Nian had already gone to bed and was awakened by this phone call.

She was still wearing her pajamas, with her hair loose on her shoulders.

When she heard this, her sleepiness vanished completely.

“He’s filling out his college application tomorrow,” Ming Ge said. “Why don’t you come tomorrow and talk to him? Otherwise, all his exam results will be wasted.”

He briefly explained the situation, exaggerating a bit, saying that Qin Si’s mind had turned to mush and he suddenly went nuts, refusing to leave and insisting on studying at a local third-tier college.

Lu Nian’s heart sank.

After hanging up the phone, she got up from the bed in the middle of the night, changed her clothes, and combed her hair.

Luckily, Lu Zhihong isn’t home tonight.

She can’t wait until tomorrow.

“Miao Miao.” Lu Nian ran out and knocked on Miao Miao’s door next door, pleading, “I have a very important thing tonight. Can you give me a ride?”

The car from the Lu family is definitely out of the question.

Miao Miao’s boyfriend lives nearby and has a car.

Miao Miao was about to go to sleep and was chatting with her boyfriend before bed.

Lu Nian rarely begs her like this.

Just this once, she promised to come back soon, and Miao Miao finally agreed.

She has been taking care of Lu Nian since she was a child, and now it’s been many years.

She treats her almost like a sister.

Everyone in the Lu family was asleep.

It was an ordinary night.

Outside, light rain was falling, slanting against the car windows.

After Ming Ge finished the call, he took a walk outside to clear his mind before returning to the bar.

Qin Si asked, “Where did you just go?”

“I went out for some fresh air.” Ming Ge said gruffly, “Are you trying to drive me crazy? Not letting me go out for some fresh air?”

Qin Si didn’t look away.

Ming Ge stiffened, and the two of them stood there facing each other.

“Give me your phone.” he said.

“What do you want my phone for?” Ming Ge covered his pocket, “It has my ** in it, do you know that.”

Huang Mao came up to persuade, “We’re all a bit drunk tonight, why don’t we stop drinking, go back to our rooms, and get a good night’s sleep.”

Xiao Qu also hurriedly said, “We’re all drunk, what we say now doesn’t count. Let’s talk about it when we wake up tomorrow.”

Qin Si usually doesn’t drink, but all the bottles of wine that were laid out before are now empty, and Xiao Qu doesn’t dare to persuade him.

Outside the bar, there was suddenly a faint knocking on the door.

Everyone fell silent.

Huang Mao jumped off the stool, “She’s here, she’s here.” He hurried to open the door.

A slender figure appeared at the door of the bar.

The look in Qin Si’s eyes towards him was murderous.

Ming Ge was almost sweating cold, and after his anger subsided, he didn’t expect Lu Nian to come over like this in the rain at night.

Huang Mao and Xiao Qu continued to dutifully pretend to be deaf and dumb, acting as background.

Lu Nian came out in a hurry, her hair hadn’t been combed, just loose on her shoulders, making her look even more fragile.

“Let’s go, let’s go.” Ming Ge said in a low voice, pulling Huang Mao and Xiao Qu away.

Leaving this place to the two of them.

There wasn’t much time left for Lu Nian.

She and Miao Miao had agreed, just half an hour, then immediately return.

Lu Nian anxiously asked, “Ming Ge said, you want to stay in An Cheng?”

The boy avoided her gaze, “…no.”

Seeing him like this, Lu Nian was even more sure.

She felt her head spinning, “Why? This way, you’ll waste your grades.”

Not going to a top university, wanting to study at a local third-tier one?

She began to suspect Qin Si.

Was he quietly making bad decisions behind her back again, otherwise why would he suddenly make such a ridiculous decision?

Thinking like this all the way, her mind was also in a mess, like being stuffed with a large pile of cotton.

Qin Si, “It’s not much of a difference.”

He was used to being pessimistic.

Fate between people is very fragile. Sometimes, just a short period of not seeing each other makes them unfamiliar, let alone years of not being able to meet, and moreover, she doesn’t have that kind of feeling for him now.

In the past, when it came to furthering their education, it was her who insisted on following him all the way.

This time, it was his rational consideration and decision.

It was raining outside, dripping.

How can you say that TOP and a third-tier are not much of a difference?

Lu Nian felt that he was deliberately trying to anger her.

“Say it again.” Lu Nian found herself so angry that her head was spinning.

Qin Si showed no signs of wavering.

She was so angry that she spoke without thinking, “Then I’ll go abroad, I won’t stay here anymore, you can study whatever you want.”

Out of sight, out of mind.

She remembered her conversation with Lu Zhihong.

If her grades in the third year of high school couldn’t improve, going abroad had almost become a certainty.

If she didn’t resist Lu Zhihong, she would always be his puppet.

“You go.” He said indifferently, “Aren’t you happy to go abroad with your boyfriend?”

What boyfriend?

Lu Nian had no idea where this boyfriend came from.

But then, a thought suddenly flashed through her mind, remembering the woman in the bar that day.

Could it be that, for that woman, he insisted on staying, and even wanted to study in a third-tier?

She remembered that Bai Xi seemed to be studying at a night school in one of those third-tier schools, which Xiao Qu secretly told her about.

Truly fallen.

Thinking of Bai Xi’s words, and then thinking of Qin Si’s nonsense just now, she was so angry that her fingers trembled, “What right do you have to care if I have a boyfriend?”

“As for you, it’s best to go as far away as possible. I don’t want to see you anymore.” She said fiercely, “If you insist on staying here, don’t ever think about seeing me again.”

His heart was pierced by her words.

With his thin lips tightly pressed together, he smirked, “Do you think I want to see you? Did I stay for you? Will I change my mind if I can’t see you?”

Lu Nian’s face flushed red.

Seeing her like this, he regretted it already.

After Ming Ge left, half of the bottles on the bar were already empty.

He broke his vow and silently drank all of them. Now he realized that he was drunk too, and his mind was no longer clear.

In the sound of the rain late at night, the girl’s face was pale, with long black hair draped over her shoulders, looking particularly fragile, her face flushed red.

With the intoxication taking over, his usual self-control finally broke down.

He wanted to step forward and hug her, hold her in his arms, and comfort her.

In the darkness, just as his fingers were about to touch her…

“You stay.” Lu Nian spoke up, her voice tinged with exhaustion, “Then we won’t see each other again.”

She left without looking back.

The sound of rain was still pattering, getting louder, hitting the window frames, making a rustling sound, the night was pitch black, a rain that seemed endless.


The 18th birthday party of the only daughter of the Lu family was held in a lively manner, with almost all the celebrities in An Cheng attending.

The eighteen-year-old girl had already grown into a slender and delicate beauty, with black hair and snow-white skin, almost enough to attract the attention of everyone present.

The Zhao brothers were naturally invited.

After socializing outside for a while, Lu Nian returned to her small living room, feeling that her whole body was not her own.

There were slight footsteps behind her.

Someone appeared behind her.

Lu Nian turned abruptly, meeting the boy’s pair of cat-like peach blossom eyes.

“Who let you in?” Lu Nian said weakly and angrily, “Can’t you be more careful?”

What if she was changing clothes in the room?

“I’m still a minor.” Zhao Yayuan smiled, leaning on the edge of the sofa lazily, “Congratulations on becoming an adult, sister.”

Lu Nian was too weak to speak, “…then thank you.”

She hadn’t been feeling very well during this period.

Especially after that rainy night, when she came back from the bar, after calming down from her anger, she had a splitting headache.

She regretted it.

She felt that she shouldn’t have talked to Qin Si like that.

She should have sat down and had a good talk with him calmly, understanding each other’s thoughts more, and she should have trusted him more, the Qin Si she knew.

Rather than constantly speculating that he would go astray because of the original book’s plot.

But there’s no regret medicine in the world.

“My parents brought you some things, I haven’t looked, so I’ll just give them to you.” Zhao Yayuan said, “You can open them yourself later.”

“Thank you,” Lu Nian said.

“But those are from my parents, and mine.” He lazily lay there.

“You can choose whatever you want from my things.” Zhao Yayuan said, “CDs, game discs, headphones, just take whatever you like.”

“…No need.” Lu Nian said, “Thank you anyway.”

However, with Zhao Yayuan’s teasing, her heavy heart felt a little better, but she still felt lazy and lacked energy.

Whether it was because it had been too hot recently, or because she was in a bad mood, her physical condition had not been very good.

Xi Feng Road.

Just past midnight.

After a cold rain, the hot temperature finally dropped.

The boy opened the drawer and pushed the box to the bottom, in the room where Lu Nian had once lived, in the deepest part of the drawer.

The gifts that were not given away may never be given away again.

It was estimated that she would never come here again.

He looked towards the direction of the Lu family.

A grand banquet was about to be held there, which had nothing to do with him.

They were people from two different worlds.

Lu Nian’s eighteenth birthday had passed, but the summer vacation had not yet ended.

Lu Zhihong asked her to go to the study.

Lu Nian’s energy had not been very good during this period.

After the intense conflict that day, she had not contacted Qin Si again.

She even intentionally avoided all news related to the college entrance examination, living her life as usual, plain and uneventful.

“You haven’t been resting well recently?” Lu Zhihong looked at her and asked.

Lu Nian’s skin was fair, so when she didn’t rest well occasionally, it was especially obvious.

Lu Nian shook her head, “It’s okay, I just had a nightmare last night.”

Lu Zhihong nodded, “Pay attention to your daily routine, don’t tire yourself out too much.”

He said slowly, “I mentioned before, that I was looking for a new tutor for you, to help you with your weak subjects. Now, there is a suitable candidate.”

Lu Nian was not surprised at all, nodded perfunctorily, indicating that she accepted Lu Zhihong’s arrangement.

Lu Zhihong said, “He arrived today, you come and communicate with him first.”

Lu Nian absentmindedly, “Okay.”

After the study door opened.

What caught her eye was the boy’s straight, long legs.

Looking up, Lu Nian’s expression slowly froze on her face.

Lu Zhihong said, “Do you still remember him? You should have met when you were young, although he hasn’t been in our house for a long time. I remember I asked you several times, you said you didn’t know him well.”

“He is the top scorer in the college entrance examination in An Cheng this year and has been admitted to the finance major of A University.” Lu Zhihong said, “He can be considered your senior, so don’t treat him as a tutor. Even if he is a senior helping a junior with lessons.”

Liu Zhihong has always liked smart and talented young people.

When Qin Si left the Liu family without permission, taking everything with him, legally, he had no relationship with the Liu family anymore.

Liu Zhihong naturally received reports about Qin Si’s leaving.

Liu Zhihong didn’t pay much attention at the time.

He let Qin Si go on his own outside, and then he really didn’t care about this matter anymore.

If he could make it, Liu Zhihong would be happy to see it. If he couldn’t make it, Liu Zhihong wouldn’t give him any more attention.

He never expected that the boy who was already abandoned by the Liu family at that time would stumble and grow up to this point on his own.

Liu Zhihong also never expected that when he was looking for a tutor for Lu Nian, this young man would come to recommend himself.

He said he didn’t want any payment, just wanted to help as a friend because he was studying a related major and hoped to have the opportunity to intern at the Liu family in the future.

He had a conversation with Qin Si and really appreciated the young man’s thinking and eloquence.

He was right about his vision back then.

This child was indeed clever, with a talent for remembering things at a glance, and his reserved and mature personality also pleased Liu Zhihong.

Coupled with his almost perfect college entrance exam score, Liu Zhihong was very willing to let Qin Si come and teach Lu Nian.

Lu Nian was completely stunned.

She stood there blankly, unable to say a word.

The boy was wearing a black shirt, his face handsome, his figure tall and straight, like a beautiful jade tree.

However, his expression was indifferent, as if he didn’t recognize her at all.

In front of Liu Zhihong, she didn’t dare to reveal any clues.

“Let’s start today,” Liu Zhihong said, “You two should get to know each other first. Xiao Qin has learned your weak subjects very well. After all, there’s not much time left until he goes to college. Let him help you for the ten days before he goes to university.”

After they left the study, the two of them walked one after the other in the corridor, and Qin Si remained as silent as ever.

She remembered Liu Zhihong’s words.

A University.

Why did he change his mind again?

And then he came to her house out of the blue, wanting to come and tutor her.

Lu Nian couldn’t speak too loudly.

Her face was red with anger, and she couldn’t hold back her anger.

She asked in a low voice, “What do you mean?”

Was Qin Si the kind of person who would come to tutor someone?

She couldn’t remember him ever explaining a question to anyone.

Moreover, it was her home, the Liu family that he hated to the bone.

They had just had a big argument before, almost tearing their faces apart.

She had said those words to him, thinking that Qin Si would never talk to her again in his life.

The boy remained completely professional, his tone cold. “I need money, so I came to work. Your family offers high wages. What’s the problem with me coming?”

The boy’s side profile was handsome, with straight brows and a clean, sharp jawline.

The black shirt collar was loose, revealing a small piece of skin near the collarbone, clean and neat, with a slight indentation above the collarbone.

Together with his indifferent expression, he appeared even more seductive yet restrained.

Lu Nian was furious.

So, you’re pretending not to know me?

Pretending to be indifferent?

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