Solve The Case: Gene Fusion
Solve The Case: Gene Fusion Chapter 1

Chapter 1: K-9’s Olfactory Gene Fusion

Ningjiang County, 3 p.m., Songxi Township, Blissful District, Block 10, Unit 808.

Luo Fei, a trainee police officer who joined the force three days ago, was understanding a new case with his mentor, Zhang Haiyang.

At noon today, the Songxi Township Police Station received a report that Zhang Lan of Blissful District, Block 10, Unit 808, had lost an expensive cat with a precious pedigree. It had not been home for 24 hours, so she was hoping the police station could help her find her cat.

Since Zhang Haiyang did not have any cases at hand, he came over with his new mentee, Luo Fei.

“Ms. Zhang, when was the last time you saw your cat?” Zhang Haiyang asked the lady in front of him, who had a plump figure, smooth porcelain skin, and worry written all over her features.

“It was when I went out yesterday at 11 a.m.; at that time, Daisy was still in the room. I went back late last night and felt really sleepy, so I slept once I reached home, and I didn’t pay attention to whether Daisy was still in the room. But when I woke up this morning, I realized that Daisy wasn’t around anymore.” The lady answered hurriedly.

Next to him, Zhang Haiyang saw that Luo Fei immediately took out a book and a pen to record notes, and he felt relatively content with this mentee.

To be honest, when the station’s director told him to guide Luo Fei two days ago, Zhang Haiyang was very reluctant about it—he found it troublesome to take care of newcomers, considered young people nowadays to belong to the strawberry generation, and thought they bring bad habits with them. To top it off, Luo Fei did not graduate from a reputable police academy; hence, Zhang Haiyang loathed this arrangement.

However, the police station received four newcomers this year, and the few experienced old seniors were all tasked with guiding them, so even if Zhang Haiyang was unwilling, he did not have a choice.

Fortunately, after spending the past two days together, he was generally pleased with this mentee. Luo Fei possessed a sharp intellect and a diligent work ethic, without any indulgent habits that might come from being born with a silver spoon, and showed sufficient respect to his mentor.

Zhang Haiyang then continued to ask for more details, while Luo Fei noted down everything beside him.

However, at this time, Luo Fei’s mind was clearly not focused on finding the cat. Instead, he was far more concerned about the Gold Finger in his head.

Gene Fusion System

Six months ago, Luo Fei, a third-tier suspense novelist struggling to make ends meet, stayed up late for a week to finish a novel. Exhausted to his limit, his intense efforts ultimately led to his sudden death, and he found himself in a parallel world with a new identity.

Luo Fei is from a single-parent family of four. His mother works in the cafeteria of a junior high school to support the family, while his younger siblings are still studying. As a graduate of a third-tier college, he struggled through four years of solitary study only to find himself unemployed upon graduation and resigned to idle away at home.

As a traverse of parallel worlds, Luo Fei awakened the Gold Finger in the nick of time. However, before he could get caught up in it, the system prompted that becoming a civil policeman was the only means to bind himself to the Gold Finger.

And the only way to do that was to take the civil service examination.

But Luo Fei had graduated for N years prior to becoming a traverser, making it highly improbable for him to pursue the civil service exam.

But when faced with the temptation of the Gold Finger, who could resist its allure?

Spurred by an unyielding resolve, Luo Fei purchased nearly all available public examination materials in one fell swoop. He immersed himself in relentless study, dedicating at least eighteen hours each day to the pursuit of knowledge, rarely stepping away from his books except to eat and sleep.

Providence does not let down a man who does his best. In April, during the provincial examination, Luo Fei applied for a position at the local Songxin Township police station and was accepted successfully.

Given that the police profession demands a high level of expertise and professionalism, police recruitment often entails the selection of graduates from esteemed police academies who have undergone rigorous training in public security examinations.

In fact, the quota for public security system enrollment remains notably scarce, with civilian entrants comprising the bulk of recruitments. Luckily, this year, the Songxin Town Police Station unexpectedly unveiled a singular position under the public examination enrollment, arousing curiosity among the enrollees.

In light of this circumstance, Luo Fei seized the opportunity with fervour—securing second place in the written test and first place in the interview—thus clinching the top spot in the overall scores, and ultimately marking his entry into becoming an esteemed police officer.

At this very moment, Luo Fei was bound to the Gold Finger.

Gene Fusion System
Host: Luo Fei

Gender: Male
Age: 23
Gene Fusion: None
Gold Coins: 0
Gene Mall: African Hyena Patience Gene (2,000 gold coins), Mantis Reaction Gene (2,000 gold coins), Monkey Sensitivity Gene (2,000 gold coins), Eagle Sight Gene (2,000 gold coins), Viper Infrared Imaging Gene (2,000 gold coins), Gorilla Strength Gene (2,000 gold coins), Ant Strength Gene (5,000 gold coins), Cheetah Speed Gene (3,000 gold coins)

Luo Fei was no stranger to the functions of the system.

“Ding! Congratulations! You have obtained the newbie gift pack: K-9’s olfactory gene. [1]TL’s note: Olfactory relates to the sense of smell. We advise that the host fuse with it immediately.” The system’s prompt chimed.

Without a moment’s hesitation, Luo Fei’s excitement soared as he selected the fusion option. The system stood supreme, and its advice carried immeasurable weight in Luo Fei’s eyes.

In an instant, Luo Fei felt a sudden itch in his nose, and then, the system announced that the K-9 olfactory gene had been successfully fused.

Almost immediately, Luo Fei was inundated with a myriad of scents that assaulted his senses—a melange of lady’s perfume, sweat, snail noodles’ stench, a cat’s body odour, and more. In that fleeting moment, a wave of discomfort engulfed him, rendering him utterly uneasy.

Thankfully, the sensation came and went swiftly. In no time, Luo Fei found himself completely adapted to the array of scents that filled his nostrils. He couldn’t help but wonder if this swift adjustment was due to the system’s influence.

“Ms. Zhang, can we take a look inside?” Zhang Haiyang inquired Zhang Lan.

“Uh, yes, come in.” Zhang Lan replied, hesitating for a moment before stepping aside to let Zhang Haiyang and Luo Fei in.

Zhang Haiyang took the lead and walked into the house, while Luo Fei contained the excitement bubbling within and followed closely behind him.

The house had four rooms and two bathrooms, spanning an estimated area of over one hundred and fifty square feet.

The house boasted an exquisite and orderly décor, except for the half-eaten snail noodles resting on the coffee table in the centre of the living room that were emitting an overpowering scent.

Zhang Lan hastily covered up the noodles and packed them away for disposal in the bin.

After seeking Zhang Lan’s approval, Zhang Haiyang went and surveyed his surroundings.

Luo Fei, as a trainee police officer, followed Zhang Haiyang’s steps closely with an expression brimming with eagerness to learn.

Upon checking the bedroom, Zhang Haiyang and Luo Fei went to inspect the bathroom, particularly attentive to any potential escape routes for a cat.

As they approached the bathroom’s entrance, Luo Fei detected a faint stench.

“Mentor Zhang, do you not smell that disgusting odour?” Luo Fei questioned him as he noticed Zhang Haiyang’s indifferent expression.

“A disgusting odour?” Zhang Haiyang shook his head before exiting the bathroom.

Dismissing the odour as a commonplace occurrence in a bathroom, Luo Fei instead felt a surge of satisfaction upon confirming his heightened sense of smell.

He then followed suit and went out of the bathroom.

In the Living Room

“Ms. Zhang, are you certain you didn’t leave the window open when you returned yesterday?”

“No, I returned late last night,”

As Luo Fei reentered the living room, he halted abruptly, suddenly turning apprehensive and lost in deep thought.

That faint stench earlier felt so familiar; what is it? Hm…

The stench of a corpse, that must be it. It’s the stench of a rotting animal corpse?

Realization dawned on Luo Fei; he recalled that the smell in the bathroom was akin to that of rotting animal corpses, but its faintness initially eluded his notice.

Luo Fei retraced his steps to the bathroom, where the faint stench once again assailed his senses. He identified the source of the odour—wafting in from the neighbouring balcony, its intensity increasing as he approached the window.

He leaned closer to the window and drew in a deep breath, confirming his suspicions that the stench was coming from the balcony of the neighbouring house.

Meanwhile, in the living room, Zhang Haiyang was still questioning Zhang Lan.

Luo Fei stepped out of the bathroom.

“Mentor Zhang, I’ll go next door and ask if they’ve seen a cat,” Luo Fei informed Zhang Haiyang and left the house, making his way straight to the neighbouring unit, 828, the source of the foul odour.

Luo Fei did not know what kind of corpse rotting smell it was, but probably because he had written too many suspense novels in his past life, he suspected that there must be something wrong with all this.

“Thud thud thud.”

Luo Fei’s knock echoed against the door, yet silence persisted even after some time.

“Thud thud thud.”

He knocked on the door again.

“Coming! Who is it?” A voice laced with a trifle of annoyance sounded from within, followed by the “tip-tap” sounds of slippers drawing nearer.

“What’s your problem?” With a creak, the door swung open slightly, revealing a ferocious, bearded countenance glowering at Luo Fei with bloodshot eyes, his voice menaced with anger and impatience.

(End of Chapter)


1 TL’s note: Olfactory relates to the sense of smell.


Hi I'm Joyce, a translator bringing stories to life across languages on Shanghai Fantasy! If you enjoyed the story/translations, donations at Patreon and/or Ko-fi are GREATLY appreciated! '*.¸♡ happy reading! ♡¸.*'

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