Blue Fog
Blue Fog Chapter 1

The sky was gloomy, layered with thick clouds of lead.

The weather forecast predicted snow in the evening, but whether it would be accurate or not was uncertain.

Chen Qing Wu ascended the steps, about to raise her hand to knock on the door, when it suddenly opened.

Aunt Qi poked her head out, smiling from ear to ear. “I just said you should be here and then I heard the sound of a car—come in quickly! Isn’t it cold outside, Qing Wu?”

“A little.” Chen Qing Wu smiled.

Aunt Qi warmly took her hand. “Why are your hands so cold? And why aren’t you wearing more clothes? Come in quickly, I’ll have Auntie make you a cup of hot tea.” With that, she led her into the house.

Outside, Meng Qi Ran shouted loudly, “Mom, don’t close the door, I haven’t come in yet!”

Carrying a suitcase, Meng Qi Ran hurriedly stepped forward. Aunt Qi made as if to close the door, but he quickly squeezed in.

Aunt Qi laughed and patted him on the back. “You’re all grown up, can’t you be a bit more steady?”

She handed the suitcase to the maid at home and then led Chen Qing Wu directly to the tea room. “We’re playing mahjong. I’ve been having a terrible luck today, so it’s perfect for you to take my place.”

“I’m not good at it.”

“It’s okay, just play casually. I’m going to check on the fire. Qing Wu, don’t you love the fish I make? I specially cooked fish for you.”

“Thank you for your trouble.”

Ignoring the fact that she was already twenty-five years old, Aunt Qi still treated her like she did when she was a child, reaching out to pinch her cheek as if she loved her quiet and obedient appearance.

In the tea room, both the parents of Chen and Meng were present, and the card game paused for a moment as everyone enjoyed a cup of hot tea to refresh themselves. The room was filled with the aroma of tea mixed with the sweet scent of desserts.

The Chen family and the Meng family had a long-standing friendship. During this period before and after the New Year, when business was temporarily suspended, whenever there was free time, the two families would gather together to pass the time.

As soon as she entered, everyone turned to look, “Qing Wu is back.”

Mrs. Chen reached out, and Chen Qing Wu walked over to her.

Mrs. Chen held her hand and looked her up and down. “Why have you lost so much weight?”

“I’ve been busy with things before the New Year.”

Uncle Meng asked, “Where did Qing Wu come back from?”

Chen’s mother replied, “Jingdezhen. That broken place, neither high-speed rail nor planes can reach it directly, and it’s very troublesome to come back.”

Jingdezhen was one of the holy lands in the hearts of ceramic artists, not some broken place. But Chen Qing Wu didn’t speak up, too lazy to argue over a small matter.

Mr. Chen said, “In my opinion, Qing Wu, you should come back early and do something proper.”

Chen Qing Wu’s tone was gentle, but her argument was firm, “How is making ceramics not a proper job?”

Uncle Meng chimed in, “Old Chen, your old-fashioned thinking needs an update. The teacups you hold these days are all made by Qing Wu herself.”

Mr. Chen chuckled and looked at Mrs. Chen, “I always said we should have sent Qing Wu to the Meng family when she was young. The way old Meng protects her, one would think Qing Wu was their biological daughter.”

Uncle Meng also laughed, “I’d rather trade Qi Ran for Qing Wu. He’s never home and never does anything productive.”

Qi Ran looked innocent, “I haven’t even said a word since I walked in, and I’m already getting an earful.”

The nanny who was pouring tea interjected jokingly, “Why talk about Meng’s family and Chen’s family? Just have Qing Wu marry Qi Ran earlier, and you’ll all be one family.”

Everyone laughed heartily.

Qi Ran chuckled lightly, seeming unconcerned.

Chen Qing Wu glanced at him.

Having grown up together, she understood the meaning behind his smile better than anyone else. When he remained noncommittal, this was usually his response.

In theory, she should have been indifferent, but she couldn’t ignore the slight sense of weightlessness that came over her in that moment.

The card game resumed, and Chen Qing Wu took Auntie Qi’s place.

Qi Ran had nothing to do, so he sat next to her, helping with the cards, and asked, “Has my brother not returned yet?”

Uncle Meng said, “He has a business meeting tonight, so he might not come back for dinner.”

“What kind of business requires a meeting on the twenty-eighth of the twelfth lunar month?”

“It’s not easy to make money these days. I think you should learn a thing or two about working from your brother.”

Qi Ran joked, “Do you think I’ll earn money more easily by racing cars?”

At this moment, Auntie Qi came in with a plate of desserts and interjected, “That’s right, your prize money is like buying your life.”

“Legitimate races are quite safe.”

Auntie Qi placed the desserts next to Chen Qing Wu’s seat and said, “Qing Wu, scold him for me. Tell him not to participate in that motorcycle championship.”

Qi Ran said, “Qing Wu, you should scold my mom instead. She sends me videos of racing accidents every day. Who can stand that?”

Chen Qing Wu just smiled and didn’t get involved in their banter.

Qi Ran picked up a dessert and frowned, “Why didn’t you tell me it’s durian filling?”

“It’s for Qing Wu. Who told you to be so greedy?” Auntie Qi glanced at Chen Qing Wu’s card pile, smiled, and patted her shoulder. “Play well.”

Uncle Meng chuckled, “What’s the meaning of this?”

Auntie Qi raised her eyebrows, “It means Qing Wu has a good hand, so you all better be ready to pay up.”

Auntie Qi left the tea room for a moment to go to the kitchen. When she came back, the game had already ended.

“How did it go? How much did you win?”

Chen Qing Wu felt very embarrassed. “I lost.”

“Oh dear,” Auntie Qi lamented.

Chen Qing Wu stood up and offered her seat, “Auntie, you play. My card skills are really not good. Maybe sitting on the plane for too long gave me a headache. I’ll go outside for some fresh air.”

Auntie Qi sat down, “Wear more clothes, it’s cold outside.”


Qi Ran grabbed Chen Qing Wu’s wrist, “Shall I accompany you outside?”

“No need, I’ll just walk around the yard.”

Chen Qing Wu put on the cotton coat hanging on the coat rack by the door, pushed it open, and was hit by a cold gust of wind.

It was already dark, and the front yard was lit up.

Walking down the steps, she felt something land on her face, a cold spot. She wiped it away with her hand and realized it was starting to snow.

She walked to the leeward side under the tree and felt the pockets of her coat.

She still had one cigarette left, but she had discarded the lighter when boarding the plane.

Chen Qing Wu zipped up her coat, put her hands in her pockets, and walked out the door.

Red lanterns were hung everywhere in the neighborhood, giving off a warm glow. The snow was falling heavier now, so she pulled up her hood and quickened her pace.

Just as she stepped out of the community gate, a black SUV drove up.

Chen Qing Wu stepped aside, but the car slowed to a stop.

The window rolled down, and a deep voice came out, “Qing Wu.”

Because of the wind, it sounded faint.

Chen Qing Wu looked up.

The person in the car wore thin-framed glasses, with a calm expression, exuding coldness akin to a lone peak in the snow.

It was Meng Fu Yuan, Qi Ran’s older brother.

Chen Qing Wu quickly greeted, “Brother Fu Yuan.”

When she was learning to talk as a child, it was hard to pronounce the “F” sound, so her parents told her to skip it and just call him “Brother Fu Yuan.” She got used to it, and it never changed—more than twenty years of habit made it awkward to change.

Meng Fu Yuan looked at her, “Where are you going?”

“Out to buy something.”

“You’re walking?”

“…Yes.” The nearest supermarket was about a kilometer away, so walking wasn’t too far.

“Where’s Qi Ran?”

“At home.”

“He’s not coming with you?”

“No, I’ll just walk there.”

“I will drop you.”

Chen Qing Wu obediently walked over and opened the car door.

As she stepped in, a faint fragrance filled the car, with a cool tone, like the unthawed spring water of early spring.

Meng Fu Yuan subtly held his breath, glancing at her before retracting his gaze. “Why didn’t you bring an umbrella when you went out?”

“I didn’t realize it was going to rain when I left, so I didn’t bother going back for one.”

Meng Fu Yuan reversed the car, made a turn, and re-entered the lane.

“What do you need to buy?” Meng Fu Yuan asked casually.

Chen Qing Wu hesitated for a moment. “…Snacks.”

Smoking had become a recent bad habit she picked up this year, which neither Qi Ran nor her family knew about. If they found out, she would surely receive a scolding, and her father might even personally supervise her quitting.

Her smoking habit had nothing to do with rebellion; it purely stemmed from one night when she was squatting, waiting for the kiln to open. Feeling tired and sleepy, the kiln worker handed her a cigarette, and she accepted it without much thought. He then offered a light, and she lit up out of curiosity. It made her cough at first, but after trying a few more times, she learned how to smoke on her own.

This habit continued, but she didn’t develop an addiction. It served as occasional relief from boredom.

To avoid trouble, Chen Qing Wu chose to lie.

Two minutes later, the car stopped in front of the convenience store.

Chen Qing Wu opened the door, and Meng Fu Yuan turned off the engine, opening his door as well.

After getting out of the car, Chen Qing Wu saw Meng Fu Yuan open the back door and take out a black umbrella, which opened automatically with a soft “pop”.

In the next moment, the umbrella was handed to her.

She was slightly taken aback. “…It’s okay.”

Meng Fu Yuan’s hand didn’t retreat, and his expression hinted at some insistence.

Feeling that she had already taken up too much of his time, Chen Qing Wu accepted the umbrella.

At that moment, Meng Fu Yuan turned and headed towards the convenience store.

Chen Qing Wu couldn’t tell if he was planning to buy something too.

Without thinking too much, she followed him.

Meng Fu Yuan didn’t use the umbrella, wearing a long black coat instead, his figure tall and straight, exuding a sense of purity amidst the fine snow.

In fact, using the umbrella was quite unnecessary for the short distance they had to walk. Chen Qing Wu put away the umbrella at the door and followed Meng Fu Yuan inside.

There were no other customers in the store, only one attendant.

Chen Qing Wu walked towards the snack aisle, while Meng Fu Yuan paused and headed towards the drinks counter in the same direction.

As he opened the cabinet door, he glanced slightly upwards, his gaze lightly brushing over Chen Qing Wu’s cheek.

The last time they met was during the Dragon Boat Festival, and it had been more than half a year since then. She seemed to have lost a lot of weight, wearing a black cashmere skirt with a black cotton jacket, her pale skin almost devoid of color, giving her a somewhat ethereal appearance. Like an item on a display shelf, under the cold white light, she looked almost fragile.

He wondered how she had been taking care of herself.

Chen Qing Wu didn’t usually eat snacks, so she hesitated while browsing the shelves and ended up grabbing a box of chocolates at random.

As they turned a corner towards the checkout counter, she hesitated for a moment, glanced at the items on the shelf, and then looked away.

Meng Fu Yuan paused his steps at the spot where Chen Qing Wu had stopped, and looked down.

It was a box of lighters.

At the checkout counter, Meng Fu Yuan stood behind Chen Qing Wu and handed the bottle of water to the cashier for scanning.

Chen Qing Wu quickly opened her payment code and smiled, saying, “Let me pay for both.”

The bill was too small for Meng Fu Yuan to argue about splitting it.

After leaving the convenience store, they returned to the car.

Chen Qing Wu fastened her seatbelt and thanked Meng Fu Yuan, to which he merely responded with a faint “Hmm”.

There was no conversation between them on the way back.

Chen Qing Wu didn’t find it strange; Meng Fu Yuan always gave off an aura of solemnity that made him unapproachable. Despite Qi Ran’s fearless demeanor, he still showed a hint of fear towards his older brother.

Meng Fu Yuan attended college in the northern city and then went abroad for further studies. By the time he returned to China, Chen Qing Wu had already left home for her studies.

Over the years, their lives had followed different paths, and their contact had become increasingly sparse. They never chatted privately on WeChat, only occasionally liking each other’s posts.

Chen Qing Wu didn’t even know how to start a conversation with someone like Meng Fu Yuan, but she knew he detested meaningless social interactions.

Her phone buzzed in her pocket.

Chen Qing Wu took it out and saw that it was a call from Meng Qi Ran.

Answering, Meng Qi Ran asked where she was, as dinner was about to be served.

Chen Qing Wu said, “I ran into Brother Fu Yuan at the door. We’ll be there soon.”

After hanging up, Meng Fu Yuan, who had been silent all this while, finally asked, “Is Qi Ran picking you up?”


But that was the end of their conversation.

They soon arrived outside the gate.

Snow had already accumulated on the bushes and leaves in the courtyard. Chen Qing Wu closed the car door and saw the villa door open, with Meng Qi Ran walking out.

“Is it snowing?” Meng Qi Ran asked.


Meng Fu Yuan turned off the engine and got out of the car, taking a look outside. Chen Qing Wu stood in front of Meng Qi Ran, who naturally reached out to brush the snow off her shoulders and hat.

They had always been so intimate.

Meng Fu Yuan closed the door lightly, and Meng Qi Ran looked over, greeting with a smile, “Brother, are you done with your business?”

Meng Fu Yuan nodded calmly.

The three of them entered the house together, with Meng Qi Ran and Chen Qing Wu leading the way.

Meng Qi Ran, like a child playing with a toy train, put his hand on Chen Qing Wu’s shoulder and gently pushed her towards the dining room.

The dishes were already on the table, and the parents of both families were taking their seats.

Auntie Qi was pleasantly surprised, “Weren’t you supposed to have a dinner appointment and not come back for dinner today?”

“Changed it.” Meng Fu Yuan didn’t offer much explanation. He restrained himself from looking at Chen Qing Wu and greeted Mr. and Mrs. Chen before saying, “Uncle, Auntie, please start eating. I’ll change my clothes and come back.”

He was dressed in a three-piece suit, looking very formal, which wasn’t suitable for a family dinner.

Before long, Meng Fu Yuan returned, wearing a black round-neck sweater. He seemed to have washed his face, with water droplets on his forehead.

“Please, sit down.” Auntie Qi pulled out a chair beside her, and after he sat down, she handed him the tableware with a smile.

The two families were very close, so they skipped the formalities and pleasantries.

The parents asked about the recent situation of the three children.

Currently, Meng Fu Yuan often stayed in the eastern city, Chen Qing Wu worked in Jingdezhen, and Meng Qi Ran had no fixed location, frequently traveling between the eastern city, southern city, and Jingdezhen, with his presence felt all over the country.

Uncle Meng smiled and asked, “Is Qing Wu still working at Jingdezhen?”

Zhai Jing Tang is a well-known ceramic artist. After Chen Qing Wu obtained her master’s degree in ceramics and glass from the Royal College of Art, she applied to Zhai Jing Tang’s studio and was selected out of hundreds of applicants.

“Yes, currently I am, but I’m planning to resign after the New Year,” Chen Qing Wu said frankly as she put down her chopsticks.

Mrs. Chen said, “Aren’t you doing well there? Where do you plan to go after resigning?”

Chen Qing Wu had been working at Zhai Jing Tang’s studio for two years, where she had honed her skills in throwing clay, glazing, and firing kilns, covering all kinds of ceramics. This greatly compensated for her lack of practical experience and technical skills as an academic.

After accumulating so much experience, she felt the urge to create something of her own.

“I want to start my own studio, but it’s just a preliminary idea at this point,” Chen Qing Wu said.

Mr. Chen expressed some displeasure, “I think this idea is purely a fantasy. Where will you set up the studio? Where will the initial capital come from? And where will you get clients after opening? Have you thought about all of this?”

Of course, she had thought about it.

But Chen Qing Wu remained silent, not wanting to argue with her father.

Meng Qi Ran then smiled and said, “I think Qing Wu should take a six-month break first. She’s so tired she’s gotten too thin.”

Meng Fu Yuan saw Meng Qi Ran lightly pinch Chen Qing Wu’s arm.

Aunt Qi agreed, “Exactly. It’s exhausting for a girl to deal with clay every day. Since you’re planning to resign, why not come back to Nancheng and rest for a while? I feel lonely without you around, not even having someone to go shopping with.”

Chen Qing Wu smiled and softly said, “Without work, there’s no income, and I don’t know how much I’ll need to invest in the studio.”

Meng Qi Ran said, “But you have me.”

“The prize money you earn from competitions, I don’t dare to spend.”

“If I win it, it’s meant for you. I don’t have any big expenses myself.”

“You have a competition after the New Year, and you’ll need money for equipment.”

“I can find sponsors; it won’t cost much. I did well in the last competition, and some people have already approached me about sponsorship.”

The adults smiled at their bickering like a young couple.

Except for Meng Fu Yuan, who drank water with a calm, indifferent expression.

After this topic ended, Mr. Chen asked Meng Fu Yuan, “I heard from Old Meng that you talked to the Lu family about a collaboration today. How did it go?”

During his postgraduate studies, Meng Fu Yuan formed a team of four to design algorithms for medical robots. After returning to China, he naturally registered his own company.

After two years of intensive research and development, his core team’s designed medical robotic arm received funding, obtained certification, and entered production. After multiple iterations, it successfully entered a public hospital and assisted surgeons in performing a clinical tumor removal surgery.

Their current product under development is a complete algorithm and hardware update based on the first-generation robotic arm.

Lu’s SE Medical specializes in the research and development of medical devices, with deep cooperation with several top-tier hospitals in Nancheng. Meng Fu Yuan wanted to partner with them to advance the new project.

Meng Fu Yuan said, “We’ve reached a preliminary agreement. SE, which started with traditional devices, is very cautious about entering the AI industry, so further discussions are needed.”

Chen Qing Wu then asked, “Are you talking about SE Medical?”

Meng Fu Yuan looked at her and nodded, “Have you had any contact with them?”

He hadn’t expected Chen Qing Wu to be listening attentively. His line of work was quite dull, and even Meng Qi Ran often found it boring—but it didn’t matter, as everyone had their own fate, and Qi Ran was destined to be a carefree young master.

Chen Qing Wu said, “Their research team previously contacted Zhai Jingtang, asking him to help make a ceramic component, probably for insulation in their equipment.”

Meng Fu Yuan said, “SE has a more advanced materials lab, so that must have been a material property test I requested.”

“What a coincidence,” Chen Qing Wu remarked in mild surprise.

Meng Fu Yuan responded with a light “Hmm,” still with a calm expression.

Mrs. Chen then turned to Meng Qi Ran and asked with a smile, “Qi Ran, what have you been busy with lately?”

“I have a live performance after the New Year, and the first leg of the motorcycle championship starts in spring.”

Mrs. Chen laughed, “It seems Qi Ran is the most carefree among us.”

Aunt Qi dismissed this, “Carefree? Just messing around. You’re twenty-five already, and you’re not in a hurry at all. Your brother was preparing to start his own business at your age.”

Meng Qi Ran raised an eyebrow, “Who was it that asked me to reserve a few front-row tickets for the competition?”

“That’s so I can keep an eye on you, make sure you behave,” Aunt Qi laughed, “You’re not in a hurry, but you should consider Qing Wu.”

Uncle Meng also nodded, “Qi Ran, you should have a plan.”

Meng Qi Ran is a week older than Chen Qing Wu; they were born in the same hospital.

The Chen and Meng families had always been close, and the two kids grew up as the ideal example of “childhood sweethearts.”

From kindergarten to high school, they attended the same schools. When Meng Qi Ran’s grades fluctuated in high school, he worked hard in his final year to attend university in Beicheng with Chen Qing Wu.

After Chen Qing Wu graduated, she went to study in the UK, and Meng Qi Ran applied to a university in the same city.

Far from home, only the two of them relied on each other during their postgraduate years in London.

In the eyes of Meng Fu Yuan and the parents of both families, Chen Qing Wu and Meng Qi Ran were a destined couple. Last Mid-Autumn Festival, their parents even jokingly mentioned it was time to start preparing for their wedding and dowry.

Meng Qi Ran smiled and decided to pull Meng Fu Yuan into the conversation, “My brother is thirty-one this year and he’s not in a hurry, so why should I be?”

Chen Qing Wu glanced up at Meng Qi Ran.

As expected, he wore his usual noncommittal smile.

Meng Qi Ran was a natural focal point in any crowd, always liked wherever he went.

Only Chen Qing Wu knew that deep down, he was somewhat indifferent, casual about most things. People usually noticed his enthusiasm but overlooked his detachment.

Chen Qing Wu wasn’t particularly hungry to begin with, and now she had completely lost her appetite.

Meng Fu Yuan’s gaze briefly fell on Chen Qing Wu’s face, noticing her sudden melancholy.

He retorted to Meng Qi Ran, “You should worry about yourself first,” in a tone far from gentle.

Seeing Meng Qi Ran momentarily speechless, Aunt Qi laughed, “You just can’t resist provoking him. We all steer clear of meddling in your brother’s personal affairs.”

The conversation paused there.

Chen Qing Wu really couldn’t eat anymore, but seeing the adults still engaged in lively conversation, she reluctantly picked up her chopsticks and absently placed a piece of green vegetable in her bowl.

As she idly pushed the leaves around to look busy, she noticed Meng Fu Yuan putting down his chopsticks across from her.

Meng Fu Yuan said, “I have a conference call, so I’ll excuse myself. Uncle, Aunt, please continue eating.”

Chen Qing Wu’s father quickly responded, “No problem, we’re almost done here too.”

Meng Fu Yuan left the table, and within ten minutes, what was expected to be at least another half-hour of dining came to an abrupt end.

The maid came to clear the table, and the adults went to the tea room to play cards.

Aunt Qi wanted to supervise the maid in the kitchen, so she told Chen Qing Wu and Meng Qi Ran to fill in for them.

Chen Qing Wu wasn’t in the mood, so she let Meng Qi Ran play.

She sat nearby, peeling a few grapefruit segments and handed them to Meng Qi Ran. He said his hands were full and leaned down, asking her to feed him directly.

Aunt Qi exclaimed, “Oh my, you’re even showing off your affection in front of everyone.”

Uncle Meng, thinking he was using trendy young people’s language, joked, “Old Chen, you better let me know what the bride price is going to be.”

Chen Qing Wu’s mother laughed, “Nothing’s been decided yet.”

Uncle Meng looked at Meng Qi Ran and asked, “Nothing decided?”

Meng Qi Ran raised his eyebrows slightly, “That’s up to Qing Wu. If she says it’s on, it’s on. If not, then not.”

Still, with that casual tone of his.

Uncle Meng turned to Chen Qing Wu, “Qing Wu, what do you say?”

Chen Qing Wu put down the grapefruit in her hand and smiled, “I’ll see if Aunt Qi needs any help.”

“Wow, that’s a pretty abrupt topic change,” Uncle Meng  teased, thinking she was just shy.

Chen Qing Wu merely smiled and walked towards the living room.

Instead of going to the kitchen, she headed out to the backyard.

The villa had two studies, with the one on the third floor being exclusively used by Meng Fu Yuan.

Meng Fu Yuan was inside, reading some documents, idly passing time, considering it was about time to go downstairs.

As he walked to the window to close it after letting some fresh air in, he paused, fearing the snow might get heavy and wet the floor later.

With his hand on the windowpane, he glanced outside and stopped.

The window faced the backyard, which wasn’t very large but was meticulously maintained by Aunt Qi, with flowers and plants, and scattered furniture, making it a nice spot for tea on a sunny day.

Under a tall olive tree, there was a wicker chair, and Chen Qing Wu was sitting on it.

In the shadows, she sat there quietly, unmoving, allowing the fine snow to cover her shoulders.

He watched for a moment, then closed the window.

Hearing the sound, Chen Qing Wu looked up abruptly.

Someone pushed aside the palm leaves and walked over, backlit by the warm light from inside the house.

It was Meng Fu Yuan.

Chen Qing Wu immediately stood up.

Meng Fu Yuan walked up to her, his gaze falling on her face without any particular expression.

Just as she was about to ask if he needed something, he said, “Take this.”

Instinctively, she raised a hand, and something was lightly tossed into it.

She looked down and was momentarily stunned.

It was a lighter.

Before she could react, Meng Fu Yuan had already turned and walked away.

Chen Qing Wu’s fingers closed around it.

It was silver and still slightly warm.

If she remembered correctly, this lighter had been with Meng Fu Yuan for many years.

What surprised her was how Meng Fu Yuan knew she urgently needed a lighter at that moment.

  1. Teehee has spoken 4 months ago

    just started reading…how many chapters for this novel?


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