Blue Fog
Blue Fog Chapter 2

The lady’s cigarette had a very mild flavor. After finishing it, Chen Qing Wu stood by the window for a while longer to ensure the smell dissipated before heading back inside.

The TV was on in the living room, and Meng Qi Ran had stopped playing cards. He was lounging on the sofa, responding to messages on WeChat.

Hearing footsteps, he looked up and asked, “Want to go out and enjoy the snow?”

Chen Qing Wu walked over and leaned against the sofa armrest, “Where to?”

“Up the mountain. Some friends have already left.”

“I’m a bit tired. I’d like to go home early and rest.”

“It’s rare for it to snow in Nancheng.” Meng Qi Ran turned to look at Chen Qing Wu. “I’ll drive, and you can rest in the car.”

After hesitating for a moment, Chen Qing Wu nodded. She didn’t want to dampen Qi Ran’s spirits.

As they got up to pack their things, Meng Fu Yuan emerged from the tea room.

Meng Qi Ran asked Meng Fu Yuan, “Brother, are you coming?”


Meng Fu Yuan made a work call in a quiet corner, and by the time he came back, Meng Qi Ran and Chen Qing Wu were about to leave.

Meng Qi Ran grabbed Chen Qing Wu’s suitcase, seemingly planning to drop her off at home after watching the snow.

The adults in the tea room were still playing cards but issued a series of warnings: “The roads are slippery when it snows, be careful driving! And if you drink, don’t drive; get a designated driver.”

Meng Qi Ran replied, “Got it, don’t worry.”

As they reached the door, Meng Qi Ran said, “Brother, we’re leaving.”

Meng Fu Yuan nodded expressionlessly.

After Meng Qi Ran and Chen Qing Wu left, Meng Fu Yuan greeted the people in the tea room and went straight to his room to rest.

Having been busy all day, he was exhausted. After showering, he turned off the lights and lay down.

The curtains weren’t drawn, and as his eyes adjusted to the darkness, he could see the snow quietly falling outside the window.

Meng Fu Yuan rested his arm under his head, silently staring, feeling a deep emptiness inside.

There were few cars on the mountain road, and the pines and cypresses along the way were dusted with a thin layer of snow.

At the mountain campsite, Meng Qi Ran and Chen Qing Wu’s friends had already arrived. Someone had driven a camper van up, and canopies, tents, and camping chairs were set up. A portable fire pit was burning charcoal, casting a warm glow.

Meng Qi Ran was the central figure in the group, and his arrival instantly livened up the atmosphere.

Chen Qing Wu sat down next to Meng Qi Ran, and soon someone handed her a bottle of beer.

Someone had brought skewers, kept warm in aluminum foil bags, and they were quickly distributed.

If it weren’t for the limited conditions, they might have even brought karaoke equipment.

Meng Qi Ran had many friends, all of whom were fun-loving and sociable.

Chen Qing Wu, exhausted from the day’s travel, struggled to keep her energy up.

She curled up, staring at the fire pit, feeling her spirits wane with each passing moment.

While chatting, Meng Qi Ran glanced at Chen Qing Wu and noticed her dazed expression. He leaned in and asked softly, “Tired?”

“Yeah… I want to sleep in the car for a bit.”

“The car isn’t comfortable. Sleep in the camper van.” He called out, “Whose camper van is this? Can Qing Wu use it?”

Someone tossed the keys over, saying it was fine to use.

Chen Qing Wu smiled and thanked them, putting down the untouched beer. “You guys have fun, I’m going to rest.”

Meng Qi Ran stood up and accompanied her to the camper van door.

He opened the door, holding it for her as she ducked inside.

“Get some sleep. If you need anything, call me.”


The camper van had a small single bed, cramped but clean and warm.

Chen Qing Wu took off her down jacket and boots, climbed onto the bed, and wrapped herself in a blanket.

The wind howled outside, but the van was cozy, and she quickly fell asleep.

When she woke up, she couldn’t tell what time it was but heard muffled laughter outside.

She reached for her phone and saw it was past midnight.

Her head was heavy, and she felt weak. She pulled back the curtain and opened the window a crack.

Looking outside, she was startled.

Meng Qi Ran was wearing all black today—a hoodie under a down jacket, and a pair of Martin boots. He was very tall, his legs almost too long for the camping chair.

He was leaning back in the chair, legs propped up on a folding stool, playing on a Nintendo Switch.

Next to him sat a girl with long dark brown curls, wearing a black off-the-shoulder sweater, a leather skirt, and over-the-knee boots. She was very beautiful and striking.

The girl, Zhan Yining, was a classmate of both Chen Qing Wu and Meng Qi Ran from elementary and high school.

The Zhan family had some business dealings with the Meng family. Chen Qing Wu remembered that when she was a child, Zhan’s father would occasionally bring wine or homemade pastries when visiting the Meng family, with Zhan Yining in tow.

Chen Qing Wu had been sickly as a child and often hospitalized, whereas Meng Qi Ran was always full of energy.

At one point, Meng Qi Ran was learning to skateboard. After Chen Qing Wu was discharged from the hospital, she heard that Zhan Yining had also signed up with the same instructor and often trained with Meng Qi Ran.

In middle school, Zhan Yining went to a different school, and their contact lessened.

In high school, the Zhan family paid a school selection fee to get Zhan Yining into Nancheng Foreign Language School, and the three became classmates again.

For undergrad and graduate studies, Zhan Yining went to the U.S., but they stayed in touch.

Over the past two years, as Meng Qi Ran frequently moved between Dongcheng and Nancheng, Chen Qing Wu would occasionally see Zhan Yining in shared friends’ gatherings on social media.

Listening to the game sounds, they seemed to be playing “The Legend of Zelda”—a game Chen Qing Wu didn’t play but had seen Meng Qi Ran play. Sometimes, when Meng Qi Ran visited her in Porcelain City, he would play while she worked.

Apparently, Zhan Yining was struggling with a tough enemy and had asked Meng Qi Ran for help.

She was directing him nervously, “To the left! There’s another one up there! It’s shooting at you!”

“I see it. Don’t panic.” Meng Qi Ran calmly manipulated the controls and soon handed the game back to Zhan Yining. “Done. Collect the loot yourself.”

Zhan Yining took over, and Meng Qi Ran stretched. “Your health is too low. You can’t get past this part. Go activate a shrine first.”

“So troublesome. Can’t you teach me speedrun tricks?”

“There are speedrun guides. Look them up yourself.”

Zhan Yining fiddled with the console, then complained, “I died again!”

Meng Qi Ran looked a bit exasperated.

Zhan Yining seemed to lose interest, locked the screen, and put the Switch aside. She grabbed a bag of chips from the table.

Chen Qing Wu’s throat burned, feeling scorched.

She tried calling Meng Qi Ran, but no sound came out the first time.

Just then, a friend ran over, panting, “The snow’s piling up! Let’s have a snowball fight!”

Zhan Yining immediately put down the chips. “Come on, Meng Qi Ran, let’s go have a snowball fight.”

Meng Qi Ran didn’t move. “You guys go ahead. Qing Wu is still sleeping, I’ll stay here with her.”

“Why sit here when Wuwu is asleep? If she wakes up and needs you, she’ll call.” Zhan Yining grabbed Meng Qi Ran’s arm and pulled him up.

Meng Qi Ran almost stumbled. “Zhan Yining, did you take up weightlifting? You’re so strong.”

Zhan Yining laughed. “Scared? Don’t say I didn’t warn you. You can still surrender now.”

Meng Qi Ran scoffed, shrugged off Zhan Yining’s hand, and followed her with one hand in his jacket pocket.

Chen Qing Wu felt utterly drained and collapsed back onto the bed.

Thirsty beyond endurance, she mustered the strength to sit up, put on her shoes and coat, and nearly stumbled getting off the van.

Everyone was having a snowball fight, leaving the campsite in disarray.

Chen Qing Wu found a random chair to sit on and searched around for a hot drink but found only bottled water. Normally, lifting a fifty-pound bag of kaolin was no problem for her, but now, she struggled to open a simple bottle cap.

She finally managed to open it. The cold water felt nearly the same as ice water due to the low temperature, but it quenched her thirst. She drank a couple of sips, then closed the bottle and hugged it to her chest, curling up. The coldness felt oddly comforting.

After some time, she heard Meng Qi Ran call out, “Qing Wu?”

She let out a sluggish “Hmm,” wanting to lift her head but feeling as though it were filled with lead.

She heard a lot of footsteps approaching, likely everyone coming back from their snowball fight.

Meng Qi Ran placed the back of his hand on her forehead, startled, “You’re burning up!”

“…Yeah,” she slowly responded.

Meng Fu Yuan was awakened by a phone call at one in the morning.

As he went downstairs, the card game in the tea room was still ongoing. He hesitated about whether to greet them when his mother, Qi Lin, came out carrying a teapot.

“Fu Yuan? Weren’t you asleep?” Qi Lin was surprised to see him dressed, “Heading out this late?”

“Going to pick up Qi Ran and Qing Wu.”

“Didn’t Qi Ran say he’d call a designated driver?”

“Couldn’t find one. Qing Wu has a fever; I don’t want to delay.”

Today was the twenty-eighth of the twelfth lunar month, and in this snowy, early-morning hour on an isolated mountain, no driver would be that dedicated.

“Qing Wu has a fever?!”

Meng Fu Yuan made a shushing gesture.

Qi Lin quickly covered her mouth, glanced at the tea room, and lowered her voice, “Is it serious?”

“I’ll check first and then inform Uncle Chen and the others.”

Meng Fu Yuan had asked Meng Qi Ran, but he didn’t have a thermometer and couldn’t determine how high her fever was.

Qi Lin nodded, “You’d better hurry… How could Qi Ran be so irresponsible?”

Meng Fu Yuan didn’t waste time and said, “I’m heading out,” before making his way to the door.

Qi Lin followed, reminding him, “Drive safely.”

Meng Fu Yuan nodded.

He usually drove very steadily, keeping calm even when others cut him off or swerved unexpectedly. But today, on the icy roads, he couldn’t help but press the accelerator harder.

Luckily, the city’s only mountain wasn’t very high.

The roads were nearly empty, with hardly another car in sight.

What should have been a half-hour drive took him only about twenty minutes.

The campsite was lively with young people, but the moment Meng Fu Yuan parked his car, they all fell silent.

He turned off the engine, stepped out, and shut the door with a light thud.

He saw Chen Qing Wu leaning against Meng Qi Ran, wrapped snugly in a thick blanket from head to toe.

Meng Qi Ran looked over, “Brother…”

Meng Fu Yuan’s expression was stern.

Meng Qi Ran felt a bit intimidated for some reason.

Everyone knew Meng Qi Ran had a serious, authoritative elder brother. Whether they had met him or not, they all sat upright, as if in a classroom awaiting the principal’s lecture.

Meng Fu Yuan strode over, his steps brisk, and pulled out a digital thermometer from his coat pocket, handing it to Meng Qi Ran.

Meng Qi Ran pulled back the blanket and then went to loosen the collar of Chen Qing Wu’s down jacket.

Before he could untie the woolen dress underneath, Meng Fu Yuan turned his back.

The thirty seconds it took for the thermometer to read felt interminable, but finally, it beeped, and Meng Fu Yuan asked in a low voice, “What’s the temperature?”

Meng Qi Ran checked, “39.2 degrees.”

As soon as he spoke, Meng Fu Yuan turned around, took the thermometer from Meng Qi Ran’s hand, and seemed to double-check the reading on the LCD screen.

Meng Qi Ran saw his brother frown slightly, a rare sight.

Meng Fu Yuan put the thermometer back in its case and pocketed it. He then took out a box of fever-reducing medicine, pushed out a tablet, and instructed, “Water.”

Meng Qi Ran hurriedly grabbed a bottle of mineral water from the table.

Meng Fu Yuan paused, then tossed the bottle onto the table with a “thud,” “Try drinking that cold water yourself.”

His tone was calm but carried no emotion, making Meng Qi Ran feel a chill down his spine. He immediately called out, “Does anyone have hot water?”

The group looked at each other.

Finally, the RV owner said, “I think there’s still some in my thermos. Wait a moment; I’ll get it.”

Meng Qi Ran cupped the tablet in his palm, glancing at Meng Fu Yuan’s stern face, feeling awkward.

Thankfully, the thermos was quickly retrieved. The RV owner, wanting to spare his friend from further scolding, swiftly filled a disposable cup with warm water and handed it to Meng Qi Ran.

This time, Meng Qi Ran tested the temperature of the cup before giving it to Chen Qing Wu, “Qing Wu, take the medicine first.”

Chen Qing Wu sluggishly took the tablet, put it in her mouth, and Meng Qi Ran brought the cup to her lips, helping her drink the warm water.

Once she had taken the medicine, Meng Fu Yuan finally spoke again, “Let’s go.”

Meng Qi Ran tossed his car keys to the RV owner, asking him to have someone bring his car back in the morning.

He then picked up Chen Qing Wu, blanket and all, surprised at how light she felt—almost unbelievably so.

Meng Qi Ran told the group, “We’re leaving.”

“Go ahead, ‘wife’ comes first!”

As Meng Fu Yuan heard this, he barely paused, almost imperceptibly.

Once in the car, not long after, Meng Fu Yuan received a call from Qi Lin.

“How is Qing Wu?”

“She’s taken the fever medicine; we’ll have to observe.”

“Your Uncle Chen and Aunt Chen are heading home now. Take Qing Wu directly there.”


“Is Qi Ran with you? Let me talk to him.”

The call was on speaker.

Meng Qi Ran answered, “Yes. You can say whatever you need.”

“You know I’m going to criticize you. How could you take care of Qing Wu so poorly?”

Meng Qi Ran knew he was at fault and didn’t argue.

Unexpectedly, Chen Qing Wu, leaning against him, spoke up.

Her voice was so faint and fuzzy that only he could hear it, “Auntie… it’s not Qi Ran’s fault. I didn’t keep myself warm…”

Even though she was burning with fever, how could she still hear the phone call and defend him?

Meng Qi Ran looked at her, momentarily stunned.

When they arrived at the Chen residence, her parents had just returned.

Once the car stopped, Chen Qing Wu’s mother, Liao Shuman, immediately opened the rear door and touched her daughter’s forehead, frowning, “So hot.”

Meng Qi Ran felt guilty, “Sorry, Auntie, I didn’t take good care of her.”

“Qing Wu always catches a cold when the weather changes. It’s not your fault. She’s taken the medicine, right?”

“Yes, she has.”

“Then it should be fine; the fever will probably break soon.”

Meng Qi Ran got out of the car and carried Chen Qing Wu inside. He took her all the way to her room at the end of the hallway on the second floor.

Liao Shuman turned on the light and told him to lay her on the bed.

She removed Chen Qing Wu’s down jacket and covered her with a warm blanket, “It’s late. Qi Ran, you should head home. I’ll watch over her.”

Meng Qi Ran looked at her and didn’t move. After a moment, he said, “Auntie, can I sleep on the couch in the living room? I’ll leave once her fever breaks. If it doesn’t, I can help take her to the hospital.”

Liao Shuman was touched by his concern, “How could I let you sleep on the couch? The guest room was just tidied up a few days ago. Go rest there.”

Meng Qi Ran often stayed over at the Chen residence, so he didn’t argue, “I’ll let my brother know.”

Meng Fu Yuan had stayed downstairs and hadn’t come up.

Hearing footsteps, he looked up, “All settled?”

Meng Qi Ran nodded, “I’m staying here until Qing Wu’s fever breaks.”

Meng Fu Yuan’s expression was indifferent, “If her fever breaks, send me a message.”

Meng Qi Ran thought his brother needed to report to their parents and agreed.

Meng Fu Yuan walked out the front door and headed back to his car.

He didn’t immediately get into the car but instead reached into his coat pocket, intending to light a cigarette. He remembered that the lighter he’d used for years had been given to Chen Qing Wu.

So he stood there by the car, looking up at the window at the end of the second floor. The window was lit, the pale light appearing warm on this snowy night, yet it seemed so distant and unreachable.

He drove out of the neighborhood but stopped about 500 meters away. The snow had stopped during the return trip, leaving a vast expanse of white. All sounds had disappeared, and the world seemed so silent, as if he were the only person left.

Meng Fu Yuan sat in the car, in absolute silence, listening to time slowly tick away.

After an indeterminate amount of time, his phone vibrated once. It was a message from Meng Qi Ran, telling him that Qing Wu’s fever had subsided. Only then did Meng Fu Yuan start the car again.

The journey back was solitary, with no pedestrians or vehicles in sight. It felt empty like a dream, yet he knew it was not. He had never seen Chen Qing Wu in his dreams.

The next morning, the parents of the Meng family called, apologizing for Meng Qi Ran’s negligence. Chen’s mother, Liao Shuman, laughed and said, “It’s really nothing. Apologizing again would be too formal. Besides, Qing Wu is an adult and responsible for herself. She doesn’t need others to take care of her.”

Qi Lin responded, “That’s true, but Qing Wu is still a girl and our junior.”

“She’s only a week younger.”

“Even if it’s just a day, she’s still younger—Has her fever gone down? Did it recur?”

“It’s already gone. She’s currently having porridge with Qi Ran.”

“Qi Ran is really something, running to your house for breakfast.”

Liao Shuman laughed, “What’s the big deal? Qing Wu has been bothering you more often.”

After hanging up the phone, Liao Shuman returned to the dining room.

“What’s Qi Ran’s plan for today? How about staying for lunch?”

Meng Qi Ran smiled and said, “You know I never stand on ceremony with you, but today I have to decline. I have a friend coming back from abroad, and I’ve arranged to welcome him at lunch.”

“Then I won’t keep you.” Liao Shuman smiled.

“I’ll come back in the afternoon to check on Qing Wu.”

After breakfast, Meng Qi Ran stayed for a while longer before preparing to leave. Before leaving, he fussed over Chen Qing Wu, reminding her to stay warm and drink plenty of hot water.

Chen Qing Wu smiled and repeated, “Drink plenty of hot water.”

“I’m not brushing you off. In your condition, drinking hot water is the most useful. Is there anything you want to eat? I’ll bring it for you this afternoon.”

“Ice cream.”

“Anything but that.”

“Then nothing.”

“… Miss, you’re really making it hard for me.” Meng Qi Ran raised his eyebrows.

Chen Qing Wu went back to her room and slept again in the morning. After lunch, she and Liao Shuman organized some New Year’s supplies. Around three o’clock, Meng Qi Ran arrived.

They were in the storage room sorting things out when Meng Qi Ran walked in directly and helped Liao Shuman put a bottle of spare cleaner effortlessly into the top shelf of the storage cabinet.

Liao Shuman smiled, clapping the dust off her hands, “You and Qing Wu go out and play. We’re almost done here.”

“It’s fine, there’s nothing much to do outside. I’d rather stay and help you out.”

“Well, if I start ordering you around, I won’t be polite about it.”

“Feel free.”

Liao Shuman pointed to the items on the counter, “Qi Ran, you’re tall, help put these in the upper cabinets.”

“No problem.”

Taking the opportunity, Liao Shuman took the dirty cloth from the counter to the kitchen to wash.

Seeing her enter the kitchen, Meng Qi Ran leaned closer to Chen Qing Wu and whispered, “There’s a gift for you in my coat pocket.”

“What is it?”

“You have to take it out yourself.”

Chen Qing Wu reached into his pocket and felt something cold. She pulled out a box of ice cream.

Meng Qi Ran looked towards the door, pretending to be on guard, “Quick, eat it before Auntie sees us and we both get scolded—Remember, just one bite, or you’ll get sick again.”

Chen Qing Wu smiled, “One bite is not even worth it.” Yet, she was already opening the lid as she spoke.

She took a small spoonful and put it in her mouth. In that instant, Meng Qi Ran snatched the remaining ice cream away.


“I said just one bite.”

“One bite or two, what’s the difference?”

“Who knows.” Meng Qi Ran remained unmoved.

At that moment, footsteps could be heard coming from the kitchen.

Chen Qing Wu quickly handed the spoon back to Meng Qi Ran.

Meng Qi Ran chuckled and whispered, “You’ve got no guts.”

He had an exceptionally striking face, and being close to him was dizzying. His laugh tickled her ear, making her shrink her neck reflexively.

Liao Shuman immediately noticed the ice cream in Meng Qi Ran’s hand.

Meng Qi Ran quickly scooped a bite into his mouth.

“You’re an adult and still love ice cream? Where did this come from? How come I didn’t see it just now?” Liao Shuman laughed.

“It was in my pocket. I almost forgot.”

“You can’t give any to Qing Wu.”

“Of course not.” Meng Qi Ran was very obedient.

Chen Qing Wu couldn’t help but smile.

It seemed that all the subtle disappointments from last night no longer mattered.

In the evening, the Meng family was hosting a dinner party, so Meng Qi Ran left around four o’clock.

Just before dinner, there was a knock on the door.

Liao Shuman asked the maid to answer it, and a moment later, the maid brought someone in.

It was Meng Fu Yuan.

Meng Fu Yuan appeared to have just returned from a social event, still wearing a formal suit under his black coat.

He was carrying a box of dried abalone and explained calmly to Liao Shuman, “A business partner sent this. You know my parents don’t like seafood. It would go to waste at home. If you don’t mind, you can try it.”

While speaking, he glanced subtly at Chen Qing Wu.

She was in casual clothes with a white cashmere shawl over her shoulders. Her face was still a bit pale, but she seemed in good spirits, indicating that she was indeed recovering.

Liao Shuman was somewhat surprised because Meng Fu Yuan was always very considerate, and an unannounced visit at mealtime was not his usual behavior.

She took the box and smiled, “You’re very thoughtful, Fu Yuan—we were just about to have dinner. Why don’t you join us?”

“There are guests at home, so I’ll have to bother you some other time.”

Liao Shuman said it was no trouble and invited him to come over anytime.

Meng Fu Yuan nodded and prepared to leave.

Liao Shuman intended to see him to the door, but Chen Qing Wu said, “Mom, I’ll see Brother Fu Yuan off. I have something to discuss with him.”

Meng Fu Yuan paused, bid farewell to Chen’s parents, and turned towards the door.

Behind him, Chen Qing Wu’s footsteps followed at a measured pace.

At the door, Meng Fu Yuan stopped and looked down at Chen Qing Wu.

Chen Qing Wu raised her hand, reaching into her jacket pocket, and pulled out the lighter, handing it back to him.

She smiled and said, “This is your usual lighter. I shouldn’t take it. Besides, I’ll be flying in a few days, and it won’t pass security.”

Meng Fu Yuan’s voice was flat, “Then throw it away.”

Chen Qing Wu was taken aback, suddenly unsure what to do with it.

Over the years, she had interacted little with Meng Fu Yuan and couldn’t read his temperament. Judging by his tone, it seemed she had caused him too much trouble and had become a nuisance.

They stood facing each other, the atmosphere somewhat tense.

After a moment, Meng Fu Yuan finally reached out and took the lighter back.

He didn’t want to see her in a difficult situation; clearly, she had already been troubled enough.

Chen Qing Wu seemed to relax, taking a small step back, and said, “Thank you for last night.”

“No need. I was just cleaning up after Qi Ran.”

“No, not that…” Chen Qing Wu’s voice dropped slightly, her eyes shifting to the lighter in his hand, “I meant for this.”

Meng Fu Yuan paused.

For a moment, he didn’t know how to respond, so he raised his wrist, pretending to check his watch.

“Sorry for taking up your time.” Chen Qing Wu quickly opened the door for him.

Meng Fu Yuan, with one hand in his trouser pocket, stepped out the door and said without any emotion, “No need to see me off, go back and eat.”

He walked down the steps and, hearing the door close behind him, finally slowed his pace a bit.

The hand in his pocket clenched the lighter tightly.

The corners dug into his palm, causing a slight but sharp pain.

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