Blue Fog
Blue Fog Chapter 3

On New Year’s Day, both families planned to go to the temple together to offer incense.

The grandparents from both families were still healthy, and the group drove in three cars.

Father Chen, Chen Suiliang, and Father Meng, Meng Chengyong, each drove a car, carrying their elderly parents.

The two mothers decided to squeeze in one car with the young people, with Meng Fu Yuan driving.

“Auntie Qi Lin asked, “Qing Wu, when do you go back to work?”

“On the fourth day of the lunar new year, Auntie.”

“So early?”

“Yes. Our studio is opening a new wood-fired kiln after the holiday, so we’re going there early to prepare for the kiln opening ceremony.”

“I thought you were planning to quit?”

“There are some tasks that need to be finished first,” Chen Qing Wu said with a smile.

Auntie Qi Lin laughed, “Qing Wu has always been responsible since she was little.”

Sitting in the front row, Chen’s mother, Liao Shuman, turned her head to ask Meng Qi Ran, “Qi Ran, when is your performance?”

Meng Qi Ran was sitting by the left window, looking a bit lazy. He straightened up slightly and said with a smile, “Early March. Would you like to come to the performance? I can save you a ticket.”

“Oh, that’s unfortunate. I already promised Qing Wu’s grandmother to take her to Thailand.”

Auntie Qi Lin was interested, “Just the two of you?”

“Yes. Her grandmother said she has never been abroad at her age, so I want to take her on a trip while she is still healthy.”

“Can I bring Qi Ran’s grandmother along?”

Liao Shuman was delighted, “Of course! It would be livelier with everyone together.”

For a while, the two mothers enthusiastically discussed the plans for the trip to Thailand.

Meng Qi Ran leaned closer to Chen Qing Wu and asked, “Didn’t you say your studio is having an exhibition? When is it?”

“Also in early March.”

“Will you come to my performance?”

“Of course, I will,” Chen Qing Wu said with a smile, “Don’t worry, I won’t miss it.”

Meng Qi Ran chuckled softly.

Chen Qing Wu noticed his smile and thought for a moment, “…Did you write a song for me again?”


Chen Qing Wu smiled.

Driving in front, Meng Fu Yuan glanced at the rearview mirror inside the car.

In the mirror, a beautiful face smiled, as if ink had been gently applied to rice paper, so lively and elegant.

He looked for a moment before turning his gaze back.

At the temple, the crowd was dense, and it took some effort to offer incense in the main hall.

Father Meng, Meng Chengyong, was friends with the temple’s abbot and visited him every year to light a perpetual lamp.

The abbot led everyone to light the lamp. When Grandpa Meng stepped over the threshold of the hall, he stumbled and had to steady himself on a table by the door.

On the table was a bamboo tube filled with fortune sticks. As Grandpa Meng’s sleeve brushed against it, it almost fell. Meng Fu Yuan quickly reached out to catch it.

The tube didn’t fall, but one stick came out.

Just as Meng Fu Yuan was about to put the stick back in the tube, the abbot stopped him, “You can’t do that.”

Meng Fu Yuan paused.

The abbot smiled, “Any stick that comes out must be interpreted.”

Meng Fu Yuan nodded and handed the bamboo stick to the abbot.

The abbot looked at it, then went into the hall and took out the interpretation from a cabinet.

Meng Fu Yuan received it and read it.

Fortune Stick No. 12 · Yi Hai

The interpretation read: “Your brows have been furrowed for many years, but today you encounter a time of joy; as the peach and plum trees bloom, the hibiscus in autumn is also fresh and vibrant.”

The explanation was: “The Red Luan star is moving. Opportunities arise. Talented individuals and beautiful women. Take advantage of the opportunity, and you will gain.”

Meng Fu Yuan stared at the words “Red Luan star is moving” and frowned.

He thought it was inaccurate, but out of politeness, he didn’t say anything and just folded the fortune paper and put it in his coat pocket.

In the hall where they were lighting the lamps, everyone was writing blessing cards.

Chen Qing Wu stood next to her grandmother at the table.

Unintentionally, there was only a spot available on Chen Qing Wu’s right side. After hesitating for a moment, Meng Fu Yuan walked over.

He took a blessing card and was about to write when he saw that Chen Qing Wu had already finished writing hers.

She picked it up and blew on it gently, as if trying to dry the ink faster.

Meng Fu Yuan looked up and saw the beautiful small characters on the card: “May Qi Ran’s performance and competition go smoothly.”

A straightforward child, all her wishes from childhood to adulthood were for Meng Qi Ran.

Meng Fu Yuan paused, then threw away the pen and the wooden card, deciding not to write anything himself—he was too jealous and didn’t want to offend the Buddha.

After lighting the lamps, everyone left the hall.

Meng Fu Yuan fell a few steps behind and folded the fortune paper into a long strip, tying it to a branch of the pomegranate tree.

On the morning of the fourth day, Meng Fu Yuan went to visit Mr. Lu of SE Medical and his grandfather.

Before lunch, he returned home.

As he entered, Meng Qi Ran came downstairs yawning.

Meng Fu Yuan took off his coat and hung it on the coat rack, asking Meng Qi Ran, “Did you take Qing Wu to the airport?”

Meng Qi Ran said, “No. Uncle Chen wanted to take her himself.”

“You just woke up?”


Meng Fu Yuan looked at him, his gaze calm and somewhat cool.

Meng Qi Ran was puzzled, “…What’s wrong?”

Meng Fu Yuan said nothing, rolled up his sleeves, and went to the washroom to wash his hands.

Early March.

Meng Qi Ran’s band was performing in East City, and as promised, Chen Qing Wu went to support him.

She rushed to the airport right after work, enduring a two-hour flight. When she landed, she saw a message from Meng Qi Ran:

“Sorry, Wu Wu, I got too drunk and couldn’t make it. I asked my brother to pick you up.”

Remembering the New Year’s incident, Chen Qing Wu didn’t want to trouble Meng Fu Yuan again.

However, the message was sent an hour ago, when she was still in the air, so she couldn’t refuse.

Moreover, Meng Fu Yuan had already arrived—he left a message on WeChat just fifteen minutes ago.

The message was brief: “Domestic Arrivals, Gate B2.”

Chen Qing Wu quickly replied to Meng Fu Yuan: “I’ve landed, waiting for my luggage.”

She didn’t expect the luggage to take so long, waiting for half an hour.

Dragging her suitcase, she hurried to the arrival gate.

From a distance, she saw Meng Fu Yuan, dressed in a black shirt and trousers, with a thin dark brown coat, standing tall and strikingly noticeable.

It was already past one in the morning. Feeling bad for keeping him waiting, she ran up to him and apologized, “Sorry for the long wait, the luggage took a while…”

“No problem. Let’s go.” Meng Fu Yuan reached out to take her suitcase.

His imposing manner made Chen Qing Wu involuntarily let go.

The suitcase’s wheels rolled over the stone floor, and Meng Fu Yuan walked quickly, his coat’s hem fluttering, making Chen Qing Wu almost jog to keep up.

As they reached the building’s exit, Meng Fu Yuan suddenly stopped.

Chen Qing Wu, confused, stopped as well.

Before she could ask why, Meng Fu Yuan took off his coat and lightly tossed it to her.

She reflexively caught it, a cold fragrance wafting over her.

It seemed he was hot from walking and wanted her to hold his coat.

Chen Qing Wu adjusted the coat and held it in her arms.

Meng Fu Yuan looked at her, as if wanting to say something.

“What’s wrong?” Chen Qing Wu asked, puzzled.

But Meng Fu Yuan said nothing, resuming pushing the suitcase outside.

The parking lot was outside, requiring crossing two internal roads for taxis and ride-shares.

As soon as they stepped out, a cold wind hit.

In her hurry to leave, Chen Qing Wu didn’t check East City’s weather and didn’t know it was unseasonably cold. She only wore a thin black knit dress and shivered in the wind. She realized why Meng Fu Yuan gave her his coat.

Carrying a black tote bag, it was inconvenient to wear the coat. She slowed down to remove the bag.

Meng Fu Yuan glanced over, paused, and extended his hand.

“It’s okay, I can hold it myself…”

Meng Fu Yuan’s hand remained outstretched, insistent.

After a moment’s hesitation, Chen Qing Wu handed over the bag.

After putting on the coat, she thanked Meng Fu Yuan.

He merely grunted in response, turning to walk ahead.

He was still holding her bag.

She softly called out, but he didn’t stop, so she had to follow him.

Watching him push the suitcase with one hand and hold her bag with the other, Chen Qing Wu suddenly remembered something.

She must have been about eight years old when their parents decided to have a spontaneous gathering and sent the phone-carrying Meng Fu Yuan to the elementary section to fetch the younger siblings.

Chen Qing Wu and Meng Qi Ran were the same age, birthdays a week apart, attending the same school but different classes.

After her last class, she saw Meng Fu Yuan and Meng Qi Ran waiting in the hallway.

She was about to put on her backpack when Meng Fu Yuan approached and said, “Give it to me.”

Meng Fu Yuan, six years older, wore the junior high’s black and white uniform, with a black backpack.

The fourteen-year-old was already over 175 cm tall, his handsome and slightly cold demeanor standing out.

Elementary students gathered to watch.

Chen Qing Wu hesitated, but Meng Fu Yuan, feeling the gaze of the crowd, repeated, “I’ll carry it for you.”

She handed him her backpack.

At eight, she loved pink, and her backpack was a pink Hello Kitty one, looking absurd with the cool Meng Fu Yuan.

Meng Qi Ran protested, “Why only carry Wu Wu’s bag, bro!”

Meng Fu Yuan shot him a glare, and he fell silent.

At the parking spot, the driver took the suitcase to the trunk.

Meng Fu Yuan opened the back door for Chen Qing Wu, then went around to the other side.

They both sat in the back seat. After the car started, Chen Qing Wu realized she still wore Meng Fu Yuan’s coat. She took it off, handed it back, and thanked him again.

Meng Fu Yuan casually tossed the coat aside and pulled out a laptop, placing it on his lap.

The cold screen light reflected in his glasses, making his already serious expression even more distant.

Chen Qing Wu stayed silent.

Unless absolutely necessary, she didn’t want to trouble Meng Fu Yuan and wouldn’t disturb his work.

The driver asked, “Miss Chen, which hotel are you staying at?”

“Wait a moment, I’ll check.”

She texted Meng Qi Ran but got no reply, then called him. It rang for a long time without an answer.

Meng Fu Yuan turned to her, “Qi Ran didn’t book a hotel for you?”

“I don’t know. He might be asleep from drinking.”

Not wanting to delay the driver, she said, “Please drive on for a bit while I find a hotel…”

Meng Fu Yuan interrupted her, instructing the driver to a five-star hotel, his tone slightly annoyed.

Chen Qing Wu didn’t object, knowing it would be less trouble to follow his arrangements.

She decided to scold Meng Qi Ran tomorrow for burdening Meng Fu Yuan, who was already busy.

The car was silent, only the occasional keyboard taps from Meng Fu Yuan.

Chen Qing Wu dimmed her phone screen, replying to her parents’ messages to confirm her safe arrival.

She checked her WeChat moments, seeing a notification.

She scrolled through her feed but felt someone watching her.

Looking towards Meng Fu Yuan, she saw him focused on his laptop.

She smiled at her silly thought.

Feeling tired, she locked her phone and leaned back to rest.

Meng Fu Yuan paused, glanced at her sleeping face, then returned to his work.

In her thin spring dress, she seemed even more delicate than during the New Year. The passing streetlights cast warm hues on her face, quickly turning to deep shadows.

She always seemed fragile.

Meng Fu Yuan hadn’t looked away for a long time.

Chen Qing Wu’s phone suddenly vibrated.

Before she opened her eyes, Meng Fu Yuan discreetly averted his gaze.

It was a spam message, which Chen Qing Wu opened and promptly deleted.

However, her drowsiness seemed to dissipate along with it.

She reopened her social media and aimlessly scrolled for a while, considering putting on headphones to listen to music but decided it would be impolite.

Then she heard a faint sound beside her.

Turning her head, she saw Meng Fu Yuan remove his glasses and place them gently on his laptop keyboard. He closed his eyes and massaged his temples, then instructed the driver, “Turn on the radio.”

Music began to flow from the speakers.

Meng Fu Yuan put his glasses back on and, in a purely businesslike tone, said, “I’m reviewing some documents. The journey is long, you should get some sleep.”

Chen Qing Wu agreed with a “sure.”

She didn’t speak further and leaned back to listen to the music.

Interestingly, the atmosphere in the car unexpectedly made her feel relaxed, probably because being around Meng Fu Yuan required no effort to maintain a facade.

When they arrived at the hotel, Meng Fu Yuan closed his laptop and opened his car door.

Chen Qing Wu grabbed her tote bag and got out. Meng Fu Yuan retrieved her suitcase from the trunk.

At the hotel reception, Meng Fu Yuan used his card to book a room while Chen Qing Wu handled check-in with her ID.

A bellboy approached and asked if they needed help with their luggage.

Chen Qing Wu declined, took the room key, confirmed the room number, and then looked at Meng Fu Yuan with a smile, “Brother Yuan, thank you so much for your trouble today.”

Meng Fu Yuan’s already stoic expression seemed to grow even more serious as he asked, “Are you heading home the day after tomorrow?”

East City was close to South City, just a few hours by high-speed rail.

“No, I’ll be flying directly to North City in the afternoon.”

“You came from North City?”

“Yes. Professor Zhai’s exhibition is being held there and will continue for a few more days.”

Meng Fu Yuan nodded, “What time is your flight?”

“At four.”

“I’ll treat you and Qi Ran to lunch the day after tomorrow.”

Chen Qing Wu nodded.

Meng Fu Yuan hesitated briefly, “Get some rest.”

Chen Qing Wu nodded again.

As he turned to leave, he stopped once more, “Qi Ran tends to get caught up in his own affairs and neglects other things. Take care of yourself these two days.”

Chen Qing Wu nodded and said she would.

She thought that Meng Fu Yuan must be tired of cleaning up after Qi Ran, hence the reminder.

Only then did Meng Fu Yuan leave.

The next morning, Chen Qing Wu went to the restaurant for breakfast.

A video call notification from Meng Qi Ran popped up on WeChat.

She wiped her fingers clean with a napkin before answering.

The screen showed a dimly lit room with the curtains still closed, and only a desk lamp on. Meng Qi Ran lay in bed with his face pressed against the pillow.

Having just woken up, his features were still a bit drowsy. His well-defined and strikingly handsome face, often too dazzling, seemed more inviting in its sleepy state.

Chen Qing Wu moved the tissue box closer, propped up her phone, and asked, “Hangover gone?”

“Wu Wu, I’m sorry,” Meng Qi Ran apologized with a smile. “I really had no choice. You know how my friends are. I went just to show my face, but they wouldn’t let me go without drinking.”

Meng Qi Ran had many friends from all over who came to support his performance.

“It’s okay. You should have told me earlier; I could have taken a cab myself. No need to trouble Brother Yuan.”

“I couldn’t trust leaving you to someone else,” Meng Qi Ran chuckled. “Was my brother mean to you?”

“No, he wasn’t. He even booked the hotel for me.”

“I did book a hotel for you. I sent the address to your phone. Didn’t you get it?”

“No, I didn’t. Are you sure you sent it to me?”

“Let me check…” The screen froze for a moment, then Meng Qi Ran chuckled, “I sent it to my file transfer assistant while drunk.”

Chen Qing Wu knew that her account was pinned at the top of Meng Qi Ran’s contacts, right next to his file transfer assistant.

Meng Qi Ran suddenly moved closer to the screen, “Are you mad?”

“Of course I’m mad.”

“Really? How about I make it up to you?”

His slightly hoarse voice from the hangover was perfect for coaxing, immediately dissipating the little resentment in her heart.

Chen Qing Wu felt she had to smile, “I don’t need your compensation.”

The screen wobbled, then fixed on the ceiling, accompanied by rustling sounds as Meng Qi Ran got dressed.

His voice came through, “I have rehearsals today. Do you want to come watch?”

“Do you need me there?”

“I might be too busy to take care of you.”

“There’s a Matisse exhibition in East City. I’ll go see that.”

“Then come backstage after you’re done. I’ll send you the address.”

Having finished dressing, Meng Qi Ran picked up his phone again, “I’m going to shower. You finish your breakfast.”

“No need. I’ve been here before; I won’t trouble anyone.”

After breakfast, Chen Qing Wu returned to her hotel room to change.

Once inside, she let herself fall back onto the bed, lying still.

It wasn’t the first time.

She understood Meng Qi Ran better than anyone. Whether it was not picking her up due to drunkenness, sending the wrong hotel address, or not insisting she come to rehearsals—none of it was intentional.

Yet, it was often these unintentional actions that revealed true feelings.

She knew, but she still felt wronged.

The worst part was not being able to show her grievances in front of Qi Ran.

She knew Qi Ran disliked seeing her unhappy—despite giving her all his affection.

But his total affection was limited.

Whether she accepted it or not, whether she was satisfied or not, it was all she could get.

Even if she was unhappy or dissatisfied, there was nothing he could do.

Her phone vibrated twice.

Thinking it was something Qi Ran forgot to mention, she quickly picked it up.

It was actually two messages from Meng Fu Yuan.

His WeChat profile picture seemed to be a screenshot from a black-and-white film, showing a man’s hand holding chalk, writing on a round table. He had used this picture for years and she never knew which film it was from.

Meng Fu Yuan: I’ve sent a driver for you. Just tell him where you need to go.

The second message included the driver’s name and phone number.

Chen Qing Wu was slightly stunned but replied with a “Thank you.”

Meng Fu Yuan must have been busy as there was no reply.

The driver was in the hotel’s parking lot. After she called, he drove to the entrance.

She got into the back seat and told the driver, “Please take me to the nearest shopping mall.” It was cold, and she needed to buy clothes.

The driver glanced at her through the rearview mirror, “Mr. Meng asked me to tell you there’s a coat in the bag for you, in case you need it.”

Only then did she notice the white paper bag on the seat.

Opening it, she found a trench coat, from a brand she usually bought.

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