Blue Fog
Blue Fog Chapter 4

After the exhibition, Chen Qing Wu strolled through the nearby old streets, taking some photos.

Around 5 PM, she called the driver to take her to the livehouse.

The lounge was exceptionally noisy, with staff coming and going, and band members putting on makeup.

Meng Qi Ran sat in front of the mirror, having his chin held by the makeup artist as she curled his eyelashes. Sitting just behind him was a girl.

Early March, and the spring chill lingered. The girl wore only a black spaghetti strap dress, with an aviator jacket draped over her knees.

She was scrolling through her phone while Meng Qi Ran chatted with her intermittently.

The girl said, “I never noticed before, but your eyelashes are pretty long.”

Meng Qi Ran replied, “Long eyelashes don’t feed you.”

The girl continued, “Meng Qi Ran, look at this tweet, it’s hilarious.”

Meng Qi Ran said, “I’m doing my eyeliner right now.”

“Taking a quick look won’t hurt.”

Meng Qi Ran opened his eyes, the girl turned her phone screen toward him, and he glanced at it, chuckling softly.

Chen Qing Wu didn’t walk over immediately.

Instead, the girl saw her in the mirror, stood up, grabbed her jacket, and said, “Meng Qi Ran, I’m leaving.”

Meng Qi Ran nonchalantly replied, “Hmm.”

Chen Qing Wu approached the mirror, ready to hand over the iced Americano she bought nearby, but saw an unopened coffee already on the table.

Meng Qi Ran glanced at the mirror, “You bought this for me?”


Meng Qi Ran reached out, and Chen Qing Wu handed him the coffee. “Why don’t you drink that one?”

“I’m not used to hot drinks.” Meng Qi Ran lazily took a sip and casually explained, “It’s from a friend of the crew, here to show support.”

Chen Qing Wu lowered her gaze slightly and said, “Oh.”

Meng Qi Ran looked at her through the mirror, “How was the exhibition?”

“Not great. The exhibits weren’t very high quality.”

As she spoke, Chen Qing Wu took out her phone and aimed the camera at Meng Qi Ran.

Meng Qi Ran cooperated, sitting up a bit straighter, and asked with a smile, “Taking it for your social media?”

“Auntie asked me to take some photos for her. She says when she video calls you, you always hang up after a few words.”

“Been busy lately, lots of stuff piling up. Besides, her signal in Thailand is bad, we can barely talk.” After she finished taking the photo, Meng Qi Ran returned to his relaxed posture.

Chen Qing Wu checked the photos, then opened WeChat and sent them to Auntie Qi. “Is Brother Yuan coming to the show?”

“I invited him, but who knows if he’ll come. You know how he is.”

A staff member came to hurry them along.

Feeling stifled, Chen Qing Wu said, “You go ahead with your makeup. I’ll step outside for some air.”

Meng Qi Ran said, “I saved a front-row seat for you. Later, just ask the staff to take you there.”

Chen Qing Wu walked around outside and returned about twenty minutes before the show started.

A staff member handed her a paper bag and led her to her seat in the audience.

The front and center seat offered an excellent view.

After sitting down, Chen Qing Wu looked into the paper bag and found a headpiece, a small light sign, and glow sticks.

As the audience gradually filled the venue, she saw the girl who had been chatting with Meng Qi Ran backstage earlier walk over from the backstage entrance.

Counting the seat numbers, the girl stopped next to Chen Qing Wu and looked at the number behind her seat, “I’m sitting to your left.”

Chen Qing Wu shifted her legs to give her room, “Can you get through?”

The girl nodded.

After sitting down, the girl looked at the light sign in Chen Qing Wu’s hand, “Where did you get that?”

“The staff gave it to me.”

Chen Qing Wu scanned the room and pointed to a staff member at the entrance.

The girl immediately stood up and waved to the staff member.

The staff member saw her and stepped closer, “Do you need any help?”

“Do you have any more merchandise? Could I get some too?”

Soon, the girl received a similar paper bag and happily put on the headpiece right away.

The headpiece was a headband with a cartoon figure of Meng Qi Ran in the middle.

Chen Qing Wu looked at the identical headband in her hand and put it back in the paper bag.

It wasn’t long before the show started.

The band was called Volume Neon.

In his freshman year, Meng Qi Ran won first place in the campus singing competition. Shortly after, someone approached him, saying they played guitar and wanted to form a band, asking him to be the lead singer.

Later, a keyboardist, bassist, and drummer joined, forming the initial lineup of Volume Neon. After two personnel changes, the lineup was finalized in the second semester of sophomore year. By junior year, the band’s fame peaked.

However, after graduation, facing the pressures of reality, everyone abandoned the idea of becoming full-time musicians, opting for further education, jobs, or studying abroad. The band was virtually defunct.

But Meng Qi Ran, stubborn as he was, single-handedly pushed through all the processes, bringing about this long-awaited performance.

From securing the venue, and sponsorships, to handling ticketing agents… he managed everything, big or small.

Apart from the band, Meng Qi Ran had many hobbies like skiing, racing, and surfing… At twelve, he almost drowned, and since then, his family spoiled him. They nagged, but never pressured him to manage the family business or pursue a career.

He never treated these hobbies as mere pastimes, putting in 100% passion and responsibility into each.

His world was a city that never slept, always bustling, always brilliant.

The venue lights dimmed, and in the darkness, a solo guitar pierced the silence.

The intro to Volume Neon’s signature song, “North Harbor.”

The guitar faded, a spotlight turned on, and the audience erupted in screams.

Meng Qi Ran, wearing a black leather jacket, sat casually on a high stool at the center of the stage, his head slightly lowered, the light highlighting his chiseled side profile and the row of silver earrings on his ear.

A natural performer, his striking and dangerous looks commanded attention without uttering a word, drawing countless admirers, though he himself remained indifferent to their adoration.

Chen Qing Wu understood better than anyone why he attracted girls so much.

Volume Neon was a niche band, but over the years, they had gathered enough fans to fill a 300-person venue.

The cheers were continuous, like waves, with 300 people shouting with the intensity of 3,000.

Meng Qi Ran raised a hand to gesture for silence, but the cheers only grew louder.

As if at a loss, Meng Qi Ran chuckled, adjusted his ear monitor, and began singing the first line along with the guitar and cheers.

His voice seemed magical, instantly quieting the crowd, leaving only the rhythmic swaying of glow sticks.

The atmosphere grew more intense, and by the chorus, everyone sang along in unison, the sound almost lifting the roof.

Chen Qing Wu’s ears slightly ached, the girl next to her singing so loudly it drowned out the rest.

After the opening song, Meng Qi Ran returned to the stool, placed the microphone back on the stand, and accepted a guitar from a staff member.

Meng Qi Ran was self-taught in guitar, not particularly skilled, but competent enough to occasionally play the role of a secondary guitarist in the band.

After strumming a few chords, he said, “This song is for Miss Chen.”

His slightly deep voice, amplified by the speakers, seemed to envelop the audience from all directions.

The crowd cheered.

It was almost a tradition for the band to dedicate the second song to “Miss Chen” after the opening, though the songs were always new. Some fans had even tallied that the songs Meng Qi Ran dedicated to her could fill an album.

As a result, among Volume Neon’s fanbase, it was well-known that the seemingly aloof and unapproachable lead singer was actually deeply affectionate, having once done something controversial for his childhood friend, Miss Chen.

Someone had tracked down Miss Chen’s grad school via her Instagram, taking photos of her. Meng Qi Ran publicly called them out, demanding the photos be deleted or face legal action.

The new song, “Misty Miss,” was unusually refreshing, like a misty morning walk along a dewy path.

Meng Qi Ran sang with his head down, rarely looking up.

Chen Qing Wu once asked why he never looked at her while singing her songs. He said he was nervous.

But the effortless rhythm he played and his relaxed voice betrayed a casual ease.

Chen Qing Wu smiled, though her thoughts drifted.

Near the end of the song, the girl beside her suddenly glanced her way.

Her gaze lacked any challenge, instead carrying a sincere, sorrowful envy.

Chen Qing Wu stiffened slightly, waving her glow stick and focusing on the stage.

Suddenly sensing movement beside her, she turned to see Meng Fu Yuan sitting down.

His attire, a formal white shirt and black trousers, seemed out of place in the lively venue.

Chen Qing Wu leaned slightly towards him, greeting, “Qi Ran thought you wouldn’t come.”

Meng Fu Yuan briefly explained, “The meeting just ended.”

On stage, Meng Qi Ran suddenly looked towards where Chen Qing Wu was sitting.

Chen Qing Wu immediately smiled and waved her light sign at him.

Meng Fu Yuan watched her, expressionless, ignoring the sudden burn in his chest.

The small light sign in her hand glowed blue, displaying a bright “Qi.”


After the scheduled songs, the band played three encores before finally ending the show.

As the audience dispersed, Chen Qing Wu and Meng Fu Yuan walked towards the backstage.

In the brightly lit hallway, Meng Fu Yuan paused, finally noticing that Chen Qing Wu was wearing a black top and black casual pants, with a brown trench coat draped over her arm.

The coat he had given her that morning.

Entering the lounge, they didn’t see Meng Qi Ran, who was washing his face in the restroom

A moment later, Meng Qi Ran came out, water droplets on his face, a few damp strands of hair falling over his forehead.

His makeup was off, the bold earrings removed, now in a loose black hoodie, looking youthful and clean.

Meng Qi Ran greeted his brother, “Hey, brother.”

Meng Fu Yuan nodded slightly.

“Well, how was it?” Meng Qi Ran asked, raising his chin.

Meng Fu Yuan had always been the “perfect child,” disciplined, excelling academically, attending top universities, studying abroad, and starting his own business.

Thus, Meng Qi Ran always had a natural desire for his brother’s approval in everything he did.

Though serious, Meng Fu Yuan wasn’t harsh, acknowledging Meng Qi Ran’s unique excellence in an unfamiliar realm.

He nodded, “Not bad.”

Meng Qi Ran smiled, “Getting a ‘great’ from you is tough.”

As everyone packed up, Meng Qi Ran didn’t stand idle, “We’re going for a late-night snack, want to come?”

Meng Fu Yuan replied, “I need to go back to work.”

Chen Qing Wu said, “I’m not going either.”

Meng Qi Ran looked at her, “That’s not acceptable.”

Chen Qing Wu responded, “I can’t drink much. You won’t have fun with me around.”

The guitarist chimed in, “You can just drink juice! Come on, Qing Wu, it’s been a while since we all chatted.”

The drummer added, “If we get drunk, you can drive us home.”

Meng Qi Ran pushed him playfully, “I’ve never made Wu Wu do that.”

The drummer laughed heartily.

Seeing Meng Qi Ran step closer to Chen Qing Wu, Meng Fu Yuan discreetly stepped aside.

Meng Qi Ran raised an eyebrow, looking down at her, “Aren’t you worried I’ll get wasted if you don’t come?”

“Should I ask them to go easy on you?”

“…” Meng Qi Ran seemed a bit helpless, his voice lowering, smiling, “I’d really like you to be there. The band hasn’t reunited in a while.”

So, Chen Qing Wu nodded.

Meng Fu Yuan checked his watch and said, “I’ll be heading out. You guys have fun. — Lunch tomorrow, I’m treating you and Qing Wu.”

Meng Qi Ran nodded.

“Be safe, drink responsibly.”

Meng Qi Ran saluted half-heartedly, “Got it.”

At the door, Meng Fu Yuan stepped back as a girl in a spaghetti strap dress and aviator jacket walked in with a large bouquet of orchids.

“Congrats on the successful show!” She quickly approached, thrusting the bouquet into Meng Qi Ran’s arms.

Meng Qi Ran muttered, “… It’s in the way.”

“Don’t you dare throw it away, these flowers were expensive.”

Meng Fu Yuan glanced at Chen Qing Wu. Her expression was calm, unreadable, but he felt there was a certain emptiness in her gaze.

He hesitated before stepping out.

The band continued packing and discussing where to eat.

The girl asked, “Can I join you for the late-night snack?”

The drummer laughed, “Having a pretty girl join us is always welcome.”

Meng Fu Yuan left the backstage and headed to the parking lot.

In his car, he took a long work call. Just as he was about to start the engine, he saw Meng Qi Ran and the others coming out with their instruments.

Loading everything into a light pickup truck, Meng Qi Ran clapped his hands and approached Chen Qing Wu. She pulled a small pack of wet wipes from her bag and handed him one.

As he wiped his hands, she brushed off the dust from his black hoodie sleeve.

It was like an invisible barrier, separating them from the world.

No one else could intrude.

Meng Fu Yuan looked away, started the car, and silently drove into the night.

After packing up, the band headed towards a van that would take them to the bar.

Who would have thought that there would be a group of seven or eight fans surrounding the car?

As soon as Meng Qi Ran appeared, they held up their phones and screamed, “Qi Ran, can you sign an autograph?”

Meng Qi Ran swiftly pulled Chen Qing Wu into his arms, pressing his hand on the back of her head to hide her face in his chest.

At the same time, he took off his own baseball cap and put it on her head, saying to the fans, “I can sign, but no photos.”

His movements were so quick that Chen Qing Wu didn’t have time to react; she almost crashed directly into his embrace.

With his hand pressing the baseball cap on her head, he was completely in a protective stance.

Chen Qing Wu, dazed, listened to his heartbeat in his chest, each beat resonating and swelling in her own chest.

A few rapid beats later, she realized they were her own.

She heard the fans whispering, wondering if she was the legendary “Miss Chen.”

Meng Qi Ran said straightforwardly, “Yes. So, sorry, no photos.”

There were exclamations of “wow” from the fans, as if they had stumbled upon a live reality show of affection.

Chen Qing Wu felt his hand lift from her head. She adjusted the baseball cap, took a step back, and left his embrace.

The fans had already put away their phones, only offering gifts and paper for autographs.

Meng Qi Ran took the pen and casually signed each open notebook.

As he signed, he also pushed away the bouquet and gifts, saying, “I can’t accept the gifts, sorry.”

The fans became excited, and from their somewhat incoherent words, Chen Qing Wu discerned that some had saved up for months to see the show, while others were there despite having a fever.

The girl at the front held a bouquet of orchids, Meng Qi Ran’s favorite flower, “What about the flowers?”

Meng Qi Ran still smiled, “Sorry.”

“Please! My friends and I wrote a card with just some simple blessings… please, please!” The girl was nearly in tears.

Meng Qi Ran’s smile remained, but his tone turned cold, “I really can’t accept them, sorry.”

Chen Qing Wu could feel the atmosphere becoming awkward.

“Qi Ran…” she said softly.

Meng Qi Ran turned his head slightly.

“Maybe you should accept them. The band hasn’t performed in years, and they just want to show their appreciation…”

Before she could finish, the girl seized the opportunity and turned to her, “Can you take them for him, miss?”


The girl stepped closer and pushed the bouquet into her arms. If she didn’t take it, the flowers would fall to the ground.

Seeing this, the others quickly came forward, piling their gifts onto the bouquet and retreating swiftly, not giving Chen Qing Wu a chance to react.

They waved as they backed away, “See you at the next performance!”

Chen Qing Wu stood there with the gifts, unsure of what to do.

Meng Qi Ran took some of the gifts from her arms and smiled helplessly, “You’re too soft-hearted.”

“What else could I do? It’s their way of showing love…”

“Alright, since we’ve taken them, we’ll keep them.”

With the interruption over, the band got into the car.

The bar was not far from the livehouse, only about a kilometer away. It was spacious with industrial-style decor and not too noisy.

With a large group, they booked a booth on the second floor.

Not long after sitting down, Chen Qing Wu received a call from a colleague at the studio.

She stood up and walked to the restroom at the end of the floor to take the call, where it was quieter.

The colleague asked for a more detailed list of exhibits. After hanging up, she found the list in her email and sent it over.

Leaving the restroom and returning to the booth, she heard voices from the stairs below and paused.

It was Meng Qi Ran and the guitarist Wang Yu, seemingly about to go out.

Wang Yu asked, “Are you and Qing Wu planning to get married? Or wait a few more years?”

Meng Qi Ran laughed, “We’re not even a couple.”

Wang Yu was surprised, “Really? I thought you two were mutually in love.”

“Who knows. I’ve confessed many times, but she never agrees.”

“Why? Doesn’t she like you?”

“I don’t understand her. Sometimes it annoys me. Let’s not talk about this…”

Their figures faded, and the conversation became inaudible.

The railing was iron, and when Chen Qing Wu came to her senses, she felt a chill that seemed to travel from her fingertips to her heart.

Qi Ran always had a way of making her emotions feel like a roller coaster. Just moments ago, she had been elated by his protective gesture in the parking lot, only to now feel plunged into an icy lake.

After sitting back down in the booth, it wasn’t long before Meng Qi Ran and Wang Yu returned, carrying bags from KFC.

They spread out fried chicken, fries, and other snacks on the table, bringing back memories of their university days when post-performance meals were fried chicken and cola.

As they ate, a group of three approached to say hello.

Chen Qing Wu didn’t recognize them, but from Wang Yu’s reaction, they seemed to be an underground band from Dongcheng.

One of the three was a girl with long, straight black hair and a cool demeanor. She walked straight up to Meng Qi Ran and invited him, “Join us at our table?”

“Sorry, my friends are here, it wouldn’t be convenient.” Though he smiled, his attitude was cold.

“Then when you’re done here, let me treat you to a late-night snack.”

The implication was clear.

Meng Qi Ran didn’t even lift an eyelid, “I don’t usually eat late-night snacks.”

The girl didn’t push further.

After greeting, the three left.

Meng Qi Ran took a sip of cola and glanced at Chen Qing Wu beside him.

She seemed distant.

He leaned closer and chuckled, “Are you upset again?”

Chen Qing Wu snapped out of it, “No.”

“You heard me. I didn’t pay any attention to her.”

“It’s not… I really am not.”

“Then why aren’t you happy?”

Chen Qing Wu blinked, unsure if she should tell the truth.

Meng Qi Ran looked at her, his smile turning a bit helpless, “Wu Wu, if you don’t tell me, how will I know why you’re unhappy?”

Chen Qing Wu met his gaze, “It turns out that even when I do nothing, you still find me annoying.”

Meng Qi Ran was taken aback, “No, I was just casually talking to Wang Yu…”

“My colleague called. I need to go back to the hotel to get my computer and send her some files.” Chen Qing Wu stood up calmly.

Meng Qi Ran hurriedly stood up too, reaching to pull her arm.

She twisted her arm away, avoiding his grip.

Everyone else looked over, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Chen Qing Wu spoke before Meng Qi Ran, smiling, “I have some work to do and need to leave early.”

Wang Yu said, “You just got here, stay a bit longer.”

“It’s urgent, sorry.”

Everyone said it was fine, work was important.

Chen Qing Wu nodded and walked out.

Meng Qi Ran said, “You guys stay, I’ll see her off.”

Chen Qing Wu walked quickly, but Meng Qi Ran’s long legs caught up in a few strides. He grabbed her wrist, “Chen Qing Wu!”

She stopped.

Meng Qi Ran looked down at her, then smiled, with a tone of appeasement, “I was wrong. I apologize, okay?”

He was tall and had to lower his head to talk to her, something she never told him she actually disliked.

The light was so enchanting, yet it didn’t touch him, his features so clean, and when he looked at her, it easily softened her heart.

“… It’s okay. Sometimes I find myself annoying too.” Contradictory, highly sensitive. She could never truly align with Meng Qi Ran.

“It was just a thoughtless remark,” Meng Qi Ran said. “I don’t find you annoying. If anything annoys me, it’s that despite confessing, you never agree to change our relationship.”

Chen Qing Wu remembered the first time Meng Qi Ran confessed—if it could even be called that.

It was in their freshman year when she was upset over a girl hugging Meng Qi Ran tightly. To cheer her up, he casually said, “Then let’s date, Wu Wu, so you have the right to be openly upset.”

She was still tearful at the time, feeling only sadness at his informal request.

After that, his “confessions” were always similarly casual, as if he considered it a way to cheer her up.

He didn’t know that she wasn’t necessarily that unhappy.

Nor did he realize that his nonchalant attitude towards their relationship was the real reason she was upset.

Since then, she never cried over the same issue and gradually stopped worrying about his many lively friendships.

She knew him too well—someone inherently proud, unwilling to flirt casually.

He didn’t like any other girls.

But perhaps he didn’t like her that much either.

Chen Qing Wu sighed softly and smiled, “… I just think that if a relationship can be taken or left, then there’s no need to start it.”

Her voice was soft, like a cool mist. Her eyes, clear and cold, reminded Meng Qi Ran of a river thawing in spring, chillingly crisp.

Meng Qi Ran was silent for a moment, feeling puzzled, “Do you think I’m not doing enough?”

“… No.” Chen Qing Wu sighed internally, “Wang Yu and the others are waiting for you. You should go back. It’s rare for you all to reunite.”

After a pause, Meng Qi Ran asked, “What about you?”

“I’ll call a car to the hotel.”

“I’ll call for you.”

“No need.”

Meng Qi Ran smiled helplessly, almost gently, “Wu Wu, you won’t even give me an inch.”

They rarely argued because it was always like this: Meng Qi Ran would indulge her “unreasonable” behavior without anger, never speaking harshly, only teasing and comforting her.

He might not realize how condescending this stance was.

She sighed silently and gave him an out, “You can order me some supper and have it sent to the hotel.”

Meng Qi Ran seemed relieved, “Alright, send me the order, and I’ll pay.”

A looming argument fizzled out.

Meng Qi Ran saw her to the door and personally called a car. Before closing the door, he said, “Stay safe and text me when you get to the hotel.”

Chen Qing Wu nodded, then remembered something, “Wait, I have something for you.”

She pulled a velvet pouch from her bag and handed it to Meng Qi Ran.

It was a bit heavy, and he wasn’t sure what it was. Holding it, he watched the car turn a corner and disappear from sight.

He turned back inside and returned to the booth on the second floor.

“Did Qing Wu leave?” Wang Yu asked.

“Yeah.” Meng Qi Ran replied, sitting down and opening the velvet pouch.

He was stunned by what he saw.

It was a microphone, painted in royal blue. Clearly used for a long time, the paint was worn in places.

Meng Qi Ran recognized it immediately—it belonged to the lead singer of his favorite band.

The lead singer had retired due to severe anorexia and had been out of the public eye for years.

How Chen Qing Wu had acquired it, he had no idea.

The girl from the crew sitting nearby curiously leaned over, “A fan gift?”

Meng Qi Ran didn’t answer, carefully placing the microphone back into the velvet pouch.


Stuck in traffic, the stop-and-go frustrated Chen Qing Wu. She asked the driver to pull over and got out.

Not far away was a quiet alley, and she crossed the road to it.

In the alley, she lit a cigarette out of the wind and walked aimlessly.

When feeling down, she liked to walk alone, enjoying the sense of secrecy, insignificance, and safety amidst a sea of people.

At night, Dongcheng was even more beautiful, the bustling charm less ostentatious and more inviting.

She carried her film camera, taking pictures as she walked, unknowingly covering almost a kilometer.

Feeling thirsty, she stopped by a convenience store but then heard someone call her name:

“Qing Wu.”

The voice came from across the street, muffled by the night wind.

Chen Qing Wu looked up and saw a small bar opposite.

A dark blue curtain hung at the entrance, revealing a warm yellow light inside. A few tables were set up outside, with black camping lamps casting a gentle glow, making the scene look pretty and warm.

Meng Fu Yuan sat there, his dark brown trench coat draped over a nearby chair, blending into the silent night in his black shirt.

Surprised to see him, Chen Qing Wu stubbed out her cigarette and crossed the road.

Meng Fu Yuan removed his coat from the chair beside him and draped it over his own chair.

“I thought you had gone back.”

“Didn’t have dinner, so I stopped by for a late-night snack.” Meng Fu Yuan looked her over briefly, then tapped the table, “The ramen here is good, you should try it.”

Meng Fu Yuan had been watching her for a while, ever since she appeared at the intersection.

Being frail since childhood, she was very thin, yet her tall figure gave a sense of solitary dignity.

It was the first time he saw her smoking, looking especially cool and distant, as if she might disappear into the night at any moment.

It made him feel he had to call out to her.

Chen Qing Wu sat down and took off her coat.

Meng Fu Yuan reflexively reached to take it but quickly realized and clenched his fingers, pulling back.

Chen Qing Wu draped the coat over the chair back, “Is there a menu?”

Meng Fu Yuan called a server, who brought a menu.

As she looked through it, Meng Fu Yuan watched her.

“Why didn’t you go for a late-night snack with Qi Ran and the others?”

“I had something to do and left early.”

“I remember you named the band.”

Chen Qing Wu paused slightly. He seemed to be implying that she was part of the band, so why leave early?

Only those in the band knew the origin of the name. She hadn’t told Meng Fu Yuan, so Meng Qi Ran must have.

“Everyone suggested names, and mine happened to be acceptable to everyone.” She pointed to a page in the menu, “Is this the ramen?”

Meng Fu Yuan glanced at it, “Yes.”

She picked two more snacks and asked, “Do you want to add anything?”

“Sweet pomegranate juice.”

The server took their order and left with the menu.

Meng Fu Yuan silently sipped from his glass, the iced drink burning cold as it went down.

Seeing him quiet, Chen Qing Wu also stayed silent.

She knew his personality—unnecessary small talk wasn’t his style.

She figured he probably didn’t want to engage in pleasantries.

Before long, their food and drinks arrived.

Chen Qing Wu picked up chopsticks and tried the lemon chicken nuggets.

Meng Fu Yuan raised his hand and pushed the sweet pomegranate juice the server had placed before him towards her.

Chen Qing Wu looked up at him.

His voice was steady, “People who are unhappy should drink something sweet.”

She was surprised, “… Do I look that upset? People often mistake me for being unhappy.”

Meng Fu Yuan glanced at her, his gaze skimming her face like water.

His next words gave her a peculiar feeling, like walking a tightrope and suddenly slipping.

He said, “I can tell the difference.”

  1. Teehee has spoken 4 months ago

    ugh… a slow burn

  2. VicoSDL has spoken 4 months ago

    Thank you ! I so wanted this one !

    • NightReaderz has spoken 4 months ago

      Thank you! Your support means a lot to me 🤗🤩


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