Wilderness Livestream Room [Interstellar]
Wilderness Livestream Room | Chapter: 3 


The requirements for the show “Wilderness Livestream” are quite simple. Each year, twenty planets participate, and each planet selects an individual to enter the program. Gender is not limited, but age cannot exceed the equivalent of a Level 2 adult. Individuals must be without defects and have not engaged in any illegal activities prohibited by the Interstellar Alliance. 

Well, to put it in terms that Earthlings can understand, it means individuals must be under forty years old, gender is unrestricted, physically healthy, and have no undesirable habits. 

“The Wilderness Livestream Room” is so popular not only because of its content but also because the show can be viewed anywhere with an interstellar network. 

The so-called interstellar network is an invisible network developed by the Interstellar Alliance, covering the entire universe. Both places that have joined the Interstellar Alliance and those that haven’t can use this network. Of course, star systems or planets that have joined the Interstellar Alliance can enjoy more functions of the interstellar network, such as rich communication, shopping, inquiries, resource integration, and so on. 

However, those star systems or planets that have not joined the Interstellar Alliance can only use the most basic functions in this interstellar network, such as basic communication and receiving some widely covered programs, including “The Wilderness Livestream Room.” 

In simple terms, as long as there are intelligent beings on a planet and their technology has reached the level to access the network, they can watch “The Wilderness Livestream Room.” This is also why “The Wilderness Livestream” is so popular—it has a broad audience base, making it not too difficult to be popular. 

For all participants in this program, it’s a powerful tool to let other star systems and planets understand their home planet. For those star systems and planets that haven’t participated in the program, they can see how other planets live through this program which expands their horizons. They might even discover what their own planet lacks and find some business opportunities. 

For those star systems and planets that haven’t joined the Interstellar Alliance, this program is their only correct and true way to understand what the Interstellar Alliance is like and can give them many inspirations on how to join the Interstellar Alliance. 

So, every year, there’s a sea of applicants from star and planet systems participating in the selection for this program. Earth being able to sign up immediately isn’t just luck—it’s because every year, the program reserves one or two spots for Class V planets. After all, the extreme gap in strength is also one of the audience’s morbid interests. What contribution would Earth, a Class V planet that just joined the Interstellar Alliance, make if it didn’t participate? 

In short, “The Wilderness Livestream Room” can be considered the universe’s annual entertainment extravaganza. 

The meeting room of the Interstellar Propaganda Department was nearly full, with everyone nervously watching the huge screen on the wall, which was broadcasting scenes from the hall of the Interstellar Alliance Propaganda Base “The Wilderness Livestream Room” on the planet Uranus. 

Indeed, the broadcast had already begun at this moment. No, to be precise, the recording of this episode of “The Wilderness Livestream Room” had begun from the moment each participant disembarked from their spacecraft. 

Since the launch of “The Wilderness Livestream Room,” there have been many reforms over the years. However, as the flagship program of the entire Interstellar Alliance, the show has been moving towards greater rigor. 

For instance, this time’s reform was prompted by feedback from viewers in recent years, suggesting that starting the broadcast only after entering the wilderness planet didn’t allow viewers to understand what happened before, making it feel less authentic. Moreover, with the participation of Royal Major General Rong Shi from the Milky Way Galaxy in this episode, many viewers demanded that the broadcast start from the very beginning. 

In response to the eager anticipation of the audience, the organizers of “The Wilderness Livestream Room” generously accepted the suggestion and started the broadcast in advance. 

Of course, almost every planet knew about this, except for all the participants. 

To ensure that every detail presented in “The Wilderness Livestream Room” is authentic, each participant’s communicator was provided by the organizers, containing special programs. Even if the participants use their own identity cards in the communicator, the content related to “The Wilderness Livestream Room” will still be blocked by the special program. 

Upon arrival at the Wilderness, the communicator could only retain basic communication functions because even the participants interstellar network would be blocked there. 

At this moment, the large screen in the meeting room directly projected the scene of participants taking the test in the hall of the Uranus Propaganda Base. 

The screen was divided into twenty small frames, with the name of each participant’s planet and their name marked in the bottom right corner of each frame. Each small screen could be clicked to open in full screen for individual viewing. 

Regarding this test, the focus varies every year, but one thing is certain: the questions each year are directly related to the wilderness planet visited that year. 

For instance, the desolate planet visited the previous year was one ravaged by interstellar warfare, so the tasks were all about recovery and rebuilding. The year before that was an underwater planet, so the tasks revolved around underwater survival. 

But this year’s tasks… 

Su Ge looked at each question, answering them with great skill and speed, feeling strangely puzzled. Were the test questions really so simple? 

For example: Given the conditions allowed, which method is most suitable for obtaining drinking water? 

A. Osmosis method 

B. Precipitation method 

C. Filtration method 

Do we even need to discuss this? Given the conditions, it’s obviously the filtration method! 

Another example: What is the most suitable medium for quickly starting a fire? 

A. Dry firewood 

B. Dead branches 

C. Gathered dry grass 

Do we really need such questions as part of the test? Of course, it’s dry grass. Among these three, only dry grass ignites instantly. Is this even a question? 

Yet another example: In an unfamiliar wilderness, where is the most suitable place to rest at night? 

A. Wind-protected rock crevices with good visibility 

B. Concealed and dark mountain caves 

C. Grass thickets near a water source 

This question is a bit tricky. Both the first and second options could work, but upon deeper analysis, the first one is definitely more suitable. After all, an unfamiliar wilderness often harbors many dangers. Mountain caves are dead ends, more comfortable for resting perhaps, but if a crisis arises, their danger increases rapidly. On the other hand, rock crevices with good visibility are safer, especially since rocks are generally found in open terrain, providing better escape routes in case of danger. 

After reading through the entire set of test questions, Su Ge couldn’t shake off a deep sense of confusion. After all, this was supposed to be the hottest show in the universe. Why were the test questions so simple? 

Su Ge wasn’t alone in this feeling. Even the Minister of Interstellar Propaganda on Earth, who had been closely following the live broadcast, was filled with doubt: “These questions seem quite simple. I remember the questions from previous years being much more challenging…” 

Also feeling confused like the Minister were all the staff in the conference rooms. No one dared to speak up, but everyone was silently wondering if they had taken the wrong questions. Finally, the Secretary-General, somewhat uncertainly, remarked, “Perhaps this desolate planet this time requires these kinds of questions?” 

Well, if that’s the case, then so be it. 

What differentiated the participants from other planets, unlike Earth and Su Ge’s reactions, was their expressions—all uniformly baffled. 

From Morning Planet: What are soil and sand? 

From Alrak: We don’t know, what are those things? Are they like energy stones? 

From Lemon Star: What are green plants? Are there things to eat other than nutrient fluid in this world? 

From Ronnie: What is the action of quickly igniting? Does it refer to activating the fire element? What’s the relation between activating the fire element and those firewood and branches? What is dry firewood? What are dead branches? And what about gathering a dry grass? 

Neptune: Rock crevices? Caves? By the water? Can’t we just quickly construct a rest area with energy stones? Can these broken places even be inhabited? 


Anyway, the unified feeling among all participants now is—has the organizer gone mad? What kind of topic is this for us? What the heck kind of test is this? 

Even Rong Shi finds this test a bit overwhelming. Luckily, the Milky Way Galaxy has the largest library in the entire universe. He used to enjoy spending time there when he was young, and it seems he had come across this kind of knowledge while browsing through the vast collection of books. He relies solely on this knowledge to start answering the questions. 

However, as Rong Shi answers the questions, he starts feeling uneasy. If he remembers correctly, this kind of knowledge generally only pertains to completely undeveloped planets. After all, with the advancement of technology throughout the universe, there are rarely any planets without life forms anymore. Why would they test on this now? Could it be… 

Some things really shouldn’t be pondered too much, lest… 

Regardless of whether this set of test questions is easy or difficult for the participants, the time for answering soon arrives. 

When the answering time ends, nobody is notified. They just see the frozen questions on the screen, and then the test questions are automatically submitted. Just like students all over the world, after finishing the exam, everyone likes to discuss or compare answers. However, judging from the expressions of everyone when comparing answers, this set of questions is indescribable for most participants. 

Except for Su Ge. 

Because nobody compares answers with her, she doesn’t think much of it. What makes her feel uncomfortable is that now, in the entire hall, whether openly or secretly, everyone’s attention is focused solely on her. 

It’s really an indescribable feeling, a group of alien races that she had only ever seen in videos or books, now, at this moment, are gazing at her like a monkey in the zoo. 

Fortunately, Su Ge remained very calm, at least on the surface. Even if she felt like her heart was racing, her demeanor appeared as steady as a rock, so when the participants in the hall were observing her, she didn’t hesitate to look back at each one of them, refusing to back down in this situation. 

As Su Ge was trying to maintain eye contact with the surrounding participants, suddenly, a very aggressive gaze was directed towards her. She almost immediately sensed it and instinctively looked towards the source of that gaze. 

Then she saw a pair of pure, crystal-like eyes, shining with a violet hue. 


🎀I'm just a girl🎀 🧸I'm just a girl in the world🧸

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