Wilderness Livestream Room [Interstellar]
Wilderness Livestream Room | Chapter: 23 

The so-called guide tasks essentially instruct all participants on the most critical actions to take upon entering this unfamiliar planet. These tasks are always part of the early stages of the “Wilderness Livestream,” so anyone familiar with the program knows that these tasks are more than just simple assignments. 

More importantly, these tasks provide very clear hints about the essential actions needed to survive on this planet. 

For example, the current guide tasks for this 756 Wild Star reveal several crucial pieces of information: first, direction; second, a habitat and fire; and third— the current task in Su Ge’s hands. 

“Find a water source.” 

Su Ge looked at the task received from the tent yesterday, carefully analyzing its key points. First and foremost, it was certain that there was a water source near the safety point. Additionally, there were likely other hidden aspects to this task. 

For instance, the term used is “water source” instead of “drinking water,” which implies that the found water source might not be directly drinkable. Of course, this might not necessarily be the case, but in any unknown task, Su Ge’s habit is to consider all possible aspects. 

Last night, she slept very well. Besides being exhausted, the brand-new little house gave her a great sense of security, allowing her to rest peacefully throughout the night. She had to thank the aliens for that! 

After getting up, Su Ge went straight to the back of the house to check the water collector that she made from leaves. 

The temperature was slightly low last night, and the air was quite humid, which made the amount of water in the collector considerable. 

Su Ge took out an empty plastic bottle and managed to fill it halfway. She used the remaining bit of water to rinse her mouth, then wiped her face with the water left on the leaves and combed her hair a little to avoid looking too disheveled. 

Although Su Ge knew that under these circumstances, it was impossible to look beautiful and refined, her personal habit was still to avoid looking too sloppy. 

After closing the bottle, Su Ge checked the contents of her backpack once more: a flint, rope, a dagger, a wooden sword, and the bottle of water. These were all the supplies she had at the moment. 

Yes, supplies, but no food. 

The piece of mammoth meat had been completely consumed yesterday and this morning. Even if she didn’t go out to find water today, Su Ge would still need to go out to search for food. 

Just after leaving the camp, before reaching the edge of the safety zone, Su Ge saw Rong Shi, Zigmadar, and Sela. Not far behind them, Ron and Li Ya were also there. 

Now, only six of them were left in the camp. Seeing them all together like this, Su Ge didn’t think they were just basking in the sun; there must be something going on. 

Although Ron said a lot of vague and empty words yesterday, one thing was clear: on this planet, there were only twenty of them. For some reason, they were a team, a collective, so unless there was some deep-seated hatred, there was no need to turn against each other. 

As a member of the team, Su Ge, as an Earthling, naturally needed to participate in the discussion. So, she walked over, greeted each of them, and then asked, “Why is everyone here?” 

Although there were only six of them, besides Su Ge, Rong Shi had subtly become the leader among the other aliens. Upon hearing Su Ge’s question, Rong Shi explained, “One thing is about the task. Isn’t it about finding a water source? We thought it would be better to discuss this with you.” 

Su Ge nodded without agreeing or disagreeing, and then asked, “What’s the other matter?” 

At this, Rong Shi slightly frowned, showing some concern. “The other matter is about the others.” 

Su Ge hadn’t really considered this until Rong Shi mentioned it. She suddenly realized that there were actually twenty people in this program. Only six of them had reached the safety point, and there was still no trace of the remaining fourteen people.”. 

“Today is the third day since we arrived on this wild star,” Rong Shi said in his usual clear and steady tone. “This is quite a long time. I’m worried that something might have happened to them. So, everyone wants to go out and search for them. Would you like to join us?” 

Without hesitation, Su Ge nodded. Despite this deviating slightly from her initial plan, it was obvious that Rong Shi and the others were waiting specifically for her. 

After the events of the past two days, both Rong Shi and the other aliens had to admit that this Earthling might be more familiar with this wild star than they were. Consulting her about matters on this planet could clearly prevent unnecessary detours. 

Finding the others was no different. Having someone familiar with the planet as a guide would significantly increase their chances of success. 

Essentially, Su Ge was an ordinary person, and ordinary people have a keen instinct for avoiding danger and seeking benefit. Whether for the sake of her home planet’s interests or her personal well-being, participating in such a group activity was essential. Moreover, Su Ge also felt that searching for people while exploring the surroundings would be a good opportunity to get to know the planet better. 

The choice of this safety point was quite unique. Su Ge and Rong Shi had arrived from the forest. 

The forest was to the south of the safety point, though only part of it bordered the safety point. On the other side, to the east, lay flat and open wilderness, mainly grasslands and various low-growing plants. 

Zigmadar, Sela, and the others had been fortunate to land in this wilderness. One group was relatively close to the safety point, while the other was further away, so they found the safety point quickly. 

North of the safe point is a relatively high mountain, and none of the six people present had ventured behind the mountain. To the east, it appeared to border a wilderness, but no one had explored it yet. 

After a brief discussion, everyone decided to act together. The main reason was that, although the six people present appeared to be very clever and capable, the only one truly skilled in navigation was Su Ge. 

Even Rong Shi wasn’t very confident about going out alone, making a round trip, and then returning accurately to the safe point.

Comparing the area behind the mountain and the eastern wilderness, they decided to first check out the eastern wilderness, as it seemed easier to navigate. 

The advantage of the wilderness was that it was relatively easy to cross, but the disadvantages were also clear.

Because of its flat terrain, there were no tall trees for shade and rest. More importantly, as they went on, the once lush wilderness started turning into a desert. Combined with the intense heat from the planet’s sun, the group soon began to feel very thirsty.

Naturally, Su Ge took out her water bottle and took a sip. Of course, it wasn’t a big gulp—until they found more water, this half-bottle was like a lifeline to her, and she had to conserve it. 

But as she nonchalantly took her sip and prepared to put the bottle away, she noticed the other five were all staring at her intently—no, “intently” was too mild; they were practically glaring at her water bottle with green, envious eyes. 

Only then did Su Ge realize she might have done something very inappropriate. She quickly screwed the cap back on the bottle and stuffed it into her backpack, then looked warily at the others, especially Rong Shi. 

At this moment, Rong Shi’s appearance was still pleasing, but honestly, he looked much more disheveled compared to when they first met. His hair was a bit messy, his clothes were dirty, and if you looked closely, you could see his lips were chapped. 

Su Ge squinted her eyes. Although she phrased it as a question, her tone left no room for argument: “You all swore to me that you survive on nutrient fluids, right?” 

“But we still need to drink water.” As soon as Su Ge finished speaking, the five of them chorused, not just speaking but with eyes that seemed to pierce through her backpack like sharp blades. 

Immediately, Su Ge made a decision. She turned and walked swiftly towards the direction of the safe point, not even giving the five people a backward glance. “Goodbye!” 

“Don’t go! Su Ge, don’t go!” 

Su Ge’s speed was impressive, her reactions quick, and her decisions swift, but none of this was faster than the instinctive drive of the five who were desperately thirsty. In no time, they rushed forward like bandits, quickly surrounding Su Ge.

Su Ge: … 

I was wrong. I shouldn’t have joined this show. If I hadn’t joined this show, I wouldn’t have met these aliens. If I hadn’t met these aliens, I wouldn’t have been misled by their odd behavior. If I hadn’t been misled by their odd behavior, I wouldn’t have done something as stupid as drinking water in front of them. If I hadn’t done something as stupid as drinking water in front of them, I wouldn’t be in this situation where heaven won’t help, and earth can’t save me… 

Crouched in a low spot that barely provided shade from the heat and sunlight, Su Ge sat in the best, coolest spot, looking utterly defeated as she watched each of the five carefully take a sip of water and pass it to the next person. 

“Aren’t you all from advanced planets? Aren’t you all boasting about your amazing technology that can do anything? Is it all fake? Why doesn’t your planet produce water that lasts for half a year with just one sip? After all this trouble, you ended up here waiting for me! Is this how you operate? You are cheating me!!” 

Listening to Su Ge’s relentless scolding, Ron wanted to retort, but the team leader, Rong Shi, immediately shot him a sharp glance. Even in this dire situation, Rong Shi’s voice carried an unyielding authority as he said, “Shut up, just listen!” 

“My home planet is Earth, a Class V planet. Before coming here, everyone told me to get along with you guys, so you could help Earth. And this is how you help me? This is robbery! Don’t you have any conscience?” 

When the last person finished drinking, the bottle returned to Su Ge’s hand. The half-full bottle was now almost empty. Feeling defeated, she drank the remaining water herself, abandoning any hope of conserving it. 

“Look at you, you can’t do anything right! What use are you to me? Besides wasting my supplies, what have you done?” 

She flicked the plastic bottle, which made a metallic clang: “I’m telling you; this is all the water I have. If we don’t find water today, forget about looking for help—we’re all going to die here, got it?” 

“Got it,” the five aliens replied, more obedient and cooperative than ever. 

“If we die here from dehydration, we’ll probably be the most pathetic team to ever be eliminated,” Su Ge said, covering her face and almost wailing. 

“No, the show won’t let us die here. They’ll rescue us before we die…” Zigmadar immediately interjected, but he was met with fierce, wolf-like glares from everyone. 

Especially from Rong Shi, who coldly sneered, “Then you can wait here until the show saves you just before you die.” 

Zigmadar: That’s not what I meant… o(╥﹏╥)o 

While the group was lamenting over a bottle of water, a different scene was unfolding in the livestream chat. 

The previous night, the interstellar broadcasting network had worked overnight with Earth to purchase the technology for “bullet comments” and had immediately implemented it. The entire process took less than eight hours. 

Due to the different time zones across various planets, viewers discovered the “bullet comments” feature at different times. Once they did, the livestream chat exploded with activity comparable to an earthquake. 

At first, many people didn’t know how to use the new feature. However, for some viewers who frequently visited Earth, it was second nature. Thanks to these experienced users, the rest of the audience quickly got the hang of this new tool. 

Of course, while the introduction of bullet comments was a significant event, there was another development that caused an even greater stir. 

Earth could now connect to the main interstellar livestream. 

Previously, Earth’s network had not been connected to the main interstellar network. This might have been deliberate or perhaps an oversight, despite repeated requests from Earth’s officials for access, which were unsuccessful.

It wasn’t until the previous night, when the interstellar broadcasting agency wanted to purchase the bullet comment technology from Earth, that they realized Earth’s network, although decent for basic communication, was inadequate for serious commercial negotiations. Thus, the broadcasting agency initiated the discussions. 

The results were swift. Before Earth’s foreign ministers even gathered in their office, the interstellar network had already formally integrated Earth. This meant that from now on, Earth could access all the resources available on the interstellar network. 

Interestingly, the interstellar broadcasting agency did not make a special announcement to Earth’s viewers about this integration. Earth’s public relations and marketing departments were busy with other business matters and hadn’t yet informed the audience. 

However, the biggest characteristic of Earthlings is their extreme spirit of exploration. Some viewers who watch live streams every day are very sensitive to changes on the internet. Once they noticed some alterations, they began to wander around extensively. Soon enough, they discovered this secret. After they found out about it, the news spread rapidly.  

Before the vast majority of aliens even understood how to use the bullet comments… 

Earthlings had already climbed into the main live broadcast room, and even directly occupied it.

Speaking of which, the bullet comments on the interstellar network is a bit more advanced than on Earth. For example, in terms of language selection, it covers the majority of languages within the Interstellar Alliance. 

Languages like Mandarin and English on Earth are considered universal languages, so they are included in the language options. Therefore, if Earthlings want to send bullet comments, they just need to choose their familiar language to input. After sending, the powerful translator of the Interstellar Alliance will directly translate these languages into universal language and display them on the screen. 

As for the received bullet comments, after the audience chooses their familiar language, they will be directly translated into the corresponding language. Simply put, the bullet comments in the live broadcast room do not require the audience to understand the universal language. As long as you select the corresponding language, you will find that you have opened the door to the interstellar world. 

This setting is simply a godsend for many Earth viewers who could only watch but didn’t understand the universal language in Earth’s live broadcast rooms at first. They left and joined the army that took over the screens of the main live broadcast room of the Interstellar Alliance. 

This resulted in most aliens, when waking up and habitually climbing into the live broadcast room to watch while starting their new day, seeing the following scene: 

The texts flying across the screen like bullets would perfectly dodge the faces of everyone in the live broadcast room and appear in various corners. If you looked closely, you’d notice that most of these bullet comments didn’t sound like they were coming from normal aliens… 

After all, the usual tone of aliens is like this: 

【Earthlings go to hell, that Earth woman deserves annihilation! 】 

【Commander Rong, I love you! 】 

【I think objectively speaking, Earthlings haven’t done anything wrong in this matter. 】 


While the tone of Earthlings is usually like this: 

【Ahh, my girl is the coolest! My girl is naturally beautiful! My girl is the best! 】 

【23333, I’m laughing so hard my head’s about to fall off, that expression on my girl’s face, my girl probably doesn’t even have the strength to cry anymore, she finally saved up enough for a bottle of water and it’s gone. 】 

【How could aliens do this? They’re all advanced planets, how could they steal from Earth! 】 

【Hahaha, my girl is so cool, all the aliens could be turned into ‘Cute.JPG’ memes, it’s just hilarious…】 


When the aliens saw these types of bullet comments, they looked completely confused. Deep down, they had three questions: Who am I? Where am I? What am I doing?

But when the aliens reacted, the entire screen of the live broadcast room became the epicenter of an earthquake. They began to vie for control of the screen, but unfortunately, initially, the aliens attacks were scattered and soon were easily repelled by the experienced Earthlings. 

And when the aliens regrouped and prepared to attack the Earthlings again, they found that the Earthlings were adept at using various features of this tool (such as emojis), and once again, their rich experience left them defeated. 

When the aliens became proficient with the software and launched another attack, they found that simply being skilled with the software couldn’t defeat the Earthlings. It seemed that Earthlings were naturally adept at using language skills. No matter how aggressive or cunning their attacks were, Earthlings could immediately counter them. 

In the end, under the rich experience of Earthlings in verbal combat, the aliens, who had never encountered such fierce language attacks before, were defeated once again. 

Of course, this incident also became an ongoing battle between aliens and Earthlings for control of the main screen in the live broadcast room for a long time to come… 

Compared to the earthquakes, joy, or even warlike atmospheres inside the broadcast room, the people on Planet 756 had no idea at all. At this moment, the main screen was showing the official Su Ge and their group of six people, each wearing makeshift hats made of long grass vines… 

After all, the weather was really hot, and without water, if they didn’t find a way to cool off soon, they’d probably turn into dried fish. 

“Where should we go to find water now?” 

“The easiest place would be to go to the forest. The creatures on this planet should also need water. We just need to find where they drink, and we’ll find a water source,” Su Ge responded expressionlessly. 

“But we’re at least three hours away from the forest. If we go back, we might not make it to find water,” Li Ya frowned, feeling somewhat dismayed. 

Su Ge glanced at him. “I know.” 

“So now…” Li Ya  felt increasingly puzzled. Since Su Ge knew about this matter, why continue walking deeper into the wilderness? Had they gotten lost? 

Of course, he didn’t dare to voice these thoughts… 

“Look down and search carefully here.” Su Ge picked up a low green plant with her wooden sword from the barren rocks and ash soil. “If you find many of these plants, you’ll find water.” 


🎀I'm just a girl🎀 🧸I'm just a girl in the world🧸

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