Wilderness Livestream Room [Interstellar]
Wilderness Livestream Room | Chapter: 25 

After that, things turned into a bit of a joke.

Maybe it was the sight of Nalita, all muddy and scrambling away, with mud dropping off her as she fled, that really got to Rong Shi. It wasn’t until Nalita had dashed off quite a way that Rong Shi came to his senses. He yelled out, “Hey, don’t run! Stop! Come back!”

But the more Rong Shi shouted for Nalita to stop, the faster she seemed to run as if she had seen a ghost. 

The people who had been chatting about gossip had to chase after them as well. After all, it wasn’t easy to find a companion, and if they lost her, it would be hard to find her again, especially since none of them were familiar with the area. After all, only Su Ge was familiar with the direction. 

So, basically, Su Ge was lifted up by Zigmadar, sandwiched under his armpit, and followed along as Rong Shi chased after. 

“Put me down, I can run by myself!” Su Ge said. Even though she wasn’t tired from being carried by Zigmadar, it was uncomfortable. His wide arm swings while running made Su Ge feel dizzy.

Unfortunately, amidst the chaotic running, Su Ge’s voice didn’t catch Zigmadar’s attention. She could only cling to his sturdy arm and barely lift her head to observe the situation, trying to avoid getting lost in the confusion. 

Just as she managed to lift her head, without fully seeing the surroundings, she heard Sela, Li Ya, and Ron screaming loudly again, immediately looking ahead. 

Surprised by what she saw, she noticed that Nalita, who had been running in front, had disappeared at some point. No, not disappeared, but directly turned into four! 

And now, those four piles of mud were rushing towards them, while the aliens turned their heads and ran away without any dignity, completely ignoring the situation. 

Su Ge, who had been educated that in chaotic situations, one must remain calm, struggled within Zigmadar’s grip while shouting loudly. Unfortunately, the Neptune Alien, known as the strongman, couldn’t be easily shaken. Even with all her strength, Su Ge couldn’t budge him in the slightest. It was clear that dreaming of overpowering him with just strength alone was futile. 

She could only try to lift her upper body as much as possible, slapping Zigmadar’s shoulder and shouting, “Put me down!” 

This time Zigmadar did hear her, but instead of obeying, he responded seriously, “Stop fussing, is this the time to make a scene? Haven’t you seen the situation?” 

“What am I making a scene for? Hurry up and put me down! And why are you all running?” Su Ge couldn’t understand. Although the four piles of mud chasing them from behind looked unpleasant, if she could discern them clearly, they should be four humanoid beings, probably participants in the recording. They came out to find someone, didn’t they? Those people were right in front of them, so why run? 

“Are we running to avoid getting attacked?” Ron ran alongside Zigmadar, criticizing Earthling’s intelligence as they hurried. “We don’t know much about this planet. Being careful is important right now.” 

“But they look like participants from the show,” Su Ge glanced back at the four muddy figures, also noticing Rong Shi running alongside them. “The point is, didn’t that person just say her name was Nalita? Since she could say her own name, it can’t be wrong, right?” 

Ron’s tone became even more disdainful. “Earthling, you truly have shallow knowledge. You probably don’t know that in this universe, there are many unknown creatures that use reading other’s thoughts as bait, luring them to become their food to survive. You might not even be aware that some creatures have survived for countless centuries solely by their natural disguises.” 

“On a completely unfamiliar planet, can you guarantee that those monsters following us are our companions? Don’t say they haven’t revealed their true selves; even if they did, it might not be genuine. To survive, as I said, one must be cautious.” 

Su Ge: …You’re right. I can’t even find words to argue with. =.= 

Of course, things didn’t end up as dire as Ron described, after all, this is an illogical and brainless light novel. If it developed into something too bizarre and complex, as an author of average intelligence, I wouldn’t have the ability to fabricate it. ┐( ̄ー ̄)┌ 

Anyway, after the chaotic accident, everyone could finally sit down peacefully. As for those four piles of mud, they cleaned up in the shallow pool, revealing their true identities. 

Indeed, they were members of two other teams. 

Apart from Nalita from Trala Star, there was also Abing from Jupiter Star, Flynn from Helmo Star, and his teammate Saro from Pila Star. 

It was truly fate that these four individuals bumped into each other. They were originally supposed to land in completely different places, and the directional cues provided to them were entirely blank. Thus, these two teams weren’t initially together; they relied solely on their experiences on their home planets to choose their paths. 

Well, to put it simply, they were just guessing blindly. 

And so, after two days of flying and landing, these two blindly guessing teams miraculously encountered each other and found a water source. 

It was the same water source Su Ge and the others had just encountered. For the four individuals who had been thirsty for two days, seeing this water source was no different from seeing their own kin. They drank heartily and, exhausted from continuous traveling, they slept near the water source. 

“How did you all end up like this?” Sela couldn’t help but wonder as he tried to recall the scene when they first encountered these individuals. After all, that scene was not only visually jarring but also quite memorable. 

This is a question that everyone wants to know the answer to. After all, even if the past few days have been hard, it’s just been the tiredness of traveling. No matter how dirty and disheveled they are, they shouldn’t turn into mud monsters. 

Speaking of which, that’s another story altogether. 

As it turns out, when they were resting near the water source when they encountered the biggest challenge of their lives – a bizarre creature that wreaked havoc on them, causing unbearable pain. They couldn’t hide from it, nor could they escape it. In the end, it was Abing who discovered that smearing the mud from the bottom of the pool on their bodies could ward off this strange creature. 

And so, the scene where everyone met unfolded. 

After listening to this account, everyone had only one feeling: you guys were really lucky not to have encountered that giant python. 

“You guys have no idea. That bizarre creature was simply terrifying. I’ve never seen anything so frightening from birth till now!” Perhaps due to her profession as an actress, Nalita’s personality was also very outgoing, with a natural and exaggerated way of speaking that was very infectious. 

As she described it, almost everyone present was drawn to her. Zigmadar was particularly enthusiastic, clearly captivated by her vivid description, repeatedly asking, “What did this terrifying thing look like?” 

Whether human or alien, as long as they are intelligent beings, they all have an indescribable fear of the unknown. However, because they were on this desolate planet 756 and Su Ge had a natural cheat code, she couldn’t empathize with the fear of other aliens. 

For Su Ge, hearing Nalita’s description was like pondering a mystery. What could this strange creature she talked about possibly be? Was it like any of Earth’s creatures, or was it something completely new and unfamiliar?

Meanwhile, Nalita had practically reached the climax of her story. Her voice had risen in pitch, and her speech had quickened, causing everyone’s emotions to tense up along with her. 

“It was night, and the sky was pitch black. The four of us were resting near this pool when suddenly we heard this buzzing sound coming towards us. At first, it was just a few of these sounds, but before long, they multiplied, becoming more and more, just like…” 

She paused. Her beautiful green eyes blinked, and suddenly she looked towards Rong Shi with a pitiful expression. “It was like the buzzing sound that Rong Shi’s aircraft made when it flew over the horizon. Of course, I know that the sound of Rong Shi’s aircraft is a hundred times, a thousand times more melodious than the sound that creature made. I’m just using it as a metaphor to let you know how attention-grabbing that sound really was! ” 

With that, what began as everyone simply listening to the story of this peculiar creature quickly turned into another odd moment of admiration for Rong Shi. Su Ge cast a meaningful glance at Rong Shi, almost instinctively. After all, when someone speaks so passionately about another, even if just out of curiosity, it’s natural to look at that person.

However, what she saw was Rong Shi’s cold expression, with his eyes downcast, arms crossed over his chest. His slender fingers tapped quickly against his elbow, revealing impatience. If alien psychology were like Earth’s, one could easily deduce Rong Shi’s negative emotion. 

Tsk tsk, even with big stars admiring and chasing after him, he finds this kind of beauty annoying. This man really isn’t easy to handle. 

While Su Ge unabashedly scrutinized Rong Shi while indulging in some gossip, she suddenly saw his eyes, which had been downcast, snap up. His purple eyes, peeking out from under his long lashes, now bore a piercing stare at her. However, when Rong Shi caught Su Ge’s curious, gossip-hungry gaze, he simply rolled his eyes without holding back. 

Su Ge: Aliens can actually roll their eyes, and their eyeballs didn’t even fly out of their sockets. How amazing!  ╰(*°▽°*)╯ 

Nalita had strayed so far off topic so much that even her teammate Abing reached their limit. So, she cut in on Nalita’s lengthy explanation and steered the conversation, saying, “Actually, it’s like this. The creature was very small, probably only…” 

As she spoke, she gestured with her slender fingers, and Su Ge earnestly looked over, realizing it was about the size of a grain of rice. 

“Only this big,” Abing said. 

“Huh? That small?!” The first to feel incredulous was Zigmadar. He had been deeply engrossed in Nalita’s story, already imagining various bizarre scenarios. But when the answer was finally revealed, and he was told the creature was just that tiny, he felt a significant gap, which wasn’t surprising at all. 

And this disparity wasn’t just felt by Zigmadar, everyone probably thought the same. Except for Su Ge, everyone was filled with confusion at that moment. 

Abing nodded, then shook her head again. “Indeed, each individual of this species is very small, but they don’t act alone. Every time they move, they appear in clusters,” she said, spreading her arms and gesturing a distance. “There are probably two of these large clusters…” 

People from Jupiter had particularly slender and elongated limbs, very lean, with skin that had a bluish-gray hue, making them adept at hiding in dark places. 

Abing had especially large eyes; beneath those eyelids, similar to humans, were pairs of insect-like golden mixed eyes. Apart from this, her appearance wasn’t too different from humans. She even had a head of hair with a light blue sheen. At first glance, it might be a bit unsettling, but after a while, it seemed rather attractive. 

However, despite their appearance, their running speed was remarkably fast, and they had great agility in their jumps. It was said that in ancient times, they were all skilled hunters. Of course, through long periods of evolution, Jupiterians weren’t as ferocious as they used to be, but the agility and ferocity ingrained by their ancestors still made them quite formidable among the races of the Interstellar Alliance. 

“So, you mean these creatures are all small individually but cooperate as a group to attack together?” Ron finally understood what Nalita’s confusing description of the creatures meant, thanks to Abing’s explanation. 

“Yes, but these creatures have even more peculiar aspects. Their attack methods are generally two-fold. If they attack as a group, they directly hit you, your face, affecting your breathing, and their group’s impact force is particularly strong. If you try to attack them, they dodge very sensitively.” 

Pausing for a moment, Abing asked, “By the way, did I mention that these creatures can fly?” 

Everyone shook their heads unanimously, except for Su Ge, who at that moment vaguely felt that the creatures described by Abing were reminiscent of those creatures detested by Earth during the summer. 

“You just mentioned that these creatures have two attack methods. One is flying up in clusters to attack people. What about the other one?” Ron inquired further. 

“The other one is individual attacks. These creatures don’t just come out in groups to intimidate. Their individual attacks are even more terrifying.” 

As she spoke, Abing rolled up her damp sleeves, revealing two slender and muscular arms. Under the sunlight, her bluish-gray skin had a peculiar sheen. After looking at it for a while, it even seemed attractive. However, Abing was evidently showing something else on her skin to everyone. 

Only seeing dozens of small and large red bumps distributed on that bluish-gray skin, each of these bumps was swollen. Against the backdrop of the bluish-gray skin, they appeared particularly eerie. 

As soon as Su Ge saw those bumps, he confirmed his thoughts. Weren’t these just mosquitoes? 

Meanwhile, Abing continued to describe the terrifying power of these “strange creatures”: “They bite our exposed skin. The bites don’t hurt much at first, but then they become itchy and painful. There are no wounds, but they swell up and eventually become like this. And this itching sensation persists, making it very uncomfortable.” 

“So… you ended up like that?” The alien hadn’t seen mosquitoes, but others weren’t foolish; naturally, what Abing could think of, other aliens could too. Li Ya thought back to the appearances of the people who had just shown up and suddenly understood. 

“Yeah, smearing that thing on ourselves keeps these creatures from attacking. Apart from the bad smell, it’s quite effective.” Abing sighed, spreading her hands. It was evident that resorting to this method was quite reluctant. 

“Su Ge, what do you think this is?” Just as everyone was calmly pondering Abing’s words, Rong Shi’s voice rang out. His voice wasn’t loud, and the few people who had come along with him were already used to it, not finding it particularly noteworthy. 

However, the four newcomers to the team had a different feeling in their ears. 

Especially Nalita, as the number one fan of Rong Shi among the twenty participants, she had practically inquired about everything around Rong Shi. But now, just two or three days without seeing him, he could call out a stranger’s name? 

Oh my, Rong Shi hadn’t even called her name yet! More importantly… 

Nalita’s green eyes seemed to have radar installed as they immediately and accurately caught Su Ge. She quickly looked her up and down without any reservation, realizing that she was actually a woman!! 

A woman called out by Rong Shi’s name, and one she didn’t know, and it seemed they had been together for the past three days… 

Nalita suddenly felt a strong sense of crisis. She stared at Su Ge intently, quickly recalling everything in her mind, until suddenly it struck her: “Ah! You’re that Earthling!” 

Before Nalita could even react with her usual surprise, Flynn, Saro, and Abing had already remembered Su Ge’s identity. What surprised them, however, was that Rong Shi, who was undoubtedly the strongest contestant, would actually seek the opinion of an Earthling voluntarily. Furthermore, the people from the other planets didn’t seem surprised; it was almost as if it were commonplace. This was unexpected, but it also spoke volumes. 

The Earth woman in front of them must surely possess some remarkable qualities… 

It was evident that Nalita was about to say something irrelevant to the current situation. So, without waiting for her to speak further, Abing, beside her, quickly grabbed her and with her golden compound eyes lifted towards her, she spoke in a gentle yet highly authoritative tone, “Can you wait for her to speak?” 

Nobody knew what had transpired between Nalita and Abing, but as Abing spoke, Nalita visibly shrank back and immediately became extremely obedient, sitting down properly like an elementary school student and responding, “Okay!” 

Su Ge: Hey, Abing looks so cool…(p≧w≦q) 

With her gaze averted, Su Ge began to respond to Rong Shi, “If I’m not mistaken, this creature should be a mosquito.” 

All the aliens: A mosquito? 

Su Ge then proceeded to explain to the aliens, especially those who had never encountered mosquitoes before, describing their habits and mentioning how to deal with mosquito bites.  

When they heard that mosquito bites could leave scars after healing, Nalita, who had been sitting obediently next to Abing, almost screamed as she jumped up, “What! They leave scars?” 

“Shut up.” Abing’s voice rang out again, but this time, she didn’t immediately press Nalita down. Instead, she heard the pitiful cry of Nalita, “It will leave scars! It will leave scars!!” 

“Will scars cause death?” Abing found Nalita’s habit of being easily startled very annoying. Without hesitation, she reached out and forcibly pressed Nalita down to sit properly. Then, she looked up at Su Ge and asked, “Are mosquitoes such creatures found everywhere?” 

“On Earth, they appear as soon as the hot summer arrives and only disappear when the weather turns cold. They’re considered as seasonal creatures.” Because of Abing’s cool demeanor in handling Nalita, Su Ge, being quite taken with this Jupiter woman with mix eye color, still harbored a favorable impression of her, with her lips curling up as she spoke. 

“So, that means they’ll also be present in our base?” Perhaps it was because those mosquito bites on Abing’s hand just now were too frightening, Li Ya instantly felt a cold sweat breaking out on his body. 

“Yes,” Su Ge recalled seriously that they hadn’t found any mosquitoes in the base the night before, but that didn’t mean it wouldn’t happen. 

“Do we need to apply this stuff all over our bodies, then?” Of course, what was even more frightening than those mosquito bites was the terrifying scene of Abing and the others just now. 

To be honest, no one present wanted to end up in that state. 

“No, you don’t need to,” Su Ge shook her head. 

“Then what do we need?” 

Su Ge remained silent, a meaningful smile playing on her lips. 

The five in front, who had become quite familiar with her ways, exchanged knowing glances almost telepathically, while the four behind them looked on, utterly bewildered. 

Wait, what are you communicating with your eyes? Did we miss something? 


🎀I'm just a girl🎀 🧸I'm just a girl in the world🧸

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