Blue Fog
Blue Fog Chapter 14

Meng Fu Yuan examined the cup closely and said, “The glaze effect is indeed richer.”

“Yes… The direction of the fire and the ash fall in a wood kiln can affect the firing results, and it’s all random. There’s a kind of joy in the unpredictability of a wood kiln,” Chen Qing Wu tried to sound casual, gathering her thoughts.

“What should we name this one…” Chen Qing Wu pondered.

“Do you name every piece?” Meng Fu Yuan asked.

“I only name the ones I consider to be works of art.” Chen Qing Wu reached out and took the cup back. “…Oh, there’s a hint of gray-purple here, look.”

Meng Fu Yuan glanced at it and said, “It looks like the trace of a wild goose on the snow.”

“How fitting!” Chen Qing Wu’s eyes lit up. “Let’s name all the pieces in this set after poetry.”

The remaining four teacups and the teapot were quickly named by the two of them.

Chen Qing Wu asked Meng Fu Yuan to watch over them while she went to the car to get the packing materials.

Because of the randomness of the wood kiln, she didn’t dare rely entirely on luck. So she fired three pieces of each design and glaze, picking the best one of each style.

She packed the entire set into a soft leather case.

Inside the case was lined with foam and a layer of soft silk. It was probably a case meant for other teaware, as the foam cutouts didn’t quite fit, but it was good enough.

The leftover pieces in the saggers were wrapped in several layers of foam paper and placed into a cardboard box.

As she packed these rejected backup pieces, Chen Qing Wu said, “If it were Teacher Zhai, he would break all the remaining ones. He’s a perfectionist. Anything less than perfect is unacceptable. And because these are custom orders for clients, each piece has to be unique.”

Meng Fu Yuan looked at her, “You can’t bear to do that.”

“I can’t bear it. So I take them home and store them away.”

After returning the saggers, Chen Qing Wu carried the soft leather case while Meng Fu Yuan held the cardboard box, and they walked to the studio.

Once inside, they placed everything on the workbench. Chen Qing Wu said, “After we clean and pack them, we can deliver them to Sister An.”

Meng Fu Yuan said, “Let me know when you’re ready, and I’ll contact her.”

Chen Qing Wu nodded, “Okay.”

Meng Fu Yuan checked his watch, “I need to go now, Qing Wu. If you need anything, message me.”

“Sorry for taking up your time today.”

“It’s no problem.”

Chen Qing Wu opened the soft leather case and took out a cup, glancing up to see Meng Fu Yuan about to leave. She looked at him for a moment.

Two days later, Chen Qing Wu took the tea set with Meng Fu Yuan to deliver it to Sister An.

The weather was clear, and the tea house in the bamboo forest looked lovely.

Although it was summer, it was cool in the mountains.

Under the shade, Sister An set up a table and chairs for them to brew tea.

While waiting for the water to boil, Chen Qing Wu handed the leather case to Sister An.

Meng Fu Yuan had noticed when they got into the car that the leather case was not the same one from before, likely custom-made.

Sister An took it and smiled, “Shall I open it?”

“Please do.”

She opened the case to reveal a teapot and six cups, perfectly fitted into the foam lining covered with black silk.

“Wow,” Sister An exclaimed, picking up a cup with flame patterns on the outside and green glaze inside. “This color is so unique.”

“This one is ‘Half the River is Emerald, Half the River is Red.'”

“They have names?”

“Yes, they all do.”

Chen Qing Wu introduced the remaining pieces one by one: “Blush of the Setting Sun Condenses in the Night Purple,” “New Willow Colors in the Inn,” “Morning Blossoms for Sale in the Deep Alley,” “Blue Waters Stretch Thousands of Miles.”

Finally, she took out the gray-white glazed cup and said, “Sister An, you mentioned not liking white porcelain, but I took the liberty of making this white clay cup. See if you like it.”

Sister An examined it closely. “The white is quite rich… It even has a hint of gray…”

Her initial reactions were normal until her fingers paused, and she exclaimed, “How did you get this touch of gray-purple?”

“It’s a random effect from the ash in the wood kiln reacting with the glaze. It’s unique—do you like it?”

“I thought it was ordinary, but this touch of gray-purple is a stroke of genius. Does it have a name?”

Chen Qing Wu smiled, “It looks like the trace of a wild goose on the snow.”

“Did you come up with that? It’s perfect. How did you think of such a fitting name?”

“It was Brother Yuan—Meng Fu Yuan’s idea.”

She didn’t know why, but she felt awkward calling him “Brother Yuan” in front of others.

Sister An looked at Meng Fu Yuan and laughed, “Aren’t you an engineering major? How come you’re so cultured?”

Meng Fu Yuan didn’t even lift his eyelids, ignoring Sister An’s teasing.

Chen Qing Wu took out the last piece from the case, a teapot with a dark glaze with hints of deep blue. “This one is ‘A Pool of Sea Water Poured into a Cup.'”

Sister An touched the teapot and then the variously shaped cups, laughing, “Qing Wu, you always surprise people.”

The set of six cups were all different shapes. Some resembled sunflower cups, some were like Jian ware, some like palace bowls… The subtle but varied natural glaze colors made them quite playful.

Even Sister An, who disliked boring things, was won over. “You must have put a lot of thought into this?”

“Not too much. As long as you like it, it was all worth it,” Chen Qing Wu smiled.

“Let’s rinse the cups and use them to drink tea today.”

Sister An called a server to rinse the cups.

When they returned, the water was boiling.

Sister An opened a drawer to take out tea leaves and asked Chen Qing Wu, “Qing Wu, still drinking black tea?”

“I want to try oolong tea with this ‘Blush of the Setting Sun Condenses in the Night Purple.'”

“Won’t the dark cup make it look murky?”

Chen Qing Wu smiled, “I don’t know, I just want to try.”

Sister An was evidently not rigid about it and brewed Phoenix Dancong tea for her.

Then she turned to Meng Fu Yuan, “And you, still drinking…”

“Dragon Well,” Meng Fu Yuan cut her off.

Chen Qing Wu was inhaling the fragrance of the Phoenix Dancong tea from the dark cup and paused for a moment.

She didn’t know if she was being overly sensitive, but she felt like Meng Fu Yuan’s response was somewhat evasive.

Didn’t he want her to know? She had heard he only drank Misty Green.

“Which cup do you want to use?”

Meng Fu Yuan’s gaze lingered on “Trace of the Wild Goose on Snow” for a moment, but he pointed to “New Willow Colors in the Inn.”

The gray-green cup paired with the green tea made the tea’s color look like the pale green of new willow leaves in the rain.

Sister An used “Trace of the Wild Goose on Snow” for Pu’er tea, its deep color matching the intense and thorough bitterness.

“The possible combinations with your cups are endless,” Sister An laughed.

She took a couple of sips and put down her cup, “I haven’t discussed the price with you, Qing Wu. Name your price.”

Chen Qing Wu looked at Meng Fu Yuan.

Sister An said, “I was joking with Mr. Meng about getting it for free. These beautiful pieces, how could I not pay anything for them?”

Chen Qing Wu smiled, “If we agreed on free, then it’s free. This is my first order since opening, so it should be discounted. Sister An, if you have friends in the same field, please recommend me to them. That would make me very happy.”

Sister An laughed heartily and looked at Meng Fu Yuan, “Should I take advantage of your young friend?”

Meng Fu Yuan said, “Qing Wu is straightforward. Just go along with her.”

“How about this, I’ll give you a 188 yuan red packet as a token for your business. I’ll also give you free drinks whenever you bring friends over for tea. I will definitely introduce you to some business, but they shouldn’t be better than mine, or I’ll be upset.”

Chen Qing Wu smiled.

Sister An picked up a cup that hadn’t been used and looked at its foot. “No signature?”

“I haven’t decided on one yet.”

“You should decide soon so I can help promote you.”

Chen Qing Wu laughed, “I’ll think of something when I get back.”

After some more casual chatting, Chen Qing Wu and Meng Fu Yuan prepared to leave.

Meng Fu Yuan drove her back.

Meng Fu Yuan glanced at Chen Qing Wu in the passenger seat, immersed in happiness, her smile never fading.

Chen Qing Wu noticed his gaze and felt a bit embarrassed, “I didn’t expect Sister An to like them so much.”

Meng Fu Yuan said, “You’re much more talented and capable than you think.”

No one dislikes being praised, especially by someone they respect.

Chen Qing Wu smiled, “Then I must stay humble and keep working hard.”

Meng Fu Yuan’s lips curved slightly, “What are you planning next?”

“First, I need to decide on a name for the studio, organize my past works, and start running the social media accounts…” Chen Qing Wu yawned, “That should keep me busy for a while.”

“Are you going home for the Dragon Boat Festival?”


Meng Fu Yuan’s fingers tightened slightly on the steering wheel, “Qi Ran will be home for the Dragon Boat Festival too.”

“I can’t avoid seeing my parents because of him.” Chen Qing Wu smiled lightly, “Are you going home? I remember you said you were going on a business trip abroad.”

“That’s the plan.”

“Then I wish you a successful trip.”

Meng Fu Yuan nodded.

They both fell silent after that.

Having gone to the studio so many times, he no longer needed navigation and could even precisely judge how many minutes were left until arrival.

At this moment, they were twenty minutes away.

With Sister An’s order completed, it seemed he no longer had a valid reason to visit the studio.


His heart raced.

He took a deep breath.

In no time, they arrived at their destination.

Chen Qing Wu thanked him and opened the car door.

“Qing Wu.”

She paused and turned to look at Meng Fu Yuan.

He looked at her, clearly hesitant, but after a moment, he shook his head and said, “Nothing. Rest well.”

A rather inexplicable reminder.

Chen Qing Wu nodded.

Meng Fu Yuan didn’t start the car immediately. He watched her walk into the building, then raised his hand to touch the signet ring on his pinky.

He thought he had no delusions.

But when a glimmer of hope appeared in desperate times, he couldn’t help but want to fight for it.


For the Dragon Boat Festival, Chen Qing Wu drove home.

The families had a dinner gathering at the Meng’s house.

After parking her car, she walked up and knocked on the door.

After a couple of knocks, she heard footsteps inside.

When the door opened, it was Qi Ran.

She hadn’t seen him for a while. He was wearing a loose black T-shirt and shorts, looking more sullen and a bit thinner than before.

Chen Qing Wu paused, then greeted him normally.

Qi Ran looked at her, “Did you drive yourself?”


“Was the road busy?”

“Not too bad.”

Apparently, hearing the commotion, both mothers, Liao Shuman and Qi Lin, came out from the kitchen.

Qi Lin quickly walked over and hugged Chen Qing Wu warmly, “Long time no see, Qing Wu.”

Chen Qing Wu smiled, “I’ve been busy with the studio, so I haven’t had much time to come home.”

“Next time I go to Dongcheng, can I visit your studio?”

“Of course, I’ll take you shopping too.”

Qi Lin raised her hand as if to pinch her face, but Chen Qing Wu subtly turned to greet Uncle Meng, avoiding the gesture.

“Uncle Meng, are you not playing cards today?”

Meng Chengyong laughed, “Played all morning, got tired. We’re having a tea break before dinner—how many days off do you have, Qing Wu?”

“I’m going back the day after tomorrow.”

“Now that you’re your own boss, your schedule should be more flexible, right?”

Chen Qing Wu smiled, “I’m still a one-person operation, so I have to do everything myself.”

After a brief chat, Liao Shuman asked her to wash her hands as dinner was almost ready.

During the meal, the parents refrained from teasing her and Qi Ran, probably aware that the two were currently “on bad terms.”

After dinner, Meng Chengyong invited her to the card table, and she reluctantly joined a few rounds, losing every time.

Qi Ran, who had been quietly playing a handheld game in the corner, finally spoke up, “Dad, don’t you feel bad if Qing Wu keeps losing?”

Meng Chengyong laughed, “Okay, okay, Qing Wu, I won’t force you anymore. How about I return the money you lost in a red packet?”

Chen Qing Wu smiled, “No need, a bet is a bet.”

Qi Ran looked at Meng Chengyong, “How about you transfer the money to me, and I’ll take Qing Wu shopping?”

Meng Chengyong immediately took out his phone and transferred some money to Qi Ran, laughing, “I want to see receipts, this money is for Qing Wu, don’t misuse it.”

Meng Qiran threw his handheld game aside, stood up, walked over to Chen Qing Wu, leaned on the edge of the mahjong table, and said softly, “Want to go out and shop?”

“I don’t really…”

Qi Lin laughed and said, “Qing Wu, don’t be shy with Qiran. I see your clothes are still from last year. Go buy some new ones. Just use his card; he doesn’t use it anyway.”

Liao Shuman added, “While you’re out, can you get me a lipstick? The one I usually use, I haven’t had time to buy a new one.”

With the situation making it hard for her to refuse directly, Chen Qing Wu reluctantly pushed away the tiles in front of her and stood up with a smile.

Walking out of the game room, Chen Qing Wu quickened her pace.

Meng Qiran followed her.

When they reached the living room sofa, Chen Qing Wu stopped and turned, “Qiran, you know I hate being forced.”

Meng Qiran looked down at her, “I didn’t mean to force you. I just wanted to talk to you alone.”

“We already talked last time.”

“Qing Wu.” The young man’s gaze was sharp and persistent, his tone unusually serious, “I want to start over and pursue you from the beginning.”

Chen Qing Wu felt speechless at his words and was about to respond when they both heard footsteps at the entrance.

They both turned to look.

Someone rounded the corner and walked out.

He was wearing a white shirt and black pants, tall and lean, with a calm and cold expression behind his glasses.

Even though the sun was shining brightly outside, he seemed as cold as winter.

“Brother?” Meng Qiran was surprised, “Weren’t you on a business trip?”

“I had some urgent matters and had to come back temporarily,” Meng Fu Yuan explained briefly, then turned his gaze to Chen Qing Wu. “Qing Wu, I need your help with an urgent matter involving your classmate. Can you help set up a conference call?”

Chen Qing Wu quickly said, “Sure, but I need to check if she’s available first.”

Meng Fu Yuan gestured towards the stairs, “Let’s talk in my study.”

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