Blue Fog
Blue Fog Chapter 15

The study on the third floor was exclusively used by Meng Fu Yuan.

Initially, it was an empty room. Meng Qi Ran wanted to turn it into a gaming room, but Meng Fu Yuan wanted it as a study.

To determine who got to use it, the brothers competed in some sort of contest, with Meng Fu Yuan narrowly winning by two points. Meng Qi Ran, having lost, conceded.

Chen Qing Wu had asked many times what the contest was, but Meng Qi Ran refused to say.

To this day, it remained a mystery.

She could only guess that the contest was likely childish, and Qi Ran was embarrassed about losing.

Once the study became Meng Fu Yuan’s exclusive space, no one in the Meng family was allowed to enter without permission.

Once, Meng Qi Ran sneaked in to play games and was caught by Meng Fu Yuan, who mercilessly cut off his allowance for three months.

At that time, Meng Qi Ran was obsessed with mechanical models and limited-edition sneakers. Without his brother as a financial backup, he struggled.

He finally wrote a heartfelt 1,000-word apology to gain his brother’s forgiveness.

As someone outside the Meng family, Chen Qing Wu had only been in the study once or twice, usually to bring fruit for Meng Fu Yuan on Aunt Qi Lin’s behalf.

She couldn’t remember the last time she had been in there.

Entering the study, a subtle fragrance greeted her, like a mix of ink and wood.

The room was mainly black and brown, with two walls of bookshelves, a desk, a workbench, and a reading corner. Though not large, it was filled with items, giving it a somewhat cramped but cozy “secret base” feel.

Chen Qing Wu quickly glanced around, then picked up her phone and said, “Let me check with my classmate first.”

“Qing Wu.”

Chen Qing Wu looked up.

Meng Fu Yuan looked at her, then admitted, “I made that up.”

Given Meng Fu Yuan’s usual stern and authoritative demeanor, Chen Qing Wu hadn’t doubted him. Only when he admitted it did she realize, “Oh, you were helping me out.”

“I sensed you were in a difficult spot,” Meng Fu Yuan paused, “but if I overstepped, I apologize.”

“No, no! Brother Yuan, you showed up just in time,” Chen Qing Wu laughed.

She looked at the two walls of bookshelves. “Can I hide here for a while?”

“Of course.”

Meng Fu Yuan turned on the ventilation switch and went to the window to pull back the blackout curtains. “Make yourself comfortable. I’ll go downstairs and say hello.”

Chen Qing Wu nodded.

As Meng Fu Yuan went downstairs, Qi Lin was about to come up.

“Fu Yuan!” Qi Lin was delighted, “You’re really back? I thought Qi Ran was making things up again.”

“I was planning to leave, but I forgot some technical documents at home, so I had to come back.”

“Was it from when you were here two weeks ago?”

Meng Fu Yuan nodded.

“So are you leaving now, or…”

“I rescheduled to leave tomorrow afternoon. I’ll go from Nancheng to Beicheng for the connecting flight.”

“That’s great!” Qi Lin was overjoyed, “Have you had lunch?”

“I ate on the train.”

As they talked, Meng Fu Yuan entered the tea room and greeted the parents of both families.

His gaze briefly landed on Meng Qi Ran, who was sitting on the sofa in the corner, and he said, “I’ll need to borrow Qing Wu for a while. The company needs technical consultation from one of her friends.”

Chen Suiliang laughed, “Qing Wu has friends who can help you?”

Meng Fu Yuan seriously replied, “Qing Wu’s friends are outstanding, just like her.”

Chen Suiliang was taken aback by Meng Fu Yuan’s protective tone. He assumed that since Qing Wu had moved to Dongcheng, the two had more contact, leading Meng Fu Yuan to look after her more.

He laughed and said, “Fu Yuan, feel free to take your time. Qing Wu wasn’t doing anything important, just planning to go shopping with Qi Ran.”

Qi Lin handed a plate of washed grapes to Meng Fu Yuan, “Take this up for Qing Wu to snack on. Don’t keep her too long, make sure she gets some rest.”

Meng Fu Yuan nodded and took the plate of grapes.

Just as he reached the tea room door, Meng Qi Ran suddenly stood up and walked out without a word.

“Qi Ran, where are you going?” Qi Lin called after him.

“For a bike ride.”

“It’s so hot at noon, why go biking…”

Meng Qi Ran didn’t respond, brushing past Meng Fu Yuan and quickly walking outside.

Meng Fu Yuan carried the fruit, grabbed his suitcase from the entrance, went to the third floor, placed the suitcase in his bedroom, and then went to the study.

He gently pushed open the half-closed door and saw Chen Qing Wu standing by the bookshelves, her eyes carefully scanning the rows of books.

She wore a white dress, appearing cool and aloof, like the delicate shadow of white apricot blossoms.

Seeing her so quietly in his space made him feel as if he needed to confirm it wasn’t an illusion.

Meng Fu Yuan raised his hand and lightly knocked on the door.

Chen Qing Wu immediately turned around and smiled, “Did you say hello?”


“I remember you were supposed to go on a business trip for the Dragon Boat Festival?”

“It’s rescheduled.”

Meng Fu Yuan entered, placing the fruit plate on the workbench, and walked over to Chen Qing Wu.

He stood behind her, looking down at the book she was holding, “The Art of Film Storyboarding.”

“You have a lot of professional books on films here,” Chen Qing Wu smiled, “Is it because you like watching movies?”

“…Sort of.”

Chen Qing Wu sensed he didn’t want to discuss it further and didn’t press.

After a moment of silence, she said, “Brother Yuan, is your avatar a movie still?”

“Yes. From an old, boring movie.”

Chen Qing Wu understood he didn’t want to say which movie, so she didn’t ask further.

She looked up at a book by François Truffaut on the upper shelf and naturally changed the topic, “Is this by that French New Wave director?”

Meng Fu Yuan nodded.

“I think I’ve only seen ‘The 400 Blows.’ Old black-and-white films are quite challenging to watch.” Chen Qing Wu stood on tiptoe to take the book.

She suddenly felt Meng Fu Yuan step forward from behind, reaching over her, his fingers pressing on the book’s spine.

His fingers were less than an inch from hers.

His presence was suddenly so strong that she almost involuntarily held her breath, her body tensing.

Meng Fu Yuan said in a low voice, “Sorry, but I can’t lend you this book.”

It turned out he wasn’t helping her get the book.

Chen Qing Wu immediately lowered her hand, nodded, and didn’t dare to ask why.

Fortunately, Meng Fu Yuan stepped back the next moment.

He asked, “Do you want to watch a movie?”

On the opposite wall of the reading corner, there was a projection screen.

Chen Qing Wu quietly exhaled, “I’ve been a bit restless lately, maybe I won’t be able to focus on a movie. I’ll just browse through some books.”

Meng Fu Yuan pointed to the reading corner, inviting her to make herself comfortable.

Chen Qing Wu took the book and went to sit in the corner, sinking into a deep brown leather armchair that was incredibly soft, making her feel enveloped.

Meng Fu Yuan brought the plate of grapes over and placed it on the small table in front of her.

Chen Qing Wu laughed, “This is too luxurious.”

Meng Fu Yuan chuckled softly and turned to sit at his desk.

He turned on his desktop computer, logged into the work software, and opened the task approval interface, but his gaze kept drifting to the corner where Chen Qing Wu was sitting.

The book she was reading was more of a reference book, not easy to read, but she was deeply engrossed, forgetting to even touch the grapes.

She had always been a serious child.

Serious about receiving treatment, serious about catching up on missed schoolwork, serious about her future goals and unwavering in her pursuit, serious enough to get into a top art academy’s ceramics program…

She had been serious about liking Qi Ran, and now she seemed serious about giving him up.

Chen Qing Wu shifted slightly, adjusting her posture.

Meng Fu Yuan immediately refocused on his computer, randomly clicking on tasks.

He knew he was only pretending to be busy.

Just like his excuse for coming back was a lie—he was worried the parents might pressure her, and as someone in the know, he could help defuse the situation.

For Chen Qing Wu, he had told countless lies.

The biggest lie was fooling everyone from the beginning.

Meng Fu Yuan pretended to be busy for a while before looking up again, only to see Chen Qing Wu holding the open book to her chest, leaning against the back of the armchair, fast asleep.

He quietly approached her, bent down, and tried to take the thick reference book from her arms. Seeing that she held it tightly, he gave up.

He retrieved a thin blanket from the chair and covered her with it.

He stepped back and gazed at the sleeping girl.

Her eyelashes were like delicate feathers casting shadows on her porcelain-like skin, making her look vulnerably beautiful.

In the past, he could never have imagined that one day Chen Qing Wu would be napping in his study.

The thought itself was an intrusion.

But now, this scene seemed to be a mix of fate and his careful planning.

Every step had been taken with caution.

Afraid that if she realized, all his efforts would be in vain.


At three o’clock in the afternoon, Meng Qi Ran returned home, sweaty from the heat.

He first went to the tea room but didn’t see Meng Fu Yuan or Chen Qing Wu. “Are they still in the meeting?”

Qi Lin asked, “What time is it?”

“Three o’clock.”

“I don’t know,” she muttered.

Meng Qi Ran turned to leave, “I’ll go check.”

He reached the third floor and was about to open the study door when it opened.

Meng Qi Ran stopped, “Brother, is Qing Wu still inside? I want to talk to her.”

Meng Fu Yuan raised his arm to block him.

“I know it’s your study, I just want to see her.”

“Qing Wu is asleep.”

“I’ll wait until she wakes up. I need to talk to her.”

“Wait until she wakes up.”

Meng Qi Ran noticed his brother’s protective stance towards Chen Qing Wu but didn’t think much of it. When they were kids, whenever he and Qing Wu argued, Meng Fu Yuan always sided with her because she was younger and considered a little sister.

Meng Qi Ran said, “Did Qing Wu tell you about our fight?”

Meng Fu Yuan didn’t respond.

“Brother, this time I need your help.”

Meng Fu Yuan looked at him, his gaze indifferent, “Qi Ran, everyone is your ally. Only Qing Wu is fighting alone. If I help you, even if you win, it won’t be honorable.”

Meng Qi Ran was stunned.

Meng Fu Yuan firmly closed the study door, “Go downstairs. Don’t disturb her.”

Meng Qi Ran turned and followed his brother downstairs, silently.


Chen Qing Wu didn’t expect to sleep until four in the afternoon.

The armchair was comfortable, but her posture wasn’t, leaving her a bit groggy.

A thin blanket covered her, likely placed by Meng Fu Yuan.

Finding the study empty, she went downstairs.

She peeked into the tea room and saw Meng Qi Ran at the card table.

During a break, everyone was drinking tea.

Liao Shuman laughed, “The princess is awake?”

Feeling a bit embarrassed, Chen Qing Wu asked, “Where’s Aunt Qi?”

“In the kitchen. We’re having a barbecue tonight, and Fu Yuan is helping with the skewers.”

“I’ll go check.”

Meng Qi Ran played with a mahjong tile in his hand, watching Chen Qing Wu leave, then stood up.

Meng Chengyong joked, “You’re doing so well; why not keep playing?”

Meng Qi Ran ignored him.

Chen Suiliang glanced at the door and saw that Meng Qi Ran had left, then laughed, “Old Meng, don’t worry. Kids always bicker. They’ll make up in a few days.”

Meng Chengyong laughed, “How can I not worry? I’ve watched Qing Wu grow up. She’s like family. If she doesn’t become my daughter-in-law, what a loss that would be.”

Chen Qing Wu entered the kitchen and saw Meng Fu Yuan helping with the skewers at the island in the western kitchen area.

He had his sleeves rolled up, wearing disposable gloves, carefully skewering marinated beef cubes. His movements were steady, ensuring equal spacing between the pieces.

He did everything methodically, pleasing to the eye.

“Need help?” Chen Qing Wu asked.

Qi Lin turned and smiled, “Awake, Qing Wu?”

“Yes,” Chen Qing Wu replied, slightly embarrassed, “Brother Yuan didn’t wake me up.”

Meng Fu Yuan glanced at her.

“That’s fine, sleep as long as you want,” Qi Lin said, placing a plate of vegetables beside her. “Qing Wu, help with these vegetables. It’s cleaner, so your hands won’t get dirty.”

Chen Qing Wu agreed and went to Qi Lin’s side to start skewering bamboo shoots.

“Mom, need help?” Meng Qi Ran’s voice came from the doorway.

“Why are you all coming in? There’s no room in the kitchen,” Qi Lin laughed. “Why are you so eager to help today?”

Ignoring her teasing, Meng Qi Ran asked, “What else needs skewering?”

“Maybe you can help Qing Wu,” Qi Lin hinted, glancing at Meng Qi Ran.

Chen Qing Wu bit her lip.

Meng Qi Ran really did go over to her.

Meng Fu Yuan spoke up, “Can’t you see I have plenty of meat here?”

Meng Qi Ran sighed and went over to Meng Fu Yuan.

Qi Lin turned on the tap to wash her hands, “Qing Wu, you two keep skewering. I’ll get the grill ready.”

With just the three of them left in the kitchen, they worked in silence, creating an awkward atmosphere.

Chen Qing Wu finished the bamboo shoots and reached for more skewers.


“What happened?”

Both brothers turned at the same time.

“A splinter…”

Before she finished, Meng Qi Ran had already removed his gloves and grabbed her hand.

Chen Qing Wu quickly pulled her arm back, breaking free.

Meng Qi Ran was stunned.

On the other side, Meng Fu Yuan removed his gloves, threw them in the trash, pumped some hand sanitizer, and washed his hands.

He glanced at Chen Qing Wu and walked out, “Qing Wu, let’s disinfect that.”

Chen Qing Wu immediately followed.

In the storage room, under the soft yellow light, Meng Fu Yuan reached for the large first aid kit on the shelf.

Standing beside him, Chen Qing Wu whispered, “Thank you for helping me again.”

“You’re welcome,” Meng Fu Yuan replied without looking at her.

Hoping she wouldn’t realize he was acting out of personal interest.

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