Wilderness Livestream Room [Interstellar]
Wilderness Livestream Room | Chapter: 38 

Plans never change quickly. 

While Su Ge and Rong Shi were still discussing the best way to sell the food to others while simultaneously butchering a pig, suddenly they heard someone loudly shouting in her camp, “Su Ge! Su Ge! Where are you!” 

It was Lana’s voice. Su Ge’s heart skipped a beat. Her intuition told her that something was wrong with Meng. She recalled Meng’s condition when she left yesterday. His diarrhea had stopped by then, and he was feeling much better overall. According to the normal course, he should have been gradually recovering. 

But this is an alien, who knows what differences there are between the structure of aliens and humans on Earth, so she absolutely dares not to guarantee whether there will be any unexpected situations after taking the medicine. 

She glanced at Rong Shi, and Rong Shi could see her inquiry from her eyes. “Before you came back, Meng was doing very well, nothing special happened.” 

Meng was doing well before they came back. They’ve only been back for a little over an hour, almost two hours. Did something happen during this time? 

Su Ge’s heart sank, without caring about anything else, she directly scooped up a handful of water from the basin to wash her hands while loudly promising, “I’m here behind, Lana, wait for me.” 

When Su Ge emerged from behind the house, she happened to come face to face with Lana, who looked anxious and couldn’t wait for her to come out, so she came to find her by following the sound. 

“Su Ge, Su Ge! Come with me quickly.” Lana spoke while stomping her feet, even her eyes were a little red, showing her extreme urgency. 

“Is something wrong with Meng?” The more anxious Lana appeared, the more uneasy Su Ge felt. 

“No, it’s not Meng.” Lana grabbed Su Ge’s wrist and pulled her out of the camp. “Meng is much better now, your medicine really works! It works exceptionally well! If it weren’t for the wound on his thigh, Meng could have walked today!” 

Lana denied Su Ge’s speculation and kept repeating about the effectiveness of the medicine, which made Su Ge, who had already relaxed half of her guard, become tense again. She watched the other person very cautiously. “What exactly happened?” 

“The guy who came back with you, Guagaka, also has a fever! A very severe one! He’s in Ron’s camp. He came to learn how to start fire with Ron, but suddenly he got a fever and collapsed in Ron’s camp. You should go and see him quickly.” At this moment, in Lana’s eyes, Su Ge was practically an almighty healer. 

In fact, Su Ge, who was basically clueless about medicine, felt that things were not so simple. “Could he also have drunk contaminated water?” 

“I don’t know, but I think his symptoms are similar to Meng’s,” Lana said. 


How could his symptoms be similar to Meng’s! 

When Su Ge first saw Guagaka, her heart couldn’t help but skip a beat. This definitely wasn’t diarrhea, nor any other kind of injury. This situation was very strange! 

Guagaka’s skin was reddish-brown, which concealed the fever quite well. Normally, you could only feel the fever by touching the skin, but now his fever was so evident that it could be seen at a glance. 

Not only were his cheeks red, but all exposed skin showed a reddish-orange hue, and his body was still twitching, clearly suffering from convulsions due to the fever. 

Su Ge squatted next to him, reaching out to touch, feeling as if she wasn’t touching the skin of a particular race, but rather a piece of burning coal, causing her to quickly retract her hand. 

Lana, having taken care of Meng before, was quite familiar with treating fevers. Now, she saw Guagaka’s head draped with a cold cloth, his palms, soles, and chest being carefully wiped by Ron. 

However, despite this care, his temperature remained very high. 

“Su Ge, hurry up and give him some of that medicine. He can’t continue like this with such a high fever,” Lana said, clearly very worried about Guagaka. 

Rong Shi, who came with Su Ge, was also observing Guagaka. Although he was a soldier and frequently got injured during exercises, he was quite familiar with various conditions caused by external injuries. He also felt that the current situation in front of him was somewhat different from the fever caused by a genuine injury. 

“We need to confirm the situation before administering treatment accordingly. And Su Ge is not a doctor; she can’t handle every situation. Don’t put pressure on her.” Rong Shi explained the current situation to Lana while turning his head to look at Su Ge, only to find her brows tightly furrowed and her lips pursed straight, indicating a very unfavorable situation. 

“Not good?”  

Su Ge nodded. “Very bad.” 

She had just asked Glaki, who spent the longest time with Guagaka, about their activities, including water consumption and encounters, but hadn’t found anything unusual. Even Guagaka drank relatively little water. Therefore, it was unlikely that these conditions were caused by these factors. 

She sighed and began to search Guagaka’s body for clues. Soon, she found many long and short marks on Guagaka’s arms, resembling scratches from claws. These scratches were not only numerous but also deep. Additionally, there were several tooth marks similar to those of rodents mixed among the scratches, which couldn’t be ignored. 

Scratches? Tooth marks of rodents? 

Suddenly, Su Ge remembered the scene from their first encounter, where they were surrounded by a large group of bats… 

Thinking of this, Su Ge felt her heart sinking continuously. 

Bats naturally carry many viruses and are highly tabooed by people on Earth. They would never actively engage with them. There are even vaccines specifically targeting the viruses they carry, given to every child at birth. Su Ge had received such a vaccine in her childhood, but she still had a deep aversion to these animals. 

Right now, it seems more like Guagaka was scratched and bitten during a struggle with a bat, and the current condition was triggered by the virus in the bat’s body. If that’s the case, there’s no way Su Ge can cure this contestant.

“Was his wound caused by a bat?” Although he was mostly sure already, Su Ge asked Glaki seriously again. Glaki looked at the wound and nodded repeatedly. 

Then he recounted a detail. 

At that time, they got lost, Glaki and his four companions were wandering in the forest. Glaki found a cave, and they wanted to rest inside, but because they didn’t trust Glaki he kicked a stone while walking, the stone hit the cave wall directly, and then a large number of bats came to attack them. 

Because he was small in stature, those bats didn’t bother to confront him directly, so the first to be attacked was the one standing next to him, Guagaka. He was caught off guard by this wave of attacks and instinctively raised his head to protect his head. It was precisely because of this that his bare arms were severely scratched and bitten by the bats. 

Although there were suspicions in her mind, when Su Ge got the real answer, she couldn’t help but feel a tremor in her heart. She glanced at Guagaka and sighed. 

Although other aliens didn’t know what had happened to Guagaka, they still caught some clues from Su Ge’s expression. Guagaka paused for a moment and his voice lowered: “Su Ge, can’t you do anything?” 

Su Ge shook her head. “I’m not a doctor, I can’t do anything. Even if I were a doctor, on this planet, without any modern medical means, his condition cannot be cured.” 

The more hopeful you are, the bigger the letdown can be. 

Rong Shi wasn’t wrong; every person who could stand here, regardless of their past stories, undoubtedly didn’t want to be eliminated, and the unconscious Guagaka was no exception. 

On this point, everyone empathized. So, when Guagaka fell ill, they were all hopeful for Su Ge, but unfortunately, the situation wasn’t ideal. 

“Can’t you really treat him? I heard your medicine could bring down this fever.” Although deeply disappointed, Glaki still didn’t want to completely abandon hope. He looked eagerly at Su Ge, wishing every word from her mouth confirmed his wishes. 

Unfortunately, Su Ge was destined to disappoint them. She shook her head, explaining earnestly, “It’s different. Though Meng looks serious, he only has external wounds on his thigh, along with diarrhea from drinking contaminated water, nothing else. But Guagaka is different; he was bitten by a bat… You may not know about these creatures; bats are highly venomous. If bitten by one, if lucky, one may not fall ill, but if unlucky, they’d have to seek help from the organizers.” 

Su Ge’s words instantly filled everyone with a sense of crisis. They never imagined that such an inconspicuous creature would have such power. 

Regardless of what everyone thought or whether the unconscious Guagaka genuinely wanted to give up this recording, in the end, Rong Shi pressed the call button on his wrist. 

Soon, everyone saw a small aircraft hovering directly above Guagaka in the sky. Then, a beam of light descended from the aircraft, directly enveloping Guagaka. After confirming his identity with the call device on his hand, he was lifted by the beam of light and quickly taken into the aircraft. 

The time from the appearance to the departure of the aircraft was very short. It did not even last a minute, but it seemed to have struck a heavy blow to everyone’s hearts. 

Hearing the organizers announce someone’s elimination and actually witnessing someone being eliminated were two entirely different concepts. At this moment, everyone’s mood plummeted to its lowest point. 

Even Su Ge felt an indescribable sadness. Regardless of Guagaka’s willingness, he had been forced to give up this long-awaited opportunity, perhaps for him and his home planet. 

At this moment, everyone realized one thing very clearly: just how dangerous this desolate planet truly was. As long as they were a little careless, each one of them could become the next Guagaka. 

The level of danger they’re facing now is vastly different from what they had imagined. 

The Interstellar Alliance’s growth to its current state, marked by unparalleled technological progress, is a positive development—a symbol of racial prosperity. Yet if you viewed it from another perspective, it also carries a sense of sorrow. 

With such highly developed technology, the crises encountered by all races are mostly about how to deal with technological chaos, how to find more usable high-energy resources from wasteland planets, or how to use technology to eliminate more harmful races they encounter. 

As for the hazards brought by the primitive natural environment, they are almost non-existent in their eyes. After all, temperature can be regulated by technology, day and night cycles can be controlled by technology, and adverse weather conditions no longer exist because they’ve erected a shield around their planets, preventing such occurrences. As for natural disasters like landslides, mudslides, earthquakes, and tsunamis, they’ve fundamentally improved them with technology, and such events have never occurred. 

All these events have made all interstellar races, all planets and star systems, overly reliant on technology. Excessive dependence inevitably leads to a situation where, once detached from technology, all races become ignorant of this world. This ignorance renders them vulnerable, like defenseless rabbits, unable to resist harm or react appropriately to natural disasters. 

The five eliminated individuals were all eliminated for this reason, leaving only fifteen remaining. Is that enough? 

No, it’s just luck. 

Even Rong Shi’s heart is filled with a melancholic emotion at this moment. His identity and status destined him to see things differently from ordinary people. He has never been as soberly aware of himself as he is now. 

Discarding the hollow status of a certain class of planets and the technology that brought them unlimited convenience, they are like idiots on such a primitive planet. 

Yes, many may disagree, but the fact remains: who among the current participants does not seem like an idiot? 

Except for Su Ge. 

Earth has always been criticized as a fifth-rate planet, with its backward technology. Yet, it’s precisely because of their technological backwardness that they have strong practical skills and a deeper understanding of the planet. Rong Shi even dares not imagine what would have happened if they hadn’t encountered Su Ge at the very beginning. Would he have smoothly transitioned to the present? 

Some things aren’t worth thinking about too much.  

Guagaka needs assistance from the organizers. According to the rules, this will lead to elimination, and he will have to withdraw from the program recording. 

Due to the delay in rescuing their companion, the remaining contestants will reluctantly receive the punishment of one fewer bottle of nutrient solution. 

The organizers’ notice might be delayed, but it will surely come. 

About ten minutes after Guagaka was taken away, the irritating notice from the organizers arrived, making everyone annoyed. Along with the notice came a beam of light descending from the sky onto each person, followed by the reduction of one bottle of nutrient solution for everyone. 

As for Su Ge, she didn’t have any nutrient solution, so she didn’t care much about the notice. She even felt somewhat gleeful, thinking, “Well, I don’t have any nutrient solution anyway, so what are they going to deduct from me?” 

Unfortunately, fairness seems like a little girl you can dress up, but that little girl can get angry and bite. So, Su Ge didn’t have much time to feel triumphant. She heard a voice coming from her locator bracelet—a voice that she knew was hers alone. 

“Earth contestants must have an equivalent deduction in nutrient solutions, accumulating up to five bottles. The deducted item would be a bottle.” 

Initially, Su Ge was happily skipping around, but upon hearing this notification, she froze. Then, as the beam of light fell upon her again, she noticed that the bottle that had accompanied her throughout her journey had disappeared. 


Could they not play like this? How would she carry water when going out without a bottle? 

Shock, anger, and sadness alternated on Su Ge’s face until she suddenly empathized with the aliens losing their nutrient solution. 

Rong Shi, who had been standing beside Su Ge, heard her locator bracelet buzzing and knew there was a separate notification. He saw her colorful expressions and could guess the content of the notification. He gently patted Su Ge’s shoulder and asked, “Are you okay?” 

Unexpectedly, Su Ge turned her head abruptly, staring straight at Rong Shi with her distinct black-and-white eyes, her gaze akin to a fox eyeing its prey. Rong Shi involuntarily took a step back. He smiled naturally and changed the subject, “Ah, I remember your pig hasn’t been slaughtered yet. I’ll go help.” 

As he spoke, he tried to leave, but Su Ge grabbed his clothes and pulled him back. He turned back to her with a helpless expression, asking, “What’s wrong?” 

“I agree with what you said about food just now.” 

While Guagaka’s departure saddened all the aliens, Su Ge didn’t have much empathy. What truly alarmed her was the disappearance of the bottle. She only had four items given by the organizers and it’s all very practical. After five contestants were eliminated, including herself, she lost the bottle. If they continued on individual paths, contestants would gradually be eliminated, and her items would be quickly taken back. 

More importantly, she wasn’t sure if eliminating a contestant now deducted only one bottle of nutrient solution. What about later? Would it still be one bottle? What if the organizers raised the price? 

Therefore, the best way to protect herself at this time was to form a team with everyone, or more bluntly, form a community of shared interests. This would protect her and everyone else, the best win-win solution. 

Su Ge grew up in China with strong patriotic feelings. In her mind, China ranked as number one, and when it came to the interstellar alliance, Earth held the top spot too! So, when she was selected to take part in this program, she felt extremely happy. 

Not only because of the tantalizing prize money, but also because she felt that this was the highlight of her life. She could do something meaningful for her planet and her country. She was determined to hold on until the end, to make sure that people from other planets or galaxies could understand and recognize Earth more. 

To achieve this, she needed to form alliances with all the contestants. Each contestant had different perceptions and ideas about Earth. How could she naturally integrate with them? Now was the best opportunity. 

If they ran out of food, they wouldn’t have a choice but to eat. So, whatever they lacked, Earth could provide! 

As for the small matter of dining alone, why did that matter? 

As long as she wasn’t eliminated and her resources weren’t taken away, even turning her base into a cafeteria would be fine! 

Actually, Rong Shi had been certain that Su Ge would not refuse after suggesting the idea. But what surprised him was that Su Ge, who had been stubbornly resistant all along, agreed in this situation. He was somewhat surprised, but soon he smiled and said, “So, do I have the honor of sharing my first meal with you? That is… the pig you killed.” 

Su Ge: Black question marks… 

“Weren’t you just telling me that you were running out of nutrient fluid? It wouldn’t be too late for you to come over when you’ve run out, right? At least let me prepare, won’t you?” Su Ge refused to be caught off guard. 

After all, according to the practices of the Chinese people, in this situation, it was generally necessary to show some strength, to completely intimidate the aliens, and then business would go smoothly. With the limited materials she had on hand, she didn’t think she could achieve the best results. 

As the ancestors said, never engage in an unprepared battle. 

“But just now the organizers took away my last bottle of nutrient fluid,” Rong Shispread her hands, feeling helpless. 

“A bottle of nutrient fluid can last for two days!” 

“The last time I ate was two days ago.” 

“Aren’t you a soldier? Aren’t you able to endure for a long time under extreme conditions? Don’t you dislike eating at all?” 

“Right now, is already an extreme condition.” 

Su Ge: =.= 

Did this situation have to be so awkward? All the details were tangled together, she couldn’t even refuse. 

And after Su Ge agreed to dine with Rong Shi, the discussion in the live broadcast room welcomed a new round of debate. 

【Ah, ah, ah, my worst fear has come true! Aliens are indeed coming to steal Sister Su Ge’s food! Oh my god, how despicable! 】 

【Earlier, someone talked about reasoning. Isn’t it better if the aliens aren’t stealing things? This is definitely something that was going to happen at this stage. 】 

【The one who talked about stealing things earlier, can the Earthling not be so narrow-minded? What do you think would happen if Su Ge didn’t share things now? 】 

【It’s perfectly normal to be really robbed, isn’t it? The key is, if she doesn’t cooperate with Rong Shi, she could easily isolate herself.】 

【That’s right, being isolated in this kind of planet isn’t a good thing. 】 

【Did the one who talked earlier forget that Su Ge is very familiar with this planet? 】 

【So, what if she’s familiar? Can she do everything by herself? Earthlings are definitely not as strong as them, not as fast, they don’t even have good eyesight, what’s the big deal about being familiar? 】 

【And this kind of familiarity is useful in the early stages, but it won’t be an advantage later on. After all, nobody’s stupid. With so many races, experiencing losses a few more times will definitely lead to a better understanding of this planet. 】 

【I think Su Ge has chosen the most appropriate opportunity to integrate with all the other races. She’s seized this opportunity very accurately. 】 

【I used to think Su Ge, this Earthling, was just a little girl with some flashy skills, but today, I think her choices show she’s a very intelligent person. She’s quite visionary. 】 

【Me too, by now, my impression of Su Ge has changed. 】 


🎀I'm just a girl🎀 🧸I'm just a girl in the world🧸

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