After being turned gay by a BL novel I fell in love with the author
After being turned gay by a BL novel I fell in love with the author Chapter 6

Chapter 6: The author is in the same group as me.

“Ling?” Shao Huaizhi was the first to notice Ling Geng, and he also saw the broken pen in his hand.

Only then did Ling Geng realize his blunder. He awkwardly stuffed the pen into his pocket, trying to cover up, “My luck isn’t very good. How did I end up with a broken pen…”

He was so embarrassed. What was he even doing just now? Ling Geng wished he could find a hole to hide in.

Yu Zhan had heard Ling Geng’s affectionate address towards Shao Huaizhi loud and clear. He glanced back and forth between the two of them and asked with confusion, “Huaizhi, are you very familiar with him?”

A person you’ve only known for a few days can’t be considered familiar. Shao Huaizhi thought for a moment before saying, “Yeah, my roommate.”

So he’s a roommate. Yu Zhan breathed a sigh of relief, thinking he was about to hear something earth-shattering. But since they were roommates, why was Ling Geng here? Yu Zhan looked straight at Ling Geng, clearly asking, “Why are you here instead of focusing on the lab session?”

Feeling a bit intimidated by the teacher’s pressure, Ling Geng honestly thought it would be much better to have a teacher guiding Shao Huaizhi than him running over to help himself. He was about to give up, but then he glanced over and saw how close Yu Zhan’s hand was to Shao Huaizhi’s.

Perhaps because they had just finished a demonstration, the two were now within arm’s reach of each other. With just a slight touch, it would be…

Ling Geng thought back to the scene where Yu Zhan had held Shao Huaizhi’s hand. That image… no, he changed his mind! What kind of teacher is this Yu? His professional ethics are questionable! What if this so-called expert takes advantage of him again? He would not allow such a thing to happen again!

His response was firm, “I’m here to help him.” Facing Yu Zhan’s sharp gaze, Ling Geng completely forgot the fear that the mere mention of “Teacher Yu” had instilled in him earlier. He boldly added, “Um, it’s not good for Senior to conduct experiments alone. I can join his group.”

Yu Zhan squinted slightly, a hint of danger in his eyes. It seemed Ling Geng had forgotten about the time his scores were reset to zero and still dared to provoke him. He was just about to remind him when Shao Huaizhi spoke first.

With a smile and a gentle tone, which was rare for Yu Zhan to see, Shao Huaizhi said, “Ling, if you join my group, what about your original partner?”

Ling Geng hesitated for a moment. On one hand, he imagined Yu Zhan guiding Yu Xun, who was trembling with fear, and on the other, Shao Huaizhi being taken advantage of by Yu Zhan… Forget it, for the sake of the great master’s dignity, he decided to sacrifice Yu Xun.

He silently lit a candle in his heart for Yu Xun.

He explained, “I think, since Senior is new here, I should show some camaraderie. As for my original partner, Yu Xun, I’ll leave him to Teacher Yu for guidance.”

Camaraderie? Very well! Yu Zhan’s eyes turned cold. Shao Huaizhi glanced at him, timely stopping his next words, “Then, I’ll trouble Teacher Yu.” He deliberately emphasized “Teacher Yu” as a subtle reminder to Yu Zhan.

Shao Huaizhi had known Yu Zhan since their university days. Besides academics, Yu Zhan highly valued his reputation. Ling Geng’s repeated disobedience surely wouldn’t sit well with him.

But the young man was merely trying to be helpful and friendly, with no ill intentions. There was no reason for Yu Zhan to hold a grudge against him.

At this moment, Yu Zhan, who had been addressed as “Teacher Yu” by Shao Huaizhi, felt conflicted. Shao Huaizhi had never called him that before. This title seemed to distance their relationship, making him feel like a glaring beacon.

Yu Zhan compromised, “Alright, since Ling Geng has such a good heart, I’m pleased. For the upcoming lab sessions, you can temporarily pair with Huaizhi.”

As for Yu Xun, Yu Zhan sneered inwardly. As a teacher, he couldn’t let a student conduct experiments alone. That would be too inhumane, right?

Poor Yu Xun, clearly being set up, still hadn’t realized what had happened. His partner was gone, replaced by Yu Zhan’s smiling face.

But that smile…

Yu Xun gulped. Why did he feel a chill down his spine, cold sweat breaking out all over? Ling Geng?! What have you done?!

“Achoo!” Maybe it was Yu Xun’s resentment, but Ling Geng sneezed.

Shao Huaizhi pulled him closer, “Is the air conditioning too cold?”

“Oh…” Ling Geng shook his head generously, “No, uh, which step are you at in the experiment?” As Shao Huaizhi’s new partner, Ling Geng felt very responsible.

Shao Huaizhi glanced at the materials on the table, “Anesthesia.”

Ling Geng recalled the key points of anesthesia, “Hmm, for anesthesia, you need to secure it so it doesn’t move. Intraperitoneal injection is quite easy; the mouse’s abdominal organs are simple, so as long as you find the right spot, you won’t hit any vital organs. Teacher Yu just demonstrated this.”

Ling Geng’s tone was like that of an instructor teaching a beginner, which Shao Huaizhi found somewhat amusing.

Did this young man really think he knew nothing?

Seeing Shao Huaizhi’s expressionless face and lack of response, Ling Geng thought he didn’t understand. He figured Shao Huaizhi had been away from school for so long that he had probably forgotten most of the theoretical knowledge, let alone the practical skills.

After all, an expert has their pride and might be embarrassed to admit they don’t know. No problem, besides verbal instruction, he could also demonstrate it himself, ensuring the expert’s satisfaction!

Ling Geng rolled up his sleeves, put on gloves, secured the mouse, and raised his eyebrows at Shao Huaizhi. The latter watched him quietly without speaking.

With his expertise in experimental procedures, Ling Geng was confident that his demonstration would be flawless in front of Shao Huaizhi. However, he soon encountered a significant problem.

Yu Zhan’s classes were challenging, scheduled for the second or even third year after students had solidified their basic knowledge. This meant that including today’s lab, Ling Geng had only conducted experiments twice.

And today was the second time.

Reciting procedures was easy, but actual execution was another matter. For example, despite his earlier claim that securing the mouse was simple, the mouse began to struggle in his hand, even trying to bite him.

He had to release and re-secure the mouse. This time, it stayed still, but he realized he had forgotten to expel the air from the syringe…

In front of the expert, after confidently declaring the procedure simple, Ling Geng felt like he wanted to bang his head against the lab wall out of embarrassment.

As he struggled, he suddenly heard a laugh.

“Ling.” Shao Huaizhi approached slowly from behind, taking the syringe from his hand, “Leave the syringe to me.”

In that instant, the atmosphere became warm, overwhelming the cool air conditioning. Ling Geng, torn between expelling air and securing the mouse, turned around, staring at Shao Huaizhi.

Was it his imagination? Why did he feel that their interactions were becoming too intimate? When Shao Huaizhi had approached just now, he had been so close, even his breathing…

Ling Geng, what are you thinking?! He’s a renowned expert, adored by countless fans like you. Even if he’s a guy… Right! He’s a guy. This must be an extraordinary brotherly bond! Ling Geng comforted himself with this thought.

Shao Huaizhi finished expelling the air from the syringe and looked up to see Ling Geng’s complicated expression. He reminded, “Ling?”

“Oh…” Ling Geng snapped back to reality, glanced at the syringe in Shao Huaizhi’s hand, and blurted out a somewhat unintelligent question, “Senior, you… know how to expel air?”

Shao Huaizhi felt he might have hidden his skills too well, making the young man doubt him. He smiled and shook his head, “Ling, what did you just call me?”

“Senior, is there something wrong with that?”

If Shao Huaizhi didn’t have the syringe in his hand, he would have tapped Ling Geng’s forehead. “Since you call me Senior, I was in the same major as you. Four years of university couldn’t have erased my memory entirely. I still remember the basic steps.”

“But Teacher Yu was just…” Ling Geng’s voice trailed off. He had seen Yu Zhan practically hand-holding Shao Huaizhi through the process and assumed the expert had forgotten his experimental skills after being away from academia for so long. It turned out, the one unfamiliar with the procedures was himself.

Shao Huaizhi almost called out Yu Zhan’s name but paused and used a respectful title instead. He couldn’t let the young man feel too inferior. “Teacher Yu wanted to teach. As a teacher, he was right to do so. I listened because it’s been a while since I graduated, and my skills might be rusty. It’s no big deal whether I remember or not.”

Shao Huaizhi glanced at the mouse secured by Ling Geng and reminded him, “Ling, it’s time for the next step.”

“Right.” Ling Geng finally realized that instead of demonstrating to Shao Huaizhi, he was now asking for his help and discussing irrelevant matters. This was inappropriate.

He was about to take the syringe when he noticed Shao Huaizhi showed no intention of backing off. Shao Huaizhi’s eyes indicated the mouse, “Ling, turn around.”

“Hmm?” Ling Geng didn’t understand but obediently turned around. The next moment, Shao Huaizhi approached slowly, encircling Ling Geng from behind. Shao Huaizhi’s hand rested on Ling Geng’s empty right hand, guiding the syringe into it.

Shao Huaizhi carefully placed the syringe in Ling Geng’s hand, speaking each word with a smile, “Weren’t you going to teach me? You can start now.”

**Author’s Note: To be blunt, not just Yu Zhan, everyone here is a 100-watt light bulb, and a very bright one at that, haha. Poor little Yu Xun, his partner ran off, and now he’s stuck with a teacher. He’ll be traumatized for the next month. Let’s light a candle for him.**

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