After being turned gay by a BL novel I fell in love with the author
After being turned gay by a BL novel I fell in love with the author Chapter 7

Chapter 7:**

Ling Geng: ?

Are you sure I’m the one teaching you in this situation? Isn’t it more like you’re teaching me?! And why do we have to be in such an awkward position, with you holding me from behind? This feels like… feels like…

Ling Geng’s earlobes slowly turned red as he suddenly remembered a description from Yu Huaizhi’s romantic novel about Hong Li’s first night.


Back then, the moon was full and the stars sparse, a beautiful, soft light streaming down like water, illuminating the blooming buds outside the peach orchard. Whether in full bloom or not, the peach blossoms should have faded by now, but this area was different, reflecting the owner’s special care. Hong Li leaned against the window with one hand on his chin, half-turned, comfortably gazing at the peach blossoms in the distance, suddenly thinking of someone.

The scenery from the mountain temple seemed so far away. It had been half a month since he handled some minor affairs. Was that person still not back?

He missed him dearly.

As he pondered, a messenger bird descended, placing a letter on the windowsill. The familiar handwriting on the letter unfolded, containing just a few words. He read it in the moonlight: “Seeing the letter is like seeing you…”

Before he could finish, the main door behind him was pushed open. He didn’t turn his head, and the person approached silently using light steps. After several days of absence, the familiar voice sounded again, the warm breath blending with the deep voice, making his heart flutter. “Seeing the letter is like seeing you. Are you well?”

“You…” Hong Li couldn’t stand the low voice, intending to push the person away. But before he could say more, the next words stopped him.

“A-Li, I’ve missed you so much.” The person’s head rested on his shoulder, the close words tinged with a bewitching tone, sighing softly. “I’ve been living like a monk for the past half-month in the mountain temple, not touching any meat. I’ve been so obedient; don’t you think… I deserve a reward?”

Hong Li, trapped by the person’s embrace, reluctantly said, “Speak properly. Let go of me, and I’ll give you a reward. Tell me, what do you want?”

The person chuckled softly and then lowered his head to nuzzle Hong Li’s neck. The warm voice transmitted through his skin, full of desire, “Good A-Li, you promised that if I returned within a month, you’d give yourself to me. Now, it’s time to fulfill that promise.”

Hong Li turned his head in disbelief, “I didn’t! That’s not what I meant. I said…”

His lips were sealed, the taste of a mix of sweetness filling him. The probing tongue made him feel ethereal. Frowning, he weakly pushed but eventually gasped, “Not here, it’s too…”

“Too?” The person licked his lips, eyes dark, “I insist. So what if it’s here?”

“I’m not…” His unfinished words were cut off. The person turned Hong Li around, maintaining the previous position. With certain actions hard to ignore below, the person easily lifted Hong Li’s lower robe, the cool air hitting him. Taking advantage, the person pinned him against the window, fingers continuously caressing, “A-Li, look, the moonlight tonight is beautiful, but it can’t compare to you…”

“Hmm…” The sound trailed off, delicate and winding. Hong Li’s eyes reddened, and his vision blurred…

Blurred… Stop! Ling Geng forcibly dispelled all thoughts from his mind. What was he thinking? He was in a laboratory, conducting an experiment, and the person behind him was Shao Huaizhi! What was he even imagining?!

If the expert knew…

Speaking of the devil, Shao Huaizhi’s voice broke at the right moment, “Ling?” He had no idea what the young man was thinking, but he noticed, “Your hand is shaking.”

“Oh…” Ling Geng quickly refocused, taking a deep breath and glancing at the syringe tip, which was trembling dangerously close to the mouse’s eye. If Shao Huaizhi hadn’t steadied his hand, he would have accidentally jabbed the mouse, ruining the experiment.

“Next step, intraperitoneal injection.” Shao Huaizhi, not seeing Ling Geng’s expression, assumed he was nervous about the procedure and patiently explained, “Actually, there’s a difference between the textbook description and the actual operation, as well as some discrepancies with the classroom demonstration videos. You memorized the steps, but practical application isn’t always smooth. I spent several hours figuring out this experiment myself.”

“For instance, the intraperitoneal injection we’re doing now—Teacher Yu just demonstrated the position here.” He guided Ling Geng’s hand, inserting the needle tip, “If you can inject the liquid without resistance, then the intraperitoneal injection is successful.”

The mouse in Ling Geng’s hand tried to struggle, but the anesthetic took effect quickly, and it soon lay still. As Shao Huaizhi’s hand withdrew with the completion of the anesthetic operation, the warmth disappeared instantly. Ling Geng, still holding the syringe, remained in a daze for a second.

Experiments were conducted in pairs, and the laboratory was designed for this, with each pair having a separate table and explosion-proof partitions. Since Shao Huaizhi was the last to join Class 9, their table was in the back corner, so despite Shao Huaizhi’s overstepping actions, no one else noticed. This secretive feeling was almost like…


Ling Geng was shocked by this sudden thought. Never mind whether Shao Huaizhi intended it or not, the fact that he had thought of some indescribable scenarios when Shao Huaizhi leaned in was outrageous!

He hadn’t figured out the connection when his hand started shaking again. He carefully placed the syringe on the nearby tray and took several deep breaths.

But this time, even deep breaths didn’t help.

Behind him, out of his sight, Shao Huaizhi had intended to start the machine. A glimpse of Ling Geng’s flushed earlobe, the redness extending down his whole side, made him pause. Was the boy getting this hot under the air conditioning? Then he recalled his earlier actions towards Ling Geng.

Could it be that the young man was thinking of something else because of those actions? Shao Huaizhi’s lips curled up. No wonder his hand was shaking while holding the syringe—his mind wasn’t on the experiment at all.

Yet, making the young man this flustered brought a strange sense of satisfaction. He chuckled and shook his head. How mischievous…

When the class ended, Yu Zhan found Shao Huaizhi. The afternoon’s lab session was challenging, and since Ling Geng had been distracted several times, he and Shao Huaizhi were the last to finish. Yu Zhan had been waiting for them.

“Huaizhi.” With only the two of them in the lab, Yu Zhan directly asked, “Are you planning to move into Class 9’s dorm tonight?”

“Yes.” Shao Huaizhi replied decisively.

The idea of Shao Huaizhi experiencing campus life hadn’t been shared with Yu Zhan beforehand. Shao Huaizhi hadn’t wanted special treatment from Yu Zhan, thinking he would eventually find out during classes.

But Professor Li’s concern for him was exceptional. He had informed Yu Zhan, explaining the situation and asking him to look out for Shao Huaizhi. This led to their meeting at lunch.

During lunch, as they chatted, Yu Zhan considered Shao Huaizhi’s plan to move into the dorm. Given the limited time, he hadn’t suggested his own idea. “If you’re just looking to experience campus life, there’s no need to move into the dorm.”

Undergraduate dorm conditions couldn’t compare to Shao Huaizhi’s previous residence. Yu Zhan sincerely suggested, “I have a single room on campus. It may not be as comfortable as your place, but it’s better than the undergrad dorms. If it’s just for writing inspiration, living in a single room should suffice.”

Shao Huaizhi’s eyelids lowered, showing no emotion, “Are you worried I won’t adapt?” He quickly dismissed the thought, “No worries. Since I’m here to experience, I should do it thoroughly. Otherwise, it would waste the teacher’s arrangement.”

Moreover, there was someone else in the dorm. Shao Huaizhi seemed to think of something, a hint of a smile in his eyes.

Seeing Shao Huaizhi’s determination, Yu Zhan didn’t insist. Professor Li had asked him to take care of Shao Huaizhi, and he had been doing so. Since they’d known each other, Shao Huaizhi had always been persistent, much like his choice to write instead of pursuing a graduate degree. He couldn’t be dissuaded.

Thinking of this, Yu Zhan felt a bit of regret. So many years had passed in a blink…

“Mr. Yu?” Shao Huaizhi reminded him.

Huh? Yu Zhan hadn’t snapped out of his thoughts. Why did he suddenly call him that? Although Yu Zhan was technically Shao Huaizhi’s senior, they were close and usually called each other by name.

It made sense in class to avoid misunderstandings, but why now?

Yu Zhan frowned and said, “Huaizhi, why are you being so distant with me now?”

Shao Huaizhi watched the person entering the laboratory, who was getting closer. He glanced at Yu Zhan but said nothing.

The look in his eyes was unmistakable, but Yu Zhan didn’t catch on. He thought Shao Huaizhi was still worrying about moving into the dormitory. So, he generously padded Shao Huaizhi’s shoulder and said, “If you want to stay in the undergrad dorm, go ahead. If moving your stuff is a hassle, I can get some grad students to help.”

Shao Huaizhi: …

That’s not what he meant…

Returning to the lab after volunteering to return the experimental materials, Ling Geng saw this scene. From his angle, Yu Zhan’s pat on the shoulder almost looked like a hug with Shao Huaizhi!

Ling Geng’s eyes widened in disbelief and frustration: Again?!

Author’s Note: Question: Teacher Yu, do you know how dazzling you are?

Yu Zhan: ?

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