Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 9.1

“Hmm? A new quest triggered?”

“Brother broke through during the fight and there’s a reward?!”

Qin Ruqing was delighted. She quickly said, “Claim reward.”

This time, the system wasn’t stingy with its points.

Instead of adding them one by one, it directly added 200 points!

Her brother’s breakthrough in battle yielded such a significant bonus! If that’s the case, does it mean she could get a lot of points whenever a younger family member advances?

Qin Ruqing instinctively doubted it.

She didn’t believe the system would be so generous.

If that were true, she could earn points effortlessly in the future.

It couldn’t be that simple!

Thinking it over carefully, she figured the system’s generosity this time was likely because her brother’s breakthrough occurred during a fight.

A breakthrough in battle was akin to an epiphany, a rare cultivation opportunity.

The benefits weren’t just about advancing to the next level; there was also an additional profound insight.

Moreover, Qin Ruqing speculated that her brother might have undergone a significant mindset change through this event and breakthrough.

Didn’t the new quest mention—[Young Clan Leader’s Early Achievements]?

Does this imply her brother is the young clan leader?

Hmm… probably not.

If that were the case, the system would explicitly state, “Young Clan Leader Qin Ruyu’s Early Achievements.”

The absence of a name likely means the Qin family hasn’t officially designated a young clan leader.

Regardless, her brother certainly had a strong chance of competing for the position of young clan leader, and the system ranked him highly.

Otherwise, a single breakthrough wouldn’t have awarded her so many points.

This indicated that in the system’s judgment, Qin Ruyu’s advancement was significant, far beyond merely breaking through a minor realm.

Great, today’s harvest was excellent.

Qin Ruqing didn’t dare look at the system for too long and quickly walked towards her brother.

She jumped up and down with excitement, “Brother, you won! You broke through during the fight!”

Qin Ruyu was also in disbelief.

He looked at his hands, “I broke through. I actually broke through during the battle.”

Beside him, Qin Luxuan, who was wiping the blood from his mouth, stood up and, rubbing his chest, said mockingly, “So, Brother had already touched the threshold of the fourth level but kept it hidden. This breakthrough during the battle, I admit my defeat.”

Qin Ruyu paused.

His second brother seemed to be implying that he had intentionally concealed his strength and was being cunning.

However, he truly hadn’t felt the threshold before.

This breakthrough was entirely unexpected.

Qin Ruyu hesitated, but he didn’t explain—saying he hadn’t touched the threshold before but still broke through would only invite resentment.

If he said that, his second brother would likely feel even worse.

So, he merely cupped his hands towards Qin Luxuan in acknowledgment.

Qin Luxuan sneered, taking this as confirmation of his suspicions.

It seemed he had underestimated his “good” elder brother.

The eldest young master actually turned the tables and won!

The students watching were stunned.

They had seen it clearly—Qin Ruyu broke through during the fight, and the surge of energy from his breakthrough directly knocked Qin Luxuan away.

A breakthrough during battle—what a tremendous opportunity!

The students were so amazed they stopped their own sparring and crowded around Qin Ruyu to congratulate him.

“Big Brother is indeed mighty!”

“To break through during a fight, if you can digest this insight well, reaching the seventh level of Qi Refinement shouldn’t be a problem.”

Qin Ruqing happily watched her brother bask in the admiration of his peers.

This breakthrough was a turning point, not just for his cultivation but for his reputation and future standing in the family.

Seeing her brother receive such praise and respect filled her with pride and satisfaction.

“Advancing has no threshold. Congratulations, Big Brother!”

“Big Brother, how did you break through? Can you tell us the method?”

A flurry of questions bombarded Qin Ruyu, leaving him no chance to speak.

At the same time, he felt a strange sensation rising in his heart—when could he also be respected like this?

It seemed that fraternity and respect for the virtuous were not valued by them.

Instead, violating the clan rules in this competition seemed to earn their admiration.

Even… Qin Ruyu glanced towards Qingqing, who was holding his clothes tightly, looking at him with joy on her face…

Even Qingqing, who was usually proud, showed such admiration towards him (you’re mistaken, she’s just happy because she’s profiting big time~).

Qin Ruyu vaguely realized something.

What caused all this? It was strength.

All because he had broken through in battle, defeated his younger brother, and was seen by everyone as having a bright future.

As if a veil had suddenly been lifted before his eyes, and everything became clear.

Qin Ruyu had never had such a clear and deep understanding before.

Before… he had been shortsighted.

Qin Ruyu cleared his throat, about to answer everyone’s questions properly, when suddenly he heard a stern voice.

“No more sparring during the class! What are you all gathering here for?”

Elder Zhang! Qin Ruyu was startled and reflexively turned to bow.

The others, startled like scared birds, scattered, shouting in unison.

“Grand Elder Zhang!”

Grand Elder, with his long beard, was the most revered person in the Qin family.

He walked over slowly, habitually scanning the crowd, but his gaze paused when he saw Qin Luxuan.

He furrowed his brows. “Luxuan, why is there blood at the corner of your mouth?”

Quickly scanning with his spiritual sense, he found severe injuries.

He hurried over, first stuffing a Revival Pill into Qin Luxuan’s mouth, then pressing his hand on his shoulder, infusing him with spiritual energy to help him recover.

After doing all this, Grand Elder turned around with a stern expression. “Who was so reckless as to cause this?”

“In the sparring class, you’re supposed to stop when it’s pointed out. Luxuan’s injuries almost affected his heart meridian. Does anyone here have intentions to harm their fellow clan members?” His gaze swept oppressively across the crowd.

Qin Luxuan wiped away the blood from his mouth, lips curling slightly. “Luxuan was injured in the sparring with Big Brother, but it was not intentional.”

Qin Ruyu quickly stepped forward from the crowd and bowed. “Elder, Luxuan’s injuries indeed resulted from my sparring with him.”

Grand Elder Zhang looked at him with some disbelief. “Ruyu, you have always been respectful. How could this happen today… Do you understand the punishment for causing severe injury to a clan member?”

Here it comes…

Qin Ruyu’s heart tightened, but he still straightened his back and answered truthfully, “According to the clan rules, causing serious injury in internal combat results in forty lashes and seven days of kneeling in the ancestral hall.”

“In that case, you…”

“Elder!” Qin Ruqing couldn’t help but speak up, “Injuring Second Brother was not intentional on Big Brother’s part. He had a breakthrough in battle and accidentally injured Second Brother due to uncontrollable force. Should he still be punished?”

A breakthrough in battle…

Grand Elder Zhang paused, a hint of surprise flashing in his eyes.

He looked to Qin Luxuan for confirmation. Seeing his complex expression, he nodded, “Indeed.”

Seeing this, Qin Ruqing hurriedly continued,

“Moreover, Big Brother didn’t intend to spar with Second Brother initially. It was the people on Second Brother’s side who provoked first. Big Brother had no choice but to accept the challenge.”

Now that today’s incident has been brought up lightly and then put down, how could it be acceptable?

Oh, just because she wants to shut her brother’s mouth, is that it? She must make a big deal out of it!

Qin Ruqing spoke with increasing indignation.

Suddenly, she pointed fiercely at Qin Moli, who had started the trouble, and said sharply, “It’s him! He repeatedly provoked my brother.

My brother was only passively defending himself.

Should he be punished as well?

In my opinion, if punishment is to be given, Second Brother should also be punished.

Qin Moli is always following Second Brother around, so who’s to say he wasn’t acting under Second Brother’s instructions?”

“Incitement to internal conflict among clan members also violates clan rules and deserves severe punishment!”

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