The False Daughter Descends the Mountain to Marry in Another’s Stead, While the True Master Seeks Nightly Divinations
Chapter 4: This Scandal Could Scare Her to Death

“The unfortunate news is, this villa is… haunted~~~”

Yu Ning merely responded with an “oh” and calmly packed her earphones away.

“Aren’t you afraid?”

“A Daoist sacred site can’t be haunted.”

“The servants said that at midnight, there’s a rustling sound from my brother’s room’s floor-to-ceiling windows.”

“Someone’s pretending to be a ghost. Hire more bodyguards, keep some dogs—humans are scarier than ghosts.”


Lin Jun was at a loss for words.

Wu Yan and her daughter’s plan had failed, and Yu Zihan was wailing.

Seeing that the little bastard was heading towards a rich life was more painful than her own broken leg!

Wu Yan was also frustrated.

She had meticulously set up this trap but failed to catch the little bastard, harming her own daughter instead. It was all because the little bastard was a jinx!

“Let’s go to the Lin family too!”

Wu Yan couldn’t stop the marriage since she had already accepted the bride price.

But she could make the little bastard’s life miserable at the Lin family!

“I heard her master had an affair when he was young. Even as a Daoist, he was promiscuous. Let’s go to the Lin family and tell the great-grandmother. If the head is crooked, the tail won’t be straight. Will the great-grandmother still favor her?”

Didn’t the Lin family choose a “clean” girl? With such a filthy master, how good could Yu Ning be?

“Mom, you’re so smart.” Yu Zihan felt relieved.

“Hey! Are you two done chatting? If you don’t get treated, we’re leaving!”

The medical staff couldn’t bear it anymore.

Despite their injuries, they weren’t hurrying to the hospital and kept chattering!

The Lin family villa at Sanqing Mountain was ridiculously large.

It had its own helipad and exuded wealth everywhere.

“The renovation alone cost nearly two billion. Do you want to take pictures and post them on Weibo? This superstar will give you a like and make you famous!”

“No need, thanks.” Yu Ning sensed something was off as soon as she entered.

“You don’t want the superstar’s like? You want a photo with me? Alright, since you’re my future sister-in-law, I’ll reluctantly agree. Come on, say cheese—Hey, where did she go?”

Yu Ning had walked away.

This villa was grand, with every step revealing a new scene.

Oddly, the entire mansion formed a massive array.

In the current world, besides her master and two senior brothers, who else could set up such a high-level array?

It took ten minutes to walk from the helipad to the main house.

During this time, Lin Jun briefly introduced the family.

The highest-ranking member was the great-grandmother, as the grandmother’s generation had passed away.

His father’s generation had three brothers. Lin Jun’s father, Lin Anbang, was the second, and he had five sons named after the five elements—metal, wood, water, fire, and earth—each with their own careers.

His eldest brother, Lin Zheng, was in a vegetative state, and Lin Jun, the youngest, was relatively free. The other three brothers were busy with their careers worldwide and couldn’t be seen for now.

This villa was for Lin Zheng’s recovery. Besides him, the household included his father, stepmother, and the stepmother’s daughter, Jia Qingqing.

“The great-grandmother will come in the afternoon. You can familiarize yourself with the environment in the morning. My father isn’t home during the day. Jia Aunt is easy to get along with and won’t trouble you. As for Jia Qingqing—”

Lin Jun’s expression turned subtle. He was about to gossip about Jia Qingqing when his phone rang.

“Hello, Director Zhang—an audition for the eighth male lead? I want it, I want it, I want it, Director Zhang! Give me half an hour, I’ll be right there!”

Lin Jun’s tone was flattering. After hanging up, he ignored Yu Ning, his mind focused on the audition.

“Though I don’t like you, little swindler, I dislike Jia Qingqing even more. While I’m not home, you should protect my brother’s integrity.”

Lin Jun finished and was about to leave.


The black aura around his fate line was even denser.

Yu Ning guessed his impending bloodshed was related to the audition.

“If I persuade you not to go, you wouldn’t listen. Take this instead.” She opened a suitcase.

It was packed full of talisman papers, making Lin Jun gape.

“You’re using my precious ride to transport waste paper!”

“These were left to me by my master.”

Besides talismans, her master had also left many magical instruments.

If it weren’t for her master, she would’ve died long ago.

“Found it. Keep this with you.” Yu Ning pulled out a string of red wooden beads.

The wooden beads were cracked, with fissures that didn’t seem man-made.

“Why are you giving me this broken bead?” Lin Jun was eager for the audition and had no interest in the ugly bead.

“This is a lightning-struck jujube wood, also called avoidance wood. It can ward off minor evil. Although it can’t fully prevent your bloodshed, it can protect you once. Consider it my payment for the ride.”

“I don’t want this junk—”

The dignified Fifth Young Master Lin, a future first-tier star, wearing a cracked bead necklace would be laughable!

Seeing Yu Ning’s clear eyes, his heart softened.

This girl grew up on a mountain and must be poor. Why else would she be so eager to scam him for money?

She couldn’t even produce a complete string of beads. Her master must’ve left her with just a few boxes of tattered papers, and she treasured them like gold.

Quite pitiful.

“I’ll take it. I won’t accept your gift for free. When I pass the audition, I’ll treat you to a feast!”

Lin Jun pocketed the bead string carelessly and ran to the helicopter.

“It can only protect you once. Make sure to come back within three days, or it’ll be too late!” Yu Ning shouted at his retreating figure.

This scene was observed by the mother and daughter upstairs.

“Mom, look at that bumpkin, clinging to Fifth Brother as soon as she arrived.” Jia Qingqing sneered.

“Why is she so shabby? She’s even wearing cloth shoes.”

“Since she’s favored by the great-grandmother, you can’t bully her in front of her or your father. But privately—”

Jia Qingqing’s mother, Lin’s wife, spoke softly.

“I understand.” Jia Qingqing pouted. If she couldn’t bully the bumpkin openly, she’d do it in secret.

“Ma’am, the young madam’s mother is on the phone. Would you like to take it?” A servant reported.

Jia Qingqing slapped the servant’s face.

“The bumpkin is not the young madam! My brother would never fancy her!”

Lin’s wife signaled her daughter to calm down with a look.

“What’s Mrs. Yu calling for?”

“She said it’s regarding the young madam—Miss Yu Ning—and wants to speak to the great-grandmother.” The servant looked fearfully at Jia Qingqing.

How could such a kind lady give birth to such a terrifying child?

“Tell her I’m not here—never mind, put her through.”

The call was transferred quickly.

Wu Yan’s sycophantic voice came through.

“In-law, although Yu Ning isn’t my biological daughter, I dare not hide such a scandal.”

“A scandal?” Lin’s wife raised an eyebrow.

Wu Yan exaggerated the unseemly behavior of Yu Ning’s master.

“This matter must be told to the great-grandmother. I’ll arrange a plane for you. Wait there.”

Lin’s wife hung up, her brow relaxed.

Wu Yan’s call came at the perfect time.

“Qingqing, stay composed. Don’t wear your emotions on your face. Hitting the servant was inappropriate.”

“I understand. Next time, I’ll put laxatives in the rude servant’s food. Mom, you’re too soft-hearted.”

Lin’s wife smiled faintly, saying no more, as she watched Yu Ning walk through the front door.

“I don’t know what the great-grandmother sees in this bumpkin. How could she choose her?” Jia Qingqing was indignant.

“Being favored by the great-grandmother is her luck. Whether she can secure her position as the young madam depends on her fate.” Lin’s wife’s eyes gleamed.

“Let’s go. Let’s meet Miss Yu Ning.”

The mother and daughter thought no one heard their conversation, unaware that a pair of eyes outside the window witnessed everything.

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