Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 13

Qin Deming returned to the courtyard and sighed deeply to his wife, Luo Xian.

Luo Xian glanced at him and asked in confusion, “Didn’t you say you found three four-leaf Lingzhi plants? Isn’t that a great thing? Why are you sighing?”

Qin Deming frowned as if he had a tough decision to make.

He said, somewhat abruptly, “The Ancestor asked us how we should handle these three four-leaf Lingzhi plants.”

“How to handle them?” Luo Xian found it strange because, to her, the answer was obvious.

After all the effort to find three four-leaf Lingzhi plants, they should definitely be used to make Foundation Establishment Pills.

Qin Deming looked at her, seemingly knowing what she was thinking, and added, “The Ancestor said that even if she personally makes the pills, the success rate would not exceed fifty percent.”

Luo Xian fell silent immediately.

Not exceeding fifty percent meant there was only a thirty to forty percent chance of success…

That was indeed a high risk.

Luo Xian tentatively suggested, “Maybe we can hire a high-level alchemist…”

Qin Deming shook his head immediately, “The Ancestor’s alchemy skills are among the best in the entire Nanling County.

Where could we find an alchemist better than her?

Besides, even if we found one, could we really trust someone else with something so important to our family’s future?”

Luo Xian thought for a moment and sighed as well, “With such high risk, it’s better to store the herbs in the family treasury or sell them for spirit stones.” This way, the family treasury would be rich, and there would be more resources for nurturing talents.

However, she kept these thoughts to herself, knowing that saying them out loud would invite criticism.

Just as Qin Deming was about to speak, there was a noise outside the door.

Qin Deming frowned and sensed the presence outside.

His frown relaxed as he called out, “Is that you, Qingqing? Come in.”

Qin Ruqing poked her head in, chuckled, and then casually sat at the table. “I’m here to listen to what Mom and Dad are talking about.”

She admitted to eavesdropping openly.

Qin Deming and his wife smiled warmly at her, not finding anything wrong with it.

Qin Deming hesitated for a moment but then followed his heart and asked, “Qingqing, you found the four-leaf Lingzhi plants. What do you think we should do with them?”

Qin Ruqing replied, “Of course, we should use them to make Foundation Establishment Pills.”

Qin Deming repeated the Ancestor’s words to her.

Qin Ruqing was a bit surprised but after thinking it over, she nodded and said, “I still think we should use them to make the pills.”

This surprised Qin Deming.

“Why?” he asked. “The success rate of making the pills is so low. If we fail, the three four-leaf Lingzhi plants will be wasted.”

Finding another three four-leaf Lingzhi plants in the future would be nearly impossible.

Qin Ruqing blinked and said earnestly, “But if I hadn’t sneaked into the herb garden today, we wouldn’t have found these three four-leaf Lingzhi plants at all.”

Qin Deming and his wife were taken aback.

“These plants were an unexpected gain. Why not use them to make the Foundation Establishment Pills? The Ancestor’s words should be understood this way: It’s not that we have a chance of losing the four-leaf Lingzhi plants, but rather that our family has almost a fifty percent chance of getting a Foundation Establishment Pill. This is a huge opportunity, and it’s a great thing no matter how you look at it.”

Qin Ruqing’s perspective was indeed quite unique.

Surprisingly, as Qin Deming and Luo Xian thought about it more, they found that Qingqing’s perspective made sense.

Yes, the four-leaf Lingzhi plants were an unexpected find.

Before this, no one had ever hoped to get them—they were impossible to buy.

Since it was a windfall, using these three four-leaf Lingzhi plants to make Foundation Establishment Pills seemed like a sure win.

They had been overvaluing these plants, equating them directly to a Foundation Establishment Pill.

They feared that wasting the plants meant losing the chance for the family to produce a Foundation Establishment cultivator.

But thinking differently, if these three four-leaf Lingzhi plants weren’t used to make Foundation Establishment Pills, their value would never be realized and they would just gather dust in the family treasury.

Seeing her parents deep in thought, Qingqing’s eyes sparkled and she added, “Dad, you should not only persuade the Ancestor to make the Foundation Establishment Pills, but also say that if the pill is successful, you are willing to give up your spot and let Aunt Dexin have it.”

What? Give up the Foundation Establishment Pill spot to Qin Dexin?! Giving such a precious opportunity to someone else?

Qin Deming and his wife looked at Qingqing, now completely puzzled.

Three days later, the family meeting started on time.

The Ancestor arrived and, after taking her seat at the head, gave a cold glance around and said, “Let’s begin.”

With the Ancestor’s words, the meeting hall fell silent, and no one spoke.

Qin Dexin, thinking that if no one else would speak, she would take the lead.

She stepped to the center of the hall, bowed, and said loudly, “Ancestor, I believe we should use these three four-leaf Lingzhi plants to make Foundation Establishment Pills.”

Everyone looked at Qin Dexin, not surprised by her answer.

Qin Dexin was the most direct beneficiary of the Foundation Establishment Pills.

Apart from the Grand elder, she had the highest cultivation level in the Qin family.

Moreover, she had the advantage of youth.

If she got the Foundation Establishment Pill, she might have the chance to advance further in the future.

But if the Grand elder got it, he would at most reach Foundation Establishment.

So, it was expected that Qin Dexin would support making the pills.

Once someone spoke, others began to express their views.

Aside from the Grand elder, the other elders had mixed opinions.

Some supported the idea, while others thought the risk was too high and it was better to store the four-leaf Lingzhi plants in the family treasury.

They suggested waiting until they had more plants and then making the pills more safely.

Finally, it was the Grand elder’s turn to speak.

The Grand elder glanced at Qin Dehao, who was full of determination, and sighed inwardly before speaking calmly, “With less than a fifty percent chance of success, the risk is indeed high. It might be better to wait.”

This was the result of the second house’s discussion the previous night.

Although the great elder knew the Foundation Establishment Pill would be between him and Qin Dexin, he felt his age made success unlikely and wanted to give the chance to Qin Dexin.

However, Qin Dehao strongly opposed this idea.

Making the Foundation Establishment Pill was most likely for Qin Dexin.

Besides, the risk was high, and there was no benefit to the second house.

Why support it? It was better to persuade the Ancestor to store the four-leaf Lingzhi plants and plan for another opportunity.

Maybe by then, Qin Dehao’s cultivation would surpass Qin Dexin’s.

The Grand elder, being older and more peaceful, couldn’t resist his foster son’s ambition for power.

Qin Dehao’s argument made sense, so he finally agreed.

As the Grand elder finished speaking, Qin Dehao, with a satisfied smile, stepped forward and said, “Ancestor, I agree with the Grandelder.”

Qin Dexin understood that the second house had planned to oppose her.

She shot a sharp glance at Qin Dehao and instinctively touched her sword.

Her dear second brother was really asking for trouble.

Qin Dehao, feeling her gaze, was unafraid and even sneered lightly.

He was determined to block her path to Foundation Establishment.

What could she do about it?

The Ancestor looked down and asked, “So, most of you believe it’s not the right time to make the pill?”

The Ancestor’s tone was calm, but the atmosphere in the hall became tense.

This was a difficult decision involving family conflicts.

The other elders were silent, afraid to speak.

At this moment, Qin Deming suddenly stood up.

“Ancestor, I believe we should make the pill.”

The Ancestor’s eyes flashed with interest. “Why?”

Qin Deming lowered his gaze and said earnestly, “These three four-leaf Lingzhi plants were discovered by my daughter, Qingqing, in the herb garden.” He emphasized “my daughter, Qingqing.”

“Since they were unexpectedly found, we should use them to make the Foundation Establishment Pill.

Even if we fail, the Qin family hasn’t lost much because we didn’t spend any spirit stones on them. Why not take the chance?”

A good question.

Everyone understood Qin Deming’s hidden message:

These three plants were “my daughter, Qingqing’s” unexpected find—not yours.

Why are you arguing? My family should have the final say.

Moreover, the Qin family didn’t pay anything for them.

What risk? It was a free gain.

Qin Deming’s perspective was unique, and even Qin Dehao, who usually argued with him, was momentarily speechless.

He looked at Qin Deming in surprise, realizing for the first time that this old turtle could be so bold.

It was true that Qingqing found the plants in the Qin family’s herb garden, so they belonged to the Qin family.

But now, he wanted to claim the credit?

Qin Dehao sneered and mockingly said, “So, according to the elder brother, not only should we make the pill, but the Foundation Establishment Pill should also go to your family—because your daughter found the plants?”

He emphasized “your daughter” sarcastically.

Qin Deming, unfazed, looked at him calmly and said to the Patriarch, “Ancestor, I believe we should make the pill. If successful, the Foundation Establishment Pill should go to Qin Dexin.”

Even the Patriarch looked at Qin Deming in surprise.

“Oh? Why? Your previous argument made sense. These three four-leaf Lingzhi plants was found by your daughter, and you deserve credit. You could use this to compete for the Foundation Establishment Pill. Why give up?” asked the Patriarch.

Qin Deming scratched his head shyly and replied, “I am currently only at the ninth level of Qi Refining and not yet at the peak. If I rashly take the Foundation Establishment Pill, the success rate of forming a foundation isn’t high.

It’s better to give the opportunity to the most talented and youngest, Dexin.

If she gets the pill, there’s a high chance of success, and our Qin family will gain another powerful member.”

The Patriarch was amused by his “honesty” and asked, “You really want to give this opportunity to Qin Dexin?”

Qin Deming straightened up and said loudly, “As the head of the family, I should consider the bigger picture and the development of the entire Qin family.”

What a noble and selfless family head!

Not everyone believed his sincerity, but his words were flawless.

How could anyone say he was wrong?

He was giving up a real benefit—a chance to establish a foundation.

Once established, one would transcend the mortal realm and be seen as a “divine” being.

Some elders even praised Qin Deming in their hearts, thinking they had underestimated him.

Despite his usually gentle (or timid) nature, he had a broad perspective and genuinely cared for the family’s well-being.

The only one with a dark face was Qin Dehao.

He didn’t believe a word of it and thought Qin Deming was only opposing him because they didn’t get along, which made him even angrier.

The Ancestor smiled kindly and asked, “What do the rest of you think?”

The change in her tone was noticeable, and everyone realized that the Ancestor supported making the pill.

Considering her attitude and Qin Deming’s compelling argument, it was hard to oppose.

How could they? He was thinking about the family’s future.

Anyone who opposed would seem like they didn’t care about the family’s future.

So, the other elders began to agree: “The family head has great insight!”

“Yes, he’s right!”

The Ancestor’s lips curved up. “Since most of you agree, we will proceed.”

“And as for who gets the Foundation Establishment Pill,” she looked at Qin Dexin in her red attire, “it will be Qin Dexin.”

Qin Dexin could no longer contain her excitement and said, “Thank you, Ancestor!”

After the Ancestor set the date for making the pill, the family meeting ended.

As everyone dispersed, Qin Dexin stayed back, seemingly waiting for someone.

Sure enough, when Qin Deming walked by, she spoke up, “Although I was surprised by your support, I will remember this kindness.”

Qin Deming sighed, “No need to thank me.” He thought to himself, ‘Thank Qingqing instead.’

He too desired the chance to establish a foundation, but his daughter’s words had woken him up.

She had bluntly said, “Dad, you know yourself best. Among the candidates, you’re at the bottom. Competing might just help others and make you enemies.”

“Aunt Dexin is the most talented. If you step aside and support her, she will remember this kindness and be closer to our family. Even if we don’t establish a foundation, our position will be secure.”

“Dad, this way, we can’t lose!”

Looking at Dexin’s hesitant expression and soft eyes—she had never looked at him so kindly before.

Qin Deming felt a mix of pride and thought: Qingqing was right. Indeed, they didn’t lose anything!

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