Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 15

“Don’t panic. I have a feeling that Third Auntie will come out today. Do you believe me?”

Qin Qirong stared slowly with widened eyes.

After a long silence, Qin Ruqing thought he didn’t believe her, but then the Little Fatty nodded vigorously and said loudly, “I believe!”

“Sister, I believe you!”

This time, Qin Qirong’s trust was not misplaced.

In the afternoon, Qin Ruqing heard someone report that there was movement from Third Aunt’s secluded room where she was meditating.

The elder hurriedly left.

In the evening, when Qin Ruqing returned home from school, her mother told her, “Your Third Auntie has successfully reached Foundation Establishment.”

Sure enough, she succeeded!

But why did her mother’s expression seem happy and yet not happy?

Adding another person at Foundation Establishment level should have been a great thing for the Qin family, right?

Qin Ruqing asked, “Mom, what’s wrong?”

Luo Xian hesitated for a moment before saying, “There’s trouble at the Recurrent Secret Realm.”

The Recurrent Secret Realm? Where’s that?

Moving the timeline back, Patriarch Qin Deming had previously left because of this.

He received news that the Recurrent Secret Realm, which had been showing signs for a year and discovered a year ago, finally opened today.

This wasn’t unexpected because the three major families had been observing the surrounding conditions and had estimated the timing.

They had stationed people near the Secret Realm a year ago, waiting for it to open so they could seize the opportunity.

However, when the Secret Realm opened today, the four elders of the Qin family stationed there were blocked by a joint effort from the Zhang and Han families outside the Secret Realm.

The four elders were hot-tempered and naturally resisted, even getting into a fight on the spot.

This gave the Zhang and Han families more reason to boast.

They were still deadlocked at the entrance to the Secret Realm – most importantly, the two families joined forces and, relying on their numbers, part of them had already entered!

Qin Deming had rushed to handle this matter at the Secret Realm early in the morning.

But it was troublesome; even with him as the clan leader intervening, it wasn’t easy.

Because everything was clear-cut, the Zhang and Han families, native to Nanling County, couldn’t stand the Qin family, which came later.

They had directly joined forces and were planning to confront them head-on.

When Qin brought up their previous alliance, they used their strength to overpower them.

The Zhang family was the strongest, with two Foundation Establishment old ancestors, and the Han family was slightly weaker but had a mid-Foundation Establishment old ancestor.

As for the Qin family – strictly speaking, their old ancestor, Wen Xuan, was not weak and was even the strongest.

Originally, Wen Xuan had the strength of a perfect Foundation Establishment, but unfortunately, she was injured and could only exert the combat power of a mid-Foundation Establishment.

When the Qin family first arrived in Nanling County, the Ancestor had directly confronted the old ancestors of the Zhang and Han families and intimidated them before forming an alliance to explore the Secret Realm together.

Unfortunately, instead of intimidating the two native families, the Ancestor’s strong strength had made them wary.

Now, a year later, they had directly united to break ties with the Qin family.

This was partly because of the Ancestor’s powerful strength – even with a top-level perfect Foundation Establishment, despite her injuries, she still posed a significant threat.

But from another perspective, it was also because her strength wasn’t strong enough to crush the Zhang and Han families on her own.

In this current situation, although expected by the Qin family, after all, the Ancestor had previously warned.

But it’s happening too quickly.

If only we could have waited a bit longer, until Dexin emerged from seclusion, or until the Qin family confirmed another Foundation Establishment cultivator, by then…

Ah, we still don’t know if Dexin will successfully reach Foundation Establishment.

It’s been over a month, and there’s still no news.

At this time, Qin Deming still didn’t know that his younger sister had already successfully reached Foundation Establishment.

He had hurriedly left in the morning and returned to the Qin family’s territory with a darkened face only after the sun had set.

He had just planned to report to the old ancestor about the Secret Realm, but unexpectedly received some tremendous news.

Dexin has emerged from seclusion!

The Qin family has gained another Foundation Establishment cultivator!

Qin Deming couldn’t believe it at first.

After over a month of silence from the closed room, they had almost thought De Xin had failed to reach Foundation Establishment.

Yet, she had succeeded?

Qin Deming had been filled with frustration just moments ago.

However, upon hearing this good news, he suddenly felt relieved and rejuvenated.

“Let’s go, let’s go see her,” Qin Deming said to the second elder who had brought him the news.

A large crowd had already gathered around Dexin, all congratulating her while expressing their curiosity.

“Dexin, why did you only come out today? We were all so worried.”

We almost thought the Foundation Establishment Pill had been wasted.

The iron-blooded rose of the Qin family raised her eyebrows and replied calmly, “After successfully reaching Foundation Establishment with the Foundation Establishment Pill, I still felt some leftover strength.

Since such opportunities are rare, I used the remaining power of the Foundation Establishment Pill to consolidate my cultivation.”

And that’s how it happened!

People scanned her with their spiritual senses and indeed saw that her aura was not just recently breakthrough, but stable, solid, and with a long-lasting charm.


People were convinced and acknowledged her strength.

Initially, some people had been unhappy that the Ancestor had given the Foundation Establishment Pill to Dexin, feeling she was too young and unpolished.

Now, seeing that she had not only successfully reached Foundation Establishment but also stabilized her cultivation, they couldn’t help but sincerely acknowledge her.

They respected Dexin’s strength and the old ancestor’s decisive judgment and foresight.

The atmosphere was harmonious. Suddenly, Qin Deming remembered something, and his brow furrowed involuntarily as he recounted the events of the Secret Realm that day and concluded:

The attitudes of the Zhang and Han families are truly despicable.

They have joined forces and are currently guarding the entrance to the Secret Realm.

The four elders had already fought with them earlier and are currently deadlocked there.

What should we do?

The elders were also indignant.

This is unacceptable! They’ve pushed us around long enough.

What are we waiting for? Why don’t we just go and fight them right now?

Exactly! Since they dare to occupy, we dare to break through.

Besides, the Qin Family now has two Foundation Establishment cultivators. We’re not afraid of them!

Qin Deming was somewhat swayed by their words but did not immediately agree.

Instead, he looked at the Ancestor.

After the Ancestor approached and congratulated Dexin on her emergence, she didn’t say another word.

At this moment, seeing everyone looking at him, the Ancestor closed her eyes slightly, seeming to ponder.

After a while, she opened her eyes and suddenly smiled.

The Qin Family has indeed been suppressed for too long.

With Dexin reaching Foundation Establishment, the Qin Family’s strength has been significantly bolstered.

There’s no need to endure any longer.

Dexin spent an additional month stabilizing her cultivation and emerged later.

Now it seems the timing is just right.

Before the Zhang and Han families learn of this news, we should make some strategic moves.

Perhaps it will have an unexpected effect.

The Ancestor spoke calmly in her usual composed manner

Talking about their dangerous “operations,” everyone listened with intense interest.

The next day, after suffering a big loss at the entrance to the secret realm, the Qin family naturally wanted justice.

Qin’s ancestor, Qin Wenxuan, arrived at the secret realm, putting immense pressure on the Zhang and Han families guarding the entrance.

Fortunately, the Qin family’s visit was expected by Zhang and Han.

They had already hidden their ancestors nearby.

Even if Qin’s ancestor attacked, the combined strength of both families could stop Wenxuan.

Wenxuan, hands behind her back, scanned the ground below where young members of the Zhang and Han families stood guard with swords and spears, looking wary.

With a disdainful smile, she called out to a spot in the sky, “Why not show yourselves? You’re both family ancestors. Hiding behind clouds isn’t impressive.”

No response.

Not because there was no one behind the clouds, but because they were watching.

The Zhang family ancestor stared at Wenxuan, suspicious.

He whispered, “Wenxuan seems to be more injured.”

The Han family ancestor exclaimed, “How is that possible? Is the Qin family so poor they can’t afford to heal their ancestor?”

After sensing carefully, he noticed Wenxuan’s aura was restless, indicating her injuries were worsening.

“Could it be that even the heavens are on our side? Originally, we were concerned about Wenxuan’s ability to fight two of us alone in her mid-stage Foundation Building.

But if she’s determined to fight us to the death, even our combined efforts may not be enough. Now it seems…”

“We should be cautious,” the Zhang family ancestor said.

But after a moment of thought, he added, “Whether it’s true or false, we’ll find out soon. Let’s go out and see!”

The Han family ancestor nodded.

Just as he revealed himself, he noticed the Zhang family ancestor, who had agreed to come out with him, had not shown up.

Where was he?

Was this Zhang family elder still scheming behind his back?

As the Han family ancestor wondered, Wenxuan suddenly moved.

She quickly tilted her head, seemingly dodging an invisible attack, and flipped over to another position.

In just a couple of breaths, she had exchanged many moves with the hidden opponent.

Wenxuan swiftly retreated ten feet in the air, swallowing blood in her throat, and sneered at a direction, “Zhang Jun, sneaking attacks from behind? Is that all you’ve got?”

Finally, the Zhang family ancestor appeared from behind the clouds.

He smiled calmly, showing no sign of anger or embarrassment at her taunts. Instead, he said to Wensuan, “It’s been a while, Qin ancestor. I missed you, so I couldn’t help but spar a bit.”

Wensuan snorted, “Spar? The Zhang family’s sparring is quite memorable. I wonder what you hope to achieve.”

The Zhang ancestor’s smile remained unchanged as he hinted, “Wenxuan ancestor, your style remains, but it seems not as sharp as before.”

Wenxuan narrowed her eyes, saying nothing, and summoned her spirit sword, “Whether I’m still sharp, you’ll find out soon enough.”

The Zhang ancestor waved his hand, “Maybe not today. Let’s not strain the relations between our two families.”

Relations? Wenxuan scoffed.

Since when have the Qin and Zhang families had good relations?

While they were at odds, the Han family ancestor wasn’t pleased.

He had just realized he was also being played a trick.

He first called out to distract Qin Wenxuan’s attention and then attacked her from behind.

At such a critical moment, it was not easy to question him directly, so he had to grit his teeth and stand next to Zhang’s ancestor.

Qin Wenxuan saw this and said coldly, “What’s this? Are the Zhang and Han families planning to completely break ties with the Qin family?”

Zhang’s ancestor had a thick skin.

He sighed, “How can you call it breaking ties? We’re just here to delay things a bit, so our people below can seize an advantage.”

“Don’t worry, the alliance between our Qin, Zhang, and Han families is still strong. When it comes to returning to the secret realm, Qin’s share won’t be lessened.”

“The alliance is still strong…” Qin Wenxuan ancestor seemed annoyed, reluctant to say more.

With lowered eyes, she left with a parting remark:

“In two days, at most two days, if you Zhang and Han families are still blocking us Qin family members, then the Qin family won’t hesitate to fight you to the death!”

Zhang’s ancestor narrowed his eyes, watching Wenxuan walk away.

As he turned to say something to Han’s ancestor, he was suddenly hit with a blunt question: “You used me as a target just now and then went to attack Qin Wenxuan yourself!”

Zhang’s ancestor choked.

It wasn’t that he was caught off guard by this question, but he felt it was obvious and that he shouldn’t have to answer it.

What an idiot.

But he said, “Brother Han, don’t blame me for not telling you in advance. How could I have tested Qin Wenxuan’s real reaction if you had shown your hand?”

Before Han’s ancestor could respond, Zhang’s ancestor quickly added, “Just now in the fight, Qin Wenxuan’s injuries did indeed worsen.”

Han’s ancestor crossed his arms and snorted, “Maybe she’s just pretending?”

Zhang’s ancestor gave him a glance and calmly said, “What was Qin Wenxuan’s temper like before?”

Huh? Han’s ancestor thought for a moment.

Qin Wenxuan had been quite bold when she first arrived in Nanling County, challenging both their family ancestors…

After a while, he said, “Daring and vengeful.”

“And a heroine among women.”

Of course, he didn’t say the last flattering word about the enemy.

Zhang’s ancestor nodded, affirming his assessment, “Considering her performance today, does it resemble her usual style?

We’ve stepped on her pride, yet she restrained herself and even threw down the fierce words of a battle in two days.

In the past, if she was angry, wouldn’t she have attacked directly? Why wait for two days…”

Han’s ancestor widened his eyes, “Could it be that her injury is really serious and incurable? Is she bluffing to scare us off from fighting?”

Zhang’s ancestor nodded, sighing with some delight, “I didn’t expect that heaven would send us such a big gift.

Originally, we just wanted to delay the Qin family’s entry into the secret realm a bit longer.

Now it seems our plans can be even greater…”

“If we take advantage of this opportunity to kill Qin Wenxuan in one fell swoop, then you and I can divide up the Qin family…”

Zhang’s ancestor slowly unfolded his plan, and Han’s ancestor stared, his eyes flashing with excitement.

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