Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 20

Qin Ruqing and Qin Qirong were now officially living in the Ancestor’s Shadow residence.

The Ancestor had increased their spiritual cultivation regimen.

Now, Qin Ruqing needed to take three drops of Marrow-Washing Spirit Liquid daily, while Qin Qirong’s intake had changed to one drop every seven days.

Additionally, both children had to drink a cup of Spirit Milk Tea each day.

If not for the Qin Family’s acquisition of a Tier-3 spiritual stone mine, they wouldn’t have been able to afford the consumption of the clan.

The Ancestor didn’t spend all her time with Qin Ruqing and Qirong; most of her days were spent alone reading and practicing, but she set aside time each day to guide the two of them.

Her guidance included, but wasn’t limited to, stories of the immortal path, experiences and key points of cultivation, and considerations during spiritual cultivation.

Furthermore, because Qin Ruqing had a talent for alchemy and the Ancestor was a high-level alchemist, the Ancestor occasionally taught Qin Ruqing alchemy.

As for Qin Qirong, with his Single Gold Spirit Root, he couldn’t practice alchemy and could only observe from the side.

On this day, it was the Ancestor’s day to teach Qin Ruqing alchemy.

The three of them were in the alchemy room, each with an alchemy furnace in front of them.

Why was Qin Qirong also given an alchemy furnace, even though he couldn’t practice alchemy? In Qin Ruqing’s words, it was all about participation.

The Ancestor took out spiritual herbs and medicines from her Qiankun Bag, placing them in front of each furnace and said gently, “Today, we’ll refine the Qi-Refining Pill.”

The Qi-Refining Pill? Qin Ruqing didn’t know what to think and twitched her mouth.

The Ancestor noticed her expression. “What’s the matter?”

Qin Ruqing hurriedly composed herself and said, “I was just recalling the effects of the Qi-Refining Pill.”

The Ancestor smiled softly. “The Qi-Refining Pill is a basic pill. Its effect is simply to enhance the activity of spiritual energy within the body and accelerate its recovery.”

Qin Ruqing nodded.

Wasn’t it the most basic?

The Qi-Refining Pill she had bought from the system’s store was still lying in her purse.

Just thinking about it made her feel depressed.

Then, the Ancestor introduced the three spiritual herbs placed in front of them. “The recipe for the Qi-Refining Pill is very simple. The main ingredient only requires Spirit Herb, while the other two are auxiliary herbs used to harmonize the medicinal properties.”

As she spoke, the Ancestor began to process the herbs in preparation.

Rubbing her hands together, Qin Ruqing asked, “So, Ancestor, what should I do?”

Qin Qirong’s eyes lit up too.

His “participation” wasn’t just about touching the alchemy furnace a few times.

The Ancestor chuckled and said, “You two can handle the other two auxiliary herbs.”

Before the Ancestor finished speaking, Qin Qirong reached out and took the herb closest to him, while Qin Ruqing took the remaining one.

First, the Ancestor instructed Qin Qirong for a few sentences, then turned to Qin Ruqing.

Raising an eyebrow, she said, “The auxiliary herb in your hand is Thornweed. Both its petals and stems have sharp thorns, especially the thorns on the stems, which are very hard. Be extremely careful when handling it to avoid cutting yourself…”

Before the Ancestor Wenxuan finished her sentence, Qin Ruqing hissed.

It was a reminder that came a moment too late… Her fingers had already been scratched by the thorns of the Thornweed.

Moreover, the wound was quite deep, and a large amount of bright red blood oozed out.

The Ancestor’s brow furrowed, and she took Qin Ruqing’s hand to treat the wound. However, by the time the Ancestor took Qin Ruqing’s hand, the bleeding had already stopped.

In the gaze of the Ancestor, Qin Ruqing pointed at the wound on her abdomen, which astonishingly began to heal at a visible speed to the naked eye.

Soon, the wound was completely restored, without any scars, only some residual blood stains that hadn’t been wiped away.

Qin Ruqing felt amazed.

From her perspective, the wound had hurt for just a moment, then quickly stopped.

She was about to lift her gaze to express her feelings when she saw the Ancestor staring at her with an unprecedented seriousness.

“Ancestor?” Qin Ruqing hesitated.

The wound healed in the blink of an eye? What kind of constitution was this?

The Ancestor exhaled slowly, her face returning to calm.

Although not as severe as before, her eyes were still lowered, her brow slightly furrowed, as if pondering something.

The alchemy room fell silent for a while, with neither Qin Ruqing nor the Ancestor daring to speak.

After a long while, the Ancestor finally smiled, his eyes somewhat bright as he looked at Qin Ruqing, saying, “We shall now begin alchemy. Watch closely.”

She didn’t comment on the recent event.

Qin Ruqing nodded, sensing there was something she vaguely understood.

That day passed by lightly.

The Ancestor didn’t say anything privately to Qin Ruqing, but she… had an idea.

The instant healing of the pierced wound—it wasn’t a trivial matter and must be related to her body constitution.

Though it was just a superficial wound, not a serious injury, what it revealed was extraordinary enough.

The Ancestor’s unprecedented seriousness earlier was probably because of this.

“What kind of body constitution could it be?” Qin Ruqing muttered to herself.

It’s like, I know I’m kind of awesome, but damn if I know where I’m Awesome at.

It sounds contradictory, but it’s a true reflection of Qin Ruqing’s current mood.

“Sister, did you call me?” Qin Qirong, in a horse stance, looked at Qin Ruqing inquiringly.

Qin Ruqing chewed on a blade of grass, lying on the Ancestor’s reclining chair, “No, I didn’t.”

Some time ago, the Ancestor had said this little guy had a robust constitution and a single attribute of gold spiritual roots, so he should focus more on physical training.

Despite being usually gentle with them, he didn’t hold back during training times.

So now, with a big wave of his hand, he had lightly outlined a series of physical training plans for Little Fatty Qin Qirong.

Watching this, Qin Ruqing’s heart was pounding with fear, afraid that the Ancestor might say, “You join in too.”

She was someone who couldn’t even pass the physical test of running 800 meters!

Fortunately, the Ancestor knew Qin Ruqing was delicate and didn’t ask her to train Qin Qirong.

Qin Qirong was pure and obedient, revering the Ancestor, so naturally, he did as he was told.

At this moment, he was already sweating profusely.

Seeing his state, Qin Ruqing paused her rocking in the recliner, suddenly feeling a sense of guilt…

It seemed like she had been living too leisurely.

Ahem, she needed to find something to do for herself.

Of course, Qin Ruqing wouldn’t just slack off.

She quickly got up from the recliner, took out some spirit medicines from her bag, and began practicing the alchemy techniques the Ancestor had taught her from the alchemy book.

“Five hundred,” Qin Qirong announced the final count, finally catching his breath, relaxing his posture, and sitting down next to Qin Ruqing, wiping the sweat from his forehead. “Sister, I’m done.”

“Mm, I saw,” Qin Ruqing said without looking up, still methodically handling the spirit medicines.

Qin Qirong scrutinized

After catching his breath, he asked, “Sister, do you need my help?”

During the time Ancestor taught Qin Ruqing alchemy, he also observed from the side, and he would often assist in other tasks.

Qin Ruqing looked at him in surprise. “You’ve already recovered?” With the amount of training he had endured today, it could have almost been fatal for her, yet Qin Qirong seemed perfectly fine in no time.

Qin Qirong blinked. “I’m all good.”

Qin Ruqing recalled the Ancestor’s reassurance to her earlier, “Qirong has a very strong constitution. This level of training is well within his tolerance, so you don’t need to worry.”

Indeed, the Ancestor’s judgment was sharp…

A thought flashed through Qin Ruqing’s mind, but she couldn’t quite grasp it.

Instead of dwelling on it, she joined Qirong in handling the herbs.

However, despite Qin Qirong attending the Ancestor’s alchemy classes with her, his skills were not particularly impressive.

Qin Ruqing watched him handle the herbs clumsily, frowning a few times.

It wasn’t that she was worried he would mishandle the spirit grass, but seeing him so careless reminded her of how he had been scratched by Qiangwu’s thorn last time.

Just as Qin Ruqing was about to warn him, she saw Qi Rong’s hand brush against the sharp thorn of the Qiangwu branch.

He didn’t react at all.

“Rong’er, doesn’t your hand hurt? I saw the thorn scratch you just now.”

Qirong seemed to notice just then. “Huh, really? I didn’t feel anything.”

Qin Ruqing furrowed her brow strangely, staring at Qin Qirong for a long time without moving.

The Little fatty was startled by her sudden change in demeanor and dared not even breathe.

Qin Ruqing suddenly remembered something—Qin Qirong had been fed a drop of Awakening Pearl by her.

This was something only she knew in the whole family.

During the clan’s testing, Qin Qirong was identified as having single-gold spiritual roots, which was already an excellent talent.

Subconsciously, she attributed this to the Awakening Pearl.

However, hypothetically speaking… just hypothetically—what if Qin Qirong’s innate talent was already a single-gold spiritual root?

Then what effect did the Awakening Pearl have on him?

Could it be that Qin Qirong had awakened some special constitution or bloodline?

This thought stunned Qin Ruqing herself.

She didn’t even need to tell anyone else; she found the idea absurd—special constitutions weren’t exactly common, were they?

You couldn’t just pick one up off the street.

Qin Ruqing tried to suppress this absurd thought, but she couldn’t succeed.

It took root in her mind like a seed.

It wasn’t a baseless imagination; she felt like it could really be possible!

After all, the Qilin Awakening Pearl, which her parents had paid a hefty price for, had indeed been ingested by Qin Qirong.

Caught up in her emotions, Qin Ruqing didn’t notice she was holding the Qiangwu branch in her hand.

When she squeezed it tightly, she cut her palm with its thorns.

Fortunately, the wounds were superficial, and no blood was drawn.

Rubbing her palm absentmindedly, Qin Ruqing suddenly looked at the Qiangwu in her hand.

Contrary to its pleasant name, Qiangwu’s flowers were a striking crimson with jagged edges that resembled a monstrous mouth full of sharp teeth rather than a flower.

The air fell silent for a moment.

Qin Ruqing cleared her throat and said to Qi Rong, “Hey, Rong’er, extend your hand.”

Though confused, Qin Qirong obediently held out his hand. Taking a deep breath, Qin Ruqing lightly pricked his fingertip with the thorn.

“How does that feel?”

Qin Qirong looked puzzled. “Huh, what are you doing, sister? I didn’t feel anything.”

“What about this?” She pressed a little harder this time.

“I still don’t feel anything.”

Qin Ruqing’s heart started racing.

She gritted her teeth and said sternly, “What about now?” This time, she applied more force.

Still, he shook his head.

Qin Ruqing’s heart pounded even harder.

She licked her lips and warned Qin Qirong, “Rong’er, I’m going to press harder next time. If it hurts, let me know, and I’ll stop.”

Qin Qirong nodded innocently.

Qin Ruqing clenched her teeth and thrust the hardest, sharpest part of the Qiangwu branch into Qirong’s palm.

It felt like she was pushing a sharp nail with a cold gleam into someone’s palm.

Then, a snap.

The sharp part of the Qiangwu branch broke off!

It broke!

Yet Qin Qirong’s hand remained completely unharmed!

The air was incredibly still for a moment. Qin Ruqing asked, “How do you feel now?”

Qirong looked bewildered. “I don’t feel anything.”

Qin Ruqing: “!!!”

She swallowed hard.

So, Qin Qirong’s constitution… might actually be… somewhat special after all.

1 comment
  1. everything bagel has spoken 6 days ago

    Is the ancestor a male or female? Also, did I miss something? Since when does the lead have a wound on her abdomen?


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