Blue Fog
Blue Fog Chapter 21

Meng Fu Yuan closed his umbrella and got into the driver’s seat, the sound of rain pattering against the car window.

On this rainy early morning, marking the end of summer, he lit a cigarette. He took just one puff and let it rest between his fingers.

His breathing refused to calm down. He lowered his head and chuckled softly to himself, as if he had survived a great ordeal.

When he first realized his inappropriate feelings toward his brother’s “girlfriend,” he was overwhelmed with shock and self-loathing. To be honest, those feelings had become a bit blurry over time.

Over the years, he had grown accustomed to this hopelessness. Sometimes, the pain became a numb calmness after a while.

When he found out that Qi Ran and Qing Wu were never in a romantic relationship, he didn’t immediately think of taking his brother’s place. Initially, he only wanted to mend their relationship.

But one should never overestimate oneself.

At first, he believed his affection for Chen Qing Wu would fade with increasing distance or when she and Qi Ran eventually got married.

However, since she came to Dongcheng, he had multiple encounters with her.

Her mixture of strength and vulnerability, her inappropriate stubbornness, and the brilliance she exuded when devoted to her career—all these traits made her even more attractive than when he had admired her from afar.

What was once a distant, faint addiction had now surged back with overwhelming intensity.

After long walks in the freezing, dark nights, he had become used to the cold and darkness, not finding it strange at all.

But once he approached the warmth of a fire, even if he only felt a little bit of its warmth and light, how could he be willing to return alone to the dark night?

Perhaps, when he first heard that Qing Wu planned to open a studio and began unintentionally asking around for suitable shops, a butterfly in the Amazon had already started flapping its wings.

Today’s impulsive decision was purely a gamble.

Their relationship had been at an impasse, unable to progress. Continuing to interact would only mean awkwardness and courtesy, seeking a breakthrough point that might not even exist.

Moreover, Qi Ran was about to move to Dongcheng.

He suddenly thought of that fortune slip he had once dismissed: “Wait for the opportunity and take action; you will gain something.”

He believed that planning ahead was crucial for success, and until now, he had never truly gambled on anything in his life.

Today was the first time.

A bold gamble, betting that she didn’t dislike him, betting that she was willing to give him a chance to get closer.

He won the bet.

As the cigarette burned down to the end, Meng Fu Yuan extinguished it and started the car.

On his way back, he passed by the studio again. The lights inside were already off. In his heart, he wished her a good night’s sleep.


Chen Qing Wu couldn’t sleep at all. After washing up, she lay on her bed, tossing and turning.

In the dark, Zhao Yingfei grabbed a plush toy from beside her pillow and threw it at her, grumbling, “Chen Qing Wu, if you turn over one more time, I’ll kill you…”

“I can’t sleep!”

“If you can’t sleep, go play with clay…”

Chen Qing Wu hated it when people referred to her work as playing with clay. Enraged, she stretched out her arm and turned on the bedroom light.

Zhao Yingfei closed her eyes and screamed, “Are you trying to blind me?!”

She threw off the covers and sat up with a huff. “Alright, tell me, why can’t you sleep?”

“I don’t feel like discussing relationship issues with you.” Chen Qing Wu got up, slipped into her slippers, and walked out.

“Where are you going?”

“To play with clay.”


They had turned off the central air conditioning in the workspace for the night, but the weather was cool, and there was still a slight chill in the air.

The water in the glass on the coffee table hadn’t been poured out yet. When she touched it, the glass was already cold.

Chen Qing Wu curled up on the sofa, resting her chin on her knees, lost in thought.

After calming down, a new fear mingled with her complex emotions. Given Meng Fu Yuan’s character, he would undoubtedly take action. But… could such a thing, which somewhat challenged conventional moral values, really be allowed to happen?

Was he not afraid at all?

What would happen if Qi Ran found out? What about their parents?

…But, setting all that aside for now.

Just now, Meng Fu Yuan had been sitting in the exact spot where she was now, waiting motionlessly for the countdown.

Thirty-one seconds.

No matter how things turned out with him in the future, she would never forget this scene in the early morning of a typhoon day.

The thrill of that moment still echoed within her body.


Meng Fu Yuan soon got a response regarding his friend’s situation.

His friend, Mai Xunwen, was someone Meng Fu Yuan had met while studying in California.

Meng Fu Yuan told Chen Qing Wu that Mai Xunwen had some reservations about participating in the exhibition and hoped to meet her in person if possible.

As it happened, Mai Xunwen was about to return to his hometown with his father and a few uncles to pay respects to their ancestors. His hometown was in a village in Zhejiang Province, just a three-hour drive from Dongcheng.

Early in the autumn morning, the air was filled with a fresh, moist scent.

The car stopped in front of the studio. Meng Fu Yuan rested one hand on the steering wheel, watching the entrance.

After about five minutes, Chen Qing Wu came out.

She was wearing a brick-red tank top paired with dark blue jeans. The vintage, eye-catching colors made her skin look particularly fair. For convenience, she had a black backpack slung casually over her shoulder, and a baseball cap on her head.

“Sorry for the wait,” Chen Qing Wu said as she opened the car door. “I just double-checked the information before leaving, so it took a bit longer.”

“It wasn’t long,” Meng Fu Yuan looked at her. “Have you had breakfast?”


Chen Qing Wu took off her backpack and placed it on her lap, pulling out the seatbelt.

She knew she was trying to act nonchalant because once she got in the car, she didn’t dare look at the person in the driver’s seat.

Meng Fu Yuan set the navigation destination and was about to start the car when Chen Qing Wu asked, “Do you want me to drive?”

“Do you want to drive?”

“It seems like you’re always the one driving…”

Meng Fu Yuan glanced at her, “Did you stay up late last night?”

Chen Qing Wu lowered the sun visor mirror and saw that her dark circles were quite noticeable under the natural light, “I was firing the kiln last night, had to monitor the temperature the whole time, and didn’t sleep until two in the morning.”

“Then you can drive on the way back. Get some rest first.”


He always seemed to be able to thoughtfully take care of her emotions and needs.

The car drove out of the park and turned left.

While Meng Fu Yuan turned his head to check the traffic, Chen Qing Wu glanced at him.

He was wearing a casual white shirt, looking more relaxed than usual, with a calm and elegant demeanor.

As the car merged onto the main road, Meng Fu Yuan raised the music volume slightly.

Chen Qing Wu spoke, “I saw on Uncle Meng’s WeChat Moments that he and Auntie went on a road trip to the Northwest.”

“It’s their thirty-fifth wedding anniversary this year.”

“It seems like Uncle and Auntie have always had a good relationship.”

Meng Fu Yuan paused for a moment, “Yes.”

At this point, Chen Qing Wu yawned.

Meng Fu Yuan glanced at her and said, “If you’re tired, you can rest for a while.”

Chen Qing Wu nodded.

Not long after getting on the highway, she succumbed to sleepiness and dozed off in the car.

The highway section wasn’t long. After exiting, they entered the city and then drove towards the town.

Before long, they arrived at the village.

There was an entire area of ancient residences designated as a scenic spot, but Mai Xunwen’s home was not among them.

The large house had three courtyards. An elderly man was sitting in front of the gate smoking a pipe. After several loud inquiries due to his poor hearing, he finally told them that Mai Xunwen lived inside.

Passing through the gatehouse, they reached the courtyard where footsteps could be heard from inside.

Chen Qing Wu and Meng Fu Yuan stopped and saw a man with mixed heritage walk out.

“Long time no see!” The man greeted with a smile and then looked at Chen Qing Wu, “You must be Miss Chen?”

Chen Qing Wu smiled and extended her hand, “Hello, Mr. Mai.”

“Come in and have a seat.”

Mai Xunwen turned and led them into the main hall.

The building was intricately decorated. The beams were supported by additional cross beams, and the purlins were intricately carved with dragons and birds, showcasing the wealth that built the house.

The building had an old-world charm. Sitting in the slightly dim room, it felt like time had stopped; the hustle and bustle of the city seemed to disappear.

Mai Xunwen called for tea to be served.

After some small talk, Chen Qing Wu got straight to the point.

She took out all the materials from her backpack and handed them to Mai Xunwen one by one, “Here is the introduction to the exhibition plan, the application form I filled out, examples of past ceramic exhibitions curated by the curator, an introduction to the exhibition venue, information on the security measures, the logistics company responsible for transport, and the insurance plan for the exhibits.”

Mai Xunwen was stunned, “That’s a lot.”

Chen Qing Wu smiled, “The more detailed your understanding, the easier it is for you to make a decision.”

Mai Xunwen laughed, “I thought I’d just see a PowerPoint presentation.”

To be honest, Meng Fu Yuan was also a bit surprised. He never doubted Chen Qing Wu’s dedication, but he hadn’t expected her to be this thorough.

Mai Xunwen seriously looked through the materials, and whenever he encountered something unclear, Chen Qing Wu provided timely explanations.

Finally, he put the materials down and said, “I believe you have the capability to protect and exhibit my grandmother’s works. But I still have a major concern.”

“Please go ahead.”

Mai Xunwen looked at Chen Qing Wu and said earnestly, “My grandmother only made ceramics for friends and family. She probably never intended to leave her name behind. I’m not sure if exhibiting them would go against her wishes.”

“Do you think exhibitions are about leaving a name? I don’t think so.” Chen Qing Wu smiled, “I believe it’s more about showcasing aesthetics and lifestyle. If it resonates with some people, that’s even better. I genuinely love Master Zhuang’s works, especially the optimistic attitude towards life they embody. I think this attitude shouldn’t be known only to a few. Maybe your next generation or the one after won’t remember her, but her works and the stories behind them have the chance to continue inspiring people for many, many years.”

Mai Xunwen was taken aback, “I’ve never thought about it from that perspective.”

Chen Qing Wu smiled, “She’s not just your grandmother. She’s also the ceramic artist Zhuang Shiying.”

As her words fell, Chen Qing Wu noticed Meng Fu Yuan looking at her with open admiration and appreciation, which made her ears warm.

Mai Xunwen seemed struck by her words and after a moment said, “You’re right.”

Chen Qing Wu then shared her thoughts on Zhuang Shiying’s collection. Eventually, Mai Xunwen was persuaded and agreed to collect the remaining pieces for the exhibition.

It was lunchtime, so Mai Xunwen hosted them at an old restaurant in town.

They had a pleasant meal and in the afternoon, Mai Xunwen took them to visit the grand ancient residential buildings in the village.

The village was a tourist attraction, and every evening there was a local opera performance, which Mai Xunwen invited them to watch, claiming it was quite good.

By the time the performance ended, it was already 9:30 PM. Although they had initially planned to drive back to Dongcheng that night, Mai Xunwen had already booked them a room at a highly rated bed and breakfast in town.

The B&B was designed by a famous architect and was worth visiting just for the architecture.

Thus, Chen Qing Wu and Meng Fu Yuan changed their plans and headed to a local bar for a drink.

Midway through, Chen Qing Wu went to the restroom.

Mai Xunwen smiled at Meng Fu Yuan and said, “Your girlfriend is very impressive.”

“She’s not my girlfriend.”

“…Not?” Mai Xunwen was taken aback.

Meng Fu Yuan looked at him, “What’s wrong?”

“I thought you two were a couple, so I booked a single room at the hotel.”

Meng Fu Yuan took a sip of his drink, “It’s okay. Just add another room.”

At eleven o’clock, the three of them parted ways. Mai Xunwen originally planned to invite them for breakfast the next day, but Meng Fu Yuan politely declined, saying it was inconvenient to trouble him further as they would be leaving early for Dongcheng.

After leaving the bar, Mai Xunwen took the family car back to the village, while Chen Qing Wu and Meng Fu Yuan walked to the B&B.

The small town was not as bustling as the city, and the streets were quiet at night.

Turning a corner, they saw a whole wall of trumpet creeper flowers, glowing like burning candles in the night.

Chen Qing Wu stopped in her tracks and took out her phone to take some photos.

Just then, her phone vibrated.

Chen Qing Wu paused.

Meng Fu Yuan glanced at her, “A call from Qi Ran?”


The streetlamp ahead was momentarily obscured.

Meng Fu Yuan took a step forward and stood in front of her.

In the next moment, he raised a hand, his long fingers gently pinching the top half of her phone and lightly tugging it away.

The phone spun and ended up in his hand.

Chen Qing Wu’s heart leaped to her throat, “…Are you going to answer it for me?”

Meng Fu Yuan looked down at her with deep eyes, “Are you scared?”


The phone kept vibrating, and she saw Meng Fu Yuan’s thumb hover and pause.

He kept his gaze fixed on her, as if not wanting to miss any change in her expression.

Finally, he pressed the button lightly.

Her heart almost stopped.

The vibration ceased. He had rejected the call.

He handed the phone back to her and said calmly, “You haven’t taken your photo yet.”

Chen Qing Wu quickly opened the camera and walked briskly to the flowers.

After taking the photos, she returned to Meng Fu Yuan’s side and nonchalantly continued walking towards the B&B.

They arrived shortly.

The white building, lit with soft yellow lights, looked beautiful at night.

Entering the lobby, they heard the sound of water trickling over stone slabs.

At the front desk, Meng Fu Yuan confirmed the reservation.

The receptionist said, “Let me confirm, one panoramic king room for one night with breakfast included.”

Meng Fu Yuan nodded.

One room?

Chen Qing Wu turned abruptly to look at Meng Fu Yuan.

He looked back at her as if asking, “What’s wrong?”

They stared at each other for a few seconds.

Chen Qing Wu gave up and turned to the receptionist.

Just as she was about to speak, Meng Fu Yuan asked, “Do you have any more rooms?”

“Yes, we do.”

“Please add another room.”

Chen Qing Wu felt like she had been on an emotional rollercoaster.

He had definitely done that on purpose to mess with her!

This wasn’t the Meng Fu Yuan she knew.

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