Blue Fog
Blue Fog Chapter 22

“All the rooms are on the fifth floor. Breakfast is served from seven to ten, and the restaurant is on the second floor. Here are your room keys and IDs. The elevator is ahead to the right. Enjoy your stay,” the receptionist said.

Meng Fu Yuan took the room keys and IDs from the receptionist, glanced at the room numbers, and then handed Chen Qing Wu hers.

When they exited the elevator, Chen Qing Wu looked up at the room number signs on the wall.

Meng Fu Yuan spoke from behind her, “Turn left.”

This boutique hotel must have opened just a few years ago, as the facilities and decor were very new. The hallways had a wooden color scheme, with low-intensity warm yellow lighting that made the place feel serene rather than dim.

Chen Qing Wu stopped in front of room 523. She almost called out “Yuan,” but swallowed it back. “Which room are you in?”

When she was a child learning to speak, the pronunciation of “Fu” was too difficult, so the adults taught her to call him “Brother Yuan.”

It was a name she had called him since childhood, but now, it felt awkward to say.

Meng Fu Yuan looked at his room key and confirmed, “525.”


He might as well have just said, “I’m next door.”

Chen Qing Wu swiped her card and opened her room door.

Meng Fu Yuan said, “Get some rest.”

Chen Qing Wu nodded.

The room was a high-standard suite. She found a set of white silk pajamas in the wardrobe and changed into them after showering.

Lying in bed, she picked up her phone.

Before that call, Meng Qi Ran had tried to video call her, but she might have been saying goodbye to Mai Xunwen at the time and missed it.

After the missed call, Meng Qi Ran sent her a short video.

He was at his second-to-last race, and the city was hosting a lantern festival. The video showed the bustling and beautiful lantern festival.

Qi Ran probably called to show her the festival.

Lying on the bed, Chen Qing Wu typed a reply: Sorry, I was busy earlier and couldn’t answer.

Meng Qi Ran: No worries.

Meng Qi Ran: Still awake?

Chen Qing Wu: About to sleep.

Meng Qi Ran: The final race is next week. Can you come?

Chen Qing Wu hesitated for a moment before replying: Is it the final?

Meng Qi Ran: Sort of. It’s a points-based competition, and the final standings will be determined after the last race.

Chen Qing Wu thought about it and was typing a reply when Meng Qi Ran’s message came through: No rush to decide. If you can come, let me know, and I’ll book your flight and hotel.

Chen Qing Wu replied: I’ll confirm my schedule tomorrow and let you know.

Meng Qi Ran: Okay. Get some rest.

Chen Qing Wu sent a “Good night” sticker.

As she set her alarm, she remembered she hadn’t discussed the departure time with Meng Fu Yuan for the next morning.

So, she messaged Meng Fu Yuan: When are we leaving tomorrow?

Meng Fu Yuan: Anytime. When do you want to wake up?

Chen Qing Wu: Nine?

Meng Fu Yuan: Sure.

Chen Qing Wu: I’m going to sleep now. Good night.

Meng Fu Yuan: Sleep well. Good night.

Chen Qing Wu stared at the “Sleep well” message, then couldn’t help but ask: Aren’t you going to sleep yet? Working late?

Meng Fu Yuan’s reply was a photo.

It showed a brightly lit courtyard under a dark blue sky, with golden lights reflecting in the central pond, resembling stars floating on a river.

Chen Qing Wu: Did you go out?

Meng Fu Yuan: No. On the balcony.

Chen Qing Wu immediately got up from bed.

She opened the door and walked to her balcony.

Leaning over, she could see the courtyard at the southwestern corner of the building, only partially visible from her position.

Chen Qing Wu wasn’t sure if Meng Fu Yuan was “luring” her. He knew her too well. With such a beautiful night view, she couldn’t resist going to see it.

After hesitating, she typed: Can I come over? I can’t see the full view from here.

Her finger hovered over the send button for a moment before pressing it.

Meng Fu Yuan: Come over.

The hallway was carpeted in gray, muffling her footsteps.

Chen Qing Wu reached the door of the next room and hesitated before lightly knocking.

After a moment, she heard footsteps approaching from inside.

When the door opened, a fresh citrus scent mixed with a hint of moisture greeted her, the same as hers.

Her thoughts short-circuited.

Maybe she still had a habitual trust in Meng Fu Yuan as an elder, so it was only now that she truly realized what it meant to knock on a man’s door late at night.

Meng Fu Yuan held the door open, waiting for her to enter.

She took a deep breath and said casually, “Sorry to bother you.”

Awkwardness might make the situation even more uncomfortable.

Meng Fu Yuan’s room layout was similar to hers, but being at the end of the hallway, his balcony offered a 180-degree view, allowing him to see the entire courtyard.

Chen Qing Wu walked over and saw two cans of beer on the outdoor table, one of which was open.

Meng Fu Yuan looked at her, “Want one?”


Meng Fu Yuan picked up the unopened can and pulled the tab.

With a “hiss,” a bit of foam rose from the can.

She took it, the cold aluminum feeling pleasantly cool against her fingers.

Meng Fu Yuan took his opened can, leaned against the railing, and looked out.

The early autumn night was cool, and the town was quiet, with only the sound of falling leaves in the nearby mountains.

Chen Qing Wu took a sip of beer and started a casual conversation, “Qi Ran’s last race is next week.”


Just as she was about to mention Meng Qi Ran’s invitation to watch the race, Meng Fu Yuan looked at her and said, “I don’t want to talk about irrelevant people right now.”

…He’s your brother, not irrelevant. Chen Qing Wu found it amusing.

She remained silent for a while, enjoying the comfortable breeze.

She leaned against the railing, eyes half-closed, lost in thought for a moment.

When she came to, she realized Meng Fu Yuan was watching her.

His gaze wasn’t sneaky but open and unashamed.

“…What?” she asked softly.

“Looking at you.”

His frankness made her heart tremble.

“You…” Chen Qing Wu was at a loss for words. “I’m still not used to it.”

“Oh. Sorry.” Meng Fu Yuan immediately looked away.

Chen Qing Wu wanted to bury her face.

To ease the awkward silence, she took another sip of beer.

After a moment, she heard the sound of a lighter. Turning her head, she saw Meng Fu Yuan lighting a cigarette. The red tip glowed and faded like a heartbeat.

He was wearing a black silk robe from the hotel, his posture relaxed. The moment the flame lit, it cast a warm glow on his pale face. His high nose bridge divided the light, leaving his eyes in shadow.

She had never observed him this closely before.

She always thought he had an extraordinary aura. Now she realized his features were equally impressive. Unlike Qi Ran’s sharp, knife-like handsomeness, his was more understated, like a calm, deep mountain.

A line of poetry came to mind.

“Character like white jade, even more so when burning.”

Before Meng Fu Yuan could look up, Chen Qing Wu averted her gaze.

“I want to ask you something, Qing Wu.” Meng Fu Yuan exhaled a puff of smoke, speaking suddenly.


Meng Fu Yuan turned to her, “How did you find out?”

Chen Qing Wu’s fingers tightened around the can. “…Do I have to answer?”

“You don’t have to. I’m just curious. I thought I hid it well.”

Chen Qing Wu couldn’t help but laugh, “…You can be so arrogant. You weren’t successful at all. It was full of holes.”

“Really? Tell me.”

Now that they were this far, there was no turning back.

Chen Qing Wu took a sip of beer, turned away, and said softly, “An employee at your company told me you only drink ‘Mist Green’ tea.”

“That’s it? Isn’t that a bit presumptuous?”

“…You also bought the first tea set I made after joining the company under my own name.”

“I said that was a coincidence.”

“Do you believe that yourself?”

Meng Fu Yuan chuckled.

“…There are many other things, but I won’t list them all.”

“Why not?”

Chen Qing Wu stayed silent.

Meng Fu Yuan waited patiently for her to answer.

Chen Qing Wu gave up, “You are good at reading people. Can’t you see that I’m embarrassed right now?”

Meng Fu Yuan found her slightly frustrated expression adorable and couldn’t help but smile, “I have all my cards on the table, and I’m not embarrassed.”

Of course, he noticed her discomfort. But since she didn’t bring up leaving, he selfishly wanted to keep her around a bit longer.

Chen Qing Wu didn’t know how to respond, so she turned away, sipping her beer to hide her awkwardness.

She blamed herself for not resisting the allure of the beautiful scenery and coming over.

But she couldn’t lie to herself. Deep down, she was genuinely curious about Meng Fu Yuan. She wanted to know if he was truly as composed and unaffected as he appeared.

“Have you decided on a name for the studio?” Meng Fu Yuan suddenly asked, as if to ease her embarrassment.

“…Not yet.”

“How about ‘Mist Green’?”

Seeing that Chen Qing Wu didn’t immediately respond, Meng Fu Yuan continued, “No other meaning, just that it fits well. Of course, you might have a better choice.”

“…No, I think it’s quite fitting.” Chen Qing Wu thought for a moment and then decided, “Let’s go with that.”

Meng Fu Yuan nodded.

Chen Qing Wu tucked her wind-blown hair behind her ear, sipping her beer, her gaze fixed on the courtyard lights.

Her feelings were conflicted. The atmosphere was too ambiguous, and no matter how much she tried to act nonchalant, she couldn’t shake it. Yet she couldn’t help but want to stoke her curiosity further.

“Can I ask…”

Meng Fu Yuan looked at her, “You can ask anything.”

“…When did it start? Was it after I came to Dongcheng?”

“I can’t tell you that.”

“…You said I could ask anything.”

“I didn’t say I’d answer everything.”

Chen Qing Wu turned to him, met his gaze, and then looked away, “…That’s a bit unfair.”

“Mm. I suppose it is.” Meng Fu Yuan nodded.


What should she do? Chen Qing Wu realized she wasn’t his match. As he said, he had all his cards on the table, attacking openly.

She wasn’t sure if she should compare this to her long-time crush on Qi Ran. They had spent countless times alone together.

But none of those times felt like this, so secretive and thrilling, a battlefield of ever-changing tactics.

She raised her can and found it empty.

She gently squeezed it, “…What time is it?”

“I don’t know. My watch is in the room.”

She turned, “I should go back…”

She stopped mid-sentence as Meng Fu Yuan gently grasped her wrist.

He looked down at her, his tone earnest, “Stay for five more minutes, Qing Wu. It wasn’t easy finding an excuse to get you here.”

No amount of subtlety could beat direct honesty.

Her heart skipped a beat.

Chen Qing Wu stood still, motionless.

In the next moment, Meng Fu Yuan let go of her hand, put out his cigarette in the can, placed it on the table, and leaned against the railing, looking out.

Neither spoke nor looked at each other, just standing side by side.

Only the wind and their heartbeats could be heard.

Had five minutes passed?

No one knew.

Finally, Meng Fu Yuan cleared his throat, “It’s late. You should get some rest.”


Chen Qing Wu came to her senses and turned to walk inside.

Meng Fu Yuan followed her.

They walked through the living room to the entryway.

Meng Fu Yuan stepped forward to open the door.

Chen Qing Wu glanced at his hand, “Um…”

“Mm?” Meng Fu Yuan looked back, noticing his left pinky.

“…Is that person me?” she asked softly.

He had said it was a sign of commitment.

She regretted asking as soon as she did, the narrow entryway making everything feel too ambiguous.

“Of course. Who else?”

“…Then why are you still wearing it?”

Meng Fu Yuan looked at her deeply, “Because taking it off myself doesn’t count.”

Holding her breath seemed instinctive. Chen Qing Wu didn’t dare say another word, afraid that one more word would push everything beyond her control.

With a click, the door handle turned.

The door opened.

Meng Fu Yuan held the door.

Chen Qing Wu stiffly walked out.

“Good night, Qing Wu,” Meng Fu Yuan said in a deep voice.

1 comment
  1. Teehee has spoken 3 months ago


    I shouldn’t read this before sleeping


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