Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 21.3

However, the cultivation world was vast, and even Celestial-tier families struggled to respond promptly.


With the Bureau of Celestial Sect, a special institution established by Celestial-tier families, dispersed across different regions of the cultivation world, they deploy clan members to oversee these bureaus, maintaining order and stability.

For instance, in Nanling County where the Qin family resides, the director of the Celestial Bureau holds solid Golden Core cultivation.

When beast tides strike, this director has the authority to summon the major families of Nanling—Qin, Zhang, and Han—together to fend off the threat.

Those who resist face punitive measures from the Celestial-tier families.

Therefore, when Luo Xian mentioned that Zhongxing City was directly governed by the Bureau of Celestial Sect, it implied that few dared to cause trouble there.

Even major families had to maintain a polite facade and behave decently.

Upon disembarking the flying ship at the city gate, Clan Leader Qin Deming presented an identity jade slip to the guards.

They were called city guards, but in reality, they were personnel of the Bureau of Celestial Sect.

Despite wearing plain gray-blue Dao robes, each was a Foundation Establishment cultivator of unquestionable strength.

Thus, even though the Qin family traveled as a major clan, they did not dare to act arrogantly.

After the blue-robed captain of the city guards verified the jade slip, his attitude became more respectful and courteous.

“Ah, it’s the Qin family from Nanling.”

He called out loudly, “Quickly line up to welcome them into the city!”

The ordinary guards at the gate adeptly formed two lines, creating a welcoming procession for the Qin family.

Qin Deming naturally put away the jade slip, and the Grand Elder stored away the flying ship, taking out a horse-drawn carriage for mundane travels.

In Zhongxing City, under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Celestial Sect, regulations forbade the use of flying swords and ships, thus restricting travel to horse-drawn carriages.

The carriage, adorned with the Qin family crest, moved slowly forward, prompting cultivators and ordinary folk alike to defer and step aside.

Only after the Qin family’s procession had passed did the deputy guard at the gate relax his stance, casually remarking, “The Qin family of Nanling, I heard they’ve long been oppressed by the Zhang and Han families. Why do they have the leisure time to come to Zhongxing City?”

The captain of the city guards clenched his fist, eyes forward, and reprimanded, “Show respect! This is not something you can freely discuss.”

Earlier, there had been a serene female cultivator in the Qin family’s group, comparable in cultivation to him.

He was in the mid Foundation Establishment stage, and she seemed higher—perhaps late Foundation Establishment or beyond.

Moreover, she appeared relatively young, suggesting potential for further advancement in the future.

Currently, the Qin family was merely a minor clan.

Who knew how far they might progress in the future?

The deputy guard was bewildered by the sudden reprimand and even muttered a few insults at the captain for being spineless.

They were personnel of the Bureau of Celestial Sect; why fear a minor clan? What was wrong with making a few remarks?

Naturally, the captain didn’t bother to explain.

With that kind of insight and mentality, the deputy was destined to remain subordinate for life.

Meanwhile, as the Qin family entered the city, they found lodgings at an inn to rest.

The Southern Domain’s Auction would commence the next day, and they planned to stay the night.

Qin Ruqing and Qin Qirong, like country bumpkins entering the city, were dazzled by the various sights.

It wasn’t that they lacked exposure; it was simply because they had been confined to the Qin family’s since childhood.

Such bustling scenes were truly new to them.

Upon returning with gathered information, Qin Deming reported to the Ancestor, “The Southern Domain’s Auction is shrouded in mystery. They haven’t released the auction list yet, but various underground sources insist there will be high-grade cultivation techniques available. The rumors seem quite credible, but who knows if they’re true.”

The Ancestor remained composed and said, “Rumors are often…”

Qin Ruqing leaned back, contemplating while cracking sunflower seeds.

She murmured to her mother, “Mom, it seems like many major families have shown up today.”

She wasn’t entirely familiar with the number of major families in Beiling County, but their grandeur and the way their leaders presented identity jade slips, escorted respectfully to the second floor by the attendants, gave her a hint.

Luo Xian replied, “The Southern Domain’s Auction is held every five years, naturally drawing a crowd. Plus, it’s organized by the Bureau of Celestial Sect, so they have to maintain face.”

Qin Ruqing nodded, understanding immediately.

In essence, this auction was a property of the Bureau of Celestial Sect, backed by Celestial-tier families.

The assurance from the Elder earlier not to worry excessively was likely connected to this; no one dared cause trouble here.

During their conversation, two figures stepped onto the auction platform—one male and one female, both handsome and beautiful, likely the hosts or auctioneers.

Observing them, Qin Ruqing thought, “This auction really knows how to cater to all types of audiences, men and women alike.”

The male and female auctioneers exchanged a few pleasantries before swiftly moving into the auction proceedings.

A variety of items were showcased, dazzling treasures rarely seen by ordinary people.

Initially intrigued, Qin Ruqing soon found herself growing bored as time passed.

Most crucially, there was still no sign of the high-grade cultivation technique for nurturing spirits rumored to be on auction.

It made her suspect whether the auction had fabricated this claim to attract attention.

At present, bidding had reached a level where ordinary attendees downstairs could hardly participate, dominated by bids from major families in the second-floor private boxes.

During the auction, the Qin family made two bids successfully, acquiring two extremely rare spirit medicines.

Qin Ruqing quickly realized these acquisitions were likely for Qirong or the Ancestor.

Qirong possessed a devouring physique and needed various treasures and high-level items, while the Ancetor likely required medicines that were even more uncommon.

If encountered, they couldn’t afford to miss them.

As the auction neared its end, when the female auctioneer announced only two items remained, the atmosphere grew more intense rather than cooling down.

Almost all heavyweight major families on the second floor seemed to be here for these final items.

After the female auctioneer finished speaking, a servant promptly brought forward a sandalwood tray covered in red cloth.

With a charming smile, the auctioneer delicately unveiled the cloth and announced loudly,

“The next item up for auction, I believe many of you have heard about it beforehand. This is a medium-grade cultivation technique for nurturing spirits. I don’t need to stress the rarity of such a technique, do I?”

“Rarely circulated outside elite circles, and even when it does appear, it quickly gets snapped up. Now, I present to you this cultivation technique for nurturing spirits…”

“The secret technique might be the only one circulating in the Southern Region now. If you miss it this time, who knows when the next chance will come,” the beautiful woman chuckled lightly, dropping a hint and then starting the auction without further ado.

“This Spiritual Nurturing Secret Technique was acquired at a high price by our Southern Auction House, so we start the bidding at 10,000 Spirit Stones.”

“Now, let’s begin!”

There was an uproar!

Excitement filled the air as the long-awaited moment had finally arrived, alongside the astonishing price.

One Spiritual Gold could only be exchanged for ten Spirit Stones, so how much Spiritual Gold would 10,000 Spirit Stones amount to?

Despite its high price, the Spiritual Nurturing Secret Technique attracted bold bids from prestigious families. Missing out meant who knew when the next opportunity would arise.

Without hesitation, bids rang out from the private boxes on the second floor.




In the Qin family’s private box, brows furrowed deeply, especially Qin Deming’s. “Elder, it’s just a middle-grade Spiritual Nurturing Secret Technique. Do we need to bid again?”

The Ancestor’s voice was decisive: “Bid!”

Then, slowly: “The Spiritual Nurturing Secret Technique is rare and precious. When you see it, you must seize the opportunity. Although it may not fully meet Qingqing’s needs, it’s better than the low-grade one our family currently uses.”

Qin Deming listened silently and joined the bidding by shaking the bell.

Downstairs, Qin Ruqing watched the price soar and couldn’t help but exclaim, “Mother, isn’t this too expensive?”

Luo Xian frowned with worry, “It’s unavoidable. Once the Spiritual Nurturing Secret Technique appears, it always causes a frenzy. We can only hope the final price stays within what the Qin family can afford.”

But reality often defies expectations.

As the price climbed to 50,000, fewer people bid. By 80,000, only two or three remained.

“At 85,000, any more bids?” The auctioneer, dressed like an ordinary scholar with a jade crown, smiled.


The beautiful auctioneer beside him took over, “Okay then, 85,000 once…”

“90,000!” Qin Deming gritted his teeth and reluctantly called out the number.

It was already quite high.

The psychological bottom line set by the Qin family earlier was 100,000.

If the price went above that, the Qin family might not be able to afford it.

The hall fell silent.

90,000 Spirit Stones was close to the operational funds of an ordinary noble family for five years.

Continuously bidding meant the family would invest a large sum into a middle-grade Spiritual Nurturing Secret Technique, which wouldn’t bring immediate profits to the family.

Most hesitated.

Qin Deming clenched his fist.

The auctioneer’s smiling voice echoed like a snake, “The bidding has reached 90,000.”

“Anyone else bidding?”

“Miss this, and there may not be another chance!”

Qin Deming cursed inwardly:

Why doesn’t this woman ring the bell already! Isn’t the commission from 90,000 enough for her!

“90,000 once.”

“90,000 twice.”



A calm voice rang out from the far left of the second floor.


Someone actually raised the bid! Qin Deming stood up abruptly, his face turning grim.

100,000, already reaching the Qin family’s psychological limit.

His fist clenched and loosened repeatedly, unable to make a decision.

If they bid again, the Qin family might struggle to afford it.

Yet, if they gave up now, who knew when another middle-grade Spiritual Nurturing Secret Technique would appear.

Could he, as a father, watch his daughter’s opportunity slip away like this?

Qin Deming looked towards the Ancestor with difficulty.

Even the Ancestor’s demeanor was no longer calm.

Her brow furrowed slightly, showing hesitation.

The Grand Elder subtly reminded, “Ancestor, the annual output of Spiritual Stones from the Secret Realm is probably around 100,000. If we bid more, our clan treasury may not be able to gather such a large amount.”

As they hesitated, the cunning auctioneers at the Southern Auction House wouldn’t wait.

“100,000 once.”

“100,000 twice…”

Just as the decisive hammer was about to fall, the Ancestor spoke.

“100,000 Spirit Stones, plus a Four-Leaf Spirit Mushroom.”

“Ask the owner behind the sale of this Spiritual Nurturing Secret Technique if they are willing to accept this offer. If not, the Qin family will withdraw.”

The Ancestor’s voice was indifferent, revealing their final card.

Succeed or fail, the Qin family would withdraw from the bidding.

The two auctioneers exchanged a glance, swiftly calculating in their minds.

A Four-Leaf Spirit Mushroom typically sold for around 20,000 Spirit Stones in the market, possibly more in an auction.

However, market prices were often just a reference.

Many times, even with 20,000 Spirit Stones, one might not find a Four-Leaf Spirit Mushroom for sale.

Known for its use in refining Foundation Pills, such precious items were usually hoarded rather than easily traded.

Therefore, even for a middle-grade Spiritual Nurturing Secret Technique, offering 100,000 Spirit Stones plus a Four-Leaf Spirit Mushroom was a significant premium.

Indeed, as soon as the Ancestor spoke, the clients in the leftmost box on the second floor fell into prolonged silence and eventually raised a red card.

This signaled their withdrawal from the bidding.

The greedy auctioneers at the Southern Auction House were satisfied.

Without delay, they swiftly hammered down the deal, announcing loudly:

“Esteemed guest, this middle-grade Spiritual Nurturing Secret Technique is yours. Our attendants will deliver the item to your room shortly.”

Inside the private box, Qin Deming’s worry turned to joy.

The Grand Elder hesitated to speak.

And the Ancestor slowly let out a breath.

In any case, they had finally acquired this middle-grade Spiritual Nurturing Secret Technique.

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