Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 30.2

Upon entering the body, the spiritual energy of the Revitalization Pill spontaneously pulled itself together, proving more effective than the Revitalization Pill improved by the Zhang family.

Upon closer inspection, the elder realized that the essential herbs were missing from the pill, replaced instead by an unfamiliar herb whose scent she couldn’t identify.

Now hearing the answer—Starflower… Starflower!

The third elder was a grandmaster alchemist, and apart from the Ancestor, she held the highest skill in alchemy within the Qin family.

Based on her experience, she didn’t need much explanation from Qin Luwei to understand the intricacies.

She stood up suddenly, realizing the reason!

They had only considered using various precious and expensive spiritual herbs to complement Lingzhi’s spiritual energy pull, overlooking the common flowers that grew alongside Lingzhi!

Suppressing her excitement, the third elder asked, “Was the idea of using Broken Starflower yours?”

As she asked, the third elder was already considering what reward to give Qin Luwei.

But Qin Luwei denied it outright, “No, Elder. The idea of using Broken Starflower wasn’t solely mine. My younger sister, Qin Ruqing, also inspired me greatly.”

Qin Ruqing was unexpectedly named and hastily waved her hands, “Elder, I didn’t say much at all. It was Third Sister who came up with the idea herself. I merely mentioned it briefly.”

The third elder relaxed her stern expression, attempting to soften her features into a kinder look. “You three…,” her gaze shifted inexplicably towards Qirong, then she corrected herself, “You three did very well!”

Wow, they were so excited! Feeling unexpectedly accomplished by the praise from the third elder!

Qin Ruqing and the others exchanged a glance, seeing the excitement in each other’s eyes.

The third elder’s gaze returned to Qin Ruqing and Qin Luowei. “You two, come to the alchemy room with me to discuss the details of the formula. As for your rewards, the clan will definitely…”

“Forget it.”

Discussing the formula?

Qin Ruqing’s heart skipped a beat and she quickly said, “Elder, I really didn’t do much. It was mainly Third Sister who improved the formula. If there are any questions, you should ask her.”

Going to the alchemy room where all the skilled alchemists of the Qin family were present, Qin Ruqing felt anxious about her own abilities.

It would be better to let Third Sister go instead.

She would enjoy being there and interacting with many highly skilled alchemists, which would also benefit her.

The third elder nodded and looked at Qin Luwei. “Are you willing to go?”

Qin Luowei enthusiastically replied, “I’m willing!”

With that settled, Qin Ruqing and Qirong headed back first.

By evening, news came from the alchemy room confirming that there were no issues with the improved formula—it was effective!

They had truly succeeded!

Upon receiving the news, Qin Deming hurried over.

Spotting Qin Ruqing, he lifted her up high above his head. “My dear Ruqing, what have you done? Last night you said there would be a breakthrough, and today our family has improved the Revitalization Pill’s formula, even better than the Zhang family’s!”

Upon hearing the news, Qin Deming’s immediate thought was about his daughter.

It wasn’t blind praise as a father, but the timing was too coincidental for him not to think in that direction instinctively.

Qin Ruqing blushed as her father lifted her up in front of Qirong and Qin Luwei.

She rarely felt embarrassed and said, “Dad, please put me down. I’m already a grown-up.”

Only then did Qin Deming realize there were others around, sheepishly lowering Qin Ruqing back to the ground.

Clearing her throat, Qin Ruqing insisted, “Dad, it really has nothing to do with me. Didn’t you hear what the elder said? It was Third Sister who improved the formula, not me!”

“Is it really like this?” Qin Deming was initially surprised.

He knew that the Qin family had successfully improved the pill formula, but he didn’t know the specific details.

Turning his head to look at the girl from the second household, he was immediately satisfied. “Very good, very good. So you are Luwei. I’ve heard about your extraordinary talent in alchemy before, but seeing it now, you are not just ‘extraordinary’, but ‘limitless’!”

Qin Luwei blushed at the praise and whispered, “Elder, you are too kind. It’s not all my credit; it’s thanks to Qingqing reminding me.”

Qin Deming was in a great mood. “You’ve all contributed. The family will reward you. Tell me, what do you want?”

Qirong peeked out, “Uncle, do I get a reward too? I didn’t really participate in making the pills this time, so maybe I shouldn’t.”

Qin Deming chuckled. “Last time, the three of you discovered the stalactite spirit cave and the family hasn’t given out those rewards yet. Adding that to this time, you’ll all receive rewards!”

Receiving rewards was indeed exciting.

But after the initial excitement, Qin Ruqing realized she didn’t currently need anything.

Qirong was happy for a moment but then became uncertain.

Qin Ruqing said, “Father, I’m not sure what I want at the moment. What should I do?”

Qin Deming laughed, amused that she couldn’t think of a reward for herself. “If you really can’t decide, you can exchange this reward for family contribution points. Then, when you need something later and the family has it, you can exchange the contribution points for it.”

“Oh, that sounds good!” Qin Ruqing exclaimed. “Then I’ll exchange mine for contribution points.”

Qirong raised his hand. “I’ll exchange mine for contribution points too. I’ll wait until the family finds new treasures and materials next time.”


He lacked nothing except various rare spiritual treasures.

Unfortunately, his constitution was too costly.

After thinking for a moment, Luwei knew what she wanted. “Clan Leader, I’ve heard there’s a Nine-Revolution Purple Gold Pill Furnace in the clan’s treasury. Would my contributions be enough to exchange for that furnace?”

Qin Deming pondered and replied, “The Nine-Revolution Purple Gold Pill Furnace is indeed a fine item, a Tier 8 artifact. Your contributions in refining the pill formula for the family are substantial enough to exchange for this furnace, and there will even be some left over.”

After a pause, Qin Deming added, “You can also exchange for another artifact of equivalent value.”

Wow, that was impressive.

Qin Ruqing and Qin Qirong exchanged glances, feeling happy for Lu Wei.

But Qin Luwei felt unworthy and hesitated, saying, “Clan Leader, I’m already satisfied with the Purple Gold Pill Furnace. Improving the Revitalization Pill was not solely my accomplishment. I don’t dare to take so much from the family.”

Unexpectedly, Qin Deming shook his head in disagreement. “Qin Luwei, the family always distinguishes rewards and punishments. Your contribution in refining the pill formula this time cannot be denied, regardless of others’ involvement. Your contribution is enough to exchange for these treasures. Why refuse?”

Qin Ruqing chimed in, “Exactly, elder sister. There’s no need to feel embarrassed about receiving rewards. You deserve exactly what you get. If you hesitate, the rest of us will feel even less deserving.”

Qirong clenched his fist and added, “Elder sister, just say what you want. Don’t be shy.”

Encouraged by their support, Luwei’s heart settled.

Indeed, why should she feel embarrassed?

If the reward was rightfully hers, she shouldn’t take too much or too little.

So Qin Luwei raised her head and said firmly, “Then, Clan Leader, I would like a good sword.”

“A sword.” Qin Deming glanced at her, seeing determination and clarity in her eyes.

He thought to himself that the second household could indeed raise such a good girl. He said, “Ancestor once had a personal sword, the Tier 8 superior artifact, the Fallen Flow Sword. It’s slender and elegant, truly deserving of being a good sword. Do you want it?”

This sword had been auctioned off to support Qingqing’s spiritual resources before the clan became wealthy again, but it was bought back later.

Regardless, the ancestral elder’s personal sword couldn’t remain outside the family.

Seeing Qin Luwei, clearly aspiring to follow the path of both pills and swords like the Ancestor, Qin Deming felt it might be the best outcome for her to have this sword.

“The Ancestor’s personal sword!” Qin Luwei was instantly excited.

She composed herself and said loudly, “I want it!”

“Good. The sword is yours. I hope you will diligently cultivate and not disappoint the Qin family’s and the Ancestor’s expectations.”

Luwlei straightened her back, her expression serious. “Yes!”

Qin Ruqing, however, grew impatient and nudged Qin Deming to leave. “Dad, here you go again. Every time this happens, you start with these ‘official’ talks about diligence in cultivation and not disappointing the family’s expectations. Can’t you just say ‘work hard and don’t waste this sword’?”

Her father had been Clan leader for so long that he couldn’t resist speaking in such formalities on such occasions, earning the nickname “Mr. Official.”

Helpless, Qin Deming could only follow Qin Ruqing’s lead and head towards the door.

When Qin Ruqing thought of something, she asked, “Hey, Dad, now that the pill formula has been successfully improved, does that mean the crisis for the Qin family is resolved?”

Qin Deming adjusted his sleeve and glanced at her, smiling, “What’s this? Do you have another mischievous idea?”


Mischievous idea?

When did she ever have a mischievous idea?

She was always serious.

But now that he mentioned it, she hadn’t even thought about it until now. Now that she did, she came up with a bad… no, a good idea.

Qin Ruqing said mysteriously, “Dad! Come closer!”

Qin Deming rolled his eyes but leaned in closer anyway, though he straightened up with a serious posture and leaned his ear towards Qin Ruqing’s mouth.

Qin Ruqing chuckled and whispered something in her dad’s ear.

Qin Deming first furrowed his brows, then widened his eyes, and finally chuckled with a squint, nodding repeatedly.

After she finished, Qin Ruqing folded her arms and asked, “Dad, what do you think of my idea?”

Qin Deming smiled, applauding, “My child, what a great talent!”

Hehehe. Qin Ruqing proudly straightened her chest.

Well, that’s to say, this little mouse me, I’m really an honest person.

After Qin Deming left, Qin Ruqing and her little friends were happy for a while before each returning to their own courtyards.

Qin Ruqing immediately opened the system without stopping, and as soon as she confirmed the successful improvement of the Revitalization Pill, she heard a ding sound in her mind from the system.

First, the frequently flashing message came from the “Outstanding Descendant” sub-line.

“Qin Luwei’s talent in alchemy has gained recognition from the family, shining brightly. Outstanding Value +100. Would you like to claim the reward?”

Qin Ruqing immediately said, “Claim!”

Rubbing her hands with excitement, Qin Ruqing looked forward eagerly…

She didn’t envy her older sister at all for receiving the family’s rewards today.

Those were all rightfully hers. Besides, the pill furnace and the sword, she didn’t need them at all.

Qin Ruqing’s greatest need was points!

Only with points could she exchange for good items from the system’s store.

Besides points, she focused on advancing in tasks to earn rewards and chances at the lottery.

She hoped today’s system wave would bring her something good.

A flash of white light appeared, revealing her rewards.

“Congratulations! You’ve received: Points +300, a top-grade Spirit Stone (Fire attribute).”

Holy cow! A top-grade Spirit Stone! And it’s fire attribute!

Qin Ruqing was so shocked she nearly jumped up, unable to believe her incredible luck.

Normally, the system was stingy, giving out rewards like Revitalization Pills or medicinal herbs and crafting materials.

Rarely did it give out something as awesome as a top-grade Spirit Stone.

This item was a hard currency in the cultivation world, essential for everyone.

Moreover, top-grade Spirit Stones like this one were rarely seen in Nanling County.

Ordinary people mostly used Spirit Gold for transactions, while lower-tier Spirit Stones were common among wealthy families.

Higher-grade Spirit Stones like this one were incredibly valuable — they were so useful for cultivation that no one would sell them!

Therefore, Qin Ruqing was excited not just because this top-grade Spirit Stone could fetch a good amount of money (though that was also thrilling), but mainly because it was fire attribute, and she had the Fire Spirit Root.

It was perfect for her use.

Inside a top-grade Spirit Stone resides a special fire attribute

Energy, especially one that aligns with her spiritual root, is a major boon for cultivators!

If this top-grade Spirit Stone had been of a different attribute, Qin Ruqing would have been happy for a moment before likely stashing it away in her storage bag to gather dust.

Yes, yes, receiving this today makes all the recent efforts worthwhile.

Feeling content, Qin Ruqing took a moment to check the “Outstanding Descendant” sub-line.

Currently, there were three recognized outstanding descendants in the family according to the system: herself, Qirong, and Luwei.

As for Qirong, with his devouring constitution, and Luwei, Qin Ruqing had intuitively felt she could be the third person in this sub-line ever since she first sensed Luwei’s talent in alchemy.

Sure enough, Qin Ruqing had subtly pushed for this recognition behind the scenes, and the system promptly acknowledged it.

The benefits of expanding this group of outstanding descendants meant that once certified by the system, they were seen as contributors to the family’s advancement.

Consequently, any growth or achievements by these members would result in rewards that naturally flowed to Qin Ruqing!

With her thoughts on her older sister concluded, Qin Ruqing greedily anticipated what rewards the system might grant her for improving the Revitalization Pill.

Instead, upon opening the notification, it wasn’t a reward but rather… a new sub-line triggered?

“Stable and Everlasting Industry”

The Qins were renowned in the world of pill-making.

To elevate and expand the family’s industries, establish a signature, build core competencies, and create an all-encompassing service in the pill-making industry!

Upon seeing this description, Qin Ruqing chuckled.

The wording was quite fancy, with phrases like “establish a signature,” “build core competencies,” and “all-encompassing service in the pill-making industry.”

Qin Ruqing clicked her tongue twice.

She was quite pleased about triggering a new sub-line.

Moreover… the timing couldn’t have been better, especially after she had just proposed a plan to her father that was directly related to this.

If successful, hehe… maybe she could earn another lottery chance?

Excitement glittered in Qin Ruqing’s eyes, occasionally reflecting the brilliance of “wisdom” and “maneuvering.”

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