Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 31.2

Qin Aotian remained silent for a while before saying, “Fairy Jing’er practices both alchemy and swordsmanship?”

Jing’er smiled and replied, “Exactly!”

And so on…

“They didn’t say much and just started fighting.”

“In the end, Qin Aotian did not live up to his reputation and ended up in a draw with Fairy Jing’er.”

“People were surprised. According to the script, shouldn’t he have taken the upper hand from the start?”

“They were quite experienced. Based on their experience, the most likely outcome was Qin Aotian staging a comeback, defeating Fairy Jing’er, and winning the beauty.”

“The next likely outcome was a draw between the two, followed by the cancellation of the engagement.”

“The least likely outcome was Fairy Jing’er defeating Qin Aotian. But Qin Aotian clearly looked like the protagonist; the script wouldn’t allow the protagonist to be defeated.”

“The plot unfolded completely differently from what they expected. Fairy Jing’er and Qin Aotian fought fiercely and evenly matched.”

“Before long, Fairy Jing’er began taking pills. This wasn’t against the rules, as she was a pill cultivator. It seemed she was only taking ordinary Qi Revitalization pills, showing her respect for her opponent.”

“Fairy Jing’er was fair-minded, saying as they fought, ‘Let’s fight fair. I’m taking recovery pills; you can too.'”

“So Qin Aotian began taking pills as well.”

“The result after taking pills was unexpected. Qin Aotian’s pills seemed special, instantly restoring his spiritual energy to full.”

“Qin Aotian started to overpower Fairy Jing’er.”

“The final outcome surprised everyone: Fairy Jing’er couldn’t keep up with Qin Aotian’s recovery speed, and in the end, she lost tragically.”

Wiping blood from her mouth, Jing’er said, ‘Your recovery pills seem different from mine.'”

“Qin Aotian raised the bottle in his hand and proudly declared, ‘Because what I took is an advanced recovery pill carefully improved by the Qin family!'”

Jing’er responded with a surprised ‘oh’ and her eyes lit up, “An advanced recovery pill? What’s different about it? I heard the Zhang family also released an improved recovery pill, but its effects are just average.'”

Qin Aotian shook his head disdainfully, “How can the Zhang family’s improved pill compare to ours, the Qin family’s!'”

Jing’er challenged, “Words alone aren’t convincing.”

Qin Aotian handed her a pill (albeit with a dramatic gesture, holding it high as if to ensure the audience saw).”

After Jing’er took it, her eyes widened in astonishment, “My spiritual energy is completely restored!'”

“‘Qin’s recovery pill is truly exceptional!'”

The beautiful Fairy Jing’er looked excitedly at Qin Aotian, “Who improved this recovery pill? I want to marry him!'”

The audience: ‘Surprised!’

However, Qin Aotian shook his head, “It was my master, but he’s devoted to cultivation and has no intention of marrying.'”

Jing’er seemed very disappointed but then brightened up, “If that’s the case, how many of these pills do you have? I want to buy them all!'”

Qin Aotian hesitated, “How can I let Fairy spend money? These are just recovery pills, and giving them to you is a gift.'”

Jing’er shook her head, “Such precious recovery pills cannot be given away lightly. I want to buy them for research. Tell me, how much spirit stones for all of them?'”

Qin Aotian seemed helpless, handing over the bottle and stating a price.

Jing’er exclaimed, “What! One bottle of Revitalization pills costs only ten low-grade spirit stones!'”

Jing’er was shocked by the price emphasized with a strong tone, “This is just too, too—too cheap!'”

Qin Aotian stood tall and replied calmly, ‘My Qin family has inherited the art of alchemy to benefit the people, not for profit.

That’s why basic pills like the Qi Revitalization pill are sold at cost price. In the entire Nanling region, besides the Qin family, no one dares to sell Qi Revitalization pills at low cost.'”

Unexpectedly, Fairy Jing’er was moved to tears!

“What a remarkable family the Qin’s are, to have such integrity! It seems my pursuit of alchemy has been narrow…”

After wiping away her tears, Jing’er suddenly became resolute. “Perhaps only those like your master, who are devoted to the Dao and free from worldly desires, can refine such amazing pills. I’ve decided—I will follow your master’s example and align with the Qin family. Until I reach mastery in alchemy, I will not marry! I will not be distracted by romantic attachments!”

“No… No!”

“The audience below lamented.

They had already realized the play had turned into an advertisement, but while you advertise, why turn my beloved characters into a tragedy?

Didn’t Qin Aotian defeat Fairy Jing’er?

According to the agreement, shouldn’t their engagement proceed as planned?”

“Fine, even if they don’t see eye to eye and peacefully dissolve the marriage, that’s acceptable… But how could you make Fairy Jing’er renounce worldly desires?”

“If Fairy Jing’er renounces worldly desires, what are we going to do?”

The audience below continued lamenting as ‘Jing’er’ and ‘Qin Aotian’ began to exit.

The steward of the Qin Pharmacy walked smilingly to the front of the stage, holding up a small jade bottle. “Everyone who watched this play today, the Qin family will distribute One Qi Revitalization pill for free. With this free Qi Revitalization pill, you can enjoy an 80% discount on any purchase of pills at the Qin Pharmacy within seven days.”

“In addition, as mentioned in the script, the Qin family is dedicated to the people. From now on, all improved premium Qi Revitalization pills from Qin Pharmacy will be sold at cost price—only ten low-grade spirit stones per bottle!”

Someone in the crowd shouted, “How do we know if there’s more than one pill in each bottle? If there’s only one, then it’s actually more expensive than before!'”

The steward maintained his smile and immediately poured out the pills from the jade bottle, demonstrating that there were exactly ten pills, neither more nor less.

“Look carefully, a normal bottle of Qi Revitalization pills typically contains only six pills. The bottle sold by the Qin family contains a full ten pills!”

“Furthermore, the Qin family pledges that in the future, the number of pills in each bottle sold will only increase, never decrease!”

“If there’s any shortage, bring the bottle to the Qin family for a tenfold compensation!”

After the steward finished his introduction, he beckoned to the servants holding trays behind him. “Now, let’s begin distributing the pills!”

The crowd below erupted instantly, not in excitement to receive the pills, but in a rush towards the Qin Pharmacy.

“Give me a bottle of Qi Revitalization pills!”

“I want one too!”

“I’ll take five bottles, five!”

“Make way!” A muscular man, towering at eight feet tall, pushed through the crowd and threw a bag of spirit stones to the pharmacy attendant, shouting loudly:

“If I can’t marry Fairy Jing’er, then I’ll buy the pills she’s interested in. Give me ten bottles!”

“Fairy Jing’er!”

The words of the big man seemed to strike a chord with the crowd, who surged towards the pharmacy…

There were more and more people, all shouting, “For Fairy Jing’er!”

If they couldn’t marry Fairy Jing’er or become her chosen husband, they would buy the elixirs she was interested in! (shouting loudly)

Zhang San squeezed through the crowd, risking being squashed into a meat patty, and finally bought a bottle of Qi Revitalization Pill.

He held up the bottle of Qi Revitalization Pill excitedly and shouted to Zhang Ming, “Uncle, Fairy Jing’er’s Qi Revitalization Pill…”

Zhang Ming gave him another hard flick on the forehead, “What Fairy Jing’er, stop talking about Fairy Jing’er… With your capability, even if there was a Fairy Jing’er, she wouldn’t even glance at you!”

Zhang San held his head, muttering, “Fairy Jing’er wouldn’t look at me, but with you being such an old man, she wouldn’t look at you either!”

“You’re still talking, still talking!”

“Uncle, stop hitting me… Hey, hey, it’s the Pill you asked me to buy!” Zhang San howled, trying to change the topic.

Zhang Ming stopped his attack, cleared his throat, straightened his sleeves, took the jade bottle, quickly checked with his spiritual sense, and found that there were indeed exactly ten Qi Revitalization Pill.

Then he brought the jade bottle to his nose and sniffed carefully, finally becoming serious.

“This is not good, we need to report back to the clan immediately!”

Zhang San said, “Report what, that the Qin family put on a show about Fairy Jing’er and Qin Aotian’s love and hate, which boosted the sales of Qi Revitalization Pill, almost selling out?”

Zhang Ming silently rolled up his sleeves.

This kid really needed a beating now…

Seeing the situation turn bad, Zhang San darted off and disappeared.

Meanwhile, “Fairy Jing’er,” who was surrounded by cheering fans, had already sneaked into the backyard of the pharmacy.

Wearing a golden silk fairy dress, with a crimson dot between her eyebrows and captivating eyes, she was none other than Fairy Jing’er, Qin Ruqing!

“Fairy Jing’er” seemed still in character, waving enchantingly at “Qin Aotian,” who had just entered, and said sweetly:

“Brother Aotian, you’re here!”

Brother Aotian staggered, weakly lifting his head.

His handsome face revealed that he was actually Fairy Qing’er’s real brother, Qin Ruyu.

Qin Ruqing, being playful, cupped her hands around her mouth and continued teasing her brother, “Brother Aotian, thirty years east of the river, thirty years west of the river…”

Qin Ruyu awkwardly raised his hand, gesturing for her to stop.

Just moments ago, the young man had been on stage arrogantly shouting about not underestimating a poor youth, but now his face had turned red all the way down to his neck.

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