The Female Protagonist of an Angsty Novel has a System Mother
The Female Protagonist of an Angsty Novel has a System Mother Chapter 25

Xu Wenyin, as a system, had no relatives. But even if she had through the identity of ‘Xu Wenyin’, there was no difference. She wouldn’t contact them at all, so there’s no need to visit relatives and friends during the Spring Festival.

In addition, it was cold outside, so the two of them basically didn’t go out unless necessary throughout the holiday period. Xu Youyou was able to have fun at home with Niannian.

Occasionally, she would take the initiative to practice the homework assigned by the teacher. It can be said that she’s indeed a good student despite her age.

But even so, the mother and daughter haven’t been lonely at all this year.

Xu Wenyin cooked a variety of dishes and experienced the joy of feeding her baby every day. Xu Youyou was also very busy.

In addition to Juanjuan and Qin Yiren who chatted with her every day, Liu Miaomiao and the others would call her every now and then to share interesting stories about their return to their hometown, and also said they would bring specialties back for Xu Youyou.

Xu Youyou, on the other hand, boasted about how cute and smart Niannian was, which made all her friends jealous. They even made an appointment with Xu Youyou to see who could be the first to touch Niannian.

So after the Lantern Festival, Qin Yiren and the others came back and discovered that Xu Youyou wasn’t only a little fatter, making her round face look even cuter, but she had also grown taller!

She’s now almost as tall as Juanjuan.

In the past, Xu Youyou was on the thin side, with thin arms and legs. She’s eating the right amount and wasn’t picky about food, but she just couldn’t gain weight. Now that she did, does it mean that her body was also getting better?

Anyway, Xu Youyou’s little face was becoming increasingly pink and tender, like a springy glutinous rice dumpling, which made people want to take a bite.

Qin Yiren couldn’t resist rubbing the little girl’s face for a while, and when she saw Niannian, she picked it up and sniffed it out of nowhere!

These two cute creatures instantly healed her eyes that were damaged in the Lu family.

Lu Weizheng wasn’t able to come back during the Spring Festival, but this was normal. She didn’t feel aggrieved, after all, she had a son, money, and there was plenty of entertainment she could do.

However, those relatives of the Lu family came to comfort her hypocritically, saying that women should understand the hardships of men outside.

Bah! Don’t think she doesn’t know how they’re saying she married an empty bed behind her back.

However, Qin Yiren was too lazy to tell those people how good her life was, so she naturally stayed at her parents’ house until the first day of the lunar year before going to the Lu family. Unexpectedly, she saw a good show as soon as she arrived.

If it wasn’t for the fact that Juanjuan was with her, Qin Yiren was afraid she would’ve burst out laughing right on the spot.

Lu Weiyao was truly getting worse and worse. They were still celebrating the holiday, but looking at Old Master Lu’s appearance, Qin Yiren was really afraid that the old man would faint at any moment.

Fearing that it would contaminate Juanjuan’s brain and eyes, Qin Yiren directly took him back to the Qin family’s house after barely staying with the Lu family for two days and showing them some respect.

When the Lantern Festival ended, she rushed back to Jiang City without stopping.

It’s really depressing to stay in the capital. Not only the Lu family, but most of the relatives of the Qin family also like to talk nonsense. Especially since Lu Weizheng’s career was booming, Qin Yiren had become a key target of flattery.

Qin Yiren was very impatient to deal with those people, but the kids were much more difficult to deal with as she really couldn’t fire back.

It’s been really exhausting.

Jiang City was better, it was peaceful and quiet, and Xu Wenyin and Xu Youyou were like treasures!

Qin Yiren teased Niannian again, laughing as she did so. “Hahaha, it’s true! This tuft of hair looks like Juanjuan’s!”

Lu Chenjun looked at the thin cat in front of him and really didn’t see any resemblance to himself.

He ignored his mother’s claim, took out a box from the backpack behind him, and handed it to Xu Youyou.

“Happy New Year, Xiao Lu. Here’s a gift.”

Xu Youyou opened it curiously and found it to be a round object tied with a red string in the middle…… What was it?

“It’s called a peace buckle.”

Lu Chenjun saw Xu Youyou’s confusion. “You can hang it on your bag or clothes.”

Qin Yiren laughed after hearing Lu Chenjun’s dry explanation. “Aiya, it’s jade and what he’s trying to say is that it can bless Youyou peace and safety. The quality of the jade is just average, but it’s been blessed by a master. Although I don’t really believe in these things, it’s still a blessing, so Youyou should just accept it.”

Qin Yiren said it simply and it didn’t look to them like it was worth much.

The mother and daughter, who had not studied jade, didn’t think much about it. They said thank you and put it away.

“Juanjuan, I’ve got a gift for you too!”

Xu Youyou ran back to the room swinging her fluffy little slippers and soon took out a small pendant.

“It can also be hung on a bag. Youyou made it!”

Although her mother also helped a little bit, Xu Youyou did make the most of it.

She proudly looked at the cat head pendant in front of her. It was getting cuter and cuter the more she looked at it, and it matched well with Juanjuan.

Lu Chenjun pursed his lips and the corners of his lips rose slightly. “……Thanks.”

He didn’t expect that Xu Youyou would also prepare a gift for him, and she even made it herself. His mood suddenly became pleasant. “Is this a puppy?”

With two ears and a round head, it’s probably a dog, right?

Xu Youyou: “!!!”

“Dummy Juanjuan! It’s obviously a cat!”

Qin Yiren was amused. “Hahahahahahaha.”

It was the first time she knew that her son could show such a bewildered expression. But this was clearly a tiger cub, wasn’t it?

It even has ‘王[1] the forehead pattern of a tiger resembling the Chinese character for ‘king’; the tiger is known as the king of all beasts’ written on its forehead.

Forget it, it doesn’t matter as long as the child’s happy.

“Youyou, this is New Year’s money for you~”

After the children exchanged gifts, Qin Yiren immediately took out two red envelopes from her bag.

“The other one is from Juanjuan’s uncle. Do you still remember him?”

Of course, Xu Youyou remembers him, after all, he was an enlarged version of Juanjuan!

For a Juanjuan lookalike collector, how could she forget him?!

“Thank you, Aunt Qin and Juanjuan’s Uncle~” The little girl accepted the red envelopes with a smile, and then looked at Xu Wenyin. She knew that her mother had prepared something for Juanjuan as well.

Sure enough, Xu Wenyin also took out a red envelope for Juanjuan, but why was there a big ‘double happiness[2]given for weddings’ written outside this envelope?

Xu Wenyin was puzzled. “Isn’t this right? Isn’t the Spring Festival a happy event? I specially picked it out~”

Qin Yiren smiled helplessly. She was almost used to Xu Wenyin’s brain occasionally going offline. It’s just the words ‘double happiness’, it’s not a big deal.

Hmm, that’s all!


A few days after the Lantern Festival, kindergarten restarted.

Xu Youyou saw her friends whom she hadn’t seen for a long while and gave them a warm hug.

Liu Miaomiao and Qian Xin also brought specialties from their hometown for Xu Youyou and Lu Chenjun as promised. The three happily sat together while eating and chatting, with endless things to say.

Liu Yanzhi and Lu Chenjun were the exceptions.

Lu Chenjun had always been like this and everyone had long been used to it.

However, when Liu Yanzhi arrived at the kindergarten today, he was absentminded. But Xu Youyou didn’t think much of it. She thought Liu Yanzhi still hadn’t recovered from the holiday.

That was until Liu Yanzhi frowned and gave out his birthday party invitation.

His birthday was at the end of February, and the Spring Festival was earlier this year, so it happens to be the following week.

But…… why the frown?

It’s his birthday, shouldn’t he be happy?

Xu Youyou was a little confused.

“There will be many adults coming to my birthday.” Liu Yanzhi bit his lip and explained.

Liu Yanzhi’s father made a lot of friends after coming to Jiang City, and he always found an excuse to hold a party. Now he was also using his son’s birthday to make a fuss.

Especially after knowing that Liu Yanzhi and Lu Chenjun had made friends, he told Liu Yanzhi to make sure to invite Lu Chenjun and Qin Yiren over.

He wasn’t even looking at the fact that it was his own child’s fourth birthday and wasn’t at all worried about how his son would appear to his friends.

However, Liu Yanzhi was still young, and even with the help of his maternal grandfather, he couldn’t leave the Liu family.

And why should he leave?

Those bad guys who drove his mother to death haven’t paid the price yet, and they’re even smiling so happily!

Even though his grandfather told Liu Yanzhi not to think so much and to just grow up happily, he could not for the life of him forget the way his mother looked when she jumped off the building!

If Lu Chenjun’s astuteness was innate, then Liu Yanzhi’s was probably forced out.

In fact, everyone in the circle in the capital knew about the family’s troubles. When Liu Yanzhi’s grandfather wanted to add him to the training camp, he had to give up his old face to beg the Qin family for help.

As a literati who has never begged for anything in his entire life, this was undoubtedly a sad thing.

Although Mother Qin wanted to agree at that time, she still chose to ask Qin Yiren first. After all, Liu Yanzhi’s family was in troubled waters. Even if Liu Yanzhi was still young, who knows what would happen with his family situation like that? If it harms Juanjuan……

Still, Qin Yiren ultimately agreed to let Liu Yanzhi come.

She had met Liu Yanzhi’s mother several times. The other party was a gentle and kind-hearted person, but unfortunately, she didn’t come to a good end.

Moreover, Liu Yanzhi was about the same age as Juanjuan, yet he had already experienced so many things. As a mother, Qin Yiren couldn’t help but feel sympathy.

She also understands her own son. He looked reticent but he had a clear heart. If Liu Yanzhi really inherited his father’s personality, Juanjuan wouldn’t have been friends with him.

Just like with Xu Youyou, Lu Chenjun had long included her as his own people and would protect her well.

Fortunately, so far it seemed Liu Yanzhi wasn’t like his father.

“An’an, you don’t like celebrating your birthday?” Xu Youyou blinked. “You don’t look happy.”

Children don’t speak like adults, where it would have so many twists and turns. In addition, Xu Youyou had a much more outgoing personality now, and if she had questions, she would ask them directly.

However, as soon as the words came out of her mouth, Xu Youyou reacted in hindsight. An’an never seemed to take the initiative to mention his father, but instead talked more about his grandfather.

Xu Youyou and the others have never met An’an’s father, and have never even heard of An’an’s mother.

Huh? Was something wrong?

Liu Yanzhi fell silent.

No matter how mature he was, he was still a child who was barely four years old. Suddenly asked that question by a friend and recalling that man’s words, his eyes instantly reddened.


“An’an, don’t cry.”

Qian Xin and others suddenly panicked.

Even Xu Youyou was anxious. “An’an! An’an, sorry, Youyou won’t ask anymore, Youyou won’t ask!”

Liu Yanzhi shook his head. “It’s not because of Youyou. It’s fine, I……”

Lu Chenjun witnessed everything, and he remembered what Qin Yiren told him about Liu Yanzhi.

But to be honest, Lu Chenjun didn’t take it to heart, let alone feel sympathy or the like. Except for Xu Youyou, he viewed the three as children he was more familiar with than his other classmates.

Normally, he would stay with them to appear not so unsociable, so that Qin Yiren and the others would have less to worry about. But Lu Chenjun never regarded the three as true friends, let alone take them under his wing.

In addition, Liu Yanzhi was concealing the matter from them, so Lu Chenjun who dislikes troublesome things, just pretended not to know.

However, Lu Chenjun still remembered Liu Yanzhi’s expression when his uncle came over secretly last time.

Since Liu Yanzhi didn’t tell his father about it, he barely passed the test.

“Let’s talk somewhere else.” Lu Chenjun suddenly spoke. “Do you want to ask my Mom to come along?”

Faced with Lu Chenjun’s question, Liu Yanzhi froze.

Liu Miaomiao and Qian Xin were even more puzzled. What were Juanjuan and An’an talking about?

What’s wrong with asking Aunt Qin to come along?

At Youyou’s birthday last time, Aunt Qin was there, and she was so nice!

Then they saw Lu Chenjun go straight to Teacher Xu. They didn’t know what he said, but when it was lunchtime, Teacher Xu took the five chilren to a smaller classroom that wasn’t usually used.

“Do you really not need Teacher?”

Teacher Xu was still a little uneasy.

“No need, we will sort it out ourselves.”

Lu Chenjun said with a straight face and a serious tone, “Grandpa[3]maternal grandfather must have told you to listen to me.”

Teacher Xu was stunned. She was indeed the person arranged by Elder Qin, but even Qin Yiren didn’t know about it, so how could Lu Chenjun……

How old was he?!

Although she had long heard that Lu Chenjun was a genius, and she could see that Lu Chenjun learns very quickly in class, often in one go, Teacher Xu didn’t have a deep impression of the word ‘genius’. She had taught so many children and Lu Chenjun wasn’t the only one who could do so. Not to mention, Xu Youyou was almost the same.

But it’s different now. Lu Chenjun was probably an incredible genius beyond everyone’s imagination!

Teacher Xu left, and soon there were only five children left in the classroom.

But no one spoke at first. This kind of Juanjuan obviously scared everyone a bit.

Why did Teacher Xu listen to Juanjuan?

Why would Juanjuan say such a thing?

Xu Youyou couldn’t help but reach out and touch Juanjuan’s hair and breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Juanjuan’s familiar expression.

It’s okay, it’s still the Juanjuan she’s familiar with.


Lu Chenjun muttered softly, but he didn’t dwell on it.

Instead, he looked directly at Liu Yanzhi. “I won’t let my Mom go.”

He made the decision as soon as he opened his mouth, and it wasn’t a good one for Liu Yanzhi.

But strangely, it made Liu Yanzhi relieved.

Then Lu Chenjun looked at Xu Youyou and the other two. “You’d better not go either.”

The three little children who didn’t understand what was going on suddenly had question marks all over their heads.

It’s their friend’s birthday, why shouldn’t they go?

Xu Youyou tugged on Lu Chenjun’s sleeves unhappily. “Why? We’re smart, Juanjuan, but you have to tell us why.”

“That’s right, that’s right!”

Liu Miaomiao and Qian Xin chimed in together.

Their friends having a secret and them being left out felt very uncomfortable.

“We’re all four years old~ We’re big kids.”

After the Lunar New Year, everyone was one year older and was no longer three-year-old kids~

Lu Chenjun furrowed his brows. Knowing it was one thing, but explaining and talking about Liu Yanzhi’s sore spot was another.

It seemed like doing this was too impulsive.

Lu Chenjun, who believed that he would never change a thing he said or did, felt a hint of regret for his decision for the first time.

But before Lu Chenjun could come up with a solution, Liu Yanzhi, facing the concerned looks of his friends, couldn’t help but think of what his mother said before she died.

“An’an, Mom doesn’t want you to be like your Dad. Mom hopes you can make many friends and be a sunny and kind-hearted child.”


Liu Yanzhi gritted his teeth and said loudly, “Because my Dad is a big bad guy! He killed my Mom! I hate him! I don’t want to spend my birthday with him!”

Not to mention that he didn’t want to take advantage of Juanjuan and Aunt Qin, they were both good people.

But Liu Yanzhi didn’t say the following words out loud.

There was silence.

The whole classroom was quiet.

“A-An’an……” Qian Xin was the first to speak. “I-I…… A-aunt Feng……”

He stuttered, not knowing what to say at all.

Qian Xin and Liu Yanzhi could be said to be great friends since they were babies. Qian Xin had also met Liu Yanzhi’s mother before, a beautiful aunt who spoke very softly.

But then suddenly one day, his parents told him that Aunt Feng had gone to a very faraway place and that he couldn’t mention Aunt Feng in front of Liu Yanzhi in the future, otherwise he would be sad and cry.

Qian Xin, who didn’t want his friend to feel uncomfortable, kept those words in his mind, but now Liu Yanzhi’s words made him confused again.

To be honest, since the development of the Internet, children have been exposed to too much information.

They could roughly understand the meaning of Liu Yanzhi’s words.

Aunt Feng, it turned out that she’s……

Bad! An’an’s father is a bad guy even worse than Ah Momo!

This sentence came to Xu Youyou’s mind. She had a natural filter for the word ‘Mom’.

After hearing what Liu Yanzhi said, her first reaction was to hate An’an’s father.

How could there be such a bad person?

Although Liu Miaomiao wasn’t the youngest among the children, she was definitely the lowest in terms of mental maturity.

Even Qian Xin was ‘a bit’ smarter than her.

She couldn’t quite read the atmosphere. After hearing what Liu Yanzhi said and waiting for Qian Xin to finish, she immediately raised her hand. “Then An’an, you should run away from home and come to Miaomiao’s house. Miaomiao will let my Mom and Dad raise you!”

Running away from home was probably a thought that crossed every child’s mind.

The difference was that some people actually do it while some people just think about it.

Liu Miaomiao thought people who ran away from home were cool, but it was a pity that she had no chance to do so.

Since An’an’s father was so bad, why not just run away from home?

Lu Chenjun who didn’t even know how many turns his brain had taken: “……”

Sure enough, it’s better not to become friends with them. Stupidity was contagious.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yanzhi was amused by Liu Miaomiao’s words. “No, Miaomiao, my dad will definitely come to find me.”

The reason naturally wasn’t fatherly love, but the fact that Liu Yanzhi still had 5% of the Liu family’s Group shares given to him by Grandpa Liu before his death. If something unfortunate happened to him before he reached adulthood, the shares would be directly donated. This was the last thing the old man did for his acknowledged grandson.

Therefore, Liu Yanzhi’s father wouldn’t let go of Liu Yanzhi, but he wouldn’t please him because of it either.

Because Liu Yanzhi’s father thought that Liu Yanzhi was like his mother, kind, easy to deceive, and obedient.

When he reached adulthood, just took over the shares.

Could a son turn down his father?

It was unknown if it was because Liu Yanzhi had finally said those words out loud, but his entire person felt much more relaxed.

He simply continued.

“The birthday party isn’t for me. It’s that man trying to please other people. It’ll be boring.”

“I’m still too young now, but when I grow up, I’m going to take back everything that belongs to my mom!”

“Do you think I’m bad?”

Xu Youyou immediately shook her head. “No way! It’s your dad who treated you badly first!”

“That’s right, that’s right!”

Liu Miaomiao responded. “Miaomiao hates anyone who isn’t good to me!”

Liu Yanzhi was in a much better mood after hearing the comforting words from his friends.

Lu Chenjun spoke again at this time, “Just say that you invited me when you go back, and I will ask my mom to call that person.”

It’s better to leave matters between adults to be resolved by adults.

Lu Chenjun could understand that Liu Yanzhi’s family wanted to curry favor with his family, so even if they went to the banquet, there would definitely not be any unpleasantness.

But understanding was one thing. Lu Chenjun really dislikes it.

He dislikes it even more that they want to ​​use him to get close to his parents.

He’s sure his mother was the same, so it’s normal to refuse, right?

But there was another problem, which was, what if Liu Yanzhi’s father took out his anger on Liu Yanzhi?

〖Youyou.〗Xu Wenyin’s voice suddenly appeared in Xu Youyou’s mind. 〖Tell Liu Yanzhi to tell his father when he goes back that Lu Chenjun has a bad temper and treats him like a lackey, and that he doesn’t want to go to kindergarten anymore.〗

Eh? Why teach An’an to deceive people?

Xu Youyou wasn’t surprised by Xu Wenyin’s sudden appearance, but she just didn’t understand the reason for doing so.

However, she believed in her mother, so Xu Youyou directly repeated her mother’s words.

It earned Lu Chenjun’s thoughtful look and Liu Miaomiao and Qian Xin’s incomprehensible look.

Lu Chenjun said, “Just say it like that!”

Liu Yanzhi thought for a while and seemed to understand the meaning behind the words. He looked at Xu Youyou in surprise. “Youyou, you’re so smart!”

Liu Miaomiao and Qian Xin who seemed to be outsiders: “……”

What was it, what was it? Were they the only stupid ones?

They totally couldn’t understand why An’an had to say those words. Although Juanjuan doesn’t talk much, he doesn’t bully others either!

Xu Youyou turned her head away in embarrassment. She couldn’t reveal Xu Wenyin’s existence, but the idea wasn’t her own, and she didn’t actually understand what she was saying. That compliment was a bit hard to accept.

However, Xu Wenyin expressed, 〖What’s mine is yours, and my words are also your words, so what’s there to be embarrassed about?〗

She didn’t expect that Liu Yanzhi’s family’s situation was quite complicated.

The idea just now was a trick Xu Wenyin learned in one of the internship worlds.

What was it called? Retreat to advance?

In this way, what could Liu Yanzhi’s father say?

Not only would he not agree to Liu Yanzhi’s request, he would even let him continue to endure it. If he had a little bit of conscience, he might even say a few words of comfort.

After all, their family was truly inferior to the Qin and the Lu family, and Liu Yanzhi’s father wanted to go further, so it was necessary to please Lu Chenjun.

I’m really a valiant and resourceful system.

Xu Wenyin boasted and then continued to observe the children.

She was worried that Xu Youyou wouldn’t be able to adapt to her first day of kindergarten after the holiday, so she quietly ‘lurked’ in Xu Youyou’s mind. If it hadn’t been for this matter, Xu Wenyin had no intention of coming out.

She knew that Xu Youyou had an attachment to these little friends. If Liu Yanzhi was sad or hurt, Xu Youyou would be sad as well.

Moreover, Liu Yanzhi didn’t do anything bad, so Xu Wenyin would help out if she could.

“Then no birthday?”

In the nearly six months since she got along with Xu Youyou and the others, Liu Miaomiao hadn’t learned anything else, but she had made significant progress in terms of compassion.

After all, her friends seem to be smarter than her.

Since she couldn’t figure it out on her own, she didn’t bother about it. Anyway, everyone would solve it in the end.

But Liu Miaomiao was still very concerned about the birthday issue. “Then come to Miaomiao’s house, Miaomiao will ask Mom to buy a big cake!”

Before Liu Yanzhi could reply, Qian Xin spoke first, “No, come to my house! My mother cooks delicious food!”

He’s the kind of person who’s easily influenced by others.

Just now, he was still thinking about what Xu Youyou meant when Liu Miaomiao suddenly said something else and he was immediately brought to a new issue.

“To my house!”

“My house!”

And not only that, the two of them even started to argue.

Liu Yanzhi hurriedly stepped forward to stop them, seemingly genuinely afraid that the two would start fighting over him.

They somehow ended up stopping, and then the three started laughing together again.

Xu Youyou was infected and couldn’t help but smile as well. She felt like a hero fighting bad guys with her friends, full of pride and mission-driven.

At this time, Liu Yanzhi was more like a child, not a machine weighed down by hatred every day.

It was unknown if it was because they shared secrets together and came up with ideas to fight against the bad guys, but the relationship between the children had become much closer.

Lu Chenjun seemed to be slowly accepting the three as well, and would occasionally make venomous remarks.

One must know that even if he used to stay with them before, he rarely spoke, and even if he did, most of the time he was only talking to Xu Youyou.

Lu Chenjun’s change also made Qin Yiren a little surprised.

She could actually hear about other friends from her son.

Qin Yiren learned the whole story from Lu Chenjun’s retelling. Although she was initially surprised at the children’s intelligence, she also got over it.

It’s always good to be smart, as long as one isn’t using it for bad things.

Then Qin Yiren followed the children’s plan and called Liu Yanzhi’s father.

She even ‘acted’ a little more.

On the surface, she politely refused to attend, but in actuality, she secretly mocked the other party, insinuating that she didn’t want her son to be led astray.

Everyone knew what a philanderer Liu Yanzhi’s father was. He remarried less than a month after Liu Yanzhi’s mother’s death, and even brought home his illegitimate children from outside, seemingly letting himself go completely.

This made Qin Yiren, who had high requirements when forming relationships with other people, really look down on him. With her family background, she wasn’t afraid of offending the other party’s family.

There were at least several levels of difference between the two of them.

By the way, it was fortunate that Liu Yanzhi took after his mother!


On the side of Liu Miaomiao’s family, Liu Miaomiao was about to go to bed.

Mother Liu was telling her a fairy tale as usual, and in the end, the prince and princess lived happily ever after.

Liu Miaomiao suddenly opened her eyes. “Mom, can the prince and princess really live happily ever after?”

Although Liu Miaomiao didn’t quite understand the process or the method of handling Liu Yanzhi’s matter, she understood that not all parents were as good as hers.

Can the prince and princess really live happily ever after?

Mother Liu was taken aback. According to reason, she should have answered in the affirmative, but it was rare to see Liu Miaomiao asking a question so seriously. She thought for a moment and said, “Why did Miaomiao ask that?”

Liu Miaomiao answered, “Because Grandma said that as long as Miaomiao marries a prince, Miaomiao will live happily ever after so Miaomiao doesn’t need to do anything. But An’an’s parents didn’t.”

Marrying a price was something Liu Miaomiao had said several times.

Mother and Father Liu didn’t take it to heart. Wasn’t it normal for a little girl of her age to say she wanted to marry a prince?

But this time, when she heard Liu Miaomiao say this again, Mother Liu suddenly felt that something was wrong.

What does it mean that as long as she marries a prince, she can live happily ever after? There’s no need to do anything?

Why does this affirmation sound wrong?

“Miaomiao, what else did Grandma say to you? Tell Mom everything, okay?”

Mother Liu herself didn’t even realize there was a tremor in her voice.


1 the forehead pattern of a tiger resembling the Chinese character for ‘king’; the tiger is known as the king of all beasts
2 given for weddings
3 maternal grandfather


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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