Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 32.2

The Zhang Clan Leader listened briefly and found it hard to believe. “Are you saying that the Qin family attracted so many customers to buy their Revitalization Pills just by putting on some kind of story performance?”

Zhang Ming also found it puzzling and tried to explain as honestly as he could, “The Qin family’s story indeed had some highlights. Most importantly, they used the Revitalization Pills as a selling point in the story and successfully created these characters ‘Fairy Jing’er’ and ‘Qin Aotian’…”

The Clan Leader frowned so deeply it could kill a fly, interrupting Zhang Ming, “I don’t need the details. Just tell me how well their Revitalization Pills are selling.”

“They’re selling extremely well. Their sales are about three times our stock…” Zhang Ming said cautiously.

“Three times our stock…” The Clan Leader pointed out the main issue, “But I heard they’re selling them very cheaply, almost at cost price. With such low profits, even high sales won’t earn them much spirit stones.”

Zhang Ming nodded, “That’s the most puzzling part of their strategy. However, I suspect the issue lies in the pill formula. I’ve had our alchemists study the Qin family’s Rejuvenation Pills, and it seems they’ve used a new formula that greatly reduces costs while being more effective than our improved Revitalization Pills!”

More effective than their previously improved Revitalization Pills.

The Clan Leader’s first reaction was disbelief, but he knew Zhang Ming wouldn’t lie about such a thing.

His gaze shifted to the jade bottle on the table, “Is this the Qin family’s Revitalization Pill?”


The Clan Leader picked it up, sniffed it, and examined it.

However, not being an alchemist himself, he couldn’t make much of it.

He frowned and said, “I’ll have Elder Tang study this pill. You may leave.”

Elder Tang was the high-paid guest alchemist of the Zhang family.

The improved Qi Revitalization Pills were his work.

Shortly after Zhang Ming left, a servant reported, “The guest elder has arrived.”

The guest elder, Elder Tang, was naturally summoned by the Clan Leader.

The visitor was dressed in a black robe, appearing very tall.

It was impossible to see anything through the robe, as he was covered from head to toe, not a single hair visible.

Seeing Elder Tang in this all-black attire made the Clan Leader feel uneasy.

The Zhang family had treated this guest elder very well.

They had offered him spirit stones, techniques, beauties, and artifacts, allowing him to choose freely.

However, Elder Tang seemed uninterested in everything, remaining indifferent.

He also had a lot of pride.

Although he agreed to be the Zhang family’s guest elder, he demanded that they not interfere with his actions, or he would leave.

Given their competition with the Qin family, the Zhang family needed his alchemy skills and had to tolerate his temperament.

Seeing him now, the Clan Leader tried to soften his expression slightly.

“Ah, Elder Tang is here. I summoned you today for a matter of importance,” the Clan Leader of the Zhang family said, pointing to the jade bottle on the table.

“This contains the Revitalization Pills recently improved by the Qin family.

It’s said to be more effective than the one you improved.

Naturally, I find this hard to believe. Who could surpass Elder Tang’s alchemy skills?

However, our alchemists have examined it and suspect that the formula significantly reduces costs and contains some unique elements. Please take a look.”

The person under the black robe remained silent, extending a pair of jade-white hands to pick up the jade bottle.

Uncorking it, they sniffed the contents. After a moment, a distorted, raspy voice emerged from under the robe, “Indeed, it is better than the Revitalization Pill I improved.”

The voice was clearly altered and not the person’s true voice.

The Clan Leader was astonished. “Elder Tang, aren’t you going to taste it? Can you really tell the difference just by smelling it?”

He thought to himself with a hint of malice that tasting it would mean the person would have to remove their mysterious mask.

The person under the robe seemed to shake their head. “No need. I can discern it by smell alone. This Revitalization Pill has a significantly altered formula. I recognize most of the auxiliary ingredients, but there’s one that’s unfamiliar to me, and I have no leads on it.”

The Clan Leader made an appreciative sound and flattered, “With your talents, Elder Tang, I’m sure you’ll crack the formula soon!”

The person, however, bluntly shook their head and replied coldly, “I have no certainty. This unfamiliar ingredient is completely new to me. It could take ten years, or I might never figure it out.”

Never figure it out…

The Clan Leader was choked by the bluntness.

How dare he speak so boldly!

His expression cooled, “Elder Tang, you must try your best. This matter is very important to the Zhang family.”

The person was unyielding.

With the Clan Leader not speaking further, they simply stood there in silence.

Seeing this dark figure annoyed the Clan Leader, so after a moment, he waved him away.


After he left, the Clan Leader’s trusted aide emerged from an inner room and quietly stood behind him.

The Clan Leader resumed his dignified and solemn demeanor, sitting upright in the hall, and asked in a low voice, “What have you found?”

The mysterious nature of this person’s background and their secrecy had always made the Zhang family wary, so they had kept him under surveillance.

The aide said, “Recently, the Qin family has contacted him. It’s unclear if he spoke with them privately or even provided the formula for their new Revitalization Pill. The timing seems too coincidental…”

The aide’s suggestion seemed plausible. The Clan Leader initially frowned, then relaxed and shook his head. “It shouldn’t be him.

For someone working for a noble family, shifting allegiances is a grave taboo.

He excels in alchemy but has average cultivation.

He needs the protection of a noble family.

If he truly betrayed the Zhang family, we could easily crush him.

How could he dare to do such a thing?”

Logically, Elder Tang’s betrayal seemed unlikely, but…

“But what if?” the aide said.

“Yes, exactly!” The Clan Leader sighed deeply.

He couldn’t be completely at ease.

If only this person could fully submit to them…

The Clan Leader thought again of the black robe, covering from head to toe.

Even if he had made enemies outside, couldn’t the Zhang family resolve it for him?

The Clan Leader said helplessly, “Keep a close watch on him for now.”

The aide nodded, and the Clan Leader continued, “Has there been any unusual activity?”

“No unusual activity yet, but we’ll maintain surveillance,” the aide replied.

Zhang Clan Leader nodded, lost in thought, wondering about the true intentions of the enigmatic Elder Tang.

“What’s going on with the Qin family?”

The Zhang family never neglected to keep an eye on their old rivals, the Qin family.

The aide whispered, “The Qin family seems to be frequently entering and exiting the Secret Realm.”

“Frequently entering the Secret Realm…” The Clan Leader pondered this information, his eyes narrowing as he connected the dots.

“First the Marrow Cleansing Elixir, then the improved Revitalization Pill formula.

It seems the Qin family might have found something extraordinary in the Secret Realm!”

The aide neither confirmed nor denied this, but pointed out, “The Qin family holds the majority of the development rights to the Secret Realm.” Finding something valuable there was indeed highly likely.

The Clan Leader placed his teacup heavily on the table and, after a moment of silence, spoke in a measured tone, “Keep a close watch on this matter.

If necessary…

Send some skilled individuals to infiltrate the Qin family’s territory within the Secret Realm.”

Originally, during their negotiations, the Han family had withdrawn, leaving the Qin and Zhang families to jointly develop the Secret Realm,

With a mutual agreement not to cross each other’s boundaries or interfere.

Sending people to infiltrate would breach this agreement.

But… agreements were often just formalities.

As long as they weren’t caught, it wouldn’t count as a breach.

After the aide left, the Clan Leader sat alone in silence, staring into space.

He suddenly sighed heavily.

His position in the Zhang family was somewhat special.

Discovering an alchemy genius like Elder Tang had been a pleasant surprise.

He had hoped to leverage the improved Revitalization Pills to enhance his standing within the Zhang family.

But now, with the Qin family suddenly rising and immediately releasing an even better Revitalization Pill, the Clan Leader felt a bitter frustration lodged in his chest.

His plans were completely disrupted.

In the current situation, it seemed he had no choice but to accept defeat.

The most alarming realization in all these events was that the Qin family…

was showing signs of a resurgence.

Just a few years ago, the Qin family had been easily manipulated by the Zhang family.

How had they grown strong enough to pose a threat in such a short time?


A few days later, perhaps proving the saying “misfortunes never come singly, but blessings never come alone,” Qin Ruqing received yet another piece of good news.

“What! You say the Ancestor has come out of seclusion!”

When Luo Xian told her this, Qin Ruqing jumped up, her excitement evident.

Luo Xian was puzzled. “The Ancestor coming out is indeed good news, but why are you so excited?”

Qin Ruqing had every reason to be excited.

She had been waiting a long time to ask the Ancestor about the spirit medicine.

She felt she had accumulated enough points by now, and as long as the old ancestor told her exactly what spirit medicine was needed, if it was available in the system shop, she could exchange it immediately.

But due to various interruptions, this matter had been delayed again and again.

The more it was delayed, the more anxious Qin Ruqing became.

In novels, wasn’t it often written that the longer an important matter was delayed, the more likely something would go wrong?

Qin Ruqing wanted to settle this before any complications arose.

Who knew what kind of troublesome twists the author might throw her way if she didn’t act quickly?

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