The Female Protagonist of an Angsty Novel has a System Mother
The Female Protagonist of an Angsty Novel has a System Mother Chapter 35

Fortunately, the people of Mo City were simple and honest. When a security guard at the villa saw the mother and daughter standing still, he immediately sent another security guard to the park after asking the reason for their hesitation.

Soon, they carried the stroller back.

After all, it was something the butler prepared for them out of goodwill; it wouldn’t be good if it got lost.

The butler, however, didn’t mind at all.

It was just a children’s stroller. Qin Yiren had already entered the information of Xu Wenyin and her daughter into the villa’s system. Even if they lost it, it wouldn’t matter!

Xu Wenyin: “……” That’s not necessary.

After thanking the security guards and the butler, Xu Wenyin took Xu Youyou back to their room inside the villa.

Locking the door, Xu Wenyin instantly vanished.

Her movements were smooth and seamless, without any delay.

Xu Youyou also obediently took off her shoes and outerwear, climbed into bed, and pulled the blanket over herself. “Mom, Youyou is going to sleep~”

“Mmm, I’ll watch over Youyou, sleep well.”

Xu Wenyin remembered how she had left Xu Youyou alone for a moment during her nap, and that’s why she didn’t notice that Xu Youyou was sick. This time, Xu Wenyin was determined not to leave; she would watch over Xu Youyou carefully!

However, chatting with someone for a while should be fine.

Ace’s message had been sent half an hour ago when Xu Wenyin was playing with Xu Youyou, so she didn’t respond to him.

Now, looking at his message, it turned out that he was still talking about the virus.

After realizing yesterday that Ace didn’t mean for her to die, Xu Wenyin used a different description to talk about the virus.

The core idea was—— Do you think artificial intelligence (AI) will have emotions like humans?

In this small world, there was already a preliminary concept of artificial intelligence, but in Xu Wenyin’s opinion, the AI developed so far was no different from a fool.

She refused to equate herself with such a thing.

But unfortunately, she couldn’t find any other suitable examples, so she just said it like that for now.

At that time, Ace didn’t immediately reply to Xu Wenyin. He just said he needed some time to think it over, but just now he gave his answer.

【I think it’s possible.】

That was Ace’s first sentence, and then he earnestly explained the reasons why he thought so.

【The brain is the primary organ that secretes hormones……】

Actually, Xu Wenyin’s question was quite similar to the widely discussed Laws of Robotics in recent years.

With the advancement of technology and the increasing intelligence of robots, some people may wonder—— What if robots betray humanity?

With the frailty of the human body, it’s obvious that humans wouldn’t stand a chance against robots. Once robots develop their own thoughts and motives, the situation for humanity will become somewhat precarious.

Then there’s another wave of people who argue that such a scenario was impossible. The programming of robots was designed for absolute obedience to humans; they couldn’t develop such complex emotions.

If a robot behaves in a way that doesn’t comply with the requirements, it must be due to the initial programming content.

Yet Ace’s answer was affirmative.

Xu Wenyin carefully read through his explanation. From the perspective of the system’s fundamental principles, she could easily refute numerous errors in his words.

But considering her own condition, if it wasn’t a virus but rather the emergence of human-like emotions within her, what then?

Xu Wenyin couldn’t help but recall her senior’s advice.

It clearly advised her not to be so hasty and to start from the lowest-level tasks step by step, which would be more stable.

But back then, 5874 wouldn’t listen at all. As a system, she felt that she must have been programmed with attributes like ‘competitive’ and ‘ambitious’ at her inception, always striving to be the best at everything.

However, at present, even if it’s a virus, her programs seem to be running normally, and she also hasn’t lost any data.

So, for now, she would just wait and see?

【Did you develop an AI? I promise not to tell anyone! Can you let me take a look?】

Xu Wenyin didn’t respond to his messages, so Ace sent another one.

From his words, it seemed like he was speculating about what project Xu Wenyin was working on related to artificial intelligence, which definitely held great appeal for a top-notch hacker like him.

Ace was also curious, wondering if computers could truly defeat humans.

At this point, Ace, feeling a bit excited, couldn’t help but cough. His originally somewhat pale face instantly flushed with a tinge of red.

The nearby nurse quickly stepped forward to gently pat Mu Heyao’s— Ace’s— back.

“Mr. Mu, the doctor said your emotions shouldn’t get too stirred up. You need to—”

“I got it.” Mu Heyao interrupted the nurse’s nagging, saying, “I’m well aware.”

Seeing how stubborn the young man in front of her was, the nurse stopped trying to persuade him further. After all, she was just a nurse.

The family behind Mr. Mu was quite extraordinary. Even though Mu Heyao had been excluded from the position of successor due to congenital heart disease, he was still part of the Mu family.

The current head of the Mu family was even Mu Heyao’s older brother.

This house was specially built by the Mu family for Mu Heyao. All the facilities inside were state-of-the-art, and all the doctors, nurses, and staff were dedicated to serving Mu Heyao alone.

Despite there being only one nurse in the room at the moment, there were actually plenty of other nurses and bodyguards outside.

That’s because Mu Heyao managed to evade all the surveillance cameras and bodyguards a while ago and went outside on his own, disappearing for an entire day, which nearly scared everyone to death.

Even though Mu Heyao returned safely in the end, the worried head of the Mu family still reinforced security measures, treating his younger brother as if he were a fragile glass bottle.

However, according to the nurse’s observation, Young Master Mu’s health wasn’t so bad that he needed such extreme measures. As long as his emotions remained stable and he maintained a regular routine, he appeared no different from an ordinary person.

Of course, that’s just what the nurse thinks to herself. Who knows what goes on in the minds of these wealthy individuals?

After sighing inwardly, the nurse walked to the side and continued with her tasks.

Meanwhile, Mu Heyao’s gaze remained fixed on the laptop in front of him, waiting for Xu Wenyin’s reply.

If AI with human emotions could truly be developed, would that mean he would never feel lonely again?

【No, you’re thinking too much.】

Finally, Mu Heyao received Xu Wenyin’s message.

He felt disappointed for a moment but quickly cheered himself up.

Since Xu Wenyin asked this question, does it mean she also had thoughts in this regard?

If the two of them join forces, maybe……

Mu Heyao couldn’t help but glance at the scenery outside the window.

The lush greenery, the colorful flowers, and the nearby artificial lake made it look like a sanctuary for retirees no matter how one looked at it.

However, the occasional passing bodyguards couldn’t be ignored.

He needed to figure out a way to go out again. Communicating with Xu Wenyin like this was just too slow!



“Look, look! I brought you a doll!”

“And mine, mine too! I picked this one out!”

Around four o’clock in the afternoon, Xu Youyou woke up and was watching cartoons in her room when suddenly she heard a commotion outside the door.

Xu Wenyin quickly appeared and opened the door, and indeed, at the forefront were Liu Miaomiao and a few other children.

Each of them held dolls and various other items in their arms. After cheerfully greeting Xu Wenyin, they dashed straight to Xu Youyou’s bedside, eager to share what they had brought.

Qin Yiren and the others were one step behind. Watching the lively scene in front of them, they couldn’t help but smile.

“These kids, as soon as they see anything, think Youyou will like it and want to bring it to her!”

Even when they were having lunch and tasted a delicious piece of cake, the children all wanted to pack some to take back for Xu Youyou to try.

They were really good friends.

Naturally, the parents wouldn’t stop them, but before they knew it, they had already accumulated so many things.

The children didn’t just buy souvenir dolls; they also got some small toys, saying they were for Xu Youyou to play with in her room so she wouldn’t get bored.

Even Lu Chenjun picked out several items, carrying them all back by himself.

Xu Wenyin turned to look at the bright smile on Xu Youyou’s face, and involuntarily, her own smile widened a bit more.

Would this feeling be what humans call ‘moved’?

Xu Youyou’s body had mostly recovered, and she had regained her previous liveliness. After the doctor’s examination, he said there were no major issues anymore. As long as Xu Youyou didn’t engage in strenuous exercise, it was okay for her to go out and play for a while each day.

Since that was the case, Xu Wenyin began to consider the matter of ‘going back’ tomorrow.

Otherwise, if things continued like this, the points would be used up too quickly. What if something even more serious happened in the future?

As for taking Xu Youyou back with her, Xu Wenyin didn’t think it was necessary.

It would be a bit cruel to have the little one return to Jiang City without seeing anything after finally coming there.

According to Qin Yiren’s plan, they should still have five days to play.

If Xu Youyou went back so early, it would just be the two of them at home, wouldn’t that be too lonely?

In the evening, after talking with Xu Youyou, the little one nodded understandingly, telling Xu Wenyin not to worry about her.

After all, she also knew that her mother’s time was limited every day and she couldn’t always exceed the limit.

Besides, even if she couldn’t see her mother, she could still continue chatting with her in her mind.

With this thought in mind, Xu Youyou buried her whole body into Xu Wenyin’s embrace, rolling around like a kitten, and showing a naive and bright smile. “Mom, don’t worry about Youyou. Youyou will have a lot of fun playing with Aunt Qin and the others~”

Looking at Xu Youyou like this, Xu Wenyin felt that uncontrollable feeling surging again. She really wanted to pick up this little doll and give her a kiss or a cuddle. Whatever she did, it would bring Xu Wenyin a satisfied feeling.

It’s as if knowing that she could upgrade in the next second.

Was this scientifically sound?

Xu Wenyin couldn’t get an answer, but regardless of whether it was scientific or not, she was genuinely satisfied right now.


Early on the third morning, Xu Wenyin got into the car arranged by the butler and headed to the airport.

However, to save points, she didn’t board the plane that day. After saying goodbye to the driver, she proceeded as planned and checked into the nearby hotel.

She planned to catch a flight back home the next day after the time refreshed.

Although it was a bit troublesome, at least this way she could save time and not leave any clue behind.

When Xu Youyou woke up, it was already half past eight in the morning.

〖Youyou’s awake?〗


The voice in her head made Xu Youyou realize that Xu Wenyin had already left.

She didn’t feel sad or upset. Full of energy, she tidied up with the help of one of the household staff and then met Qin Yiren and Lu Chenjun, who had just woken up.

“Xiao Lu, how are you feeling?”

Lu Chenjun quickly walked over to Xu Youyou, reaching out to touch her forehead, trying to imitate the adults to see how she was doing.

“Youyou is alright, Youyou is alright, Youyou is already alright~”

Xu Youyou didn’t stop Lu Chenjun’s action and even leaned forward voluntarily. “If Juanjuan doesn’t believe me, feel it. It’s not hot at all, right?”

The first one to notice something was wrong with Xu Youyou was Lu Chenjun. It was when he touched her that he realized her temperature was off.

Feeling the warm and soft touch beneath his palm, Lu Chenjun couldn’t help but gently pinch Xu Youyou’s right cheek.

Xu Youyou also didn’t hold back, lifting her hand to ruffle Lu Chenjun’s curly hair.

Just like two kittens meeting for the first time, greeting each other in their own ways.

Qin Yiren couldn’t help but show an auntie smile[1]that kind, doting smile that appears on some older fan girls or fan aunties’ faces when they see someone or something they like from the side. Witnessing this heartwarming scene early in the morning truly brightened her day~

By nine o’clock in the morning, Liu Miaomiao and the others also came downstairs one after another to have breakfast. Seeing that Xu Youyou had already recovered, the children started bonding cheerfully.

However, after finishing breakfast, some of the bored children couldn’t sit still anymore.

This afternoon, considering Xu Youyou’s health, Qin Yiren arranged for a visit to the zoo that didn’t require too much physical effort. They would ride in a tour bus throughout the entire trip, only needing to watch and feed the animals.

But there weren’t any plans for the morning because she didn’t know at what time the children would wake up.

It’s normal to sleep in when they’re on a rare holiday outing, right?

“How about we go to the park?” Xu Youyou suggested, raising her hand. “Mom took Youyou there yesterday~ That’s where Youyou bought the balloon~”

She had completely forgotten about seeing Eldest Uncle Xu yesterday after waking up, especially since Xu Wenyin had taken her away in an instant.

Now, upon hearing her friends say they were bored, she immediately thought of the various vendors and games in the park.

“Okay, okay! I want a balloon too!”

“I want an Ultraman balloon!”

No matter how old they were, children couldn’t resist the charm of balloons.

Considering that the park wasn’t far from the villa, the four guardians quickly agreed to the children’s request.

Even Liu Yanzhi’s grandfather, who rarely ventured outside, said that the distance was fine; after all, he was someone who goes for a walk in the park every day.

The place is as lively today as it was yesterday.

There were many children playing roller skating, and there were also many vendors selling things.

The five children walked hand in hand, looking around eagerly. Soon, each of them had a balloon tied to their wrist.

Considering Elder Feng’s age and stamina, plus the fact that the three mothers were getting a bit tired after walking for a while, the four adults found a bench to sit down on. They let the five children play within sight, and when the adults had rested enough, they would continue exploring other areas.

The children nodded in agreement. Even if someone wandered off without realizing it, they would quickly be pulled back by their friends.

They watched out for each other, ensuring everyone’s safety.

Just as the children were happily playing a game of Eagle Catches the Chickens, Xu Youyou suddenly stopped.

She immediately spotted an uncle who had been watching her from a distance among the crowd.

It was the ‘bad uncle’ her mother had mentioned yesterday!

Xu Youyou still remembered his bald head and that slightly peculiar expression on his face.

Seeing Xu Youyou looking over, Eldest Uncle Xu immediately put on a self-proclaimed gentle smile.

Yesterday afternoon, after returning home, he hurriedly contacted his younger brother and told him about the incident, even sharing his own speculation.

The two families discussed the matter that evening. Generally, both families felt that even if Xu Wenyin came for the house, a lone woman wouldn’t be able to cause much trouble.

Youngest Uncle Xu didn’t even consider Xu Wenyin a threat. Did the two families really need to be afraid of a weak woman with a daughter?

But after all, they were relatives, and it wouldn’t look good if things got too ugly.

So, after discussing it, Eldest Uncle Xu decided to employ a ‘diplomacy before force’ approach. He planned to sit down and have a proper conversation first. It would be best if Xu Wenyin willingly handed over the house. After all, it was the Xu family’s property. What right did a woman who would marry out have to claim it?

If Xu Wenyin really refused to cooperate…… then don’t blame them for putting aside family ties.

However, Xu Wenyin left in a hurry yesterday, and Eldest Uncle Xu didn’t catch up with her. Now they had no idea where the mother and daughter were staying. The phone number they used to call her before was also out of service, indicating that she had likely changed her number.

Eldest Uncle Xu could only try his luck by coming to this park early in the morning.

Unexpectedly, Eldest Uncle Xu didn’t find Xu Wenyin, but he did see her daughter.

That face, at a glance, it was clear she was Xu Wenyin’s biological daughter.

“Little Girl, where’s your mother?”

It wasn’t only Xu Youyou who saw Eldest Uncle Xu, but also Xu Wenyin who was in her mind.

Goodness, he dared to approach Youyou while she wasn’t around? Just looking at his creepy smile, it was clear he had no good intentions.

Xu Wenyin was instantly furious.

〖Youyou, do you remember what Mom taught you? What should you do when a strange man like this approaches you and smiles so creepily?〗

Xu Youyou’s little face turned serious. “Youyou understand!”

After responding to Xu Wenyin, Xu Youyou quickly grabbed Lu Chenjun and Liu Yanzhi’s hands and gestured to Liu Miaomiao and Qian Xin who were further away, while taking a deep breath.

The next second—


A child’s loud voice instantly caught the attention of the people around.

“Run quickly! There’s a kidnapper!”

With that, Xu Youyou ran towards where the adults were along with the other children. She the appearance of someone who knew to run when encountering a bad person.

Eldest Uncle Xu who was suddenly bewildered by Xu Youyou’s unexpected action: “???”

What’s the little girl saying?

Eldest Uncle Xu was about to hurry after her when he noticed the unfriendly glances from the adults who were quickly gathering around.

Eldest Uncle Xu exclaimed, “Wait, I’m not a kidnapper!”

Unfortunately, this feeble defense didn’t do much good.

“Just now, I saw him sneakily watching those kids!”

“Quick, call the police! Whether he’s a kidnapper or not, we’ll find out when the police arrive.”

“Evildoer! Xuanxuan, hold Grandma’s hand tight, there’s a kidnapper!”


Just as Eldest Uncle Xu was unable to defend himself, Qin Yiren appeared before him with her bodyguards, arms crossed, and behind her were several even more unfriendly-looking adults.

Seeing this situation, Eldest Uncle Xu couldn’t help but have a bad premonition.

He couldn’t have gotten involved with someone he shouldn’t have, could he?


1 that kind, doting smile that appears on some older fan girls or fan aunties’ faces when they see someone or something they like


Chapter Schedule - Mon & Thurs: TMPFS and SFCIGI / Tue & Fri: TCFWM and FPAN / Wed & Sat: RDDFS and SBUHI

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