Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 43.1

“Qin Wenxuan, come out and face your death!”

Zhang Xiao’s voice, infused with spiritual energy, resounded throughout the surroundings for miles.

He had raised his banner high this time, declaring his “righteous” mission to “subdue” the Qin family.

Thus, he needed to shout loudly—not just for the common people to hear but also for neighboring noble families and even the Celestial Bureau—to establish the legitimacy of the Zhang family’s actions.

Qin Wenxuan floated above the Qin family’s territory, looking indifferent as she gazed at Zhang Xiao. “Zhang Xiao, you come to our Qin family’s territory and shout like this. By what authority?”

Zhang Xiao snorted. “Authority? Firstly, the Qin family murdered our Zhang family elder.

Secondly, you seized the secret realm.

Thirdly, you engaged in illegal market competition!

Such rampant behavior cannot be tolerated by heaven. My Zhang family is justified in coming to subdue you!”

Qin Wenxuan smiled sarcastically, countering each of Zhang Xiao’s claims one by one.

“Firstly, the Qin family murdered Zhang elder—your third elders violated the alliance, selfishly intruded into our clan’s secret realm, and injured our younger generation.

We simply followed the rules to capture them and later returned your elder to Zhang family as agreed.

It was Zhang family’s own negligence that led to their elder’s death. How can you blame Qin family for that?”

“Secondly, accusing Qin family of seizing the secret realm is absurd.

Can Zhang family really twist the truth from the past few years?

Initially, it was Zhang and Han families who violated the alliance, attempting to force Qin family out of the repeated secret realm.

Qin family only defended passively. Where is the accusation of seizing?”

“Thirdly, claiming illegal market competition is baseless.

Qin’s elixirs have been well-received, and the people of Nanling can testify.

Is it because Zhang family is incompetent that they resort to slandering our Qin family for illegal competition?”

In response, Zhang Xiao erupted in anger. “The Qin family speaks nonsense and is ridiculous!”

Their conversation was broadcasted using spiritual power, audible to everyone in the city.

They floated confronting each other without immediately resorting to battle, engaging in what seemed like a somewhat comical “dialogue,” all because of protocol.

For the Zhang family’s subjugation, they needed to declare their intentions.

For the Qin family’s defense, they needed to clear their name.

Regardless of the truth of their statements, regardless of how others might discern them, they had to speak.

They spoke for the people of the city, for the noble families, and for the Celestial Bureau.

A mile away from the Qin family’s territory, Han Yuxin, the patriarch of the Han family, sat on a mountain peak, with Han Jingkun, the current head of the Han family, standing behind him.

Both looked toward the direction of the Qin family.

Han Yuxin rubbed his belly with a smirk. “Why so much nonsense? Let’s get on with it and see what Qin Wenxuan is made of.”

“Dad, how do you think today’s outcome will be?” Han Jingkun asked.

“Outcome?” Han Yuxin shook his head. “It’s hard to say. If Zhang Xiao can’t sway me, he might turn to his in-laws for reinforcements.

I’ve heard that the Ancestor of the Jin family in the North Ridge has reached the late Foundation Establishment stage.

With two Foundation Establishment cultivators from the Zhang family, theoretically, they could suppress the Qin family.”

“However, Qin family has always been mysterious, and Qin Wenxuan herself is enigmatic.

Last time, her strength burst out unexpectedly. Who’s to say it wasn’t a secret technique? Maybe…” He chuckled.

“Dad, did you really mislead Zhang Xiao by suggesting that Qin Wenxuan’s strength was due to a secret method?”

“Heh, if I didn’t, would he dare to come straight to Qin Wenxuan’s door for a fight…”

Han Jingkun smirked, appearing to have learned something.

Meanwhile, in another direction leading to the Celestial Bureau,

Chang Mei stood with his hands behind his back, gazing towards the direction of the Qin Clan’s territory.

Behind him was a young man in a solemn green robe, holding a brush in one hand and a silk book in the other.

The Elder Chang Mei pondered for a moment before calmly speaking, “Note down: Year 3156 of the Qianyuan Era.”

As Elder Chang Mei spoke, the young man in the green robe swiftly wrote on the silk book.

“The Zhang Clan of Nanling is attacking the Qin Clan, citing three reasons.”

“First, suspicion of Qin Clan harming Zhang Clan elder, pending confirmation.”

“Second, seizing a secret realm, falsely claimed.”

“Third, engaging in irregular market competition, falsely claimed.”

“The Bureau of Celestial Affairs is not to intervene as per regulations, but repercussions will follow. Have you noted it down?” The man in the green robe stopped writing and nodded.

Elder Chang Mei nodded in return, saying, “Also note: The Jin Clan of Beiling intervened in Nanling affairs, repercussions to follow.”

After the young man finished noting this, he used his spiritual sense to look towards the direction of the Qin family, discovering that the Qin Clan’s Ancestor was already engaged in a battle with the Zhang Clan’s Patriarch.

The Qin and Zhang clans faced each other.

Qin Wenxuan of the Qin Clan fought against Zhang Xiao, while Qin Dexin naturally faced Zhang’s prospective son-in-law, Hao Gou.

At this moment, Ancestor Wenxuan only displayed the strength of mid-level Foundation Establishment.

Throughout the confrontation between the two prominent families of Nanling, she had consistently shown only mid-level Foundation Establishment strength.

Even during the recent skirmish in the secret realm, she had disguised her strength with great effort.

In reality, her true strength had always been at peak Foundation Establishment.

Having cultivated at this level for many years, even though she was injured, she had not wasted a single moment of cultivation.

Therefore, if her injuries fully healed and she encountered an opportunity, she could attempt Golden Core Formation.

Of course, the possibility of success in attempting Golden Core Formation depended on chance.

Facing Zhang Xiao in battle, Qin Wenxuan’s true strength as mid-level Foundation Establishment became evident, calming Zhang Xiao’s heart.

Qin Wenxuan’s aura was indeed much steadier compared to the last skirmish in the secret realm, indicating that her injuries were nearly healed.

No wonder she dared to confront the Zhang Clan.

Wait, the Qin Clan was originally an outsider, lacking sufficient heritage.

Yet they dared to assert themselves so boldly.

This clearly underestimates my Zhang Clan!

Zhang Xiao felt a sense of satisfaction and loudly proclaimed, “Qin Wenxuan, is this all the strength you have? Just this much!”

Qin Wenxuan’s expression turned cold, and the attacks from her sword without a blade became even more fierce.

However, Zhang Xiao was also a veteran of this level of Foundation Establishment for many years.

Perhaps due to his confidence, he gradually gained the upper hand after a while.

Meanwhile, Ancestor Jin Xuan of the Jin Clan, hiding in the shadows, cautiously observed for a long time and found that Qin Wenxuan’s strength indeed seemed to be only mid-level Foundation Establishment.

Do I not even need to step in today? He murmured to himself, still not making a move.

On the other end of the aerial battlefield, it was Elder Hao Gou of the Zhang Clan against Qin Dexin.

Unlike the intense battle on the other end, these two fought… very steadily.

After observing for a long time, it was still unclear who had the upper hand.

Hao Gou was manageable; judging from his name, he likely had a stable fighting style.

However, Qin Dexin had always been reckless in fights, so it was unclear why she was restrained today.

Zhang Xiao couldn’t spare attention to how the battle was progressing on the other end.

Right now, he was increasingly excited—realizing he was actually able to suppress Qin Wenxuan.

It was noteworthy that Qin Wenxuan had always been known for her bold and aggressive nature.

Before If it weren’t for the two Foundation Establishment cultivators in the family, it would be really hard to control her.

Now, he can hold the upper hand, which is strong evidence that his fighting power has increased.

Today, he might not even need the help of Elder Jin to take down Qin Wenxuan.

Zhang Xiao laughed and swung his sword down.

Qin Wenxuan blocked it with her sword, but the force was so strong that her sword trembled.

The impact made Qin Wenxuan take a big step back.

Seeing this, Zhang Xiao was even more excited.

He decided to strike while the iron was hot and used a powerful sword technique to attack her.

Just as Zhang Xiao’s sword was about to reach Qin Wenxuan’s heart, her eyes flashed with determination, and her aura suddenly surged.

She not only deflected Zhang Xiao’s attack but also launched a counterattack that almost killed him.

Foundation Establishment late stage! Qin Wenxuan actually had the strength of the late stage!

Zhang Xiao was shocked and called out urgently towards the sky, “Brother Jin!”

A sigh seemed to come from the air, “I thought I wouldn’t need to intervene.”

A hand caught Qin Wenxuan’s sword.

Even though Qin Wenxuan was a late-stage Foundation Establishment cultivator and her sword carried a powerful aura, this person caught it steadily.

Upon closer inspection, this “Brother Jin” had golden hands and a powerful aura, indicating that he was a rare body cultivator.

Seeing this person save Zhang Xiao’s life, Qin Wenxuan paused, seeming surprised and disdainful, “Zhang Xiao, you even brought help?”

Zhang Xiao, panting, felt relieved.

If it weren’t for Jin Xuan, he might have been seriously injured.

He laughed arrogantly, “Qin Wenxuan, you think you can deceive me again with your tricks? Not this time!”

Previously, in a secret realm, Qin Wenxuan had pretended to be seriously injured.

When they let their guard down, she used a secret technique to suddenly unleash her power and caught them off guard.

After learning from that experience, Zhang Xiao had been cautious during their fight.

Although Jin Xuan saved him just now, he hadn’t let his guard down, which helped him avoid serious injury.

Seeing Qin Wenxuan struggling now, Zhang Xiao felt a sense of triumph.

He said, “Brother Jin, be careful. I’ll go kill that young Foundation Establishment cultivator from the Qin family first and then come back to help you!”

Jin Xuan responded.

Both he and Qin Wenxuan were late-stage Foundation Establishment cultivators, but Jin Xuan had a deeper foundation, making it easier for him to fight Qin Wenxuan.

So far, Zhang Xiao’s plan was going smoothly.

From the beginning, he hadn’t planned to kill Qin Wenxuan immediately.

She was indeed a tough opponent, and who knew what desperate measures she might take if cornered?

Therefore, when discussing the strategy with Jin Xuan, the plan was for Jin Xuan to hold off Qin Wenxuan while Zhang Xiao killed the other Foundation Establishment cultivator from the Qin family.

Then, with three Foundation Establishment cultivators working together, they would slowly wear down Qin Wenxuan and kill her.

To be honest, Jin Xuan was puzzled at the time and said, “Brother Zhang, you are a Foundation Establishment cultivator, a Mid-stage, I’m in the late Foundation Establishment stage. Even if Qin Wenxuan is hiding her strength, it shouldn’t be this difficult to fight her, right?”

Zhang Xiao shook his head and said, “Brother Jin, you don’t understand. You haven’t dealt with Qin Wenxuan from the Qin family.

You don’t know that her fighting style is always reckless and desperate.

Besides that, she is also very cunning and strategic.

She’s not just brave without a brain.

When dealing with a significant matter like subjugating the Qin family, having you, Brother Jin, to hold the fort is very reassuring.

However, to prevent any unexpected incidents, being cautious in tactics is not unreasonable.

After all, we can’t let you come here for nothing.”

Jin Xuan was persuaded.

He thought that being careful against such a difficult opponent was indeed a good idea.

So now, even though Jin Xuan appeared to block Qin Wenxuan, his fighting style was not aggressive.

Instead, it was more of a “holding her down” approach.

—Although I don’t have a significant advantage, neither do you. We can drag this out forever if needed.

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