Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 44.2

This child always spoke in an interesting way.

Even though it was a serious matter, she made it lively.

This was a talent of hers.

“Secondly, as the third elder just mentioned, if Hao Gou dies, the Zhang family will be thrown into chaos.

There are too many people eyeing them, and our Qin family might not get much benefit.

For example, on South Street, the Zhang and Han families are old families in Nanling, and they occupy the best spots.

The Zhang family even controls two streets.

But if the Zhang family falls, think about it, will those prime spots go to our Qin family? Who will benefit the most?”

At this point, it was clear. The Fourth elder sneered, “Of course, it will all go to the Han family, and our Qin family will only get the leftovers.”

“Exactly, the Han family will take most of the benefits. Of course, our Qin family can compete with the Han family, but that would complicate things and involve the Han family.”

“If the example of South Street is not enough, consider the spiritual fields, mines, and secret realms controlled by the Zhang family.

The spiritual fields are quantifiable, but no one knows how many mines and spiritual veins the Zhang family controls or their locations.

Even if we force our way in, by the time we find the places, the resources might already be emptied, leaving us with nothing.”

Qin Ruqing explained clearly, and the people around her listened with growing interest.

Her father quickly asked, “And the third reason?”

“The third reason,” Qin Ruqing smiled, “is that Hao Gou is more useful alive than dead. Killing him now would be a waste.”

Saying this, Qin Ruqing stood up and walked a few steps towards Hao Gou, who was tied up against the wall.

She smiled and asked, “Elder, you’ve been listening for a while now. What do you think?”

Hao Gou’s spiritual and physical energy was sealed, and he couldn’t speak or move his limbs.

Hearing Qin Ruqing’s words, he kicked his legs in frustration.

Qin Ruqing stood still, unfazed. “Think carefully before you speak. This is the Qin family’s council hall. You’ve heard a lot, and if anything goes wrong, our Qin family members have quick tempers and might not be able to hold back…”

This was a blatant threat!

But in the game of power, the strong have the right to threaten.

It also served to remind him.

From the moment the Qin family let him listen in on the council, Hao Gou knew his fate hung in the balance.

He closed his eyes, his angry demeanor calming down.

Seeing him settle down, Qin Ruqing smiled and called someone.

A servant entered, the same one who had dragged Hao Gou in earlier.

Bowing his head, not daring to look around, the servant untied Hao Gou’s restraints and left silently.

Hao Gou rubbed his wrists and stood up, giving Qin Ruqing a complicated look.

This girl, with a smile, met his gaze fearlessly, making him shiver inside.

The Qin family had such a formidable young member!

This was the most shocking news Hao Gou received this day!

Even if the ancestor of his clan had died, it wouldn’t be as shocking as this realization.

They had been hoping for that old guy to die for many years.

This mysterious young person was tall and slim, with a delicate yet youthful face, full of spiritual energy.

She looked like she had just finished her spirit-nurturing period a few years ago but already had the cultivation level of the fourth stage of Qi Refining.

How did she manage that? Could it be that she started cultivating in her mother’s womb?

That wasn’t even the most amazing part.

What puzzled Hao Gou the most was that this young girl, who in his eyes was just a child, held a position equivalent to an elder and sat directly below their family’s ancestor.

Was that a place for a young girl to sit?

It would be one thing if she could freely enter and leave the council hall and have a say in matters; he might have thought she was just favored in the Qin family.

But no, she was not just for show—she could genuinely offer strategic advice!

Listen to her talk about whether he, Hao Gou, should be killed, and how to deal with the Zhang family—she spoke with substance.

It was as if his Zhang family were meat on the chopping board, waiting for her to analyze which piece to cut off and enjoy with a drink.

Hao Gou walked forward and bowed to the Qin family’s ancestor, thinking to himself:

He was 95% sure that Zhang Li encountered this girl earlier, and the Qin family wanted to protect her, which led to their killing intent.

Zhang Li was just incredibly unlucky.

His idea to capture an important Qin family junior wasn’t wrong, but he picked the most important one, crucial enough for the Qin family to break off relations with the Zhang family.

Who could have predicted such a thing? It was unbelievably outrageous!

Sighing inwardly, Hao Gou respectfully greeted the Qin family ancestor, saying, “Ancestor Wenxuan, Hao Gou has something to say.”

The ancestor responded with an interested yet calm “Oh,” raising a hand slightly, “Speak.”

As Hao Gou prepared to speak, Qin Ruqing walked by him leisurely and returned to her seat, exchanging a smile with the ancestor.

Hao Gou said, “My life isn’t worth much, but as the young miss just said, keeping me alive is more useful than killing me.”

“The Zhang family has been rooted in Nanling for many years, with extensive connections, marriages, and assets.

If the Qin family tries to swallow such a large family alone, it would be hard without a proper reason and method.

Unless… there’s someone high-ranking within the Zhang family willing to cooperate with the Qin family.

I, Hao Gou, have a Foundation Establishment cultivation. Now that the Zhang family’s ancestor is gone, if I return to the Zhang family, I could have some influence.”

He spoke modestly.

In reality, without the ancestor, he was the Zhang family’s main pillar.

Although there would be internal conflicts and dissenters, he was currently the strongest in terms of power.

“I was the first elder before, and although the Zhang family was wary of me, I still had some authority and access to their core resources.

With me, it would be much better than the Qin family blindly searching for these resources.”

The ancestor smiled, “You speak convincingly. But as you said, without the Zhang family’s ancestor, you could become the next leader of the Zhang family.

Wouldn’t working as an insider for us Qin family be beneath you?”

Hao Gou straightened his clothes that were wrinkled from being tied up, smiled, and said frankly, “If I weren’t captured now, it would be a different story. Unfortunately, I am…”

Hao Gou said, aiming for a dignified tone.

But when you’re about to betray your family and become a mole, who are you trying to impress with that stance?

Qin Ruqing scoffed and retorted immediately, “If the elder feels wronged, there’s no need for so many words. Just turn around and go out to meet your fate.”

To fear death yet still put on such airs—how laughable.

Qin Ruqing held back harsher words.

Sure enough, Hao Gou’s face changed.

Having heard the Qin family’s deliberations and seen through their biggest secret, if he left now, it would indeed be “going out to meet his fate.”

But how could he face death with composure?

If he truly could, he wouldn’t be kneeling here saying “given the situation.”

This girl was clearly mocking his fear of death and his attempt to act composed even after betraying his family.

His fists clenched at his sides…

She was right.

He was indeed afraid of death.

After a moment, Hao Gou chuckled self-deprecatingly and said, “You’re right. This is not a glorious moment for me, Hao Gou.

However… I don’t actually mind being an insider for the Qin family because I don’t have much attachment to the Zhang family.”

“My identity… is well-known in Nanling. Although I am at Foundation Establishment stage and was a Grand elder in the Zhang family, I wasn’t highly regarded.

Marrying into the family is common, but it’s different when it’s your own family.

Zhang Xiao prefers to support his direct line, and he distrusts me quite a bit.”

“What I’ve said is all true. A simple investigation by the Qin family will confirm it.”

Ancestor Wenxuan said, “Oh, so you really are willing, Grand Elder?”

Hao Gou flicked his sleeve lightly. “This is my own choice, guided by the hopes of the ancestor. It suits both sides, doesn’t it?”

“How did I guide you?” the ancestor asked.

“If not for this, you would have killed me on the spot in Qin territory long ago.

There was no need to wait until now, nor would you have brought me into this council chamber to witness the Qin family’s biggest secret.” Hao Gou glanced meaningfully at Qin Ruqing.

The ancestor chuckled and shrugged. “You’ve guessed wrong. The person who spared your life isn’t me—it’s this little girl of ours.” The ancestor pointed at Qin Ruqing.

“She was concerned about your life even before the battle, repeatedly urging me that if there was a chance, you must be captured alive. She finds you very useful.”

“And now it seems, indeed, you are.”

Hao Gou was surprised for a moment, but upon reflection, not so much.

If this young girl could sit in the family council and strategize, what else should he find surprising?

He bowed slightly to Qin Ruqing and grinned, “Thank you for caring, Miss.”

The phrase “caring” had a certain flavor to it.

But Qin Ruqing acted as if she didn’t hear the slight sarcasm.

Qin Ruqing smiled and waving her hand, “There’s no need to thank me. Today’s matter isn’t over yet. Just a few empty words won’t convince the Qin family. I’ll have to give you something convincing later. Don’t hold it against me then.”

Hao Gou choked on his words on the spot, the words stuck in his throat.

Although he knew what was coming, it didn’t need to be stated so bluntly.

Beside them, an elder with a long beard spoke up.

Hao Gou glanced over and

The Second elder of the Qin family, whom Hao Gou had dealt with before, looked kindly at the mischievous young Qin Ruqing and said, “Qing, where did you get that clever brain of yours?”

Qin Ruqing sweetly shrugged and replied, “You’ll have to ask my dad about that.”

Qin Deming, the Qin family Clan Leader sitting beside her, appeared modest but inwardly proud as he scratched his head. “She takes after her father.”

Hao Gou smirked to himself, thinking it was a case of a surprising change from her mother’s womb.

After the laughter subsided, a bright light appeared in the palm of the Qin family’s ancestor.

She spoke softly, “This is the Devouring Spirit Gu. It’s quite famous in Nanling. I’m sure you’ve heard of it. I won’t go into details. Planting this Gu means that if you ever think or plan something harmful towards the Qin family or its members, it will immediately take effect. At that point, you will become an empty shell.”

This Gu was the same one prepared for Zhang Li previously, though it wasn’t used because his death was too swift.

Sensing Zhang Li’s demise, the ancestor recalled the Gu. Now, it was being deployed sooner than expected.

“In addition to the Gu, you must also swear a heart-devil oath. I don’t need to explain what that entails.”

Hao Gou felt a sinking feeling.

The Qin family indeed had tight security measures—nothing slipped through the cracks.

He dared not play tricks.

In front of everyone in the council chamber, he made a tightly bound heart-devil oath.

A flash of white light and the oath was sealed.

From now on, he truly was a puppet of the Qin family.

Hao Gou couldn’t describe his feelings but felt weighed down, unable to muster any spirit.

Afterward, the Qin family ancestor had the Devouring Spirit Gu planted on him and had him locked in the dungeon.

Hao Gou wasn’t surprised.

His current status was valuable; if the Zhang family came looking for him, the Qin family could fetch a good price.

The dark dungeon held no surprises.

Perhaps due to his cooperative attitude and the “agreement” reached, the Qin family only suppressed his spiritual awareness.

The cell was surprisingly clean and even had a table and chairs, along with tea cups.

Hao Gou poured himself a cup of tea, not knowing what mood he was in.

The spiritual essence wafted—it was spiritual tea.

He chuckled at himself bitterly.

With a creak, the dungeon door opened, splitting the darkness with light.

A slender figure appeared in the light, approaching slowly.

Hao Gou raised his eyes and unsurprisingly found it was Qin Ruqing, the cunning young lady from the Qin family.

She smiled sweetly at him, but in her eyes, he could see countless schemes.

Hao Gou said, “Miss, someone of your stature—I don’t yet know your name.”

Qin Ruqing exclaimed, “You’ve adapted well to being both a spy and a prisoner. You’ve even started drinking tea.”

She added, “My name is Qin Ruqing, and I am Qin Deming’s daughter.”

Qin Deming, the Qin family’s Clan Leader. Hao Gou thought to himself, “No wonder Zhang Li’s death wasn’t unjustified.”

Setting down his tea cup, Hao Gou asked bluntly, “This isn’t a place where someone like you would normally come. What business do you have with me?” He was also speculating about her intentions.

Qin Ruqing relaxed in her seat opposite him, surveyed the room, and remarked, “You sound quite disdainful. This is actually the best cell in the Qin family dungeon. I made sure they gave it to you. Your previous elder from the family didn’t receive this treatment.”

The elder she referred to was obviously Zhang Li.

Hao Gou almost burst out laughing in exasperation.

So, now even the elder from the Zhang family couldn’t find fault with your Qin family’s dungeon, huh?”

“Miss, please get straight to the point,” Hao Gou said, annoyed.

Qin Ruqing smiled briefly and without further ado, she placed a dark wooden box on the table.

She glanced at Hao Gou and opened the box, revealing a gray-brown pill inside.

Hao Gou’s pupils constricted, and he clenched his fist. “Miss, what does this mean?”

Qin Ruqing explained kindly, “Well, naturally, it’s poison.”

She expressed the sentiment of “I want you dead” in the most gentle and diplomatic way possible.

Hao Gou stood up abruptly. “Was everything you said in the council just a mockery of me?”

“Oh, Elder, don’t be hasty,” Qin Ruqing interrupted. “I haven’t finished. Yes, this pill is indeed poison, but upon ingestion, it won’t affect your body or cultivation.

The toxin will only activate once a month on the full moon.

As long as you take the antidote one day before the full moon, nothing will happen.

In essence, it’s just an additional layer of protection. I hope you understand, Elder.”

Hao Gou remained silent for a long time before saying, “With the Devouring Spirit Gu and the heart-devil oath, Miss still isn’t reassured?”

Qin Ruqing’s smile was bright, but her eyes narrowed sharply.

She replied, “Of course… I’m not reassured. Do you think I don’t know that the Devouring Spirit Gu can be resolved and the heart-devil oath can be avoided?

These are just methods the Qin family uses to guard against you. As for me, Qin Ruqing, I naturally have other means.”

She had observed Hao Gou’s performance in the hall clearly.

While he was useful, any mistake on his part could not be tolerated.

Thus, Qin Ruqing had exchanged heavily with the system to obtain this pill.

Hao Gou sighed, “Miss, your planning is meticulous and flawless.”

Without further ado, he picked up the pill and swallowed it right in front of Qin Ruqing.

He already knew the pill’s effects.

Honestly, the Devouring Spirit Gu and the heart-devil oath imposed by the Qin family were just preventive measures.

As long as he harbored no ill intentions toward the Qin family, they were useless.

But the method used by this cunning Qin family lady was true control.

With monthly activations, he would need to request this pill from her every month.

This was no different from being a real puppet.

Hao Gou indeed feared death and cherished life—everyone did.

Moreover, he had no strong feelings for the Zhang family.

However, for some reason, being subjected to multiple layers of control made him feel truly humiliated.

His expression wasn’t as calm as before; it had become grim and defeated.

Qin Ruqing achieved her goal, feeling relieved.

When she stood up, she noticed the look on Hao Gou’s face and understood the cause and effect.

She smiled and suddenly tapped twice on the table with her finger.

Hao Gou looked at her.

Raising an eyebrow, Qin Ruqing said, “You’re now in a legitimate cooperative relationship with the Qin family. These precautions… honestly, as an elder, shouldn’t you be guarding against them?”

Hao Gou choked back his words.

Then, the cunning young lady added:

“When you return this time, with the Qin family’s assistance, you might even make it to the position of family head…

And since you’ve taken my medicine, you can also be considered… well, half a Qin family member.

You’ve also grasped some of the Qin family’s strength now, with me and our ancestor here. Your future doesn’t seem so bad, does it?”

“Whether this turns out to be a blessing or a curse for you, only time will tell!”

With those final words, she left without looking back.

The attendant at the door opened it for her, and a dazzling beam of light sliced through, painfully piercing Hao Gou’s eyes.

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