Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 45.1

The battle between the Qin and Zhang families stirred up a huge commotion in the Nanling Mountains.

On that day, when the Zhang family came to seek revenge, everyone overheard the conversation between the Ancestor’s of both families.

It seemed like both sides had reasonable points, though no one understood much of it.

In the end, Qin’s family won, and whether the Zhang Ancestor lived or died was unclear.

This was the general sentiment among the people of Nanling.

However, the feelings among the smaller and larger families in Nanling were much more complex.

The rise of the Qin family was astonishingly rapid!

Of course, the Qin’s were an influential family to begin with, always looked up to.

But now, the surprise was that they had managed to outmaneuver the formidable Zhang and Han families.

Qin’s Ancestor had actually ousted Zhang’s Ancestor?!

If a family’s Ancestor could be ousted, what would become of that family?

Could the Zhang family maintain its status?

Wait, didn’t Zhang’s son-in-law… Zhang’s Grand elder was also at Foundation Establishment stage, so the Zhang family’s status should hold.

However, things were clearly changing.

As for the Han family, their thoughts were blunt:

Zhang Xiao, that useless old man, lost his son and got ousted himself.


it served him right! Losing Zhang meant one less strong opponent.

Of course, Qin’s rise filled the gap left by Zhang and posed an even more formidable and mysterious challenge.

At this critical juncture, all eyes were on the Qin and Zhang families.

Qin’s capture of Zhang’s Grand der raised concerns: would they kill him?

If Zhang’s family completely collapsed, the Han family could profit handsomely from the situation.

It all depended on what Qin would do next.

Under this intense scrutiny, the Zhang family timidly requested Qin to return their member.

They couldn’t afford not to; he was their only Foundation Establishment cultivator.

Their tone was subtle: “Ah, Qin family, isn’t it a bit unjust to detain our Grand Elder without reason?

Admittedly, our previowas wrong, but we have also suffered a loss.

Our Ancestor has been disgraced! We can compensate you, but regardless, shouldn’t you return our Grand Elder first? If not, even the Celestial Bureau would find fault!”

Well, the usually proud Zhang family was now showing weakness, bringing up the Celestial Bureau to exert pressure.

After several visits by Zhang’s clan members, Qin’s family casually responded: “Sure, we can return him, but with conditions.”

Honestly, the Zhang family felt relieved hearing this.

Conditions meant money or perhaps territorial concessions.

That was normal; rejecting their demand would have been worrisome.

Now prepared to be fleeced, they awaited Qin’s terms.

And Qin Family did name their price, claiming: “We Qin family have always been a conscientious and noble clan, unlike your Zhang family, which bullies the weak. To reclaim your Grand elder, it’s simple: two conditions.”

“One, we want all development rights to the Secret Realm.”

“Two, as for the West Market, this time we won’t settle for mere occupancy rights. Just give us the entire market.”

These were the main conditions.

Anything else like rare treasures or spirit stones was just a minor detail.

Look at these bold demands by Qin!

The Zhang representatives who came to negotiate with the Qin family were taken aback by their tone.

This was their third visit.

The first time they came, the Qin family refused to meet them altogether.

The second time, they opened the door but dismissed the Zhang delegation as insignificant, unworthy of a conversation.

So, on this third occasion, the Zhang patriarch and their second elder came in person.

As for why it was only the second elder, well, their Grand Elder happened to be conveniently “guesting” with the Qin family.

These two were now the highest-ranking members left in the Zhang family, so Qin’s family finally opened their doors.

The Zhang delegation entered boldly, unconcerned about being detained by the Qin family.

If Qin’s family did that, they would lose all respect in Nanling.

The risk was too great.

Upon hearing Qin’s conditions, the second elder from the Zhang family hurriedly spoke up, “This won’t do! Giving away all development rights to Secret Realm to Qin’s family is too much!”

This wasn’t just asking for a lot; it was like not letting others even have a sip of soup.

Zhang Hong, the Clan Leader of the Zhang family, also showed disapproval, bargaining, “Could we compromise? How about Zhang family giving up half of the ownership of the Secret Realm?”

Half was already an exaggerated demand.

Previously, anyone daring to ask for half of the development rights would have had their head twisted off by the Zhang family on the spot.

Qin Deming sat across from them, not batting an eyelid.

He leisurely sipped his tea before calmly stating, “These two conditions are Qin’s bottom line. If Zhang’s family refuses, then let’s consider our conversation over.” If they left, Zhang’s Grand elder wouldn’t be coming back.

This statement left no room for negotiation.

Zhang Hong and the second elder exchanged glances, realizing for the first time how drastically the positions of the Qin and Zhang families had reversed.

Qin’s family had indeed become unyielding.

However, this matter was of utmost importance and couldn’t be decided by just the two of them.

They said, “We need to discuss this with our clan.”

Qin Deming stood up, “As you wish. But don’t take too long. If this drags on, we can’t guarantee the safety of your Grand elder in our care.”

This veiled threat darkened the second elder’s face.

He nodded slightly and said, “May we see the Grand elder? We can’t justify a prolonged discussion without knowing his safety.”

They had suffered in the previous negotiations with Zhang Li’s matter, not only losing territory and paying compensation but also losing Zhang Li himself.

This time, regardless of the outcome, they needed to carefully confirm the safety and well-being of the Grand Elder before agreeing to any terms.

Moreover, mere confirmation wasn’t enough.

In future negotiations with Qin’s family, they would also insist on a clause: if the Grand Elder were to suddenly die within seven days of returning, Qin’s family would bear responsibility for it.

Qin Deming understood their concerns well.

Zhang Li’s matter was quite the affair involving his beloved daughter.

Judging by the two elders from Zhang’s family, they seemed to have developed a psychological shadow.

Internally amused, Qin Deming maintained his composure and nodded solemnly.

He gestured to his attendants, “Bring the Grand elder of the Zhang family here.”

After a short wait, Grand Elder Hao Gou from the Zhang family slowly walked into the hall.

Guided by the attendants, he was impeccably dressed, without a trace of blood, and his expression was remarkably calm.

The demeanor of Hao Gou didn’t betray any sense of being a prisoner.

Upon seeing the representatives from the Zhang family, he was unsurprised.

His gaze passed over Zhang Hong, the Clan Leader of the Zhang family, and he looked directly at the Second elder. Hao Gou said calmly, “I am well. You can rest assured.”

Zhang Hong, feeling disregarded, frowned and remained silent, biting his lip to avoid any further embarrassment.

It was the Second elder from the Zhang family who, after examining Hao Gou briefly with his spiritual energy, slightly eased his tension.

He said, “Seeing you unharmed, we have matters to discuss with our clan.”

Qin Deming, sitting nearby, slammed his teacup on the table and harrumphed, “The Qin family has always treated others with respect. Your Grand elder is honored as a guest in our home.”

Hao Gou’s expression tightened slightly at these words, but he said nothing.

The second elder from Zhang’s family twitched at the corner of his mouth.

To think, their Grand elder spiritual connection was still sealed.

Despite this, they were treated as honored guests?

The Qin family’s audacity seemed to be growing!

With nothing more to say after confirming that Hao Gou was unharmed, the Zhang representatives hastily took their leave.

As for Grand Elder Hao Gou, he naturally returned to his temporary dwelling in the Qin family’s dungeon.

After everyone had left, Qin Ruching emerged from a small door behind the reception room.

This seemingly ordinary reception room concealed a secret: behind the small door was another chamber equipped with spiritual devices that allowed clear observation and hearing of everything that occurred in the outer chamber.

Qin Ruching approached her father curiously and asked, “Father, why does it seem like there’s tension between Hao Gou and Zhang Hong? Also, I’ve never heard of this Zhang’s Clan Leader before?”

Qin Deming, in contrast to his earlier haughty demeanor towards the Zhang representatives, spoke amiably, “My dear, you are unaware. Zhang Hong is merely a figurehead in the absence of their Ancestor, Zhang Xiao.

However, Zhang Hong’s position within the Zhang family is quite significant.

He is actually Zhang Xiao’s younger brother. Without exceptional cultivation, he wouldn’t have become the Clan Leader.”

“As for the relationship between him and Hao Gou… Zhang Xiao’s removal has put Zhang family’s succession into question. By rights, Hao Gou, with his Foundation Establishment cultivation, should succeed.

However, Zhang Hong is currently acting as the Patriarch.

While their ancestor was alive, they managed their conflicts, but now, with the last pretense of peace torn away, the situation has become untenable. Watch closely; there will be more strife within their clan.”

As he spoke, Qin Deming glanced at his daughter. “I see you have placed your trust in Hao Gou.

Given his status as a son-in-law and the resistance within the Zhang family, the power struggle between him and Zhang Hong is uncertain!”

Qin Ruching smiled and replied nonchalantly, “If Zhang Xiao is dead and Hao Gou can’t even manage to pacify the Zhang family, then he’s not worth our attention. There’s still time for a last-minute change of strategy.”

Sure enough, Zhang’s family did not dare delay.

They were eager to bring their Grand elder back to stabilize internal turmoil.

The next day, news came that they had agreed to Qin’s conditions (they had no choice, lacking negotiation leverage).

This time, the Qin family did not undertake any additional actions (having already completed their preparations) and promptly released the Grand Elder.

Qin Ruqing personally went to the dungeon to escort him out.

The expression on Hao Gou’s face seemed much more composed than it had been in the past few days.

When he saw Qin Ruqing, he even managed a faint smile, showing respect.

“Still pretending here,” thought Qin Ruqing, who was more adept at pretense than him.

She immediately sweetly said, “I heard the Grand Elder is returning home, so I’ve come to see you off.”

“Hmph! Qin Ruqing, you’ll be the death of me with your antics!” Hao Gou chuckled, avoiding her attempt to assist him.

Qin Ruqing laughed, dropping the act and getting down to business. “I’ve come here for two reasons: to see off the Elder and to request a person.”

“A person?” Hao Gou was puzzled. “Who does Miss Ruqing wish to request?” Normally, it’s Qin family who asks them, not the other way around.

Qin Ruqing smiled mischievously. “I want the alchemist guest elder that the Zhang family invited recently.”

Hao Gou’s pupils contracted.

Him? Many complex thoughts flooded his mind.

How did Qin Ruqing, the Qin family’s precious darling, come to ask for that black-robed alchemist? Could it be…?

Seeing Hao Gou’s expression, Qin Ruqing read his mind and smirked. “Don’t think too much. The Qin family has no connection with him. I’m simply curious about the improved Revitalization Qi Pill he supposedly created, hence my request for him.”

To be honest, Hao Gou didn’t believe her.

The cunning girl could fabricate lies effortlessly.

But regardless, whether she lied or not, the fate of the Zhang family and his own fate had already been sealed.

What use was it to delve into these details now?

Besides, the origins of that black-robed alchemist were mysterious, and he was quite unruly.

If Qin family took him, it wouldn’t be unacceptable.

He replied, “Since Miss Ruqing has spoken, how can I refuse? I agree to this.”

Seeing her objective achieved, Qin Ruqing giggled, then changed the subject teasingly. “Grand Elder doesn’t need to inform the clan? After all, he’s the Guest Elder of your clan. Shouldn’t you inform them?”

Hao Gou gave her a disdainful look. “Rest assured, Miss Ruqing. I still have some face left in my clan.”

The cunning girl was testing him here.

She knew he was facing a tough battle upon his return to the clan, as many didn’t accept him as a son-in-law.

Qin family kept him hoping he could control the Zhang family and be useful to them.

If he failed in the power struggle, this heartless girl wouldn’t hesitate to discard him.

After a moment’s thought, Hao Gou made a decision. “Given Miss Ruqing’s ‘kindness,’ I will share some important news with her.”

He leaned in, intending to speak confidentially.

However, the guards beside Qin Ruqing reacted swiftly, intercepting his move.

Qin Ruching gestured for them to stand down but remained cautious. “Elder, you can use spiritual energy for a private message.”

Foundation Establishment cultivation allowed one to communicate using spiritual energy.

Hao Gou sighed in resignation.

This girl was truly cautious.

He hadn’t planned anything nefarious.

He followed her suggestion and transmitted his message via spiritual energy.

After finishing, he looked calmly at Qin Ruqing, waiting for her reaction.

Qin Ruching was genuinely surprised this time.

She bit her lip and became serious. “Grand Elder, is this true?”

Hao Gou smiled faintly. “Believe it or not, Miss Ruqing, it’s up to you.”

With that, he took the lead and walked out.

Qin Ruqing grinned behind him.

This old guy was acting mysteriously again.

If he dared to deceive her, she wouldn’t give him the antidote next month.

Let’s see if he could still act arrogantly then!

But this information was indeed very important.

If it could be confirmed, it would be a huge boon for the Qin family.

Qin Ruqing didn’t dare delay and hurried to the Ancestor’s Shadow residence.

The Ancestor had suffered considerable losses after the recent battle, though not enough to go into seclusion.

After resting for several days, She was slightly better today.

Seeing Qin Ruqing speeding towards the heart of the lake on her sword like a flash, she smiled and waved at her.

“What’s the rush? Sit down and have a sip of Spirit Milk Tea.”

Qin Ruqing sat opposite the Ancestor and actually gulped down a whole pot of tea.

As she drank, the spiritual energy overflowed, and Qin Ruqing felt smoke coming out of her head, forcing her to circulate and digest the energy.

After a while, she finally calmed down.

The Ancestor looked at her with a smile, shaking her head helplessly, but there was still a hint of indulgence in her eyes.

After calming down, Qin Ruqing gathered her thoughts and, in a casual tone, dropped a bombshell.

“Ancestor, I think I know the whereabouts of the Mysterious Heart Elixir!”

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