Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 46.2

This time, the Ancestor laughed directly and sighed, “You’re very good.”

“Now I believe you truly have the capability to negotiate cooperation with the Qin family. I wonder, how do you propose this cooperation?”

It seemed like he was willing to hear how Tang Zifeng would approach this.

Tang Zifeng seemed prepared for this question, remaining calm

Tang Zifeng continued, “According to the drawings, I can mass-produce these two spiritual tools for the Qin family. Furthermore, I can teach the Qin family’s artifact craftsmen the methods to create these tools.

The Qin family can also sell the crafted tools externally, with me taking a modest commission…”

The Ancestor tapped lightly on the table, considering Tang Zifeng’s conditions to be very enticing indeed.

Not only could Tang Zifeng mass-produce the tools for the Qin family and teach their craftsmen, but he also allowed the Qin family to sell them externally.

As for the commission, that was standard practice.

Overall, there was hardly anything to criticize about his proposal.

The Ancestor said, “Your conditions are indeed generous. But I wonder, what exactly do you want the Qin family to do to achieve this ‘cooperation’?”

Tang Zifeng’s expression finally changed slightly.

He raised his voice and said earnestly, “I have been wronged and expelled from my family. I hope the Qin family can support my return to the clan!”

The Ancestor furrowed his brow, “West Ridge is remote and sealed off. Our Southern Ridge family may not have much influence over the affairs of the West Ridge family.”

Tang Zifeng looked up calmly, “Please don’t worry, Ancestor. I already have a plan in mind.”

He continued calmly, “As the Patriarch may have heard, West Ridge has a hot and arid climate with mostly desert and barren terrain, few oases.

This unique climate hinders the flow of spiritual energy for cultivators, greatly slowing down their progress.

Therefore, families in West Ridge focus more on artifact crafting and physical training to compensate for their lack of progress in cultivation.”

The Ancestor nodded, “I have indeed heard about this. But what does this have to do with what you’re proposing?”

“Tang Zifeng wishes for the Qin family to produce one or two types of elixirs that can accelerate the flow of spiritual energy, aiding cultivators in their training.

If these elixirs can assist artifact craftsmen as well, that would be even better.

After creating these elixirs, Tang Zifeng hopes to act as a mediator, promoting business cooperation between the Qin and Tang families.

In return, the Qin family can speak highly of me…”

Listening from the side, Qin Ruqing suppressed a smile.

This guy really knows how to operate.

His suggestion implies that he hopes the Qin family can create elixirs tailored for the Tang family’s artifact craftsmen.

By ‘tailored’, he touches a sensitive spot for the Tang family.

He also wants to act as a mediator to promote cooperation between the Qin and Tang families.

Though he didn’t explicitly say it, his intentions were clear.

Namely: he wants his role as mediator to be exaggerated, suggesting that without him, the Tang family wouldn’t do business with the Qin family.

But with him, not only would they cooperate, but they’d also offer benefits to the Qin family.

This way, Tang Zifeng returning to the Tang family would become a natural progression.

He was leveraging the Qin family’s influence to pressure the Tang family.

Sure enough, after hearing this, the Ancestor immediately smiled, “Your idea is quite good. So, does this mean you’ve had your eye on the Qin family for a while? And these two spiritual tools in the drawings, are they specifically tailored for the Qin family’s alchemists?”

Tang Zifeng was honest, “I dare not deceive you, Ancestor. These two spiritual tools were indeed crafted by me for alchemists, but not specifically for the Qin family.

When I first arrived in Southern Ridge, I found that the Zhang family had the strongest overall strength, Initially, I chose the Zhang family because they held prominence, whereas the Qin family’s wasn’t as renowned.”

Qin Ruqing clicked her tongue inwardly twice.

This guy sure dares to speak his mind.

Isn’t he implying that the Qin family wasn’t his first choice initially?

Isn’t he afraid that the Qin family might be angered by this and kick him out?

However, the Ancestor didn’t seem offended and continued to ask, “Since you initially chose the Zhang family, why did you turn elsewhere?

You come from a prestigious background and know that wavering between two sides is a big taboo.

Aren’t you afraid that the Qin family might develop some misgivings about you?”

Tang Zifeng replied methodically, “I have been unfairly treated and expelled from my family. I swear to return, and thus needed to find a powerful ally who could safely assist me in achieving this goal.

Hence, I initially chose the Zhang family. But after joining them, I discovered internal strife, arrogance among their members, and a corrupt atmosphere suggesting decline.

Around that time, there was a dispute between the Zhang and Qin families regarding their pharmacies. I found that the Qin family, despite having already improved their Qi Revitalization Pill, could further refine their methods.

This showed me that the Qin family’s expertise in alchemy far surpassed that of the Zhang family.”

“However, at that time, I had no intention of leaving the Zhang family. Despite its corruption, it had a strong foundation and potential for redemption.

So, I proposed to the elder of the Zhang family to help them turn things around, but my offer was rejected.

Disheartened, I abandoned the Zhang family and turned my attention to the Qin family.”

“As for your concern, Ancestor, about whether the Qin family might suspect or mistrust me, I believe that regardless of what I do, if I propose cooperation with the Qin family, some degree of suspicion or mistrust is inevitable.

Therefore, I prefer to be straightforward. Ultimately, how the Qin family judges me is beyond my control.”

After listening, the Ancestor remained silent for a long while.

This young man had a calm demeanor and a sincere gaze. In the Ancestor’s estimation, he didn’t seem to be lying.

However, the Ancestor also understood that appearances can be deceiving, and the truthfulness of his words would need to be verified over time.

During the Ancestor’s silence, Qin Ruqing asked a curious question, “What exactly did you ask the elder of the Zhang family that he refused?”

She had dealt with Zhang Hao Gou a few times and knew a bit about him.

He was astute despite being a dogmatic figure in the Zhang family.

Tang Zifeng appeared to be talented, and if utilized properly, he could be a valuable asset.

Would Zhang Hao Gou easily let him slip away?

Tang Zifeng replied calmly, “I asked the elder of the Zhang family for control over the alchemy department, but he refused.”

Qin Ruqing: “…”

Ancestor: “…”

Control over the alchemy department?

Qin Ruqing was dumbfounded.

Did this guy even know how important that position was in the Qin family?

Just to clarify, the current head of the alchemy department in the Qin family is Third Elder!

This formidable Elder with real authority made few people dare to even cross her path in the Qin family.

And here this guy was, asking for control over the alchemy department right off the bat.

It was no wonder they refused!

Qin Ruqing was speechless for a while before she said, “…It’s not unjustified that you were rejected.”

Tang Zifeng made a noncommittal sound and, after a moment’s thought, said, “If the Zhang family had been willing to grant me control over the alchemy department, perhaps their initial disadvantage wouldn’t have been insurmountable.

But they didn’t trust me, or perhaps even if they did, they weren’t willing to…”

“So be it,” Qin Ruqing smirked.

Even if she believed him, she didn’t want to act that way—absolutely not!

Pushing this outsider, whose origins were unknown, up there—what would happen to the previous manager of the Alchemy Hall? And even if he did go up, how would he win over the crowd?

The benefits were uncertain, but the troubles were numerous.

Qin Ruqing could see that this person had a somewhat straightforward personality, high intelligence, but lacking in emotional intelligence—or perhaps not lacking.

He seemed to understand what she was saying but didn’t want to follow the conventional path, watching others with a kind of indifferent disdain, as if saying, “You ordinary mortals.”

After their conversation, Qin Ruqing had a rough idea.

Just based on the two types of spiritual tools he provided, this person already had the capital to cooperate with the Qin family.

Moreover, his conditions were reasonable; using the Qin family’s influence, the Qin family wouldn’t lose out.

However, while cooperation was possible, she couldn’t just agree outright for two reasons:

Firstly, she wasn’t sure if his words could be trusted.

Secondly, this person’s temperament was quite peculiar and not easy to get along with; he needed some polishing.

Thinking this way, Qin Ruqing exchanged a glance with the Ancestor.

Having been with her for a long time, the Ancestor immediately understood her meaning and nodded slightly.

Qin Ruqing then sat in front of Tang Zifeng, facing him directly with a smiling expression.

“I see you’ve explained a lot about why you chose the Qin family earlier, speaking of righteousness.

But in my opinion, it’s not much different from those who go with the wind.

You choose whichever is stronger, huh? By that logic, if any family surpasses the Qin family in the future, will you choose them?” Qin Ruqing deliberately teased, full of sarcasm.

His composure was decent; he wasn’t angered by Qin Ruqing’s jab.

Instead, he looked at her and began to explain slowly.

“Since Zifeng has chosen the Qin family, he will not seek another place. There are three reasons for this.”

“Firstly, Zifeng finds it shameful to go with the wind. Zifeng has already changed allegiances once. If he were to do it again, it wouldn’t just damage his reputation but endanger his life.”

“Secondly, Zifeng chooses his cooperation partners not just for their strength. If he wanted a powerful family, the choices in the Northern Ridges or even the Eastern Territories are much richer.

Zifeng chose the Southern Ridges initially because it’s remote and its aristocratic structure is simple.

If he went to the Northern Ridges, a small tool refiner like me would probably not even be allowed in, let alone accepted.”

“Thirdly…” Tang Zifeng paused when he reached the third point, glancing at Qin Ruqing’s face for some reason, then averting his gaze.

He lowered his eyes. “Thirdly, being able to bring Zifeng to meet the Ancestor, and tolerating Zifeng’s unconventional words, Zifeng knows that the Qin family is extraordinary. Such a cooperative partner, Zifeng may never find a second.”

“Therefore, if the Qin family agrees to cooperate with Zifeng, Zifeng will be completely devoted and will have no ulterior motives!”

To be honest, phrases like “no ulterior motives” usually sound like empty promises, just playful talk.

However, when this person said it, it sounded serious, giving people a sense of credibility out of thin air.

The air fell silent for about three seconds…

Qin Ruqing couldn’t help but chuckle.

She chuckled as she said, “You’re quite straightforward. Ask you anything and you explain it all.

Your reasons are many and well-stated, but they can’t cover up the fact that you abandoned the Zhang family to join the Qin family!

How do we know if what you’re saying is true, or if you’re just a reliable fence-sitter?”

“A reliable fence-sitter…” Tang Zifeng pursed his lips into a straight line, silent for a while.

He seemed neither able to refute Qin Ruqing’s description nor able to clear his name.

After a moment, Tang Zifeng’s gaze hardened, as if he had made a decision.

He performed a finger technique and proclaimed loudly, “Tang Zifeng requests the Heavenly Dao Heart Inquiry!”

After a few breaths, a thin white light appeared in the sky directly above the island in the lake.

“If Tang Zifeng’s words today contain even the slightest falsehood, may he be struck by five thunderbolts and his soul scattered!”

The white light from the sky began to gather around Tang Zifeng.

After a while, the white light dispersed, replaced by a golden glow—the Heart Inquiry had passed.

Only then did Tang Zifeng raise his eyes. “Now, perhaps you will believe what Zifeng says!”

Qin Ruqing and the Ancestor were both astonished by his actions.

This man had extraordinary courage!

Usually, if someone wanted to clear their name, making a solemn vow was already quite binding.

But this guy actually directly requested the Heavenly Dao Heart Inquiry!

The Heavenly Dao Heart Inquiry was like holding a magnifying glass to you; any slightest mistake and you could be instantly struck by lightning.

Furthermore, once the Heavenly Dao marked you with its judgment, your conduct would be scrutinized.

If your morals were bad, the Heavenly Dao might strike you with lightning someday if it became displeased!

Qin Ruqing exchanged a glance with the elder.

Despite his slightly eccentric personality, his actions seemed reliable. With this Heart Inquiry, their worries were greatly relieved.

With the Heavenly Dao as a witness, his words were as good as stamped with a hundred percent credibility.

Qin Ruqing cleared her throat and remarked, chin raised slightly, “Well, you’re quite… nobody told you to perform a Heart Inquiry, but… it’s good.”

Tang Zifeng looked at Qin Ruqing with a wooden expression, his face unreadable but vividly expressing his speechlessness.

The Ancestor burst into laughter on the spot.

She shook her head with a hand to her forehead, amused by Qin Ruqing’s comment. ‘This girl… he performed a Heart Inquiry, and all she says is ‘it’s good’.’

The Ancestor intervened, speaking gently, “I understand your sincerity. As for the cooperation you mentioned, the Qin family agrees.”

Only now did Tang Zifeng finally reveal a smile.

This smile was like the sun breaking through clouds, stunning.

The Ancestor nodded slightly.

This young man had been exceptionally courteous so far, making people feel comfortable.

She couldn’t help but ask further, “With such talent, the Tang family should focus on nurturing you. To have let you suffer unjustly and then cast you out of the family was truly foolish.”

Just now, with the Heart Inquiry, it was clear that this injustice was real, not fabricated.

Qin Ruqing added from the side, “Yes, and innocence is easy to prove. You did well just now in front of your family. Why not perform the Heart Inquiry again in front of them?”

At the mention of hidden pain, Tang Zifeng’s eyes

Tang Zifeng lowered his eyelashes slightly and said, “The Heart Inquiry technique isn’t commonly known. Zifeng wasn’t aware of it at the time.

Besides… those who wanted to cast me out of the family wouldn’t give me a chance to prove my innocence.”

That made sense.

If such a talented young person could be driven out like that, the internal strife in the Tang family must have been severe.

The elder sighed, “So be it. You can settle down in the Qin family. I have some idea about the elixirs you mentioned, but developing new elixir formulas is no small matter. You’ll need to be patient.”

Tang Zifeng nodded, “No problem. I’ve been waiting for quite some time. Zifeng isn’t in a rush.”

Qin Ruqing teased from the side, “Elder Tang, when you were at the Zhang family, you were eager for the position of Alchemy Hall manager. I wonder what position you’re aiming for here in the Qin family?”

“Elder Tang…” The Ancestor shook her head, stifling a laugh at Qin Ruqing’s teasing.

Tang Zifeng’s handsome face stiffened for a moment, but he quickly recovered.

He didn’t dare meet Qin Ruqing’s gaze, fearing further teasing, and instead bowed to the Ancestor, “I’ll leave everything to the arrangements of the Qin family.”

The Ancestor nodded, “Your identity is somewhat sensitive. Although you’ve passed the Heart Inquiry, giving you a high position outright might not sit well with everyone.

We’ll start by assigning you an equipment refining room and allocate some personnel to assist you.

Once you produce a few sets of spiritual tools, any gossip should cease.”

Seeing Tang Zifeng nodding, the Ancestor added, “Since you’re someone Qin Ruqing recommended, in the future, if you have any issues, just find her.”

Qin Ruqing smiled knowingly and folded her arms, giving him a smile.

“Someone Qin Ruqing recommended…” So she was the one who brought him from the Zhang family.

Tang Zifeng lowered his gaze and acknowledged.

Qin Ruqing walked over, staring at his face for a few moments, then lowered her voice, “Although you’ve passed the Heart Inquiry, there are still some things I need to remind you about. Passing notes outside in the Qin family is absolutely forbidden, otherwise…”

Qin Ruqing gently brushed his neck with her hand, her eyes flashing. “…you understand, right?”

Qin Ruqing didn’t use her nails, so the touch wasn’t sharp.

Yet Tang Zifeng still felt like his heart had been cut open.

His back stiffened slightly, and he could feel the warmth lingering on his neck.

With lowered eyes, he quietly said, “I… won’t do it again.”

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