Accidentally Winning Over the Villainous Sick Beauty After Transmigrating into a Book
Accidentally Winning Over the Villainous Sick Beauty After Transmigrating into a Book Ch 11

Chapter 11

◎Soft and Smooth Hair◎

What did she feed him?

Jing Shuxing subconsciously opened his mouth, wanting to spit out the candied fruit, but Chi Lu firmly covered his mouth, coaxing him like a child.

“Good boy, chew it a couple of times, it’s very sweet.”

The soft whisper that he had never heard before hit Jing Shuxing’s heart, making it slightly numb. As if affected by the medicinal bath again, he actually followed Chi Lu’s command, mechanically biting with his lips and teeth.

The candied fruit had its core removed, it was soft and sweet, and it melted in the mouth as soon as it was tasted.

His lips brushed over her delicate skin. With the juice of the medicinal herbs steamed, in the rich medicinal fragrance, the unique faint scent of the girl, like a small snake, irresistibly drilled into Jing Shuxing’s nose.

Many obscure poisons flashed through Jing Shuxing’s mind, he distinguished them one by one, and finally was shocked to find that it was just an ordinary, sweet candied fruit.

Chi Lu also felt the touch of lips and teeth on her skin, the warm and numb feeling made her heart stir, she didn’t understand, and couldn’t help but let out a light laugh.

The laughter as light as dew rang in Jing Shuxing’s ears, and like a sudden thunder.

He coughed violently, his pale face, reddened by the heat, turned a shade redder.

While coughing, he turned his body to the side, avoiding Chi Lu’s palm.

Chi Lu didn’t force Jing Shuxing, she withdrew her hand with a smile. Just when she was about to explain to him why she wanted him from Fengyue City, her gaze drifted to the tiger’s mouth of her palm, and she suddenly held her breath.

A strand of bright red blood was hanging on it.

“Are you coughing up blood again?” She exclaimed.

She stood up anxiously from the ground, and spun around like an ant on a hot pot: “What’s going on? Didn’t you take the medicine I gave you? Where did you put it?”

She didn’t expect Jing Shuxing’s injuries to be so severe, even if Ying Lianyi made a move, it was just a drop in the bucket.

He must not die, if Jing Shuxing dies, she will also be erased by the system.

The more Chi Lu thought about it, the more scared she became. She quickly sent out her spiritual power, looking for the location of the medicine bottle, and walked quickly towards it.

Jing Shuxing listened to Chi Lu’s chaotic footsteps, without saying a word.

That was not a strand of blood coughed up, but he bit his lips and tongue to stay awake, and the blood seeped out from his mouth.

He could tell Chi Lu at any time, but he chose to be silent, wanting to see what she would do.

The sound of rummaging through boxes and cabinets came to his ears.

Jing Shuxing sat there in a daze, silently recalling everything Chi Lu had done since she entered the room.

He thought she was here to use both carrot and stick, forcing him to take on a new task.

However, the development of the situation was completely different from what he thought. He was even hit by someone with bare hands, without any spell seals applied, and without using any vicious magical tools.

She scolded him: “You misunderstood me.”

Jing Shuxing’s brain was in chaos, his thoughts that he thought were well-organized suddenly became disordered, he held his forehead, trying hard to calm himself down.

The scent of the medicine made his thinking slow, Jing Shuxing pulled his soaked collar, held the jade orchid basin, and got up from the pool.

The dark medicinal water poured from the soaked robe fell back into the pool, before Jing Shuxing could fully stand up, a hand was placed on his shoulder, forcefully pressing him down.

“Don’t come out.”

Chi Lu frowned, putting on the posture of an elder teaching a child, with a heavy heart:

“Your body is already so bad, you should follow the doctor’s advice and soak for a while, don’t arbitrarily harm yourself.”

She poured a pill from the medicine bottle and placed it on Jing Shuxing’s lips.

“I specially sent you the spiritual medicine but you didn’t take it, you didn’t soak in the medicinal pool I prepared for you, how do you say your body can be cured?”

Jing Shuxing was dazed by a series of accusations, and before he could react, the pill had been delivered to his lips.

“Open your mouth, ah——”

Jing Shuxing suddenly grabbed Chi Lu’s wrist.

He held her wrist, which was as white as jade, and threw it aside with all his strength.

“What exactly do you want me to do?” Jing Shuxing’s voice was cold, as if he wanted to pull people into an ice cave.

Chi Lu was stunned by his words: “Me? I’m just being kind-hearted, wanting you to get better soon.”

“What’s the purpose?” Jing Shuxing was almost at his wit’s end, his hand gripping Chi Lu’s slender wrist tightened, almost making Chi Lu cry out in pain.

“There’s no purpose, what purpose could I have?”

“I don’t believe it.”

Jing Shuxing would never forget, years ago, he was branded deep in his soul by someone using the same language, the same reason, and fell into an abyss.

Jing Shuxing didn’t realize that his voice was trembling uncontrollably, his lips were losing their color, and the corners of his eyes were even dyed a bright red.

Chi Lu leaned on the edge of the orchid basin, hesitated for a long time, and raised her hand to stroke Jing Shuxing’s hair.

“Don’t be angry.”

After seeing the people in Fengyue City, she could vaguely guess Jing Shuxing’s situation and reluctantly understood his reaction.

Although she sympathized with him, compared to figuring out his thoughts, letting him survive and helping her complete the plot set by the system was the most important thing.

“You really misunderstood me.” She explained in a good-natured manner.

While touching Jing Shuxing’s soft hair, she felt that the wet touch was not good, so she simply sat on the edge of the basin, picked up a strand of black hair, used her spiritual power to disperse the water in it, and restored the soft and smooth touch.

Chi Lu maintained the temperature of the spiritual power in her palm, dried Jing Shuxing’s hair, and didn’t want them to get wet again when they met water.

She played with Jing Shuxing’s hair strands and started braiding his hair.

She casually comforted him: “It’s okay, I don’t mind.”

The tail tone of her remaining voice turned into a pestle, fell into Jing Shuxing’s heart, and stirred hard.

His hand clenched into a fist, his nails dug into his flesh, almost squeezing out blood. He racked his brains to find his own value to the Linghua Sect, his mind was full of conspiracy and trickery.

He didn’t intend to change his mind, as early as when he received the letter, Jing Shuxing had made up his mind, no matter how flowery the other person’s words were, he would not easily believe her.

Underneath the smooth skin of his forehead, there was a curse mark hidden. It was the bitter fruit of trusting those around him, and because of this, he would not take the risk a second time.

Jing Shuxing turned his face, and his hair slipped from Chi Lu’s fingertips, almost slipping away.

Chi Lu quickly reached out to scoop it back into her palm. Noticing that Jing Shuxing wanted to pull his long hair back, she loosely held it to avoid hurting him, and lightly patted his head.

Her five fingers inserted into the dense black hair. Chi Lu combed it lightly and heavily, gathering her spiritual power directly, and began to massage in the process.

The meridians on the top of his head were nourished by the spiritual power, like a deadlock suddenly being untied, and opened up. Jing Shuxing clenched his teeth, but couldn’t help but sigh.

“I don’t care if you trust me or not.” Chi Lu said in a relaxed tone, continuing to comb Jing Shuxing’s hair.

“If I have to say a purpose, I hope you can live well until you leave Fengyue City.”

A sharp pain came from Jing Shuxing’s brow, and he suddenly leaned forward, almost losing his balance.

His Adam’s apple moved up and down, and he pressed hard on the centre of his brow.

“What did you say?”

Chi Lu repeated very seriously: “You must survive and leave Fengyue City.”

At the end, she added: “I believe in you.”

Jing Shuxing took a light breath, bent down and buried himself in the shadow of his palm that forcefully covering his face.

His other hand gripped the edge of the jade carved basin, with such strength that it almost embedded into the jade.

He grabbed the end of his hair, and pulled it forward forcefully, causing a large bunch of black hair escaped from Chi Lu’s hand, then scattered into the mixed-color medicinal pool, and floated on the water surface.

“You should go.” He maintained his usual tone, and ordered Chi Lu to leave.


Hello, I'm Avrora (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I like reading novels, especially romance and action. So I want to share with you some novels that I think are good to read through my translation. My lovely readers, I hope you enjoy the story as much as I do.(⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) See my other projects on my Ko-fi page (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) I hope you enjoy my translation (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) Thank you 😘

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