Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 48.2

The Ancestor nodded.

Without needing the Ancestor to intervene, Qin Ruqing also didn’t hesitate to bow slightly to her second uncle, expressing her apologies, “I’m sorry, Second Uncle, for my earlier words. Please forgive me.”

Qin Dehao reluctantly responded with a grunt, still under the Ancestor’s pressure.

Though it seemed like both sides had apologized, the clear winner and loser were apparent.

With the storm seemingly settling, some wondered whether the Grand Elder, as Qin Dehao’s adoptive father, could watch him being ‘bullied.’

Sure enough, the Grand Elder soon turned his gaze to Qin Ruqing.

He didn’t reprimand her but instead remained calm throughout, asking only one question:

“You’ve pointed out many issues within the Qin family. What do you suggest as a solution?”

People suddenly realized the Grand Elder’s cunning move—it was a bloodless strike.

Qin Ruqing had the authority to critique the family’s development issues, supported by the Ancestor.

However, she was still a younger member.

If she couldn’t propose a convincing solution after such harsh criticism, she would only dig her own grave and face criticism from the clan in the future.

Qin Ruqing faced this challenge calmly and said, “Grand Elder, please don’t rush.”

She glanced at Qin Dehao, whose hand was being firmly pressed, and raised an eyebrow provocatively, “Second Uncle, no need to rush either. Let me explain.”

Wasn’t this provocation? Qin Dehao’s face darkened instantly.

Turning back to the audience, Qin Ruqing raised her voice, “Our Qin family is renowned for alchemy. Compared to other families, we do have clear advantages: our medicines are of superior quality, stable in their properties, and we possess many rare formulas…”

After praising for a while, Qin Ruqing’s tone shifted, shaking her head, “But the truth is, these advantages aren’t prominent enough here in Nanling County.”

“Our medicines are high-quality, but not significantly ahead; stable properties aren’t noticeable to non-alchemists; and as for rare formulas, the core demand in Nanling County remains basic medicines, not exotic formulas.”

“In essence, the Qin family lacks core competitive edge in the local medicine market, which hinders our breakthrough

However, ordinary cultivators, when choosing elixirs, still prefer those with big names, ones they trust more—namely the established families in the southern regions.

In this regard, they have a head start over us outsiders.”

The crowd below nodded in agreement.

There’s no denying it, Qingqing’s analysis indeed has substance.

Her breakdown accurately pinpoints the root cause of the Qin family’s slow development in the elixir industry.

The Grand Elder remained calm and said, “But you are still analyzing the problem without providing a solution.”

Qin Ruqing smiled, “Grand Elder, don’t be impatient. Cause and effect—one must first understand the cause before addressing the effect.

Without knowing the cause of the illness, how can we prescribe the right medicine to eradicate it from the source?”

As the Grand Elder fell silent, Qin Ruqing turned to face the crowd, “Based on the issues I’ve just mentioned, the Qin family’s development lacks uniqueness and blends in with others.

The urgent task now is to create our own distinctive features.”

“So, my method is to introduce the ‘Medical-Pill Model’!”

Medicine, this was an unfamiliar term.

The Third Elder sitting opposite Qin Ruqing asked, “What does the Medical-Pill Model mean?”

The Third Elder managed the Qin family’s Pill workshops and was the most knowledgeable about this business, so it was most appropriate for her to ask.

Qin Ruqing turned around and explained seriously, “Medicine and Pills are naturally two different things—medicine treats illnesses, and Pill are used in treatment.

Most of our Pill cultivators also serve as physicians, but in the Pill industry, we focus solely on the Pill, neglecting the medical aspect.”

“This is also a common problem in our cultivation world. Because cultivators are strong, they rarely suffer from illnesses.

Even if they do have issues, it’s mostly injuries or poisoning, and they seek familiar alchemists or purchase Pill themselves.”

“Is there anything wrong with this?” The Second Elder interjected. “Our Pill cultivators can muster considerable help during fights, isn’t that precisely because of this?”

Generally, in the cultivation world, unless there is deep hatred, it is not recommended to kill elixir cultivators, because for minor ailments or disasters, one still relies on elixir cultivators to save lives.

Qin Ruqing replied, “For individual alchemists, there is indeed no problem.

They can build connections and enhance their reputation.

But for the family, this advantage is greatly diminished—just like, for example, our family’s best alchemist is the Ancestor.

Are we supposed to have the Ancestor go out every day to diagnose difficult cases?”

The Second Elder was at a loss for words. How could that be possible? The Ancestor sitting at the top also smiled.

Qin Ruqing continued, “Even if we don’t use the Ancestor as an example, in our family, besides the Ancestor, the best alchemist is the Third Elder. Do you see anyone outside daring to ask our Third Elder for medical advice?”

The Qin family members instinctively looked towards the Third Elder.

Her pale face could be described as delicate when she smiled, but if she was stern, it could only be described as indifferent.

Unfortunately, their Third Elder belonged to the indifferent category, and when her face was stern, few in the Qin family dared to joke with her, let alone outsiders.

Seeing everyone looking at her, the Third Elder moved her hands, and the corners of her mouth instinctively turned downwards into a solemn expression.

Everyone shivered and quickly looked away.

Little did they know, the Third Elder was just feeling shy under everyone’s gaze.

also noticed this interaction and chuckled to herself, “So, the current medical-pill model in the cultivation world is still a one-on-one private system, which is too scattered and lacks a fixed location, making it unscalable.

In that case, it just so happens to give us the Qin family an opportunity.

Since our Qin family is a renowned family in Pill and we have no shortage of Pill cultivators, why not establish a medical clinic specifically for cultivators in our cultivation world?”

Qin Ruqing emphasized, “Not a clinic for ordinary people, but a clinic specifically designed for cultivators in our cultivation world.”

With these words, discussions erupted below.

In the cultivation world, seeking medical treatment has always relied on a personalized, relationship-based hiring system.

That is, if an Pill cultivator has a great reputation and a good relationship with me, and is trustworthy, then if I get injured or sick, I would seek treatment from them.

However, highly skilled wandering alchemists outside are very few, and most are kept within the family.

Therefore, most people in the cultivation world treat themselves by purchasing Pill.

Now, with Qin Ruqing’s proposal, it’s essentially like an ordinary medical clinic, providing a fixed place for diagnosis and treatment.

Whether this idea is good or bad is hard to say, but no one has tried it before.

The Third Elder interjected, “A medical clinic can indeed be established, but I’m afraid there will be little profit.”

Qin Ruqing chuckled, “It’s true that the clinic’s consultation fees alone are meager.

However, after seeing the doctor, won’t you need to take medicine?

Think about it, if a cultivator goes to our Qin family’s clinic for treatment and is then directed to turn right for medication, will they still go to other pharmacies to buy Pills?”

The crowd suddenly realized the point.

In other words, this clinic also serves as a platform for selling Pills.

However, with the diagnosis and treatment process, customer loyalty and trust are greatly enhanced.

Unless the price is outrageous, they would not go elsewhere to buy Pills.

Seeing them understand, Qin Ruqing added with a smile, “Moreover, this way, our Qin family’s pharmacy will be distinguished from others.

After all, other families do not have our Qin family’s medical services!”

This method is indeed refreshing and seems quite feasible.

The Second Elder immediately praised, “Qing, your idea is indeed excellent.”

Since they had already come this far, Qin Ruqing fortunately continued, “Furthermore, in addition to the clinic, there may be some shortcomings.

I suggest dividing the Qin family’s pharmacy into three sections: The clinic, the Pill workshop, and the Medicine shop.

As mentioned earlier, the Clinic is for medical treatment,

The Pill workshop is naturally for selling pills, and the medicine shop is for selling spiritual plants.”

The Second Elder was puzzled, “Why split the medicine shop and sell elixirs and spiritual plants separately?”

The Third Elder, with her extensive experience, had already understood this model and said before Qin Ruqing could respond, “This way, from the initial medical diagnosis to the subsequent medication, the entire process is covered, forming a complete set of services.”

By the time the Third Elder finished speaking, she couldn’t help but look at Qin Ruqing with a complex expression.

The method she proposed seems simple, as medical clinics are common in the mortal realm, and there are many pharmacies selling spiritual plants.

However, stringing these three together requires a macroscopic insight.

Looking at her like this, apart from her cultivation talent, the Ancestor probably also values her talent.

The Qin family is in need of such talent with so much work to be done.

In her heart, the Third Elder had more affirmation for Qin Ruqing.

However, she also raised her concerns along with the others.

understand this problem well. With her wealth of experience, she goes straight to the heart of the matter.

“If we really do this, the demand for elixirs is likely to increase significantly.

However, the manpower and raw materials for refining pills in the Qin family are inevitably insufficient.”

In plain terms, it’s still a matter of supply and demand.

If the demand increases but the supply cannot keep up, there are two aspects to consider: manpower and raw material supply.

Regarding manpower, it naturally refers to the alchemists of the Qin family.

Alchemy, you see, is a profession that relies on understanding and talent.

Everyone’s level is different, so the amount of elixirs produced varies.

With such instability and lack of control, it’s difficult to suddenly meet a large demand.

The problem with raw materials is even more direct.

Refining elixirs requires spirit plants, which generally have long growth cycles and require careful cultivation.

Based on the current inventory of spirit plants in the Qin family, it is only enough to maintain the current situation.

If they want to expand production, it is far from enough.

This is a real problem that needs to be addressed urgently.

If not resolved, the method Qin Ruqing mentioned earlier simply cannot be implemented.

All eyes turned to Qin Ruqing, and Qin Dehao couldn’t help but smirk.

Let’s see how she handles this.

But how could Qin Ruqing, with her obvious intelligence, not think of such an obvious problem?

She first smiled at the Third Elder, then turned to the crowd, rolled up the scroll in her hand to a certain point, and raised her voice:

“Don’t worry, everyone. I have already thought of a solution to this problem.”

Everyone: …How many brains do you have?

Even the Third Elder was a bit stunned.

It’s one thing to raise a question, but to come up with a solution to such a fundamental problem?

Even in the family, it usually takes several family meetings and discussions before a decision can be made.

And yet, this girl has already figured out the solution?

She’s doing the work of a group of people by herself!

Qin Ruqing could also feel the meaning behind their gazes.

She never goes into battle unprepared!

Knowing that what she was about to say today would bring about a major change within the clan, how could she not have thought about how to deal with it in advance?

She had thought about this plan on the scroll for a whole week.

From the beginning to the end, from the problem to the solution, everything was arranged clearly and distinctly!

Qin Ruqing stood tall with her head held high on the stage.

Her already delicate and beautiful face seemed to be glowing at this moment, making it hard for people to look away.

She said, “As the Third Elder just said, if the demand for pill increases, the Qin family’s current capabilities will not be able to meet the supply. Therefore, changes need to be made from other aspects.”

“Firstly, the alchemists within the clan. The number of alchemists is limited, and even if they are trained, they cannot be trained for immediate use in the short term. If that’s the case, why not outsource and allocate some of the alchemy business?”

“Outsource?” The Third Elder frowned. “To whom?”

“To branches or affiliated families within the clan. Some basic types of pills don’t have strict requirements for not passing on the pill formulas.

So why not let the branches or affiliated families below us refine them for us?

As for other high-end elixirs, they can be refined by our own alchemists, which will significantly reduce the pressure.”

The people below contemplated.

Qin Ruqing’s solution was easy to understand and even quite common.

Because major aristocratic families usually establish subordinate families.

Major aristocratic families often delegate tasks they cannot or do not want to do themselves, or those that are time-consuming and not very profitable, to smaller families below them.

A major family only needs to leak a little bit of profit, and it’s enough.

However, the key point of the problem lies here— the Qin family does not have any subordinate families.

After the Qin family moved to Nanling, they were suppressed for a hundred years until the situation improved somewhat recently.

Therefore, they simply did not have the time to recruit subordinate families.

With a smile on her face, Qin Ruqing said, “I know that our family has greatly diminished their prestige, so isn’t now the best time to recruit subordinate families?”

Qin Ruqing finally mentioned the most crucial point today—recruiting subordinate families.

This is proof of a strong aristocratic family and a path that must be taken for the family’s development.

Someone solemnly sighed, “If it involves subordinate families, then the problem becomes much more complicated.”

Subordinate families cannot be recruited at will; it must be witnessed by the Celestial Bureau , and a formal subordinate contract must be signed.

Those who can recruit subordinate families are all powerful and earn the respect of others.

Precisely because of the difficulty, none of the three major families in Nanling have recruited subordinate families yet, not even the oldest Zhang family.

Now, if the Qin family were to spread the word that they want to recruit subordinate families, it would definitely cause a huge stir.

The outside world would scrutinize and doubt them: Is your Qin family really at the level where you can recruit subordinate families?

Is there a promising future with you? At that time, even the Bureau of Immortal Quality would come to inquire.

Qin Ruqing could tell what these people wanted to say by the way they looked at each other.

Jokingly, she had also developed a skill of reading minds after spending a long time in the council, just like when she used to work and everyone was a master at slacking off.

Qin Ruqing said, “Are you all worried that spreading news about the Qin family recruiting subordinate families will have too big an impact? After all, no family in Nanling has dared to do so before.”

Some nodded, “Yes, even the old and powerful Zhang and Han families in Nanling probably think the timing is not right.

If the Qin family were to do it first, it might be too ostentatious and could lead to many unnecessary troubles.”

Qin Ruqing smiled at the elder and said, “But isn’t the development of the family inherently a troublesome matter?

If we are afraid of trouble, then why hold this clan meeting today?

We might as well lie down and let others trample over us. Why bother struggling?”

The elders was left speechless.

Qin Ruqing turned to the audience and continued, “Moreover, isn’t it better that no one in the Southern Ridge has done this before?

The Qin family needs to make a name for itself, and hosting a grand recruitment event for subordinate families is the best way to do that, isn’t it?”

Seeing the people’s expressions change, Qin Ruqing smiled and revealed her final card.

“Besides, the Ancestor’s injury is mostly healed now, and once fully recovered, he will be able to form a core.

Once the Ancestor forms a core, the Qin family will be eligible for the Silver Rank Family assessment.

I don’t need to explain the requirements for a Silver Rank Family, do I?

Population, spiritual fields, medicinal fields, spiritual mines…

all these have requirements.

Are we really going to wait until the Ancestor forms his core to start preparing these things?”

Golden Core Formation! Silver Rank Family!

The Qin family members were instantly invigorated, their eyes lighting up.

Indeed, one of the key requirements for being assessed as a Silver Rank Family was to have all these elements in place.

There were subordinate families, and there were regulations regarding the population, land, and mineral resources of these families.

If the Qin family wanted to rise in rank, establishing subordinate families was an essential step!

Seeing the barely contained excitement on everyone’s faces, Qin Ruqing smiled.

She knew the essence of a meeting was to paint a bright future, and the vision she was presenting was big and appealing.

She began slowly, “The benefits of having subordinate families are well known to you, elders.

By doing so, the Qin family can not only reduce the pressure of alchemy production but also lease out the expanded spiritual and medicinal fields to them.

In return, the Qin family will collect a share of the profits and taxes…”

A share of the profits and taxes!

Qin Ruqing stopped deliberately, leaving everyone hanging.

She started rolling up the scroll, and after securing it, she looked at everyone and smiled lightly, “That’s about all I have to say today. I know this is a significant matter, and I’m just sharing my humble opinions. The specifics will need your guidance…”

The senior members of the Qin family, who were excited by Qin Ruqing’s vision, suddenly realized her plan.

They rolled their eyes in exasperation.

“Humble opinions” and “need your guidance”?

She almost single-handedly completed all the work for the entire family, yet she called it humble opinions?

Besides, it was obvious she had already discussed everything with the Ancestor.

Who would dare to voice any objections?

After venting their frustrations, they sighed inwardly. This meticulous and comprehensive plan would essentially reform the entire Qin family from top to bottom.

This was a major overhaul!

Given how Qin Ruqing presented it, the Ancestor had probably already made up her mind.

Indeed, after Qin Ruqing returned to her seat, Ancestor, who had been silently listening, finally spoke:

“Qin Ruqing’s proposal today is significant and involves many aspects. It’s not something that can be decided in a day. Take your time to think over today’s content carefully.”

Ancestor Wenxuan then casually added, “If we do proceed with this, there will be significant changes in the family’s business focus.

The medical hall, alchemy workshop, spiritual fields, medicinal fields, and subordinate families…

Think carefully about the personnel for these positions as well.”

Job assignments!

This was the most concrete and impactful part of today’s meeting.

According to Qin Ruqing, with the adjustments in the Qin family’s operations, the medical hall, alchemy workshop, medicinal fields, and the crucial subordinate families would become key to the Qin family’s future.

Managing these areas would undoubtedly elevate one’s status within the Qin family.

However, being assigned elsewhere would be akin to being sidelined, far from the family’s power center.

Realizing this, everyone couldn’t help but glance at the Grabd Elder and Qin Dehao.

They still remembered the earlier conflict during the meeting, and Qin Ruqing was known to hold grudges.

Since she was leading this reform, she would have significant influence over the decisions.

How would she deal with the Second Branch?

Would she remove them from the Qin family’s power center and delegate them elsewhere?

And would the Second Branch do nothing and accept her arrangements?

Sighing inwardly, everyone withdrew their gaze.

Another storm was brewing.

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