Transmigrated in 1980s Superpowered Woman
Transmigrated in 1980s Superpowered Woman Chapter 75

Chapter 75: Haha, Dreaming Big

Luo Qiao smiled and said, “Yes, I went to the city yesterday and stayed overnight.”

Lu Yichen glanced at the carrying basket behind her and asked, “Do you want me to help you carry it over?”

Luo Qiao waved her hand, “It’s not heavy, just a set of bedding.”

As she waved her hand, she walked past him towards her house.

After opening the gate and entering the courtyard, she quickly placed her things down and hurried towards the backyard. From the space, she released two chickens into their cage, which avoided any unexpected visitors noticing them later.

She dismantled and washed the blanket that the captain’s wife had given her. As the sky darkened, although she hadn’t used the blanket herself, she wanted to return it clean and tidy for peace of mind.

After completing everything, she boiled a pot of water to fill the thermos later, and took the opportunity to toast the buns over the fire.

Little did Luo Qiao know, several people were discussing her.

Upon returning home, Gao Shunyi told Li Xiulan about meeting Luo Qiao on the road, mentioning how she came back carrying a full basket.

This got Li Xiulan worked up: “Did you see what she had put in there?”

Gao Shunyi said, “On the surface, it looks like a blanket, but who knows what’s underneath. However, the blanket does look quite new. I wonder where she managed to find it from. At such a young age, she’s quite capable.”

Upon hearing that the blanket was quite new, Li Xiulan thought to herself that all those things in the future would belong to their family. When she sees Luo Qiao next time, she’ll have to remind her a few more times not to mishandle things, lest the young girl doesn’t know how to manage household affairs and ends up ruining things.

While she was still happy about this, she heard Gao Shunyi say, “You should pay more attention to Taohua matter. We can’t delay it any longer. If necessary, we should consider those two families we looked at before and see which one offers a higher betrothal gift to finalize it.

If we delay any more, she will become an old maid. Besides, once she’s married off, it’s good to receive a betrothal gift, which will be used to find a match for our second child, Rulin. Just make sure the bride price is comparable to what the eldest, Rumu’s family, received.”

Li Xiulan said, “Alright, I’ll take a look these days and settle it as soon as possible. Rulin indeed can’t be delayed any longer. It wouldn’t be good to delay the marriage proposal any further.”

Thinking of something, she looked towards her husband, “Dad, how long do you think we should wait before finalizing things with Luo Qiao’s side? I’m thinking there might be others in the village eyeing that girl too. We can’t afford to delay.”

Gao Shunyi replied, “Let’s wait a bit longer. The girl just arrived in the village. It wouldn’t be good if we rushed things. Let’s wait until we’re closer in relations. In the meantime, invite her over more often, let her visit our home, and bring up the subject when the timing is right.”

Li Xiulan agreed, “Alright then. I’ll talk to her more in the future. It could save us quite a bit of money if things work out.”

Gao Shunyi said, “Don’t tell anyone at home about this. Don’t go around gossiping either, so you don’t become the subject of ridicule.”

Li Xiulan snorted, “Am I that foolish? If I let others hear about it and they rush to snatch the opportunity, I’ll regret it.”

Gao Shunyi nodded, “As long as you’re aware. Keep your mouth shut and don’t blabber all day long. Go make some food, I’m starving.”

Li Xiulan chuckled, “Got it, I’ll go cook now. You rest for a while.”

Meanwhile, in Ji City, the Yao family was also discussing Luo Qiao. Upon hearing his wife’s account, the head of the family, Yao Chengxuan, frowned deeply, “The Luo family is really something. I heard old man Luo used to be a cadre of some level. How did he raise such a shameless son?

It’s unbelievable. Luo Qiao is just a fifteen or sixteen-year-old child. And that Zhao family in Qingshan Village isn’t doing anything good either. What kind of people are these?”


Schedule: T1980sSW - Everyday with 2 Chapters, Unlock 10 chapters every Sunday/OHPBG - Every mon-fri, unlock 2 chapters every Sunday/Check my ko=fi for more!

1 comment
  1. Drowningsparrow has spoken 2 months ago

    wow, planning everything already thinking it’s a yes already


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