Transmigrated in 1980s Superpowered Woman
Transmigrated in 1980s Superpowered Woman Chapter 83

Chapter 83: Transaction and Revenge

Outside, upon hearing someone approaching, they flashed a flashlight a couple of times.

Luo Qiao didn’t emerge from the woods but walked a short distance and asked quietly, “Who’s there?”

The other person whispered back, “Here for the fish.”

Luo Qiao replied, “Follow me.”

The group followed behind Luo Qiao. When they used the flashlight to inspect the goods, their eyes lit up with surprise. They hadn’t expected this person to acquire such a large quantity of black fish.

Luo Qiao observed that they had inspected the goods thoroughly. “Do you have the tools for transporting the fish in your car? I can’t let you take away these basins and buckets.”

The three nodded and said, “We have them.”

Luo Qiao continued, “I’ve already weighed the fish roughly. If you trust me, you can just take them away.”

They had been instructed by their boss earlier to take the goods directly.

Therefore, they quickly poured all the fish into the large barrels they had brought, loaded them into their vehicle, exchanged money, and left without any delay.

Initially, one of them had intended to test Luo Qiao, but was promptly pulled away by his companions.

Only after getting into the car did he ask, “Why did you want to stop me?”

As the person started the car, he said, “Looks like you forgot how the boss instructed you. How could one person handle so many fish and stash them in such a hidden place? Didn’t you see how strong that girl was? Messing up the boss’s plans, I think you haven’t thought this through.”

After hearing his companion’s words, he too broke out in a cold sweat.

Luo Qiao walked out of the woods holding the just earned 140 yuan, heading towards the village. She thought that the surname He was relatively trustworthy. Having this connection would save her a lot of trouble in the future.

Now at fifteen years old, she estimated she would have to stay here for at least another three years. Before leaving, she had to find a way to earn some capital.

For now, there’s no other way to go, so it seems like starting capital will really depend on the fish under the pond. After all, these resources are inaccessible to others besides herself, and it doesn’t count as taking something from someone else.

After returning home, Luo Qiao locked the doors and windows before entering her space. She began with some boxing practice, followed by yoga. After freshening up, she reviewed the two subjects she would be tested on tomorrow. Feeling not particularly tired, she finished up the embroidery she had been almost done with.

Although not comparable to the embroidery skills of the previous owner of the space, it was still quite pleasing to the eye. A few days ago, she saw a counter specializing in embroidery at a department store in the city.

She had inquired and found out that a piece like the one she had in her hands could sell for about twenty yuan. If it were a larger piece, it could fetch several hundred yuan. There were many completed embroideries in the warehouse and bedroom, but Luo Qiao had no intention of selling them.

She had a good night’s sleep and woke up the next day to find that it had rained during the night.

After breakfast, changing into her Liberation shoes, Luo Qiao prepared to go out and coincidentally met Lu Yichen who was about to leave as well. “Brother Lu, are you heading to work today too?”

Lu Yichen replied, “Yeah, I made an agreement with the county cannery yesterday to help them transport some goods. Where are you off to?”

Luo Qiao said, “Perfect timing. I’ll hitch a ride on your tractor to the commune. It’s midterm exams at school today, and I still have two subjects left.”

As they conversed, they walked out together. By the bridge, many people were already waiting, mostly those who had asked Lu Yichen yesterday. When Li Xiulan saw Luo Qiao and Lu Yichen coming together, her face darkened.

Seeing them approach, she said, “Luo Qiao, at your young age, you should know to avoid suspicion. Why are you out with Comrade Lu?”

Luo Qiao chuckled and replied, “Comrade Lu and I live close by. We happened to meet on our way out. It’s just a coincidence. Besides, I think other than Auntie Li, no one else would think or say otherwise.”


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