Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 50.1

Qin Dehao was feeling extremely frustrated.

He couldn’t accept the fact that his authority was shrinking, and now he was even sent by the clan’s Ancestor to manage a branch office.

Managing a branch office meant being sidelined, far from the core affairs of the Qin family, like being an outsider.

When the Grand elder returned, he found Qin Dehao in his room pacing anxiously, so upset that he accidentally knocked over the tea set on the table.

The room was a mess of broken pieces when the Grand elder stepped in.

He frowned deeply and scolded Qin Dehao sharply, “Why are you behaving like this in such a fit of rage?”

Qin Dehao turned to the Grand Elder, looking bewildered. “I don’t understand. Why did you volunteer to manage the secret realm?

It would have been fine if you managed it when it was first developed.

Now that the rules are set, all you need to do is patrol and inspect according to the regulations.

What’s the point of going there now? What will others in the Qin family think of us?”

The Grand elder kicked aside the broken pieces on the floor and slowly sat down at the table, remaining silent.

Qin Dehao continued loudly, “And why didn’t you say anything about me being sent to manage a branch?

Can’t you see that it’s a targeted move against our branch by the Ancestor and Main Branch?”

Muttering to himself, he added, “It must be Qin Deming’s doing… No, he’s not that clever. It’s Qin Ruqing, that brat…”

“That’s enough!” The Grand elder slammed his hand on the table. “Look at yourself now!”

“What’s wrong with me? Aren’t I right?” Qin Dehao countered fearlessly, his eyes filled with anger. “And why won’t you answer my question?

When you were away, you could blame it on the crowd. Now that you’re back, why won’t you tell me the truth?”

“You pride yourself on being clever, yet you can’t see that today’s events have already been decided?” The Grand elder’s voice was cold and serious.

Qin Dehao was speechless.

He hadn’t realized it at all.

How could it be decided?

Their branch had always been strong.

The Grand elder had actively relinquished rights this time, not even trying to fight for them!

Seeing his confusion, the Grand elder knew Qin Dehao was completely unaware of the family’s current situation.

“You’ve been focusing only on the subsidiary branches.

Have you forgotten that Qin Dexin manages the medicine fields?

That’s one of the most crucial matters besides the subsidiaries.

The Ancestor entrusted her with this task, and you didn’t notice the implications?”

Qin Dehao hesitated. “But she’s only at the Foundation stage…”

The Grand elder looked disappointed. “This is clearly a deal between Qin Ruqing and Qin Dexin!

The main branch owes Qin Dexin a favor now.

With her support at the clan meeting, even if I speak out, what use would it be?

Even the usually staunch Third Elder is gradually being influenced by Qin Ruqing…

And yet, you still haven’t grasped the family’s situation, blindly thinking the Second Branch is the strongest!”

Qin Dehao was stunned.

The Grand elder’s words revealed a perspective he had never considered before.

Qin Dehao was perplexed, “How could the Third Elder, known for fairness, favor Qin Ruqing?”

The Grand elder replied coldly, “The Third Elder’s fairness comes from her dedication to the Qin family. When she sees a talented junior like Qin Ruqing who can strategize and contribute to the family’s growth, how could she not favor her?”

“But you’ve always seen the Third Elder as impartial. You overlooked her importance in the family and thought she had no bias,” Qin Dehao argued.

The Grand elder continued sternly, “You neglected to notice that the Third Elder also likes your daughter, Lu Wei, who excels in alchemy.

But you’ve distanced yourself from Lu Wei. The Third Elder sees no support from the Second Branch. How could she assist you?”

Qin Dehao muttered, “I only wish Lu Wei and I were closer!”

Then he looked up defiantly, “Given our weakened state, why did you take on managing the secret realm? It further diminishes the Second Branch’s influence in the Qin family!”

The Grand elder thought to himself, “Managing the secret realm was a concession to protect your life.”

Outwardly, he maintained a serious expression, “Why not? The secret realm is a vital industry of the Qin family. As the Grand elder, it’s my duty to oversee it.”

“But the secret realm…” Qin Dehao started to object.

The Grand elder interrupted firmly, “Are you implying there’s no profit in it? As members of the Qin family, when have we prioritized personal gain over the family’s interests?”

Qin Dehao fell silent, murmuring, “And what about managing the branch…”

“What’s wrong with managing a branch?” the Grand elder retorted. “Haven’t you heard at the clan meeting? Even branches will bear some responsibility in alchemy.

With the family’s industries expanding, the importance of the branches has increased.

The Ancestor’s decision to appoint you shows his trust in you. Yet you remain dissatisfied!

Besides, your disdain for the branch is evident. Remember, the branch is still part of the Qin family!”

The Grand elder observed Qin Dehao, realizing for the first time that he might have indulged him too much in the past, leading to his current obsession with power and disregard for decorum.

Qin Dehao fell silent, then suddenly looked up and firmly addressed the Grand elder, “Father, I don’t understand!”

He didn’t call him “Grand elder” but “father.”

Qin Dehao was the Grand elder’s adopted son, but his biological father was Qin Wenfeng, the former clan leader.

Therefore, Qin Dehao rarely called the Grand elder “father,” except in special circumstances or when seeking his help.

The Grand elder was momentarily taken aback by this address, feeling a wave of tenderness.

He realized that Qin Dehao’s statement of not understanding wasn’t about failing to grasp the logic presented, but rather not understanding why he suddenly wasn’t supporting him.

In the past, during conflicts with the main branch, Qin Dehao had always had his backing.

The Grand elder suddenly recalled the quiet question from that young girl Qingqing, “Grand Elder, have you truly fulfilled your responsibilities over these years, or have you been unjust?”

At that moment, he found himself speechless.

Had he been unjust…

Qin Dehao’s heart had long been biased, so discussing fairness seemed pointless.

The Grand elder sighed and looked at Qin Dehao, “Why do you always clash with the main branch?

Qin Deming is already the clan leader. Y

ou’ve provoked him repeatedly, disregarding his authority.

What are you trying to achieve?

Pull him down and become the clan leader yourself?

Do you realize the chaos this would bring to the family?”

Caught off guard by the direct question, Qin Dehao lowered his eyes and murmured, “I just can’t stand him…”

The Grand elder calmly observed him, “If you base everything on personal likes and dislikes, where’s the rationale? If that’s your only reason, don’t expect me to speak up for you in the future.”

Qin Dehao suddenly looked up, his eyes reddening with genuine resentment, “Why can’t I hate him?

My talent and managerial skills surpass his.

Why did Qin Wenfeng choose him as clan leader just because the Qin family needed to stay low-key and lie low?

Why choose such a worthless turtle as clan leader?!”

The Grand elder calmly replied, “You know, back in the original jungle in the south…”

But Qin Dehao cut in, raising his voice, “Yes, I know! In the southern jungle, the Qin family suffered greatly with the loss of two Foundation Establishment cultivators.

The family was newly established in the South Ridge and faced ostracism.

We should have stayed low-key. But why should we bear the consequences of their decision-making mistakes?”

“And,” he hesitated briefly, but the pent-up anger pushed him on, “Qin Wenfeng has three children in total.

Why did he choose me to be your adopted son, placing me in such an awkward position in the family? Am I so unworthy that he dislikes me so?”

The Grand elder was shaken, unable to believe what he was hearing, “Do you feel… that being my adopted son has been unfair to you?”

Turning away, Qin Dehao spoke softly, “No… I’m just angry at Qin Wenfeng. But I’ve never regretted being your child.”

Yet the senior elder’s eyes betrayed a hint of sadness, as if he had aged suddenly.

“My child… I lost my own child in that jungle battle. I accepted that outcome… Now, I never knew you harbored so much dissatisfaction and resentment.”

“You say you feel awkward in your position. Has someone in the Qin family said something about you?” the Grand elder asked.

Seeing the Grand elder’s despondent expression, Qin Dehao suddenly felt regret.

He lowered his voice, “No one has said anything directly to me. It’s just… being Qin Wenfeng’s son and your son, caught between two sides… I feel like they’re all mocking me behind my back.”

The Grand elder remained indifferent, “I didn’t expect that being my child would bring you so much trouble…”

“Well then,” the Grand elder stood up, his gaze now calm, “If you feel so awkward, I won’t interfere with your affairs anymore to spare you further distress.”

Qin Dehao suddenly became flustered like never before.

He stood up as well, trying to explain incoherently, “No, father, I… I just…”

He struggled to articulate the contradictions in his heart.

The Grand elder looked at him calmly, “I’ve watched you grow up. Seeing you go astray like this, there are some things I need to explain, Listen to me. Don’t compete with the Main Branch anymore!” He emphasized firmly.

“The rise of the Main Branch is unstoppable now, and Qin Ruqing is not someone to be underestimated.

If you keep opposing her like this, it won’t end well for you. Tone it down now, for my sake, and she might let you off.”

Qin Dehao turned away, somewhat defiant. “Are we going to let this young girl decide everything in the Qin family from now on?”

Seeing his lack of understanding, the Grand elder couldn’t hide his disappointment. “In our realm of cultivation, since when do we judge heroes by age?

Honestly, if you had her talents, I wouldn’t hesitate to help you vie for the Patriarch(Ancestor) position. But do you? You’re not even on her father’s level!”

Qin Dehao lifted his head incredulously. “You think I’m not even as good as Qin Deming?”

The Grand elder remained impassive. “You’re too full of yourself. You always think that if you were the Clan Leader, the Qin family would be different.

But at the time, the former Clan Leader made the right decision, choosing a suitable leader for the Qin family.

Qin Deming has handled family affairs diligently and flawlessly…”

Qin Dehao objected, “So, being mediocre means excellence now?”

“At least in one aspect, you can’t compare to him—Qin Deming cares deeply for the Qin family. Do you?”

With that, the Grand elder left without another glance at Qin Dehao, leaving him standing there like a statue, speechless.

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