Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World
Establishing the Top Aristocratic Family in the Cultivation World Chapter 54

Cheng Yiming returned home, still pondering over Fifth Miss of the Qin family.

Ever since that day when he glimpsed the mysteries surrounding her, Cheng Yiming had been thinking about how to get closer to her.

Joining as an affiliated family of the Qin family was just the first step.

Cheng Yiming’s eye told him that the rise of the Qin family was rooted in this “unknown” Fifth Miss.

Compared to just aligning with the Qin family, Cheng Yiming believed, why not be more direct and directly leverage his relationship with this Fifth Miss?

He had discussed with his father before that this Fifth Miss, whose fame was not evident, might not have been overlooked by the Qin family, but rather, from the beginning, the Qin family had recognized her extraordinary potential and therefore discreetly treasured her.

“This is to protect her!” Cheng Xin, Clan Leader of the Cheng family, sighed. “I never expected that the Qin family would hide such a talent so tightly without any leaks.”

Cheng Yiming was more concerned about how to establish a connection with Qin Ruqing.

He asked, “Father, have you investigated her? Have you found any key information?”

Cheng Xin shook his head solemnly. “There is no useful information. The Qin family has kept everything tightly sealed. They only say she is the daughter of Qin Deming and highly favored among the elders of the clan. Obviously, someone higher up has sealed off any information.”

The fact that they could seal off information about her indicated her importance to the Qin family.


Cheng Yiming furrowed his brow, “So how can I meet her?”

They were only an affiliated family.

Although they had moved to the Qin family’s territory now, they were not in a core position but rather aligned with the Qin family’s branch members.

Without a reason, they wouldn’t let you enter the core territory.

Cheng Xin thought for a moment and came up with an idea, “In these days, I have been discussing the division of the medicinal fields with the Qin family Clan Leader.

The Qin family is determined this time, opening up a thousand mu of medicinal fields within the interlaced secret realm.

As an affiliated family, we naturally took on part of the development business.

Supervising the opening of the medicinal fields requires personnel. I’ll send you over.

This way, you’ll have the qualification to enter and exit the secret realm, and chances are you’ll run into that young lady more often.”

Upon hearing this, Cheng Yiming’s eyes lit up, thinking the idea wasn’t bad at all, and he nodded in agreement.

Cheng Xin, however, found it strange, “Son, with your talent and such a mysterious eye, your future is secure. You will definitely build your foundation. Why then do you want to follow someone else?”

Cheng Yiming smiled at his father’s words, but it was a self-deprecating smile.

Cheng Yiming said, “In Father’s eyes, my talent is exceptional and extraordinary. But in the eyes of these aristocratic families like the Qin family, I might just be considered just an above average. Furthermore, looking further ahead, with my perspective, I can already imagine some limitations.”

“If I truly had exceptional talent in cultivation, like top-tier Silver or even Gold grade aptitude, with the potential to stabilize Golden Pills and even achieve Nascent Soul in the future, then I would naturally settle down in the Cheng family to cultivate peacefully.”

“But the reality is different. Those direct descendants meticulously cultivated within aristocratic families can easily surpass me.

My uniqueness, this eye of mine, only allows me to perceive the fortunes of Qi, offering no enhancement to cultivation.”

“If I were to rely solely on my own cultivation, my future would at best be Foundation Establishment. Even if I manage to reach the pinnacle of foundation establishment, I might stumble because I can’t find the resources to form my core.”

Cheng Yiming’s hand rested on his knee, his fist clenched tightly, and his peach blossom eyes shimmered with endless ambition.

“I’m not resigned to this! Since these eyes allow me to see the most mysterious aspects of fate in this world, I will use them to propel myself to the peak!”

Cheng Xin said, “So, you have set your sights on Fifth Miss of the Qin family?” He still felt this was a bit arbitrary. “Why not wait a bit longer? Who knows if you might encounter someone with even more prosperous fate in the future?”

Cheng Yiming shook his head. “Aim too high and it becomes a great taboo. Besides, I am sure that I will never encounter anyone with a more prosperous fate than that Miss Qin.

Even with my eyes, I can only glimpse a bit of the profound aura surrounding her. She is definitely a person favored and protected by the heavens!”

Cheng Xin couldn’t help but be impressed by his son’s high opinion of that Miss Qin.

Being favored by the heavens carried immense weight.

“And,” Cheng Yiming chuckled, “if I don’t follow her while she’s still young and vulnerable, when she becomes powerful in the future with many strong allies around her, how could I, a son of a small family, hope to get close to her then?”

“Well, you’ve always been clever. Since you’ve made up your mind, as your father, I won’t stop you,” Cheng Xin sighed, adding, “For now, go oversee the opening of the medicinal fields in the secret realm. See if you can meet that Miss Qin. If not, we’ll think of another way.”

And that’s how Cheng Yiming ended up “coincidentally” encountering Qin Ruqing today.

Cheng Yiming picked up the jade card in his hand and examined it closely.

It was smooth sheep-fat white jade inscribed with the character “Qing.”

Qin Ruqing, Fifth Miss of the Qin family and daughter of the Qin family patriarch.

This was information Cheng Yiming had known for a long time, but today he discovered that she was quite different from what he had imagined.

When she ran into him, she was momentarily surprised but quickly calmed down.

Even after hearing that he wanted to follow her, she only showed slight surprise, accepting it casually and naturally.

Her composed and confident demeanor suggested she didn’t care whether his words were true or false, nor did she concern herself with any ill intentions he might have —

No!, it’s not that she didn’t care, but rather she didn’t need to care.

With a wave of her hand, she could crush him, and she didn’t need to rely on the Qin family behind her because her cultivation alone surpassed his.

Having understood this, Cheng Yiming couldn’t help but feel excited, even slightly daring.

His two peach blossom eyes shimmered with a shimmering light.

To be willing to follow someone, wasn’t it because he recognized her potential?

Now knowing that Miss Qin had such a character, as her follower, what future should he worry about?

Cheng Yiming solemnly put away the jade card and planned to visit the Qin family Clan Leader in a few days, as Miss Qin had suggested.

Meanwhile, Qin Ruqing had just left the secret realm.

As for the fat sheep that had escaped ahead, she wasn’t in a hurry to chase after it.

She leisurely strolled back.

After all, this person wasn’t going anywhere.

Qin Ruqing was chatting with the system. “System, your crude special effects are quite useful. You scared him into coming up to beg for my favor!”

The system, perhaps having spent enough time with Qin Ruqing to adapt to her style, seemed to be influenced.

It hesitated and responded to Qin Ruqing’s praise with a hint

Qin Ruqing grinned knowingly. “See, you should have listened to my advice! Let me tell you, it’s all about knowing how to maneuver! If you can grant me more authority in certain areas, I guarantee your performance will improve.”

The system seemed to ponder this. “Isn’t that risking discovery by the main godspace?”

Qin Ruqing shook her head. “You don’t get it. I’m not asking you to break rules. You need to learn to exploit the vague parts of the rules, where there’s room for maneuvering.”

“Like when you made me claim the Broken Mirror Elixir?” the system interjected.

Qin Ruqing became righteous. “That wasn’t exploitation; it was rightfully claiming my reward. Don’t twist things.”

The system was speechless.

Qin Ruqing’s shameless ability to justify her actions seemed masterful indeed.

Qin Ruqing leisurely returned to the Apricot Forest Courtyard, unfazed by the absence of anyone inside.

She casually strolled to the Refinery Room.

Although the Qins primarily practiced alchemy, they had a few artisans for artifact crafting.

Tang Zifeng’s workshop was a result of Qin Ruqing’s instructions.

In other words, she brought the people, organized the house and studio, yet Tang Zifeng dared to shed and escape! He clearly needed a stern lesson.

Qin Ruqing confidently approached the workshop, but the door was locked. Knocking yielded no response. Pretending to be dead?

Qin Ruqing smirked, ascended the roof, paused at a tile, and lifted it to reveal a hatch. Without hesitation, she peeked inside and then jumped down.

Inside, Tang Zifeng was deeply focused on his craft.

He had heard the noise at the door but couldn’t handle her persistent, smiling stare, so he hid here.

He had specially replaced the lock, a spiritual tool he crafted.

It would resist anyone below foundation establishment, ensuring peace for a while.

However, just as he thought so, dust fell from the roof. Tang Zifeng looked up to see a bright light as Qin Ruqing’s head poked through.

Her familiar face greeted him with a sunny smile.

Gracefully like a cat, she leaped onto a beam, perched on one leg, and waved at him. “Hey there~”

Tang Zifeng remained silent.

Qin Ruqing kindly explained, “Some of the Qin family’s houses have drafts, and unfortunately, yours happens to be one. I’ll have someone come fix it soon!”

Tang Zifeng, almost reflexively, replied, “I won’t let you.”

“Ah, seems like you’ve made up your mind.” Qin Ruqing chuckled. “Well, I won’t force you.”

With that, she leaped down from the beam.

She came down and first walked to the door to glance at the lock, which indeed had been specially replaced.

It meant she was terrifying, like guarding against both floods and fierce beasts.

Qin Ruqing dragged a chair over and sat across from him, saying seriously, “Tang Zifeng, I won’t beat around the bush. Will you help improve the alchemy furnace and refine a batch of spiritual tools to assist in plant growth?”

Tang Zifeng hesitated, “No…”

Qin Ruqing cut in before him, “Not only do I have the Ice Cave, but also the Stalactite Spirit Cave.”

Tang Zifeng was suddenly choked up.

“Do you know about Spring Milk? It’s a holy item for healing and cultivation.

People from Xiling live in hot and dry areas for a long time, so they must have internal fire toxins that affect cultivation.

Spring Milk can revive those who are almost dying with just a breath, and it can gently nourish the meridians of young cultivators. If I could provide some to your Tang family…”

Qin Ruqing didn’t finish her sentence, but Tang Zifeng had already completed it in his mind: If she could provide some to the Tang family, even a small amount, it would likely alleviate half of the Tang family’s fire toxins.

By then…

Tang Zifeng, who usually showed little expression, unexpectedly showed a hint of livid anger on his face.

He was both angry and puzzled, “How do you have so many good things?”

Qin Ruqing leaned closer, speaking mysteriously, “Do you want to dare if I have any other good things?”

Tang Zifeng turned his head away.

Previously, he would have guessed no, because treasures are rare for a reason.

But now, he dared not be so absolute.

“Hurry up! Hurry up and decide, will you agree?” Qin Ruqing was impatient, raising her voice to urge him.

Tang Zifeng had never met someone so unreasonable in his life!

She was pressuring and tempting him, not even giving him time to think, yet she yelled after just a moment!

Tang Zifeng angrily turned his head back, wanting to say a few harsh words to prove he also had a temper and couldn’t be casually controlled.

But when he saw Qin Ruqing staring at him with round cat-like eyes, he inexplicably stopped.

“Last chance!” Tang Zifeng closed his eyes briefly, speaking quickly.

“Although I also have a temper…” He sat upright with a slightly puffed-up cheek.

Seeing his serious expression, Qin Ruqing felt a bit guilty for a moment.

Why does he look so aggrieved?

I didn’t bully him that much…

Well, maybe a bit too much.

Qin Ruqing’s conscience, which rarely existed, slightly recovered.

She cleared her throat, thinking she should promise him more benefits to avoid him feeling wronged.

But before she could speak, Tang Zifeng seemed to regain his composure again, suddenly lifting his head and staring at her without blinking. “I can agree to you, but according to the original agreement, the elixirs that can enhance the characteristics of the artifact and accelerate cultivation speed, as well as what you mentioned, Mysterious Frigid Ice and Spring Milk, none of it can be omitted!

Besides that, in future discussions between the Qin family and the Tang family, I must be treated as a direct negotiator.

The Qin family must speak directly to the Tang family, and cooperation can only happen when I can return to the clan. Otherwise, it’s invalid!”

He was afraid Qin Ruqing would find an excuse to back out, so he said sternly with a straight face, “I know you have the final say. You’re position in Qin Family is very special, so don’t think you can fool me.”

Darn it! You’re pretending to be so aggrieved, but when it comes to the benefits you deserve, you’re not soft-hearted at all!

You strung me along with that long list, and I almost thought you were feeling bullied and wanted to comfort you.

But, it’s good too.

A qualified business partner needs to have a good mindset, so their wool isn’t plucked bare when the time comes.

Qin Ruqing stood up abruptly, hands behind her back, smiling mischievously. “Okay, I agree with everything you said! So, don’t forget what I told you either!”

“Improving the alchemy furnace, and…”

Tang Zifeng smoothly continued, “And crafting spiritual tools that can assist in accelerating plant growth. I know.”

Qin Ruqing praised with pleasant surprise, “Well done, quick response!”

Tang Zifeng: …

When Qin Ruqing left, she didn’t use the door again.

Instead, she leaped onto the rafters and was about to jump out of the small window onto the roof to leave.

Suddenly remembering something, she turned back, squinting as she emphasized, “Don’t seal off the roof! Believe it or not, even if you seal it, I’ll find a way to get in!”

Without waiting for his response, like a spirit cat, she leaped out, her red dress ribbons fluttering gracefully.

Tang Zifeng silently stared at the small skylight for a while before turning his gaze away.

Qin Ruqing rode her flying sword above the Qin family’s territory, asking the system, “How about it? Can the alchemy industry mission be settled now?”

She was still thinking about that unreceived lottery opportunity.

The system replied, “Not yet. He only verbally promised. The blueprint for the spiritual tools hasn’t been drawn up yet, and even if it is, it hasn’t been verified if they work. Therefore, the mission cannot be settled yet.”

Qin Ruqing clicked her tongue in annoyance, “Alright.”

It seemed his design drawings would take some more time.

Qin Ruqing’s mind was racing non-stop. After dealing with Tang Zifeng, she was already thinking about what else she could do.

She would discuss the Ice-Fire Dual Grass matter with the Ancestor once she emerged from seclusion.

But since he hadn’t come out yet,

then… Qin Ruqing subconsciously touched her purse.

She still had a Broken Mirror Pill.

The Broken Mirror Pill had a certain chance to trigger an effect that aided in Foundational Establishment.

If dear old dad could just… well, then the Qin family would have three foundation establishment stage!

Who would dare to say they weren’t the number one in the Southern Ridge!

Qin Ruqing’s dark eyes gleamed brightly. She adjusted her flying sword and wasted no time in finding dear old dad!

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