You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 25

Chapter 25

After giving the money to Xiaoling and saying thank you, Meng Zhengrong walked back towards the RV with the bowl in hand, leaving Xiaoling standing there. Despite it being nighttime, her face was burning red, not from shyness but from the humiliation of having her pride stomped on.

A gust of wind snapped her out of her daze, and when she turned around, there was no one left in sight, only the luxurious RV standing in the dark distance.

That morning, when she first saw the RV, she had already harbored those thoughts. Yet, in less than a day, her hopes had been completely crushed.

When Meng Zhengrong returned to the RV, he had two large bowls in hand. Xu Yuan, drawn by the enticing aroma, got off the bed.

“Come and eat,” Meng Zhengrong said, placing a bowl of braised chicken with mushrooms and a large bowl of white rice on the table.

Xu Yuan couldn’t hide her surprise. “Weren’t you going to buy instant noodles? What’s going on?”

Meng Zhengrong didn’t want to tell Xu Yuan about what had just happened. In his younger days, he might have considered it a brag-worthy story, but not anymore. Now, he felt it was embarrassing to even mention it—a female student trying to seduce him with a bowl of braised chicken with mushrooms… it was damaging to his image.

Everyone has vanity, and Meng Zhengrong was no exception. He had once felt proud of being married to someone as beautiful as Xu Yuan. Now, a rural girl who couldn’t hold a candle to Xu Yuan was trying to seduce him. Meng Zhengrong was thankful no one had witnessed the scene; otherwise, he would have been a laughingstock.

In the past, there were similar incidents within his circle. At that time, a friend of his opened a restaurant and everyone often went to support him.This friend had a girlfriend at the time, but he had a gentle personality and was nice to the employees in the store. However, one of the waitresses developed feelings for him and ended up doing something that led to his girlfriend finding out. They all laughed at him for quite some time.

Such mockery, while harmful to the girl’s self-esteem, was just part of their circle’s nature. Meng Zhengrong thought to himself, self-respect aside, the girl clearly knew he had a wife who was present, yet still tried to seduce him. That meant she had no self-respect to begin with.

He looked at Xu Yuan. Even without makeup, she was leagues more beautiful than the girl from earlier.

Seeing that Meng Zhengrong hadn’t answered, Xu Yuan asked again, “Where did this come from?”

Meng Zhengrong snapped back to reality and replied seriously, “The hostess family noticed we hadn’t eaten and made us some food as a late-night snack.”

Xu Yuan didn’t think much of it and took the chopsticks, noticing that they were quite clean. “This family is really hospitable.”

Meng Zhengrong felt uncomfortable but sat down as well. “I gave them 300 yuan for the food and labor. That should be enough, right? I don’t really know how much a chicken costs these days.”

Xuyuan wasn’t too familiar with current prices either. After some thought, she replied, “It should be plenty. When I went out with colleagues from the finance department, we ordered chicken, and it was less than 100 yuan.”

At that time, the whole department had a meal together and ordered so many dishes. The bill didn’t seem to be much. Now, three hundred yuan for a bowl of mushroom chicken should be enough.

“Then I’m relieved,” Meng Zhengrong said. He had paid and made it clear, so he wasn’t taking advantage of anyone.

Both of them were genuinely hungry. They had only eaten some bread in the morning and barely had lunch. Now they were famished.

Meng Zhengrong passed the chicken leg to Xu Yuan, who moved the bowl away and said, “I don’t like chicken legs.”

“Okay, what would you like? Chicken wings?” Meng Zhengrong moved the leg back to his bowl and placed a wing in Xu Yuan’s bowl. Seeing her accept it, he knew she liked it.

Despite the girl’s plain appearance, her cooking skills were commendable. Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan finished all the rice.

“We don’t know what to have for breakfast tomorrow,” Meng Zhengrong began worrying about breakfast.

The bread prepared by the housekeeper was finished that morning. What about tomorrow?

That girl certainly wouldn’t cook for him again. What to eat for breakfast?

“We still have milk and fruit in the fridge. I’ll just make do with that,” Xu Yuan pointed out.

“And lunch?” Meng Zhengrong couldn’t believe he was so concerned about lunch.

“Don’t worry. After breakfast, we’ll head out. I checked with the team, and they said we’ll have lunch in the nearest county.”

A county, no matter how small, would be better than this small town. At least there would be restaurants. This thought reassured Meng Zhengrong.

Now that they were full, neither of them felt like moving.

“Xiao Yuan,” Meng Zhengrong called, feeling more connected to her over the past few days.

She responded without looking up.

“Are you really committed to doing charity work?” he asked suddenly.

“Yes,” she replied, slightly annoyed. Hadn’t they discussed this already?

Meng Zhengrong straightened up, no longer slouching, and spoke seriously, “Then, when we get back, let’s have dinner with Madam Wang and tell her you won’t be involved in their projects anymore.”

Xu Yuan, annoyed, opened her eyes. Seeing Meng Zhengrong’s serious expression, she restrained her irritation and asked calmly, “Why? Didn’t I say I would continue?”

Meng Zhengrong glanced at her. “Is it better to follow someone else’s lead or to lead your own projects?”

Xu Yuan was taken aback and sat up quickly. “What do you mean?”

“At Meng Corporation, we also have charity projects with dedicated staff. They aren’t as well-managed as Wang’s, but instead of following Madam Wang, why not take over Meng Corporation’s charity projects?”

This had been Meng Zhengrong’s plan from the start. While Xu Yuan doing charity work benefited the Meng family, he knew Madam. Wang’s real intention was to foster good relations between the Wang and Meng families. Meng Zhengrong didn’t want to be tied to any external family businesses.

The Wang family, though relatively successful, had its share of problems, and there weren’t many competent members in the current generation.

Although he came along this time to enhance the relationship between husband and wife, he also wanted to see if Xu Yuan was determined to stick with it. He saw her determination, and since she was not just playing around, he might as well do it in the name of his own company.

Xu Yuan couldn’t believe Meng Zhengrong was offering her such an important role.

Throughout history, charity has always been a lucrative job. In the past, it was disaster relief. How many disaster relief officials were not well-fed? This era is no exception. With the flow of charity funds, how many people who hold the funds are truly clean?

What she wants now is not money, after all, the original owner is already very rich.

If this job is done well, the outcome will be fame and fortune.

She was genuinely tempted.

“Do you want to take over?” Meng Zhengrong looked into her eyes.

Without hesitation, Xuyuan nodded vigorously. Who wouldn’t want such an opportunity?

“You still need to learn from the finance department. Charity work will also be challenging.”

“What do you mean?”

“It means that taking over the charity projects won’t be easy,” Meng Zhengrong’s face turned serious. “The current person in charge is my uncle.”

With just that statement, Xu Yuan understood that there were no free lunches. Meng Zhengrong, ever the businessman, had his reasons.

From what Xu Yuan gathered from the Xu family, though Meng Zhengrong had significant control over the Meng Corporation, he still had troublesome relatives he couldn’t simply get rid of.

Meng Zhengrong wanted to clean the house, starting with these difficult relatives.

Xu Yuan realized that Meng Zhengrong had been thinking strategically about her involvement in the company from the start.

If she agreed, it meant fully committing to Meng Zhengrong’s plans.

However, it also meant having significant control over the projects, provided she could handle the family pressure.

Meng Zhengrong was indeed cunning.

Feigning innocence, Xu Yuan said, “I could work with Uncle initially. Having a mentor is important in such projects.”

Meng Zhengrong studied her for a moment before smiling, “If that’s how you see it, then it’s fine.”

He had been holding back his frustration with the company’s parasites. His father had handed over the company with the expectation that Meng Zhengrong would handle the unpleasant tasks.

Over the years, he had been preoccupied with other matters, unable to focus on internal issues. Marrying Xu Yuan, he hoped she would eventually help him, and now it seemed possible.

Xu Yuan’s recent transformation and willingness to work made her a valuable ally. He hoped she would maintain her current competence.

He wouldn’t be a passive observer. If his relatives caused trouble, he would step in.

The agreement was reached, and Xuyuan felt a mix of excitement and resignation. She had indeed boarded Meng Zhengrong’s ship.

Given the stability of this ship, she decided it was worth the ride.

The couple had come to a mutual understanding.

Feeling good, Xuyuan decided to wash the dishes. It was only four bowls, a quick task.

When she entered the kitchen, she saw a girl sitting with her back to the door. Out of courtesy, she knocked on the door.

Xiaoling, still feeling ashamed, turned around and, seeing Xu Yuan, wished she could disappear.

She had known the chances were slim but had to try. It was a precious opportunity for her.

For someone like her who has no background and no household registration, even if she stays in a big city after graduation, she can only be an ordinary person. No, that’s not right. Ordinary people will not have to work as hard as she does. She has no money, which means she can’t save any money at the end of the month and has to live very tightly. She can only blame herself for not being born into a good family. After she starts working, she will have to support her family and repay her student loans. She is almost suffocating under the pressure of these things.

This might have been her only chance to directly connect with wealthy people.

But she had failed. Xiaoling felt too distressed to sleep.

Seeing Xu Yuan now, she couldn’t lift her head.

“Did you make the braised chicken with mushrooms?” Xu Yuan asked with a smile.

Xiaoling, nervously, nodded.

She wondered if Meng Zhengrong had told his wife about her attempt.

If he had, was Xu Yuan here to confront her?

Xu Yuan glanced around the kitchen. “You cook very well. My husband and I both loved it. By the way, where is the dish soap and sponge?”

Xiaoling, startled, quickly stood up and took the dishes from Xu yuan. “Let me wash these.”

She noticed Xu yuan’s delicate hands, adorned with a bracelet and a diamond ring that caught the eye.

Once, when Xiaoling went shopping with her roommates, they visited a jewelry store. The sales people had ignored them. Even a small diamond ring there cost over 30,000 yuan. The ring on Xu yuan’s hand must be even more expensive.

Comparing her rough hands to Xuyuan’s, she felt deeply inferior.

Xu yuan didn’t insist, smiling. “Thank you. We’ve troubled your family a lot these past few days.”

Xiaoling lowered her head, staring at her shoes, overwhelmed by a sense of unprecedented inferiority.

“No, it’s nothing,” she stammered.

Xu Yuan saw that Xiaoling was only in her twenties, the same age as Meng Pingting, but their lives were completely different.

This girl was very thoughtful. Knowing that they had not eaten, she still made them a midnight snack. Xu Yuan felt relieved when she thought that Meng Zhengrong had already given her three hundred yuan.

It would be inappropriate for her to give her money now.

“Sorry to bother you.

Xu Yuan sensed that the girl was a bit uneasy, so after saying this, she thanked her and turned to leave.

After Xu Yuan left, Xiaoling finally breathed a sigh of relief. Her hands were soaking in somewhat cold water, and she took a deep breath. The air still seemed to carry a fragrance, likely from Mrs. Meng. She wondered what kind of perfume smelled so good—it must be very expensive.

She lowered her head in dejection, wondering if Mr. Meng had told Mrs. Meng about what happened earlier.

Her life, which felt like a mess, made her doubt she would ever have another opportunity like today.

Xu Yuan returned to the RV, packed her change of clothes, and prepared to take a shower.

It was now around six in the evening. Despite the large temperature difference between day and night, the day had still been hot enough to make her sweat. She wouldn’t be able to sleep without a shower.

Meng Zhengrong saw her taking her clothes and guessed she was going to shower. He hurriedly grabbed her arm and said in a deep voice, “I’ll go with you.”

Xu Yuan looked at Meng Zhengrong as if he were crazy.

What a pervert!

Seeing her expression, Meng Zhengrong quickly explained, “Don’t get the wrong idea; I don’t have any intentions!” He paused, “This place is unfamiliar. Unlike home, if you’re showering, I’ll keep watch outside.”

Hearing this, Xu Yuan’s expression softened. Meng Zhengrong’s thoughtfulness made sense. She was meeting people from Madam Wang’s team for the first time, and the townspeople were all strangers. Not knowing their character, it was wise to be cautious.

Seeing that Xu Yuan didn’t object, Meng Zhengrong followed her out of the RV.

He wasn’t usually this attentive, but the encounter with the girl earlier had made him more careful.

If someone dared to approach him, it wasn’t unlikely someone might have designs on Xu Yuan. Regardless, he was determined to pursue her, and she was his wife. Here, in an unfamiliar place, it made sense to keep watch while she showered.

“When I shower later, you should keep watch outside too,” Meng Zhengrong added, “It’s late, and without any familiar faces around, you can call me if anything happens.”

He had decided that tonight, he and Xu Yuan shouldn’t be apart.

Xu Yuan nodded. His suggestion wasn’t harmful to her, so why not agree?

It was just before nine, and the small town was already very quiet. People here went to bed early. Xu Yuan and Meng Zhengrong reached the bathroom.

Having been here a few times today, they were mentally prepared. Some places still used outhouses, and this family having a private bathroom was already quite good. However, even before entering, they could smell it.

Fortunately, the bathroom had a shower.

The door, however, was not very reassuring. It was a wooden door with narrow gaps. Xu Yuan had no choice but to grit her teeth and enter, closing the door behind her.

Standing under the showerhead, Xu Yuan hesitated for a long time before finally undressing and turning on the shower.

She hurried to finish as quickly as possible.

Hearing the sound of water from the bathroom, Meng Zhengrong felt an itch in his heart.

It wasn’t an exaggeration to say that Xu Yuan was one of the most beautiful heiresses in the elite circles of City A. When his mother mentioned her, he had no objections.

Xu Yuan’s appearance, figure, and family background were all satisfactory to him. Now, getting to know her better, he also appreciated her personality.

Meng Zhengrong didn’t understand love or affection; it was too complicated to distinguish. He only knew he was quite satisfied with his wife.

Because he was satisfied, he wanted to improve their relationship, to make her fall for him.

How many normal men wouldn’t be tempted to sneak a peek at their goddess-like wife showering?

He certainly was.

However, wanting and doing were different. Actually doing it felt a bit perverse.

Doing such a perverse thing required courage.

Meng Zhengrong took several deep breaths, his eyes darting around. Seeing no one was nearby and Xu Yuan was still showering, he quickly turned, crouched down, and peeked through the gap in the door.

There shouldn’t be any guilt; the person showering was his wife. He was just looking, just a glance, no, just two glances.

The steam inside blurred his view.

Through the mist, he saw Xu Yuan standing with her back to him, rinsing off the shower gel. It was like peeling an egg, removing the shell, and then the thin membrane. To Meng Zhengrong, her skin was as tempting as egg white.

Xu Yuan, wary of Meng Zhengrong sneaking a peek, kept her back to the door. After drying off and dressing, she opened the door to find Meng Zhengrong standing like a door guardian.

Xu Yuan eyed him suspiciously. His face and ears were red. “Are you hot?”

Meng Zhengrong, startled, shook his head, then quickly nodded. Standing straight, he looked like a tree. “Yes, a bit hot.”

Xu Yuan knew what had happened. He had likely tried to peek at her showering. She felt too tired to scold him, though. She just mentally berated him as a pervert, a nickname he had certainly earned.

“Go shower quickly.”

Meng Zhengrong, feeling like he had been pardoned, rushed in and closed the door. Before shutting it, he glanced at Xu Yuan, and despite being an experienced man in his thirties, he blushed.

He felt embarrassed and annoyed at his reaction.

If he were in his early twenties, it could be explained. But at thirty, to blush in front of his eight-years-younger wife made him feel like he had lost his edge.

Xu Yuan was too tired to argue. She leaned against the wall, pondering what Meng Zhengrong had told her.

If she were to take charge of the charity work as he suggested, her power within Meng corporation would increase significantly, making her path easier than expected.

But Meng Zhengrong had his own troubles. Xu Yuan knew he was dealing with influential people in the company, and once their power was diminished, some of it would likely be transferred to her.

If that were the case, she’d be happy to help him.

Xu Yuan wasn’t clueless. She realized that divorcing Meng Zhengrong would be difficult. Even if their marriage was merely functional, it would be hard to dissolve. A family like Meng’s required an heir, something she was well aware of.

Just like in the past, where concubines vied for their children’s succession, she had a much stronger position now. This era mandated monogamy. As long as Meng Zhengrong remained sane, their child would be the Meng family’s heir.

Having a child with Meng Zhengrong was inevitable.

She just needed some time. Though she no longer felt the instinctive fear towards him, the thought of intimacy still made her want to faint.

She had been making an effort. At least now, she didn’t recoil when Meng Zhengrong held her hand or put his arm around her.

Honestly, it was frustrating. Despite their newlywed status, they weren’t in a rush to have children. But what about in a year or two? She just hoped that if she still hadn’t overcome her psychological barriers, she would have the confidence to face pressure from both families.

As Xu Yuan contemplated her life plan, Meng Zhengrong had already undressed. Standing in front of a scratched mirror, he noticed he wasn’t as fit as before—no eight-pack abs, and his six-pack was fading.

Would marriage really lead to gaining weight and losing shape?

No, he didn’t want that.

Wondering if Xu Yuan was peeking, he didn’t dare show his front, not with his current shape.

It seemed he needed to hit the gym more after returning.

While showering, Meng Zhengrong pondered whether Xu Yuan was watching. From behind, his physique should be decent, right?

With that in mind, he deliberately slowed down his shower…

After planning her future, Xu Yuan realized that Meng Zhengrong hadn’t finished showering yet!

Did he need that long?

People might think he was taking a bath.

It was June, and mosquitoes were out. After being bitten on the arm, Xu Yuan couldn’t stand it anymore and urged, “Are you done yet?”


Meng Zhengrong was disappointed but replied, “Almost.”

He quickly rinsed off the soap, still wondering—

Was she really not peeking?


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

  1. 🐥 has spoken 3 months ago

    Ahahaha thank you for the updated translator!!


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