You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness
You Treat Me As If I Have A Sickness Chapter 27.1

Chapter 27.1

Whether it was Meng Zhengrong or Xu Yuan, it was their first time taking a train in their lives. However, neither of them felt any sense of novelty at the moment.

These past two days, they had experienced so much that they no longer had the energy to marvel at anything.

Laying the bed sheet bought from the supermarket on the berth, the two sat on the bed, looking out of the train window.

Whether it was an airplane or a high-speed train, both were powerless in this kind of weather. On the other hand, the train moved steadily through the rain, giving a sense of comfort despite being an almost obsolete mode of transportation in the modern era.

A blessing in disguise, this sentence popped up in Meng Zhengrong’s mind at this moment.

Sometimes, life just needs a little deviation.

“Honey,” Meng Zhengrong called to Xu Yuan with a smile.

Xu Yuan ignored him, busy checking her WeChat Moments on her phone.

Her reaction was expected, and Meng Zhengrong wasn’t angry. He continued, “Do you prefer boys or girls?”

Xu Yuan initially didn’t want to respond, but since it was the afternoon and many people in the berth were standing and chatting rather than lying down, she had to keep up the act as a good actress. She put down her phone and gave Meng Zhengrong a fake smile, “I like both. What about you?”

Although she was acting, Xu Yuan genuinely meant it. She liked both boys and girls.

In her previous life, she never understood why the concubines in the palace had such strange expressions upon giving birth to daughters. Even in her era, although daughters couldn’t inherit the throne, they were still their children. Did they love their sons more just because they had a chance to ascend the throne? If so, were they giving birth to children or tools?

Meng Zhengrong seriously thought for a moment, “I like both too. Boys can be mischievous but are easy to raise, while girls require more thoughtful education but tend to be more obedient.”

“Yes,” Xu Yuan replied, not really wanting to discuss this topic, especially since she wasn’t even pregnant.

In her previous life, she watched concubines rejoice at their pregnancies and couldn’t help but wish for her own child. But in that life, it was impossible.

Now that she had the chance, she did want a child of her own, but it wasn’t the right time yet. She needed to establish herself in this era before considering it.

Providing a carefree environment for the child was most important.

Meng Zhengrong had initially meant to tease Xu Yuan, but he got carried away. Understandably, a normal man in his thirties would crave a child.

“Should we start preparing the baby’s room now?” Meng Zhengrong looked intently at Xu Yuan. “A pink room for a girl and a blue one for a boy.”

Xu Yuan thought he was too immersed in the act that he actually discussed the baby room with her?

“It’s too early now,” she began, ready to retort, but stopped when she saw the eagerness in his eyes.

She often overlooked Meng Zhengrong’s age. In her previous era, a man his age would likely have children nearing adulthood.

That’s right, he is already 31 years old, and it’s understandable that he wants a child.

Xu Yuan’s willingness to discuss the topic made Meng Zhengrong happy. “It’s not too early. We should prepare so the baby can move in immediately after birth.”

Although Meng Zhengrong was eager to discuss this topic, he had to go to the bathroom as he drank too much water at noon.

He stood up and politely asked someone nearby, “Do you know where the restroom is?”

It was his first time on a train, but he assumed others had more experience.

The person pointed, “Over there. Just walk that way.”

Earlier, Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan had argued with two elderly people over seat changes. Observing their demeanor and attire, people could tell they were intellectuals. Considering today’s weather, they likely chose the train because flights were delayed and roads were bad.

Meng Zhengrong nodded and told Xu Yuan, “I’m going to the restroom. Stay here.”

Xu Yuan nodded.

Meng Zhengrong glanced around. The people looked kind, except the two elderly folks. He felt relieved and headed to the restroom.

There was no one in the bathroom at the moment. Meng Zhengrong stood at the door but was afraid to go in.

Although the restroom in the small town was also very simple, at least the owner knew that guests were coming, so he cleaned it fairly well.

Meng Zhengrong looked towards the toilet. He didn’t even dare to breathe, for fear that if he breathed, he would start to doubt his life.

An indescribable smell of urine mixed with a foul odor hit my nose.

The restroom was tiny, only fitting one person, and the squat toilet had used tissues in it.

Despite rules against throwing tissues into toilets, many people did it anyway.

What he had seen these past two days had greatly challenged Meng Zhengrong’s worldview.

This was a world he had never seen or experienced before, now starkly real in front of him.

If he could, he would leave immediately, but he really needed to go.

Every restroom on the train would likely be the same.

“Not going in? Then I will.” A middle-aged man, chewing a toothpick, thought Meng Zhengrong wasn’t going in and moved forward.

Meng Zhengrong quickly entered, “I’ll go first.”

Once inside, Meng Zhengrong regretted not being a ballet dancer, finding no clean spot to step on.

Soon, he exited, washed his hands for a full minute, feeling like his body carried a strange smell and his eyes stung from the odor.

Returning to their berth, Xu Yuan was listening to music. Seeing him, she removed her earphones, “Why did you take so long?”

Meng Zhengrong had been gone for ten minutes.

“…” It was hard to explain.

The train had three rows of berths: upper, middle, and lower.

Meng Zhengrong and Xu Yuan had the lower berths. The upper berths were occupied by the elderly people who had wanted to switch seats, and the middle berths by a young couple, likely recent graduates.

“How far along is your baby, sister?” The young woman, who had helped them earlier, curiously asked from the middle berth.

Xu Yuan, maintaining her composure, replied, “Not quite far, less than three months.”

“I couldn’t even tell you’re pregnant.” The young woman muttered and then, smiling, said, “Originally we were going to take the high-speed train, but the weather is bad. The train is cheaper by almost two hundred yuan.”

Xu Yuan didn’t know the price of high-speed train tickets, but she smiled at the cute young woman who had helped them earlier.

“Are you going to City A?” The young woman asked, clearly lively.

The young man found it impolite and quietly scolded, “Are you interrogating them?”

The young woman stuck out her tongue. Despite her age, her actions didn’t seem annoying.

Xu Yuan, happy to chat and pass the time, replied, “Yes, we’re going to City A.”

“Do you know how expensive rent is in City A? We’re looking for jobs there and don’t know the situation.”

Xu Yuan looked at Meng Zhengrong, who was knowledgeable about real estate.

The Meng family originally started out in real estate, so even though Meng Zhengrong had never rented a house, he was very clear about everything related to houses.

“It depends on the location and the size of the place.”

The young man, interested, said, “We’re looking for a single room for the two of us. We checked online, but even in remote areas, it’s over two thousand yuan.”

Meng Zhengrong thought, “That’s quite cheap.”

City A was a dream destination for many young people, with a fast pace and high pressure, yet still attracting many.

The young couple sighed, expecting high costs but still wanting to go to City A.

“Do you own your home, sister?” The young woman asked, noticing the difference in aura between Meng Zhengrong, Xu Yuan, and others on the train.

Xu Yuan was about to answer when Meng Zhengrong spoke first, “We just paid the down payment and have a mortgage to pay monthly. It’s tough, but with hard work, you’ll have a future.”

Meng Zhengrong was cautious, not fully trusting strangers they met randomly.

Xu Yuan understood and didn’t expose him, smiling at the young woman, “Yes, we barely managed to pay the down payment, but at least we have our own place.”

The conversation soon ended as the young couple spoke quietly in their dialect, and Xu Yuan, feeling tired, fell asleep with her earphones on.

Meng Zhengrong watched her and occasionally looked out the window.

He had always known Xu Yuan was beautiful, comparable to famous actresses. But now, watching her sleep, he felt a strange satisfaction, thinking, ‘Thank goodness she’s my wife.’

From his angle, her skin looked flawless, white, and tender, making him want to kiss her.

Meng Zhengrong squatted beside her, feeling an overwhelming urge. Even asleep, she seemed to exude allure.

Among strangers, no one knew them.

He could secretly kiss her, and no one would know.

After all, she was his wife. What was wrong with kissing her?

Meng Zhengrong leaned closer to Xu Yuan.

She slept curled up like a baby, her hand under her face, displaying the wedding ring on her finger.

He stopped, smiled, and returned to his berth.

Strangely, he felt that peeking at her bath was perverted, but kissing her secretly felt like he was disrespecting her.

No need to rush, she is already his wife, and they have plenty of time ahead.

Now he has enough time to be a gentleman.

Most importantly, she is his wife and should receive his utmost respect. Of course, the incident of secretly watching her bathe can be omitted.

Xu Yuan wasn’t completely asleep; she woke up after Meng Zhengrong got into the lower bunk. She felt him squatting in front of her, making her too embarrassed to open her eyes.

She thought he was going to sneak a kiss, and almost all her nerves tensed up.

Such scenes were not unheard of in TV dramas. At those times, she always wondered, what if the other person woke up? Just imagining that scenario was enough to cause suffocating embarrassment.

Xu Yuan originally planned to open her eyes immediately, but unexpectedly, he suddenly left. No matter what, she breathed a sigh of relief.


Hello, Ayalee's here ฅ^•⩊•^ฅ I want to share with you guys my favorite leisure time read through my translation. Do support me on my Ko-fi page if you guys enjoy my translation.•⩊•

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